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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1918)
Monday, July 13, 1018. PAiiR KVK TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS Classified hates: On cent per word, first Insertion; cent per word (or each Insertion thereafter; 80 words or less $1 per month. No advertise ment Inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order ucept to parties having ledger accounts with the office. PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. J. EMMEN'S Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, car, nose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurlst for S. P. - R. R. Offices, M. P. and H. Bldg., ' opposite poatofflce,. Medford, Ore. Phone 567. 21-tf DR. ERNEST A. WOOD Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and ? to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash land, Ore. 73-tf GEO. T. WATSON, Painter and Pa perhanger. Phone 202-R. 166 Ohio street. 40-tf Dr. C. E. McDonald EYE SIGHT SPECIAL'ST Citizens Eanfc Bldg. Office Hours: 9-12 a. in., 2-5 p. m. MIL POSTER Will Stennett, 116 Factory street. Bill posting and distributing. 54-tf Dll. SCHELLEK, Osteopathic physi cian and orthopedic surgeon. Of fice Camps bldg. Phone 147. Hours 10-12, 1-4, others by appointment. THE JOHXSTOXES CinE Hydro pathic treatments for chronic cases. 31 Gresham street. 41-tf CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB The regular meetings of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Auxiliary Hall. E. V. 11RIGGS, Attorney-at-Law. Pioneer Block, Ashland. Miss G. A. Thorne GRADUATE NUP.SE Residence at Mr6. Boslough's Telephone 320-J WANTED V.'ANTED Infants and children to hoard. Mother'3 care. Good ref erences. Inquire Hil 4t!i St. 9if FOR RENT 1 OR RENT The best located store building on East Main street. In quire at '.'14 C street or phone 459-R. 11 -if FOR RENT Two furnished bunga lows. Inquire at 115 Granite street. 91-tf TOR RENT The Bungalow for the season from June 1 to Nov. 1. Is equipped with hot water heater, gas Btove, show cases, counters, ta bles and chairs to accommodate iO people at a setting. Good dance floor and the coolest place to get confections and ice cream in the valley. Located at the big park entrance. See Bert R. Creer, at the Tidings office. tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS IOR SALE Two cows, DeLaval separator and about 10 head of young stock. Phone 2-K-21. 14-tf FOR SALE A set of double harness and fine team for ranch work, For Darticulars address E. Greer Hilt. California. 96-tf 1 OR SALE Two burros with pack outfits. Inauire Clayton orchards route 1. 11-tf LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed proposals will bo receive by the board of directors of Gold Hill ir rigation District at its office in said district in Jackson County, Ore son, for the purchase of sixty thousand dollars (?GO,000 bonds of said district till the hour of x o'clock p. ra., on Saturday, July 27. 1918. which said Issue of bonds will bear date July 1, 1918, bear interest at not to exceed six per cent (6) ner annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of January and July of each year principal and Interest payable at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon In New York City, san bonds to be in dsnomlnations of tn9 hundred (J100), one hundred nd fifty ($1.10), and five hundred dollars ($100) each, numbered consecutively commencing with No. one (1), and following in num erical order, and maturing approxi mately as follows: $2,350 on July l, vm 2,500 on 2,(150 on 2,800 on 2,950 on 3,150 on 3,350 on 3,550 on 3,750 on 3,950 on 4,200 on 4,450 on 4,750 on 5,000 on 3,300 on 5,300 on 1924 1925 192G 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1938 1937 1938 Bids for said bonds must be ac companied by a certified check on J Oregon bank for at least five per cent of the purchase price, and said bids must be unconditional as to legality. The board reserves the right to reject anv or all bids. CHARLES CIIAMPMN, Sportary. First publication June 24, 191S. Last publication July 22. 1918. 10-5t mon. LEGAL NOTICES Continued NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed executor of the estate of John H. Baron, deceased, by the County Court of Jackson county, Oregon, and has qualified, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same at my office in Ashland, Oregon, with proper vouchers and duly certified, within six months from the first publication hereof, which is June 24, 1918. V. II. GOWDY, 10-5 mon Executor. