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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1918)
Monday, AugUHt 10, 1018. ASHLAND TIDlSfiS pace TimnH I'NI Come in and Examine the TIRE ."T'i'ili Airh r thnnc. and claws., "All sizes SOLD BY TUB Overland Millner Co. , Here and There 8 Tli-A mysterious marks on tho Marshflcld and North Hend houses in some Instancts frightened the housewives to a considerable extent and many saw In tho plenteous jinrklngB German propaganda and maybe preparation to do dire things to the home, perhaps Mow them up v!th dynamita. -The fear 1h entire ly without basis and nobody neel have any expectation of trouble. .No body connected with the Ked Cross admits the marks were niado by that organization and it Is evident the work Is that of agents or soma freak who wishes to create talk. Sim ilar things have occurred in other cities throughout the state In the past ;xars' and nothing came of It. Eu gene, the other day, found many Louses havln? the same marks as those made on the homs on Coos Hay, but the city is btlll going on in it s smooth and customary manner tatk nothing has dlstrubed the1 equanimity of residents Marshfkid Record. Edwards Jenks, an employe of the Copper King mine, about 13 miles JLj-th of dold Hill, was severely crushed and bruised and sustained two broken ribs when the timbers tave way In the tunnel iu which he was working, causing a mass o! rock3 and earth to cave In on him. .Medical assistance was summoned at .nce. Ho serious his injuries may prove to be is not yet known. GoJd 11111 News. The Elks picnic at Klamath ho: cprlngs Sunday was a very pleasant affair. Approximately 250 people were In attendance from Sbklyou county, Klamath Falls, Ashland and Medford. The day was spent In field rports, music, dancing, swimming and refreshments. After the basket lunch was served, the exalted ruler of Ashland solicited funds in the usual Elk manner to defray the ex penses for the picnic. In addition to the amount needed for expenses there was l5 over, which was given to the Ked Cross. The Yreka-M'on-tpgue band furnished excelleiit music during the day. There was plenty of "buttermilk" for all. Among those present were the exalted rul ers of Ashland, Medford and Klam ath Falls lodges. Vreka News. The' nucleous of an organization ivas formed here yesterday afternoon at the county clerk's offlc3 having tcr Its object the saving of deer hides for making aviation packets In all large cities the eight of recep tacles for the disposal of worn out kid gloves for that purposa is fam iliar. It hds been found that buck-t-kin, properly tanned, Is an excellent irtlcle, suitable for the same pur pose Thousands of good deer hide? j-tarly go to waste In Oregon alone, owing to.lhs fact that the averase hurter will not take the pains to eavo the hide. ' It is determined to make an effort this year to save this valuable material, and for that purpose a club has been formed to look ajtor the hides and make this I nn Important contribution toward v.innlng the war. It Is proposed to ,piake everyone furnishing a deer hide a member of the club. A neat card showing membership will be issued to each contributor. Rose burg Review. Portland. There has been a big rush to the county clerk's office In Multnomah county of young men who were registered in the June federal registration of men becoming 21 since June 5, 1917. They are ap plying for marriage licenses and the tteudy stream of benedocts Indicate they are seeking to entrench them selves against military duties. Nine received licenses In two days and pa rent's consent lu come cases for both boys and girls are necessary. Toni' of the applications aro from youths 'jut 17 years old. A number of ap plications were refused because the clerk 'found they had no permits from their parents and were under lawful marriage age. Army officials cay those who are marrying and be long In tho recent draft column will be classified In No. 1. Chairmen and committees bf tin local ned Cross met at their usual monthly luncheon at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday. After lunch eon, the monthly reports of the va rious committees were given and dlB Cisccd. It was decided that the Red Cross should Invest lu knitting ma chines, to help with the. work. One machine ha3 been ordered for some time but has not arrived! Other ma chines will lie ordered Immediately. Grants Taes Courier. Five patriotic young ladles, four from Rciiebuis and one from Days creek have enlisted In lha U. S. stud ent nurse reserve, according to the local recruiting official, Mrs. Lylt; Matters and it is urgently requested that the young wonun of the city beat tills call and fill up the Douglas county quota of ten which so far Is (:ily one-half filled, with but three (lays left for enlistment. The young l;.dies enlisting wer6 .Misses Herthu Hopkins, Leone Coshow. Edith 'Wil cox, IJeitua Hummel, of this city 'i:d Ebiie Deals, of Days creek. Tho young ladies are all enlisjed