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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1918)
TGB TWO Monday, Jnfy IS, 1914. ASHLAND TIDINGS J Established 1876 Irfti Published frtrj Monday azid Tbarsday by I THE ASHLAND PRIMING COMPANY ( Incorporated) Bert B. Greer Editor j OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. TELEPHONE 39 i YOUR RED CROSS An Army Without a Gun By MEREDITH NICHOLSON Of the Vigilante. A C7 Clock, tteSif..". i!.5o !THE Red Cross' the greatest instrument of j One Tear, irhen paid ; Ore Year, when paid In advance 'i 2.00 i mercv the wnrlrl has ever seen, Xnhlp .is the Six Months, when paid In advance 1.25 . ' . ,wT 1 Tare Months. Teen paid in advance 7 j service oi mercy and neipniiness was in Livil ar No iabscription for lets thaa three months. All satscripUcn dropped j (JaVS, the Red CrOSS SUrDOSSeS it immeasurably not at eiplration unless renewal is received. ! t i . J oniy m xne range and variety oi its enort, Dut in j efficiency and effectiveness, i The Red Cross is, we may say, the arms of the mothers of the world reached out to their sons to In n'lfp'ltf rhariopt (if tfcp narer alvavi fiv tha street ari.IrM or I portcllce as well as the new. ! II ! 1 1 Coming Harvests HJOD production inquires the w-rl- thought and action of eirryone. C an oa cot pend your vacation pa triotically by placing your shoulder to the harvest work to be done on tome Jackson county farm? The First National Bank will be glad to act as a FARM L A B O K RE CRHTIXG STATION". ADVERTISING RATE3 Display Advertising single insertion, each Inch 23c i Sir months, each Inch 20c KeagVouVeVuVhVhVe: 17He; bind up their wounds and comfort them. The Red CUMified Column 1 cent the word first insertion. Vi cent the wcrd each Crr ic an nrmv TritJlMlt a Plltl tfnt u-io-pc. wnr other insertion. Thirty words or less one month. J1.00. i v,usi 15 urmy UlliUUt a gun 11131 Wages War .JV,-k!.!h6.0v..v. ionly upon suffering and. heartache. Where the Fraternal orders and societies i flag of the stars goes there the banner of the Red i tlon fee and dues, no discount. Religious and benevolent orders will be ) LrOSS UlllSt tly DeSlde it. We Watch OUT DOVS gC ! over her charted for all advert. sing when an admission or other charge is made, at: t .1 . .l" it i i ! oi i the regular rates. When no admission is charged, space to the amount of; iOrtfl tO War With a Spirit OI nOpetlllneSS DeCaUSe We ! ' 18 fifty lines reading" will be ahowed without charge. Ail additional at regular : 1.1 i L' . r u rate. I miuw mat nui &ieai uaif) ui iiuinaimy presses The Tidings has greater circulation in Ashland and ita trade territory ; dose behind them; that its WOrk is not incidental, ! May 3 1st. 1S18. than U other Jackson coontypapers combined. j , Tomorrow Is the 1st of June. It hTkHrstNatioualflank ASH LAN O. CGECCN, E v cart t ft. Pets. ay CMVAUPfL VlCtPPCJ J W Nf COY. CAiMllR CLARr BUSn AiiT CASrt here, so our three hours liberty almcst all daylight. HAROLD. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon. Postof'ice as seccnd-c'.ass mall matter, i most marvelous organizations ever contrived by i a holiday so of course we did not ! 'or. imt went again on pass into American geniUS. j FnrIS. Our young soldier fnend We have aU contributed to the Red Cross; we jJ . 1 11 I 11 1 , snan De caned upon again to contribute to its pb district, and icto a Pcod many fmds,-again and perhaps again. And we will a "ZTZZ respond again and yet again 1 For this is a war for i lt"'s time-and we had a sood chance w e went into the ual- to see them. i 4 i s H I f i i i i 4 together in harmony for the naiioal E'ERVJIAXS V1.LDGE ! on government eaterrr:ses an-i '.he; CrOSS Solidly Supporting OUT Soldiers. v i rjocey will !.e saved for invest uic uciCiiiC Ul LiuiailUU, ailU C VI great, iree, leries Lafayette, hich is the largest 1 1"! ! 1 1 .. .. !, ....... snienmn. r nnnii; Ampnra h.ivp pwrv intpnrinn "i'3""' "or " a.-is. . n that it shall be fought with the army of the Red j connected !y an overhead pass oc-are sage. is a!- rr.t at ; Tm interior of the iiuilding j most entirely mirrors and polished "America shall win this war! ? in thrift stamps and Liberty ii'jnds. saw was Ie Domedes Invalids. 3 Therefore, I will work, I will ?