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN-In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Jackson county. Samuel MacClintock, plaintiff, vs. M. A. Vincent. John Vincent, Richard Vincent, William Vincent, George Vincent, James Vincent, Mary Vincent, Gibson Vincent, Me llnda Vincent, Dasie Vincent, al! unknown heirs of Oliver Vincent, and all other persons unknown, if any, having or claiming to have any Interest in or to the real property hereinafter described. Defendant. To George Vincent, all unknown heirs of Oliver Vincent, and all other persons unknqwn, if any, having or claiming to have any in terest in or to the real property hereinafter described, the above named defendants. In the Name of the State of Ore gon: You are. hereby notified that Samuel MacClintock, the holder of Certificate of Delinquency number ed 2779. iflsucd on the 12th day of April, 1915, by the tax collector of the county of Jackson. state of Ore gon, for the amount of thrity-nine dollars and 15-100($39.15)dollars, the same being the amount then . due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1911, together with penal ty, interest and costs thereon upon the real property assessed to you, of which you ere the owner as ap pears of record, situated in said county and state, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Southeast quarter of the south east quarter of section 8, and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, cf section 17, township 35, range 2 west. You are further notified that said Samuel MacClintock has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subsequent years with the rate of Interest on said amounts as fol lows: Years tax 1911-2779, paid April 12. 1915. tns receipt No. 2779, amount $"9.15, rate of interest 15 per cent. Years tax 1912, paid April 12, 1915, tax receipt No. 395, amount $29.15, rate of interest, 15 per cent Years tax 1912, paid April 12, 1915, tax receipt -Vo. 14,394, amount $3.19, rate of Interest, 15 per cent. Years tax 1913. paid April 12, 1915, tax receipt No. 1330, amount $7.03, rate of interest, 15 per cent. Years tax 1914. paid April 23, 1915, tax receipt No. 4370, amount, $21.41, rate of interest, 15 per cent. Years tax 1910. paid April 5, 1913, tax receipt No. 13,075, amount $7.70, rate of interest, 15 per cent. Years tax, 1910, paid April o 1918, tax receipt No. 13,074 amount, $6. CO, rate of interest, 15 per cent. Years tax 1917, paid April 5 191S, tax receipt No. 8783, amount $5.12, rate of interest, i;i per cent. Years tax 1917, paid April 5, 1918, tax receipt No. 87S4, amount $0.40, rate of interest, 13 percent. Said 7.:. A. Vincent, aa the owner of the legal title of the above de scribed nronertv- as the same ap pears of record, and each of the oilier nersons abovo named are hereby further notified that Sam uel MacClintock will apply to the Circuit Court of the county and state aforesaid for a decree fore closing the lien against the prop erty above described and mention ed in said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publica tion of the summons exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this action or pay the amount due as above shown to gsthcr with costs and accrued in terest and in case of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. This summons is published by the order of the Honorable F. M. Calkins, judge of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Jackson, and said order was made and dated this 10th day of June, 1918, and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 24th day of Juno,' 1918. ; All process and papers in th.s proceed'ng may lie served upon the undersigned, residing within the state of Oregon, at the address hereafter mention ed. Attorney for the Plaintiff. Address, Giants Pass, uregon. 10-0t mon COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS (Continued from page 6) C. I. Patton , 2.00 Roland Smith 4.00 F. L. Johnson 3.00 Dale Spires , . . . 7.00 Total ', 282.00 Total allowed for current expense fund . ." 5,920.78 The following fclalms were dis allowed or continued: Ashland Printing. Co., print- . Ing delinquent tax list .. 