in the preferred class aiyl may be 3ont any vhcre l:i the I'nited States for train ing. It is thought that tht Douas county quota will, be reached before the final day for enlisting on Augus: 71, and those desiring to do their Ml n this great cause can enlist as a nurse for I'ncle Sam by calling at the .'ed Cross headquarters from two until five, and Information will be supplied by Mrs. Masters. I'mpquu Va'ey News TltlTH TRIIMI'II.S Ashland Citizens Testify for the Pub lic IJcncfit. A truthful statement of an Ash land citizen, given in his own words, should convince the most skeptical about the merits of Doar.'s Kidney Pills. If yon suffer from backache, rervousness, sleeplessness, urinary disorders or any form of kidney ills, use a tested kidney medlclue. An Ashland citizen tells of Doan's Kidney Pillj. Could you demand mora convinc ing proof of merit? Allen Davis, 13" First St.. says: "Sometime ago I had a bad attack of kidney and bladder trouMe. It came on so suddenly, I thought I was done for. My back ached and the kidney secretions were ao painful In passage I could hardly stand the misery. I finally began using Doan's Kidney Pills and they proved a godsend to me. They corrected the trouble and restored mo to my usual good health." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Davis had. Foster-.Milbum Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. oi n service flu; (Stars and Stripes) ' wanted a place for our servlca fiag, For the service flag of America, We looked in vain to find a plae, In all the world there wasn't space So we borrowed the sky and hurig It wide Over the world from sjde to side, And when the world Is drak at night Our stars are shining clear and bright. - ' They tell the world as they g4ow end gleam, While other nations may" pause to dream. That America sends from her treas ure store Millions of men and will send more. So many are going that Is why Tor our service flag we borrowed the sky I lace it on high it never shall drag, Cod made America's service flag. .The Stars and Stripes is a news paper published by the American boys encamped In France Phone news Items to the Tidings. office. rtimifinimmwi J. P. Dodge & Sons tt?rrfflttffifflH?t1 Undertakers Lady Asuislant Deputy County Coroner Slate Licensed Embalmer SOLDIERS' LETTERS The following letters were written l.y Carroll Wagner, who is In offic er' training school at Fort Monroe, Va., to his mother, Mrs. J. M. Wag ner, of Oak street, giving some In teresting history of soldier life at an eastern camp: Fort Monroo, Va., July 20, '18 Dear Mother and All: I think 1 l'nvo just about enough energy Icf. til's evening to write "you-all" a let ter, but believe me, I will have sweat many a drop before It Is finished. The evening's study period Is the worst part of the while day, for there Is little cooling of the tempera ture until late' In the evening, and) these section study rooms are like I ako ovens.. A study period until ?:15 Is a pa:t of tho daily schedule, I. ut I have been seldom able to get ;R I wanted done until about 10: Af ter that I don't care whether I tdudy er not, for I am ready, to call It a day's work and retire to my bunk. Wy location on the porch Is certain ly great and It Is always tool enough' to sleep fine. How I hate to h;ar ti e bugler play "first call" at 5:45! An alarm clock Is bad enough, but ;ou can shut that off. No way to jtct nt a bugler. That's lils Job nnJ I really believe ho enjoys It. k Everyone seems to be glad that it ii: rear the end of the week, for it has been a very hard week, and I for one am about "faggd out. Tho prosrem Is really no harder than ethers I have succeeded In getting i.way with, but the weather Is any thing but Invigorating and It secnn ac though no matter how f'iro you fed in the morning, before plght you will be completely willed down. Tho tiieniomettr does not stand jery high, but the humidity keeps jou In constant persipihlon, with that sticky and wilted feeling that yoca with it. No doubt I will get i.sed to it, but this has been our fii'st nad week and it has been anything but pleasant. The heat was about as 'noticeable In the "parts of Cali fornia I was In last summer, but tiicre it was different and we could U'tss as we pleased and look all mussed up If wa wanted to. Her? that will be counted against one, and it behooves everyone to wear only he regulation outfit at all times and keep them looking .shipshape Our company Is the "only one that has not been Issued light cotton shirts, but we are still wearing heavy wool ones which were Intend ed for Fort Scott weather. It seems as though there have leen seme changes in this training camp, In that our r.rades nro pub lished. The list that emie out th Hist cf tho week gave me an aver age of 94, which was "not the best yet It came within the first 13 of tho companyand ranks well up with the camp, average of SO. I don't think my average has changed much thli week, but I will not bo satisfied untf.l it Is higher. These, grades