-!To economize then keep your i-ye-hat interested me most was save, I will sacrifice, I will en- iupoi: your pocket:cok and let your j war souvenirs whUh were In cure, j w a lignt c ;eeriu v : s taste cictate tiie means ot tot amar..i hmsi n.He but Wr went to see several places where I . the j they had hit. the j V.'e are going now where we won'; eil'ave the excitement of air raids for and to my utmost as if the ' i cutting down your expenses. 1 cur.s, ca;;tured German airplanes ar.d ! amusement. A outcome of thp sfriic'e I'cnrn U In conservation, on the othnr Yan o r,-r ..lira n i - ,i ' -.. -.. - I i .rv..i u.u upon me alone." Individual taste cannot play a part, j own four German planes. Just when we m3y get rcught ! up to the front I don't know. The Germans have within the last few ihere are certain commodities a!-! There . !Jo.uie. necessary lor our arm rs ana that can le seen for miles, but it French believe to i for those of our allies. W'h.H tin I !Pr.'t,riinn:ne r.ox. I.p I-'ntpl 1 Viilo I effort, and tlie-P erris wheel in Paris ,f!ays started another drive which the ;e their supreme is no question AMKMl tX I'ltlXCII'I.KS AttEITKl) that of the democratic caue among! the allies. Without selfishness and at profound sacrifice, America ac-. cepted the call to send her sons to' fight in Europe. In a separate quar rel of our own, we should have haj no more fear of Germany than of Turkey. I Tor a number of decades we hate1 looked on at the daoge mis rivalry: of the empire builders of Europe,' meddling everywhere and embroiling I all peoples. Our principles are defi-l I demand for these articles is greater ; i one cf the many beautiful hoteisj among them of the ability ot the al-; V"? to hold. The French consider the I Americans good fighter3. and thej t'oys at the front are siiowmg it, too !t rained hard here yesterday, the iirst v:e have had since we havj been nt this camp -V railroad journey over here is not always pleasant, and after a day and right on the road, we are glad to disem'. jrk. Will write more later. Oceans of love tand say. that's a lot), H.ROLD. it.ian ever, the world's supply, for,ja Faris. j reasons which will be sufficiently ob- We have only about another week . , A l.ots to any one Aho COBS jers the 1 ere then w are o'f aza'n bark The appeal to America to go over . , ,. , i tre i.ieu . are o.i aga.n. uaca ....... jOucsticn, is much small than usual' to the batterv Love H4ROLT) and fight In a large wav on Europf an ., , , u iue wuerj. i.oe, haiiulu. ... ... . . . , i If W3. who can substitute other soil involved two great victories, ona. , . ' a, . .1 ., Irrt.clej for those In quest on. ne-i r., .mmediate and the other prospec-1 .... .... .. I France. June .a. , . t:'ect to do so, and limit st II further 1 The immediate victory 's()l( alrM,v ,,.., Dear .Mamma and Papa: Nothing Every l'icce of Meat From the East Side Market Is a Good Piece. That's the only kind we "jndle. Wholesale and Retail. FISH ON" FRIDAYS. OYSTERS AND CRABS IN" SEASON". niiely understood by the allies. Ant jaKes Barrett, Frcp. 188. they know that America goes to Fu-I rope solely on the understanding that la couple of Daniel Websters and a we are to have henceforth a world fc";erDffient ilh plen,y of Doney Henry Clay on our side, so we, of safe for small peoples; a league of v oulu "everttieiess. be unable to pro- fourse WQn i Mira (!iam An r fi r-a b r A a n-ri1.t I trusteeship over backward regions. c "uj j,.. schoo, ,s a.)0Ht 0Vr an(J , rather than that of possession anj "'-er needless hardships, and the re-! tMnk , have karned g gQOd dea, exploitation. : ralht the Ioss 01 ,he 'ar- pnd think I can drive anything now This is the first great victory, and t 0overnmcDt Perts th their fin- frora a m.heelbarrow t0'a locomo. ' unusual has happened the Ia.t two j or three days. The air raids have j stopped and the big guns have o.uit ! firng. The allies have stopped the Germans so there seems to be no ex jtitement to report. The boys are ; singing a small circus, and. having a ' delate just for amusement. The i i-ugler played a fake pay-call tonight ; and almost got extinguished. The loys debated whether the i eastern V. S. was better than the ;est or not, New York. Eoston har ior and Brooklyn versus Oregon Washington and California. We had It was won when America changed her program at the appeal cf tin al lies and begun to ship tio?ps so fa;t fc to justify the statem rt that we .re sending "an army a month.' For a long time the allies had nor co-operated, because thvy were fiht inr; what should have bp-n a good cemmon cause, with an tJm!tur j Kparate aims and a lack