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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1918)
page rorn Monday, Aupfust 10, 1019. Here's the Finest Stock of Children's Shoes in the Country And thfrj'H a definite s.u lug on every pair. Nearly every pair is new yet bought under contracflong enough ago to make a decided difference In price at which we cn Hell them. Prices Range From $1.75 to $1.00 ashino ' Sntltfactiou always. A n J you are t!u Judgs.1 The Social Realm 4 CLUB CALENDAR. Civic Second and fourth Tuei- days. Auxiliary Every alternate Thursday evening. 6 Junior High School Parent- Teacher Third Tuesday. $ Hawthorns School Parent- Teacher Third Tuesday. ! Sunshine Second and fourth 3 Thursdays. ' Wednesday Afternoon Second and fourth Wednesdays. Trinity Guild First and third S, Thurnday. s W. R. C First and third Sat- ! t urdays. Monday Afternoon Study Al- ' tcrnate Mondays. Chautauqua Monday evening. Chautauqua Monday afternoon. W. C. T. U. First and third i Tuesdays. i Homo Guard Tuesday evenlne. . Eastern Star Embroidery Sec- ond and fourth Tuesdays, 4 Teacup First Tuesday. $ Travtiers Socond Tuesday. t Rebekah Embroidery Second t and fourth Thursdays. Christian Aid Second and fourth Thursdays. Choral Society Every Tuesday evening. in 1S43. by Mrs. Hay Latchwell loading by Mrs. Tumy, and address along the lines of Hed Cross and other women's work by Mrs. John ( rews. Mrs. Schlefflin. w ho was the Crrws. Mrs. Schleffelin talked along the lines of organized work for wo men. and finished with a request for the women present to come forward a tit organize a chapter of t he Daugh ters of the Confederacy to be known I ns the Southern Oregon chapter, i Enough members were obtained to IiiMirc an organization and a meet I Inj; will be called in the near fut i urt to perfect It. Following this ! more good fellowship and the GET THE SAVING HABIT Wipes are high; real estate Is low. Iluy a home on easy terms, and have It paid for before wages come down; ll'en Ileal Estate will swing upwards and you will hav3 done more than you calculated. The easiest money that one ever gets is to buy low and sill high. See Beaver Realty Co. about this and they will put you wise. 211 E. Main St., Phone 6S N'alr, Miss Helen Moore, Margaret Jlougherty. Virginia: D. Zimmerman, Powell P. Zimmerman, S. A. Hawks, Mrs M. Long. A. N. Wright, J. D. Leach Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Crews. i Kentucky: Margaret Cook Dill, W, ). Baker.' Mrs. R. C. iSloan. Mrs. F, B. Oatman, Harry Oatman, Mrs. W, P. Tumy, !Mrs. Mlchollson, W. J Dougherty. West Virginia: S. H. Peace, Louise Daddyman. Indiana: Mrs. R. B. Zimmerman Pennsylvania: Mrs. A. .X. Wright r J. Gulrado, Mrs. L. II. Settles. Texas: Mrs. S. A. Wheeler, Amy Ramsey, Mrs. Ruth G. Schleffelin, Mrs. Leah Culdwell, Charles Ramsey Colodado: Mrs. E. M. McKeamy California: Maurlne McKeamy, Mrs. G. R. Satchwell, Miss S. Ketle hor, Miss K. Ketlehor, C. H. Gllletto Illinois: L. II. Settles. Iowa: S. Hatch. Oregon: Mrs. Robert Newman. Kansas: Eleanor Greer. Arkansas: Mrs. M. Smith. Ohio: Mrs. D. F. Jackson. Alabama: Mrs. F. F. Whittle, Vir ginia Whittle. Georgia: Mr. Plckard. E. J. Kaiser, W. E. Newconibe. Auto Party to Crater Jjike An' automobile party consisting of '. T. Cochran and family of nd, Mr. and Mrs John Plnkeilo:i Jnd four daughters of Burlington. Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Plnkerton of loteburg, and Michael Coon and imlly.of Corrallls, went to Crater .ake last Saturday where they re- n-alned until Tuesday. The Cochrun r.mlly returned home by wav of Ir.math Falls and Klamath Met Springs. Red Cross Activities The surgical dressings department of our local Red Cross has not sus pended operations, hut Is as busy as ever. Mrs. Graham can employ as pHny helpers as want to present themselves In making the new type of cotton substitute puds. Our sewing section Is taking an enforced vacation, owing to new con ditions that have caused division headquarters to Issue instructions to that effect. It seems that, though ued Cross supplies In unlimited'1 quantities might readily be used at tlit front among the hospitals and the refugees, the raw materials nec essary to their construction and the transportation required for getting them there, are