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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1918)
Monday. July i.yiftift. PACE FTVT Local and Personal Dr. C. M. Anderson, a recently graduated veterinary Burgoon, who has been located Id Talent, has been appointed by Governor Wlthycombe lis livestock Inspector of Jackson tounty. As lib work will bring htm to Ashland to inspect the stockyards, Dr. Anderson and wife have moved to this city and will reside here. Tor Sale Cheap General saddle horse. Phone 62. E. T. Merrill, 570 Boulevard. 15-St Fred Taylor, a former Ashland rat-reliant who has been residing In Corning,, Cal., hao entered the Y. M. C. A. work at Camp Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Shields were Medford guests Saturday evening. Miss Amy Leavitt has been ap pointed teachciof the school at Pilot Hock for the coming term. Geo. Carey, the plumber. Call 314-J. 94-tf George Zanpathcs of Sacramento, Cal., Is a guest of Ashland friend this week. Studio Ashland, better portraits. 100-tf Homer Klhart and wife spent sev eral days (hiring the past week with relatives in Gold Hill. Mrs. F.ay Wclcott and children and Mrs. Forest Wolcott have gone to Tort Stevens to spend a month with their husbands who are stationed there with the Oregon Coast Artillery. GARDEN TOOLS Time Is rere to begin that garden. Everybody ought to have a garden this year. Tools will be hard to get later, and they are getting higher every day. We have a number of splendid Garden Hand Cultivators, combining the Plow, Weeder, Rake. Cultivator. Just the thin;:. Let us ehow you. Provost Brothers HARDWARE For Sale Norfolk Shetland pony, rhone 221-11. 5tf Misses Mir.ova anil Lucille Bailey vent to Weed where they will lie employed during the rest of the sum mer. Mrs. Cynthia Keith of Talent is in Ashland spending several weeks at the home of hsr parents, Mr. anil Mrs. Ceorge VanXatta. Mrs. Van N'ntta, who recently underwent a (tti'ious operation, has returned to her licme and is improving. Want a good Job of finishing? Try the Camera Exchange. tf Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Klemmer were guests of the former's sister. Mr; C H. Ketchum, over the Fourth. Our kodak finishing will please thrj Camera Exchange. if C. F. Rates, of the Ashland Trans fer & Storage company, Is the owne of a handsome new Maxwell car which lie purchased last week. For reliable plumbing call 314-J ' 94-tf Albert Elledgo of San Francisco and Kaslyn Scliweln of Chico, Cal are spending several weeks at the borne of the latter's father, Louis Scliweln, on Church street. All millinery at a big reduction at Mrs. Simon' millinery parlors. 2G Pioneer avenue. lo-tf Misses Vera and Elizabeth Schaum loefful of Sacramento, Cal., arrived In Ashland yesterday morning and will spend neveral' weeks as guests of Mrs. 'E. J. Van Sant at her home on Oak street. Mrs. Dan Walker, who has been spending the early summer with rela SS?. ATI. 1 W BANK . Be a Bond Owner Through the purchase of a C. S. bond, you hav; the safest investment on earth. lie a bond owner by subscribing through us for IJbrrtjr bonds which c have on hand for sale to those wlio have funds to invest, and which we will sell in or der to be in a position to subscribe for more when the next loan Is floated. SAVINGS DEPOSITS, lives In Klamath Falls, has returned to her home In this city to remain here during the coming session of Chautauqua. Mbs Lennio Snodgrass of Van couver, Wash., was a guest of Mrs. M. C. Reed, at her home on Scenic Drive last week. In company with ether friends Miss Snodgrass made a pleasure, trip later in the week tc Shasta Springs and Crater Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Fuller of Oak iuont farms', Talent, were guests at the home of the former's .parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fuller, of North Main street, Thursday. y J. II. McGeo and family left yester day for Lake of the Woods, where they will spend a couple of week3 camping out in the wilds. The Martin brothers are in Ash land for a two months' stay after having lived in Portland since last September. The hunting and fishing reason Is near at hand, and the Mar tin?, can't stay away when hunting is ripe. According to Mrs. E. C. Card, a SiKcial delivery letter was received In AsMand yesterday stating that the nu'mhers of the C9th battalion in !.ich are a number of Ashland bays, have left Fort Stevens and aro in Portland where they wore detained for equipment. While nothing def inite could be learned as to their route or when they would pass through Ashland should they come this way, it is thought they will probably come through this city some time soon. Clif Payne makes pickers' ladders. During the passing of a troop trait. Saturday afternoon, the men disem-i.