37.44 Cal-Ore. power Co., lights & power 9,43 Cal-Ore. Power- Co., light & power 11.39 Medford Printing Co., sup plies 2.75 Total 61.03 The following bills were allowed relative to the county road fiMid, to wit: I). W. Ecebe, labor and supplies road district No. 13, a3 per pay roll, $744.09. Ed Dutton, labor rond district No. aa per pay roll, $167.50. J. E. Davidson, labor on road district .No. 8, as per pay roll $440.25. A. K. Earhnrt, labor and supplies road district No. 11, as per pay roll, $200.36. W. R. Carrett, labor and supplies toad district No. 10, as per pay roll, $014.40. John Grieve, labor and supplies road district No. 9, as per pay roll, $232.13. .1. Hartman, Inspecting county bridge. $3.00. Nick Kime, labor and supplies road district No. 5, as per pay roll, $190.23. Walter Kitto, rent for balding for road machinery, $00. ' Trank Neil, labor on rond district Nr. 7,s per pay roll, $40.75. W. R. Nyswaner, labor and sup plies road district No. 2, as per pay roll $29S.50. O. J. Patton, caretaker Pacific highway. $G5.00. Geo. Stacy, labor on road district .No. 12, as per pay roll, $19S.24. Jack True, labor and supplies road district No. 1, as per pay roll $879.75 O. S. V.'elsher, laboi and supplies load district No. 4, as per pay roll, 544X.59. Cal-Ore. Power Co., power for rock crusher. $14.12. Medford Furn. ft Hdw. Co., sup plies road district No. 1, $35.77. Medford Furn. ft Hdw. Co., sup plies road district No. 9, $2.24. Pacific Highway Garage, supplies rond district No. 1 1, 52.00. Total, $4,036.92. G. A. GARDNER, County Clerk. ONE WEAK SPOT Many .IiI;tml Pecplo Have a Weak Part ami Too Often It's tl to Ruck Many people have a weak spot. Too often it's a bad back. Twinges follow every sudden twist Dull aching keeps up, day and nieht. Packacho is often from weak kid nevs. In such cases a kidney medicine is seeded. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. For backache and urinary ills. Ashland people recommend the i emedy. Mrs. E. F. Wolters, 263 Moun tain avenue, Ashland, says: "I have been taking Doan's Kidney Pills off and on for a long timo when I have felt any need of a kidney medicine and thev have never failed to give tood results. I am subject to back ache at times and my kidneys act ir- retrularlv but Doan s soon remedy this trouble." Pi ice 60c. at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the- same kind Mrs. Wolters had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Euffalo, Y. . MMTWM Boiling points are the real test of gasoline value. The old gravity test tells nothing about the carbureting and combustive qualities of gasoline. Boiling points are vaporizing points. In straight-distilled, all-refinery Red Crown gasoline they form a con tinuous, uniform chain. Combustion starts with the lowest boiling points and flashes on through the medium to the highest The com plete chain is necessary for instantaneous, full-powered combustion. Eliminate one link and the power chain is broken. Red Crown, the Gasoline of Quality, has the full and complete chain of boiling points necessary for steady, dependable power: Low boiling points for easy starting, medium boiling points for quick and smooth acceleration, and high boiling points for power and mileage. Look for the Red Crown sign before you fill. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALlh'OKNIA) TIRED LEGS ARE I SETTER THAN EXIIAI STED NERVES (Py Dr. W. A. Evans.) It is estimated there are 8,000,000 men over 45 and under C5 years of cge in the United States. Under the r.lrcss of war, this large group must carry on much of the work ordinarily done, by younger men. Many of ,them have worked 20 to 40 years, and having retired, are going back into t;ip harness to do their hit. Many of them still at work have assumed pari of the load carried by the youn At All Dealeri. Tht Flavor Latti SMOKL TisiT Tht Million Dollar Smoko Tisit Cijrar Factory, Makers .1. 31. Alnutt, Prop. INTERI RRAN ATTOCAR Cr). Leave Ashland for Medford, Tal ont onH Phnpnix dally except Sunday at 9:00 a. m. and 11 a. m.sand 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. aiso on oaiui- day night at 6:30. sumiays, ive at 9:00 a. m., 12:30, 4:30 and 6:30 P- J"- .. . . I.U.nJ ollv Leave Mearora iur .rnont Simdav at 8:00 and 10 a. m., anil 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday night at 10:15. On Sun days 10:30 a. m., 1:30, 5:30 and 8:30 p. m. , ... Fare between Meurora ana mi- land, 30 cents. Round trip uu cents Ashland Transfer I & Storage Co. C. P. Bates, Proprietor " : Wood, "Peacock" : and Rock Springs' loal and lement PHONE V7 Office 99 Oak Street, Ware- t honse on track near depot. J Ashland, Oregon I MM MHMIIIUMm ner men who have joined the colors Some of them, who, having shown extraordinary capacity, lu'.ving earn ed competences and retired, have ta ken up new jobs and new responsi bilities f.t the suggestion of their government. If tlirso men are not to break down under the strain tliey must give come time each day to keeping fit. There must be about 9,000,000 wo men who would be benefitted like wise by Betting apart some part of