not so easily corns by. These are the considerations! that have brought about , the new rulings regarding strict adherence to ; work allotments. There must be no! overproduction, articles must bei trrned out exactly as called for, no! more and no less.' Our allotment for tho sewing section during' Sep-1 omber will be 100 refugee dresses or six-year-old girls. These will he I received cut out and all ready to lie' gin work on. -THE THEATER i BEAUTIFUL Last Time Tonight ' The Great Nazimova in "Toys of Fate" Tuesday and Wednesday Viola Dana in "BLUE 1EANS" l Metro Special. Also a Good Comedy w: v. t. r. After th? business meeting Tue- ay at 2:20 lii.ths Baptist church. there will be a short literary uro- ram. Mrs. Julia Ilockett will favo ur with a solo. and Mrs. Louise ances S-pnller, the authorK will peak on "The Song of Life." Master Theodore, her son, of s?ven years .ill entertain with one of his favor , ie seiigs. A welcome is extended to nappy gathering parted with the the public to attend this meetlna It promise of meeting again on Juno f,Vtlon f,r n.n- n.omi... i. ,.r , i o civ tiwnr mi tor cue annum picnic nnu ; liluetlng. Young mothers ore urge ! III IIUIIIUIJ Ul UIO Ul'UI tn IlHoiWl All I oiu hoiiiniuna. J lie tollowing guests I lr,u,!t i,tierty bonds 1. 1919, i i-unlon lllll,. .i'IlH- I'l.i.l.- ! j " The Dixie society reunion and pic nic held nt A.sbland Thursday wai that had boen planned in spite of t he lowering rala clouds that for bid the out-of-door program ttched ukd. Through the courtesy of tip) La. Ids' Auxiliary, the dinner was priad in tin G. A. II. hall, where' Inn" ( n 1 ilna urant ufirnnd w 1 1 h ttil in itntlful feast provided by the mem bers of the society. Following tlm dinner, nn Interesting program wni i'endiTod. An address of welcoms war given by Col. Minis, president of tiio society, followed by addresses by Dr. Chirles T. Sweeney, Rawlen Meore of Medford, 'and W. E. New comli and John Dill of Ashland. The r: maunder of t!io program consisted f a humorous hislo.y of early days by Itert R. Greer; a reading on Scot hnd by Mrs. IcKtnnle; violin solo, "Mocking PlrJ." by Fred W. Mad- rn; yocal polo, "Dixie," with violin 'ceonipanlmc"?, by Mrs. Samuel Wagner of Lapinn; reading of an or iiinal poem descriptive of the south In rcniembranco of her parents Who tre southerners before they came' to Oregon with the first .emigration' registered according to the states from where they originally came, or from where their parents lived: Soutli Carolina: John II. Dill, Mrs. 11 Eugene Hoke, Sara Calhoun Nor 'luod. Louisiana: Mrs. R. W. Hach and Lloyd Hach. Tennessee: Mrs. I. G. Blackwell. Mrs. E. J. Van Sant, David F. Jack 1.011. Mrs. J. A. Daron. Oklahoma: Bert R. Greer, Mrs. Bert II Greer. Miss Ola Blackwell, Miss Zclma Smith, Miss Flo3sL t-'mith, Duster Smith, Miss Elbert Greer. North Carolina: Mrs. Nettie B. 'orrls, W. Al. Burber, Miss Josephine !u:her, Marshall Barber, B. J. Hawks, N. C. Dozler, Miss Callle Dozler. ' Ontario: William G. Tail, Ida 3. Valt. I, V. Sottles. Missouri: June Elizabeth Talt, Hu la Blackwell, Elizabeth Glllett?. Wdll li Sweeney, L A. Roberts, Mrs. C. T. Sweeney, Dr. C. T. Sweeney, Mrs. W. -J. Dougherty, Geneva W. .Mien. Florence P. Allen, Edna Dougherty. Myrtle Dougherty, Mrs. Jl. S.,.Mulit, Mr. and Mrs. J." L, Har der, W. 11. McN'air. Mrs. W. H. Mc- or war savings Mumps report at this meeting. WW ONE-TON TRUCKS 'E have a shipment of one-ton trucks. Get In the game. Horse feed is high and the Ford trucks will do more hauling for less money than any team. Save Time. Save Expense The economy of the .Ford truck over horse drawn trucks will save the price ol a truck in less time than you think. Cotne in and see them. FotcI Garage, Lee Hall, Proprietor re- Si! AMERICAN ARMY IX r RANGE IS !,,0l0 Gcnsral March In his' semi-weekly j rcinircnco with newspaper cor(es- I i""-ia iiriruy reviewed tie.'rtlii- : i;t Ion in the Plcardy salient when the l.nes have )iow reached the geimral i'l's.uon or the front in 191G liefore the lllndenburg withdrawal. , At no point Is the enemy now wlthlnT.0 miles of Paris. The Plcardy salient lias been trim med away on a front of 3r. miles to ft maximum jlepth of 13 miles, the chief of staff snld and tlie line on me Alsne-Marne front has mained