-trked and marched up the street3 ;or exercise. About five companies rnt.sisting of about 600 uniformed men came as far as the Plaza where they rested long enough to favor the spectators with several songs of tru ly warlike nature. The soldiers wero a fine looking lot of boys and were iuibliKng ov?r with enthusiasm to not into the fight. Mrs. 0. A. Paulserud loft Friday night fcr Tacoma whore she will visit i'rr motbf r for several weeks. She expects to stop in Portland on her v.ay to see a brother who Is there. Mrs. C. V. Chattin and two child iv n l-.'ft Saturday for San Francisco where they went to see Mr. Chattin, who is In a hospital there for treat ment. They expect to be gone only a f?w days. Mrs. I, D. Idleman of Pendleton ip r gusst at the home of Mrs. Pernie Johnson of North Main street. Rush Greive was in Ashland from his ranch near Hornbrook over the Fourth of July celebration and the Roundup. A party consisting of Henry Mos ier. Dr. II. A. Carnahan, Misses Gladys and Dorothy Carnahan and Ruth Ossman went to Crater Lake Wednesday in the Mosier car, for a few days' camping trip. They went by the way of Medford and returned rarly Saturday morning by way of Pelican Buy and the Dead Indian load. Mrs. Frank Dickey went to Port land Friday evening to spend several clpys in that city. Dr. S. T. Songer left Friday even ing for Fort Stevens where he will ;o!n Mrs. Songer and spend a few (.aye with their son, Slade, who is stationed there and who expects to leave in a short time, for service In France. Mrs. Songer preceded the doctor to Fort Stevens several days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Cadwell, Mrs. Julia Ilockett and three children accom tanied Taxi Driver H. J. Boyd to Cratsr Lake last week where they spent several days. They . returned Thursday evening, via Pelican Bay Word was received in Ashland that h son was' born to Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Ling, of Oxnard, Cal., on July 1 Mrs. W. E. Jeter has moved into the house on Fourth street formerly occupied by Mrs. A. E. Throne. Miss Frances Jenness, who has teen in Ashland for the past eighteen months at the home of her aunt, Mrs. V . A. Turner, left Friday night for her home in Erawley, Imperial val ley, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. .Nate Otterbein, Mrs. Harry Geoller and little son Harry, returned to their homes In Klamath Falls Wednesday, after spending the past week with Mrs. Otterbeln's mother, Mrs. A. L. Harvey, of C street. Superintendent J. W. Fitzgerald and D. R. Sessions, claims attorney of the Southern Pacific company, were Ashland guests from San Fran cisco Thursday, looking after busi ness affairs In connection with their railroad. While In this city Station Agent G. N. Kramer took them out in his car cn a sight-seeing tour over the high drives and various inter t3ting points. Mrs. C. W. Banta received a tele gram Thursday afternoon .stating that her sister was seriously injured at Merrill, Wis., and for her to come at once. Nothing was learned as to the extent of the Injuries, but Mrs. Banta started on train Ko. G4 for Merrill, ., , Mrs. Cliff Jenkins and children, who have been making an extended visit In Astoria and other northern points, have returned home. Mrs. C. E. Sams left the latter part of the week for Fort Stevens to vlsi: with her son, Sergeant W. H. Sams, prior to his leaving for overseas shortly. Mr. and Mrs. George Stannard left Thursday night for Portland, where they went to consult with Dr. Coffeo, an eminent specialist In that city, !n regard to Mr. Stannard's health. Mrs. B. n. Greer and little daugh ter Elbert cpent the week-end at the Dunn ranch east of this city. Don Gray, of Waverly, spent sev eral days last week in Ashland as a guest of his, aunt, Mrs. C. A. Cotter. Ho was accompanied homo by his cousins, Albert and Raymond Cotter. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Turner and niece, Miss Constance Connor, of South Dakota, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Watt went to Crater Lake in their cars Friday to spend three or four days on a camping tour. WANTED A man to drive a team during haying. Will give $2.75 cash and board. Apply at once to the Fruit Growers Supply Co. ranch at Hilt, Calif. It Talent Tidings The Woman's Home Missionary Ecciety will meet Wednesday Instead of. Thursday of this week, A special meeting of the Red Cross will be held Friday to finlsn up some rush orders. The circle will meet again as usual next Tuesday. At the meeting last Tuesday the fol lowing officers were elected: Presi dent, Mr3. Glelms; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Dillard. The report sub mitted by the retiring secretary for the yearfrom June, 1917, to June, 1918, Inclusive was as follows: Fifty one suits pajamas, 34, suits under wear, 10 pair drawers, 92 bed shirts, 289 abdominal bandages, 91 bed socks, 8 water bottle covers, .1(5 dish towels, 9 pair knitted wool socks, 16 handkerchiefs, 136 knitted sponges, 7 pair knitted wool wriBtlots, 1 towel, 12 wash cloth3 made from old linen, 47 six-Inch squares knitted from col ored woolen yarn. This work has bnen submitted to the Ashland