are based on daily "writs," as they cull them, and finals which are'given whenever a course is completed. Sea coast guns was completed last week and seascoast mortars will be com pleted Monday. Orientation, one of the principal studies of the whole pchool, which Includes everything concerning surveying, topography and cartography connected with tho operation of the heavy artillery, will not be Included for a couple of week. Fojlowjng these will be howitzers, mechanical maneuvers, gas, gunnery, administration, court martial, etc. I am fully confident now that I, can make the scholastic part of it all rli'.ht, but it dees not necessarily fol low even then that one will get a commission. Everything Imaginable Is conuidored and somebody Is al ways watching you for a disqualify ing characteristic. About .20 men trom the company have been asked n reslsn and are ,now on fho road home. I understand there is to be another elimination the first of the week. Tomorrow Is to be a general field day and athletic meet. In tho morn ng Is to be a fields meet between (he seven companies and In the af ternoon there Ja to be a base ball name between the first and second battalions. There is ona event on the track schedule, very much to my liking, all short races, but 1 1 have been picked as ono of the entrant; ff.r the obstacle rifce if I am not d4s qi'alified tomorrow for being too large to get through the barrel, etc. I am going to make a try at It. The two low companies are to put up ice treani lo tho other companies. I am getting powerful' sleepy, and if I don't go home right soon anc. get some Bleep I won't he aide to" Pe"i my way through those barrels, etc., tomorrow. With love lo all. CARROLL. theUet , Fort Monroe, Va., Aug. 2 '18 Dear Mother and All: 1 don't feel a bit like studying this evening and although it Is still about half an i.our from the end of the evening study period, I am going to take a chance on not getting caught writ ing letters. LbhI week I studied late every evening, and at the end of the week was thoroughly all In and spent nearly all day Sunday Just resting. This week tho weather has been cool er aulr I have made It a point to iiuit studying early and go to bed. This gelling up at 5:45 every day of the week and the doublo time all day, requires about all the sleep you can wedge In, and I Intend to get U even though I neglect a rare oppor I unity to cram a few more fact's and, figures Into my head. I do not think r.ny of the subjects we have covered ire hard, In fact, very mechanical and easy to some 1 have attempted, but Instruction is so boiled down and hystematled that it keeps you on th nleait every minute for fei'.r you will full to get some minor detail f nd regret it too late during the ex urns. You are Instructed on some tu-bjoct or piece of material Just once and may be hold for a written examination on It the n'?xt. If you havo nut thoroughly understood and grasped very word as It was i;uid, you will be out of luck the next day. The whxl camp reminds me of final exam week at college, but with strict discipline :.iiperimpo:-eil. ()ii"iilatlon Is the only subject which Is requir ing' any previous knowledge- of maih ( niatlts, l ie., and in fact tills Is caus ing the ib)A!ifall of finite a number 1 know of. Mortar crad '9 were published the ot'.ier day and I va elated to limi ;.iy avenge as Hi, !!.". being the high murk, iiowi ver. the general aver age was liinh, und a grade much be low 90 was belo the average. i used to think a tirad.' of S3 wa.s a''Ove tlie average, but here every l.udy Is doing their level best, con f.eeuently the average Is raised and it requires that niuli niore eTfor. lo keep above the average. II was Just announced that our s-ction pass ed six Kim exams with an average of 91. C. I do not know what my grade was. but you can see there is stiff c:)i!i;ultlon and It is a test to keen above the average. I thin' riy grand average to date Is you: 95, and I am not worrying about fcettlns by the academic part, of course, but that Is not all. It mukes no difference what grade you get, If the company coniinande: ihinks you are not fitted or worthy of a commission you will not get it, but cn the oilier hand., he cannot i;ive you a commission If you do not passing grades. To get his (en dorsement means that you- have got 'e make a favorable impression, and hew you do that Is up to your own ingenuity. It can't be done by being friendly or telling lilm wjiat a de serving mortal you are. One of thi company officers is on hand to ob ferve your actions nearly all the time, for it Is their duty to get tJ l.r.ow you. The manner in which ;-ou handle a company In infantry lirlll Is tb count heavily as well as penenil milltarv bearings. 