stationary. The 131st regiment Is composed of Illinois nallonnl guardsmen and !s attached to the 6Cth brigade of li.fnntry In the 33rd division, com manded by Major General Georg') Pell. The troops were trained at Camp Logan, Texas. Discussing the work of ths 2Sth division, comprising Pennsylvania, Minrdsmen, in tho .Alsne-Marne sal lent, General March said the only re 1 ort upon its casualties received was that 400 men had been hit dur ing four hours on July 3. In the ad vance to the Veslc. The 2Sth division General March biiid, participated In the advance uross the Curcq. July 20, when the ntack ugalnst the German lines thrust the enemy back to the Vesle. The 2Sth was flanked on one sidn by the 42nd, (Rainbow) and on the liher by the third regular division Its position In thd line was between f'ergy and Ronchercs. In connection with the announce ment of tho formation of tho flrct lield army August 10, General March iHscloscd that there were then 31 American divls'ons In France and tin Held army including approximately 1 250,000 men. . It is assumed that General resil ing has taken over h!s own staff ns !he staf. of the first field army. In that caso, Major Clenoral Lines W. McAndrcw Is the chief f staff both of the a my and of the American f xpi'd:t:cna:y forces. Tho chief of staff took 'o frown upon the nann "Siimniy"' for Amorxan trcoi.s. No Anierica'i t.o!dir in Franco approves the us.; of that :ir.n?, ho said, iior d cither the Frnrh or English inderstan-. hy big, strcng men like the Auion-u'h-i 'hhM-.hl be tagged with such 'i ;ii(lram The British srldi.ra call their American comrades "Yanks.'" Cen-ral March said no American ti'orps had landed In Siberia ns ;-et. 'le did not have available figures on i ho total embarkation for France which he will make public on Satur day. ., r .' Yankee Ingenuity has originated : ?. knock-down hospital which can b transported on wheels to within five' riles of the battle front. It Is sim-l ply an auto truck of IS truck trans ports carrying In knock down foru. complete equipment for a tent hos pital of 200 beds. One-truck holds ihc operating room ready to be bolt ed together, the work of only a few m'nutei. Its trailer Is a sterilizing Horn,' from which the nurse passes Kterllized Instruments and supplies to the surgoort around the operatln ; table. The other trucks convey Uie double tenting, sturdy frame work, floor in sections, window frames. heating stoves and full outfitting fcP a diet kitchen. Red Cross construc tion crows specially trained for th'h Job go with the trucks, and to get in s hospital set up and on a work ing basis takes enly a Hub while. Thursday, Only World's Special Feature tv Increases as there are new men oming In right along. It will now be o;:ly a very short time before all the mines v.ill b? vorking In full blast and many new properties coming in to swell thn output, so that there Is little doui)'. '.hat the government estimate of the amount Siskiyou county will furnish v.ill be fully nachcxl If not consid erably overrun. Yreka Ne'ws. IO !.L!C- Nlce Portland lots on easy terms or exchange. Box 24'!, OakEtlalo, Washington. 20-:!t -VOTK-'C-If the lady wanting t purchase a ranch mi. table for cat tle or sheep, will correspond with I. b. u. A., T!dln;-.s, she may find something she wants. Mrs. W. Ma.xey was present at the last meeting of the executive board of our local Red Cross and I.ave an account of the canteen ser vice render?d here with the mann human touches thut enliven it. which vns an Inspiration to the board to buck up this splendid work to the limit of Its ability.' Regulations re quire that everything supplied the troop trains by the Red Cross must ne given outright, not even a nom inal charge may I19 made. This Is a new ruling, and It works a finan cial hardship on the canteen, as m(iy be readily seen. Donations of fruits, ..Hies, etc.. also of money, will be doubly welcome under these new conditions. Miss Lena Ccsey recently present ed the .local Red Cross with $5 to I.e applied on the wool fund. Mrs. Ira f houdy, head of the knit-. ting department will meet th kn!t. lers during tho vacation period of the sewii)g section, on Wednesday af ternoons from 1:30 to 3 o'clock. 