chap ter, of which Talent Is a part. Talent was very quiet on the 4th. Most of the population were In Ash land attending the celebration and Roundup. Church services will be as usual nfcxt Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a. ra.; preaching at 11. Epworth League at 7 p. m. Evening service Bt 8. There will be no services ai the Methodist church on July 21, as it is Chautauqua week In Ashland. Mrs. L. Conrath, Mrs. William Schuwater and daughter of Marys villc, Cal., and Mrs. L. M. llahn and a daughter of Portland are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hearing. Mrs. Conrath, Mrs. Schuwater and Miss ITahn will remain a month. Mrs. Iial.n returned to Portland the last of the week. Miss llahn will accom pany Mr. Conrath and Mrs. Schu water to their home in Marysville when they return, to spend a few weeks. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Smith of Glen uale returned to their home Sunday ovenlng after a week's visit with the latter's sister, Mrs. Works. Mr. Glasgow, who has been at tho Porter sanitarium in Medford) for the past month, Is reported much improved. six oxi) srxn.w school GltOH' GATHERING The Kprnml annual irroiin gather-1 ine conducted under the auspices of the American Sunday School I'nion, will be held July 14. near tho Little Unite bridge on the Happy Camp road. This road goes north from the Agate station on the Butte Falli railroad. Three union schools are represent ed In this croup, Agate, Dewey aim N BARCAiNPRI(I MATTER wW vour needs are it a safety end economy to deal with us. You , will alwy find here q.i A complete, clean, par toclc of quality food at tho lowett poitible priest. w e want your patronage, and in return will see that you get the most in value and quality that your money can buy. , Standard, solid packed goods of the finest quality and flavor are our specialty, Personal service ia our watchword. - U it lower the fcric not tlii quality. Plasa Grocery Telephone 78 'jpf jjjii Lone Pine, hut many people from other schools will attend. Every person who can make plans to at tend this meeting are welcome. Ser vices will begin promptly at 10:30 In the mornii'g, with about one hour and a half for Sunday school teach ing and round table talks. Begin ning at 1:30, the afternoon service will conabit of special exercises by some of the schools and individuals, good singing and a gospel message liv Rev. Eprlggs of Medford. Bring your own basket dinner and eat with your family, where it will l:e refreshing both physlcially an.l spiritually. As far as it Is possible bring folding chairs, cushions, etc., for the (listano lias made it liar 1 for the committee to arrange much seating. Many people who attend church In the morning, can prepare their dinner in advance, and then hasten to the place of meeting afterwards. -Viyone having transportation for one or more, would do a great serv ice by calling the president, &71RL "!' Missionary Criffln, G7GX. Don't let tho wheat flour in your kitchen shame the flag at your front tloor. Old pa para tor sale, at Tidings ofV fice Hotel Austin Barber Shop N. G. Rates, Prop. First-class Service and Equipment Shoeshlnlng Parlor Baths. Ashland, Oregon. Conserve Food HELP WIN THE WAR V QUALITY STORE Don't Forget the W. S.S, BUY THEM TODAY Puritan Uudermuslins The daintiest line known to choose from. It consists of all the garments known to a lady's boudoir. All Popular Prices Low Cut Shoe Special One of the greatest values offered the public. These Shoes are just the thing for house wear or camping. All sizes from 2 1-2 to 4 1-2. Special price of $1.49. Watch the Window Display lor Bargains Bathing Suits Dont forget to buy one of our exceptional values in these all wool Jersey Bathing Suits at $5.00 each Also caps to match at 35c and 50c each. Summer Voiles Watch this space next Thursday for values on this popular fabric. Everything in stock will be sacri ficed at bargain prices. Price Will be no Object. Men's Golf Shirts Just a few of these bargains left. Come in and get your share while last. $1.00 and $1.50 values 75c each Boys Hats and Caps We have a few Voys' hats and caps left which we offer at 15 cents each. ' Just the thing for work or play. Don't Forge! the Big Picnic ! Remnant Special 25 per cent off of the marked price. We have a big table full of bargains, and look them over. Buy Now Come in Sorosis Shoes Values u o $7.50 on sale at the low price of $3.29 pair. Joth high and low heels. Don't fail to get a pair of these shoes at that price. Ratine Special 75c values on sale at 40c yard. Holeproof Sox The best sox made for the men folks. All colors in silkand lisle. 35c and 50c pair. Colors: l'alm Beach, Pearl, Green, Cordovan, Tan, Black, White. 1 Beauty and II ServkealilityM oSf .J. And Holeproof Hosiery Just received by express all tho new colors as follows: Taupe, Beaver, Buck, Steel, Cordovan, Cham- ; pagne, Black, White. This hose can't be beat for durability and quality $1.00 PAIR $1.00