1 have b.i.ndl?d that part of It satisfactor ily so far. but there are many things about It I do not know and I may l inkq a bad blunder some day. Was fortunate (?) enough today o witness an airplane accident. It was a fortunate accident. In that no me was hurt. We were working on tic beach this morning In mechani cal maneuvers, which Includo every thing In connection with transporta tion and handling of heavy artillery, when a machine came sailing along ,'ust over our heads, evidently In tronMo and looking for a landing place. I think they were maneuver In!', for a landing place on tho beach, J ut about 130 feet from shore tho, machine turned up and did a pretty nose dive Into about b!x feet of water. There were two nvlators in the machine, but they scrambled out on top, and within ,15 minutes one cf the harbor patrol boats was tow ing, or rather dragging, the machine up to the docks. ' The airplanes, ballons, dirigibles, etc., cortalnly are Interesting to vatcli. Saw a convoy of transports iro out the other day. Three larg thlps crowded with soldiers, a cruis er In tiie lead and destroyers and tor pedo boats on either Bide. Within half an hour the whole convoy was out of sight on Its way to France. Every now and then there Is a sub marine seen, and tho coast boats ano i.cld In port, and out go on extra patrol of subchasers. They are Ut ile, narrow, long boats that fairly seem to skim the water. I wish I had time to look. into such things more and find out more about tho cperatlon of the emergency boata, but Just now I have about all I want to do. With love to all, . CARROLL. Jfeilford, n n it 8 8 ' tt 8 8 8 8 8 8 Have you investigated the possibilities of a GafesgTirc CET DO U RLE MILEAGE OUT OP VOL'R OLD TIRE INSTEAD OF THROWING IT AWAY (.cR.XTEi:i :.-m MILES WITH ' dVT A lTXtiTl KE RIVERSIDE GARAGE 1 L. KOREKTS Oregon Gates 12 Tires Cost Half as Much ,88-J888888848888U888tt THE LITTLE RLl'E HAI5S (Ry S. I. C. Arranged for tho old air, "Relieve Me, If All Those En dearing Youns Charms.") In the dread No Man's Land, on the blood-drechej hand, Where the war waves of conflict have rolled, 'Neath the soft falling rain lie lonri lines of slain, There little blue stars turned to gold. There llt'.lo blue stars, their ' littlo blue stars, There little blue stars, turned to gold: They will shine through the ages on history's pages, These littlo blue stars turned to gold. On a dear service flas In tho win dow at home The fate of a loved ono Is MA. Hieir soldier has died, and with sad-; iicsh and pride Ills littlo blue star turns to gold. It will shine through the ages on memory's pages, That little blue star turned to gold. lieaven'B gates open wide for the enflowing tide Of heroes whoso names are en rolled !n the ranks of tho brave, who tha nations to save Turned their little blue stars Into gold. Their little bluo stars, their little blue stars. Their, little blue sturs turned t cold; They will shine through tho ages on hirtory's pag; s, Those little bluo stars turned t' gold. lieu a conseiei.tlous objector re ceive:! a scntenc" of from fifteen ci.r.s at hard l.iin.r, ho must wish Int.t ho had either objected less c been less conscientious. I GL'T THE r.FARl) HUT LEAVE Tllli ROOTS I'm not after the "pound of flcBh" I leave the roots to continue thsli; growth. "You ore next." Huckhorn Harber Shop Clyde Costolo ft i . ixriiitt itn.w a twain co. Leave Ashland for Medford, Tal ent and Iiiocnlx dally except Sunday at 9:00 a. m. and 11 a. m., and 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. in. Also on Satur day night at. 6: 30. Sundays, leave at 9:00 a. m 12:30,-4:30 and 6:3U u. m. Leave Medford for Ashland dally except Sunday at S:00 and 10 a. m., and 1:00. 4:00 and 5:lu p. m. Also on Saturday night at 10:15. On Sun days 10:30 a. m., 1:30, 5:30 and 9:30 p. m. Faro between Medford and Ash land, 30 cents, Round trip 50 cents. Hotel Austin Barber Shop X. 0. Hates, Trop. First-class Service and Equipment. Shoeshlnlng Parlor Daths. Ashland. Oregon. Comply 'With the Law AND USE : Our aeroplanes were Intended for the front. Dut they seem to be ilndlng their way to' tho scrapp heap. , The man who has been consider ing his car as an Institution for pleasure now looks upon It with nw) as an Institution for tho production of unexpected taxes. Printed Butter Wrappers ACCORDING to the luling of the Oregon Dairy and Food ConimSsiou all dairy butter 6ofd or exposed for sale in this state must be wrapped in buttex paper upon which is printed the worda "Oregon Dairy Butter, 16 (or 32) ounces full weight," with the name and address of the maker. Tq enable patrons:of the. Tfdings to easily comply with this ruling this oflice has put in a supply of the standard 6izes of butter paper and will print it in lw of 100 sheets and up-, ward and deliver it by parcels post at the fol lowing prices: t 100 Sheets. 16 of 32 ounces S1.75 250 Sheets, 16 or 32 onnccs $2.50 500 Sheets. 16 oiv32 ounces $3.75 Send your orders tft us by' mail accompan ied by the price of the paper' and it will be promptly forwarded to you by parcel post, prepaid. We use the best butter paper obtainable, and our workmanship is of the best. Let us have your order and yu will not regret it. Ashland Tiding's Ashland, Orefjon -1