1 Mrs. E T. bpnce or iMigeno is 1 1 euent of her mother, Mrs. Don! Culien of Allison street. Mrs. Spenci : expects to return home Tuesday and I Till lie accompanied by her mother' wi o will remain there for sota'.-! roft SALE I'lirriKbr:! pnttnpn nf r- 'K'U't Will exchung? 1 4-room cot tape and 1 2-room cottage on 50x 10n lot in town of I..:i.; il?ach, tho best summer ret;o t !.; the north erly In or near Ashland. Ore. Own ing section In V. S. iCmployment for yuu;is and cli. Wunt prop erty l' or near Ashland. Ore. Onw cr. I! I'tter, Long Beach, Wash ington. 2C-3 time. I NOTK K TOTHK PI BLIC 1 The dealers sugar cards have been distributed throughout Jackson j 't'unty today. 'o dealer i. allowed . to soil any sugar except to custo mers signing the card. The admin-! id' ration has avoided taking thl.i step until It was made absolutely necessary. We must all co-operate to allow a meager supply to our al lies and a resonoble amount for con sumption ;(t Irame until the next crop. The cards give all Informa tion necessary. Two pounds will be allowed as a maximum per person per month. Special permits will b.) 1 issued for a reasonable amount for (aiming purposes by application to j the county administrator giving thej Lumber of persons In the family. W. A. FOLCER. County Food Administrator. GltKAT ACTIVITY IX - (IIROMK I.NDISTRY J. D. Tarry returned a few (lays ago from a tour of the chromo camps nil the way between Yreka and Pres sor, peak, a distance of 103 miles bv the way of Happy Cump, and he re ports great activity everywhere where chromo deposits havo been discovered. At Preston peak 30 men were engaged In taking ore from a property nt the rate of about 10 tons D day, nil of which goes out by pack iiule to Waldo. At th Reddy Camp on Selad creek, f0 men are employed. Tho wagon road has Just been completed to the mine. Twenty, to 30 men have been engaged on this rond for soni'. lime and It.) completion will mark the beginning of greater .activities nn theso properties. At tho Dolbcar camp NO men are employed, two shifts being forked, 40 men to the shift, and are deliver ing 20 tons a day of ore at Horn brock. 1 " At Oak Bar,, w libera a stop was made over night, the activity is ihown by tho passing of a chrome truck every 30 minute.? during the right as well a3 through the day. narkhcitBe Is the relay station far ti e haul to rail the Klamiuli liver mines.. The road Is In a terri-i ble condition hut the work of Im provement will soon begin and the truck drlvei-3 art? exercises patience. Between th? mouth of the Shastr. river and Happy Cump there are 10 or mere ft'Md sized ore prospects be- shies many smaller prospects and tliro are five small camps between th? mouth of the Shasta river and Peaver creek. Every day the actlvl- Classified Advertisements! ' TOO LATR TO CLASSIFY. FO R R EXT B u n ga 1 6T 1 4 3 .u t ley. 20-' f rooms. Modsrn mprovements, elosj in on Improved street: lano lot. Terms 2j0 cash, balanco Hfme as rent. Liberal terms to right party. Phcite tlTj-J. 26-tf 1 I-'OH TRADE Hand;- modem seven room house cloc in, In good nelghbo! hcod. JSon can be paid any time. Will tako good auto inoblle and balai ce of equity In monthly paymer.:.:. Good range tuid heater goes with place. Some furniture if derirei. See Bert P.. Greer at Tiding.-i office. 2G-3t WANTED Second-hand wood heat ing r.tove. Must be In first-class condition and cheap. Phone Tld-' ings office. NOTICE TO CREDITORS County Court, Jackson county, Oregon. .In the mattr of enttttc of Joseph Poley. deceased. Xotlce Is hereby given by tho undersigned, to all persons having c'alms against sail estate, to pre sent them with proper vouchers within site month:! from the dats of first publication hereof to Jose phine Poley at No. 3S3 B street, Ashland, Oregon. Date of first publication, August 19, 1918. ; JOSEPH 'XE POLEY, 26-"i mon Administratrix. Doney Extraordinary Opportunity ' To Hear Dr. Carl Gregg President of Willamette University, who fpent six months at the front will describe Terrific Eight-Day Fighting Near Chateau Thierry j 1 1 Was Two Months With Rainbow Division 0 Returned only three weeks ago Chautauqua Building! Wednesday Eve, Aug. 21, 8 p. m. The Band Will Play i Special Music by Mrs. Henry Terry Elmore and Mis& Gertrude Englo ; Children tinder twelve - Adult Tickets 10c I 25c! Rev. Charles AiEd wards. Manager j UK