each day fov work to keep fit. Recognizing the need a3 well as the advantage, the senior service corps Is being organized. About the only requirement is that the appli cant shall bo a male, over 45 years of age, able to stand the amount of work given as shown by a physical examination and willing to devote three hours a week to training. As will lie seen later, the y.ork is not hard and a pe.'son with a moderately good heart, fair arteries and a blood presure not too high can pass, provi ded he is not lame or halt. Ten minutes a day Is spent In sot ting up exercises and this is followed iy a fifteen minute hike. Somo of tho instructions for the hike are: Waik' ordinary pace adapted to tho slowest man, the first day a mile on a level. On the first day let every one walk as natural as possible. In-! crease this tho second day to a mile and a quarter, and moderate pace, on a level. Third day. Increase to n mile and a half, and for the last quarter mih have the squad assume more erct positions, head up, chin In, che3t out. Fourth day. If no:;si- ble, pick out a moderate rise, not a real hill climb. Fifth day, two miles moderate pace; a moderate rlso and valking the last quarter mile in erect position, bead up, chin, in, ciiCEt out. S.xth day. same distance, but Increase pac: a very little, not cnougli to cause strangling. Seventh day, same distance; again increasing (he pace slightly; follow a route that nocossltaUs moderate cllmblne. During tho second week the length of the walk need not lie Increased, ut thore rhculd bo more hill work and the men should bo required to hold themselves ralgl.ter as they wnlk. During fliis week the mrn car- y one inch Iron rods cut in threj oot lengths and weighing about 8 pounds. Half the men carry tars the first half of the distance, then trinsfer them to the other niom- 'ors, who carry them the romainder of the distancs. For part of the dls- anco tho bars are carried In the hand. Dining the other part they carry them by placing the bars across ths back with the elbows be hind them. When the bars are car ried In the latter position the shoul ders aro thrown back and tho chest Is thrown out. During the subsequent weeks, the tpeed may be Increased souewhai ?.nd tho amount of hill climbing In creased. After the third week, dril ling that is, marching can be em ployed to replace some part of the walking, if desired. The setting-up exercises occupy about ten minutes. SHOULD OIUa.MZE TO I'ROTIXT t;it.M FIELDS Tho most effective moans of sub du'ng a grain field fire Is through co-operative organization between the farmers and tho citizens of tho nearest town. Organize communll fire zonc3 embracing agricultural areas within a radius of ten miles cf tho nearest town or settlement. Once organized by a maws meeting of citizens mid farmers, tiie rent is easy. iCstalillah a code of signals and alarms. Enlist vojunteer automo biles in tho service. Assemble fire fighting equipment, such as water tight barrels, old Backs, quilts, etc., ?t come convenient location. When the alarm Is sounded equipment an 1 volunteer fighters can be loaded into the autos and hastily transported to the scene of tho fire. Every farmer should hnvo barrels, buckets, sacks, blankets, etc., always on hand; plow always ready with doubletrees, clev is rjid ill n attached, and, as a pre cautionary measure against fires, ns well as an effective means of con trolling the same, he should plow sovt:itI f'r. rows around tho edges of the grain, especially along public hi'jliv.ays and railroad right's of way nd aro iir ireak. J tins sotting an a fire rMLi? Everything fi HOTEL MANX m Powell St., at OTarrcl! San Francisco J II,, l,n-ir a II- f business, shopping ppS .ffq ana itieatre ois-.ncr. n- nunning aisiutcu ice imn water in everv rnnm tdOur commodious lobby.fineservice.Gru Homelike restaurs r: I will attract you. European Plan rate: $1.00 up. iktn p EK Management p W.H.J.-S pAwM"! Mil . ,11. I , I ., M.,, ...- ., ...i.. ...A.... . -L-L-... J. P. Dodge & Sons Undertakers Lady Assistant Deputy County Coroner Slate Licensed fc'mbalmer l'Ty-'if'Jv''l',wTT- i'PtuiiipP'.yi'M J Cleanliness. Personal Attention and Courtesy Combined to Make the Eagle Meat Market Popular L. Sehwein INSPECT oar martlet and your confl- dence will be behind the pleasure of eating" our meats. Tho Knowledge of cleanliness and a sanitary work shop will aid your digestion. 81 N. Main Ffccne 107 Pure nilk Pure Cream Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, ' TELEPHONE Proprietor 392-J Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. - Good Ser vice to Any Part of Town