of full t-ust lu one another. They ere row us ing above those selfis.i alms, are casting aside distrust, end are ac ttpticg American princ':s wh'.ch re tot there cf separstc advantage bnt those of common we' 'are of fut ure union and harmony. From "The Progress of the World." in th Amer ican Review of Reviews for Juiv. ; Government experts with their fin ?ert on the pulse of the world's bus! Lt::s, announce the commodities h'rll uo Tr.iiQt itpnv nnrptv-Ac aa far' i is humanly possible. ThH list var ies of course from time to time, but! I tn e. Strawberries are in the market ries. We get good oranges, however. red ones, and that reminds mv th M..,., ,U Ul ,Uh!, ttUer n,ght durjn; rai(J mis. meat. iue ana wool. , T;e ha(J ,he (e,ow3 got up .Q gee V e mu t keep our eyes on that J vhat was K0,n(S on nd 8tood around ...v..C!, .-, .m5Cu '"(during the heaviest firing and argu he papers i-rcaomy if n ore extrc ..: biui ee.i j ed a!jou. eas ard dM ,he same thing we una me sur-stitutw : comIng tnrough the dang?r zone on s:ve man tne articl-s to!,-, i.. COXSEKVATIOX AM) K: OXOMV i'unday and a beautiful day. We' had another a!r raid last night, a ! little more successful than some of! vt not amounting to; the others, r.uch at that. We were on the street v hen on; hit the other day. It We hear conservation ar-! economv linked together so much :i. ?e iy. that some of us do not rT.-ize t'i?t ttete two terms are cot synr nyracui. As a matter of fact, each ord ha a olstinct meaning and each policy a separate place in the war pla.r Sometimes they work in harwiy, nd sometimes they do r.ot. .; tt rs consider each one sp;rr:tM Economy briefly is saving rc n -y it means eliminating waste cf any f-t:y a heavy chargj of powder, due Mrrmodity, developing our rno:irc--4 to the necessity of extremely thick to the fullest extent and gi-.ii- u&'v':i in the shell, nonessentials. In economlzir.T, each rur little fr'end took our Individual must decide what 'Mdm pictures on the most lautiful brldz are not absolutely necessary to b: . crossing the F.-lne river, called Le we:i-Deing. Of course, the racriflced will be very diffe-e-:: one person will economize cn -rr-I- Can von beat 'At uU wc Ulusl el any cost o; ; The French peopIe are queer The i-ersonal comfort or money conserve j men v.ear a ,)ig sash wrapped around nn me government asss us to con- ,hanj t0 kepp their stomacll3 warin; Fcrre for our soldiers who are giving ; tev sav and ,hey won-t drink much up everything for us. , watcr ag Uley My it-s co,d and harm. ' fill to the stomach, but the way they T . a, f, a, q j. . a, $ 4, , fill up on wine or beer almost SOLDIERS'. LETTERS i every other store ia town are cafes ' ! t Q fc , France, June 2nd Fear Papa and Mamma: This isl'n.ere" i.ignts ar? getting poor and I must ' nnl (lir-a Br. l.ap ...tlana through the fields, woods and every- r li a little to my diary, so will quit. Love, HAROLD. robe, another, on his hoiit-kT; i pec set and a third on hl frr.:" areLts. And yet all these will -or France, June 11th. rear Papa afid Mamma: .Well, rounded close, but caused no excite- - I'm all packed up and rady for an m:r.t. The Parisioners are very in- j other jouney back to the battery dif'erent to air raids. The big shells j this time. The school is finished iio l;f.:e damaee. as thev do no; and I ect through all O. K. Will be rather glad to get back with the bat tel y again. V.'e were paid Saturday night. I drew 242 francs for my three months cf lalor. V.'e were In Paris again F'inday and went down to the Bastile Font A!e"a:.ler III. it Is a most and Republic Square. A good many "eautiful Vridjr and he took the pic-j of the statues, etc.. are covered with u-s i:h an Eastmaa Kodak. His j ?and I ag3 to protect them from air nr.-ther il! farwa-d the rtu.s to! raids. The b!r can has Uen -irep- '. a? he ' -a ?'t Lack to the front. ' X-''Z few shells cn f'rris a;-:n. 0:.e v cr.derful l ull.rg w !'. :. no material dtmage : -ercr."'!. following are more of the inter esting letters from Harold Simpson wrfftpn from Pnric onH rtatinfl. . . . . . . . r '.if some oi tne episodes in a soldiers life: !p France, May :Uh.j3 Dear Mamma and Papa: Don't think I'm in a hospital 1 cause of thi3 stationery. It was do-isj rated our camp by the America ) Red Cross My only ailment seem5H to be an appetite which far exceeds g3 the "grub." jp I am inclosing a copy of the ChfklJ cago Tribune, for which we pay 35 cents and get every morning. , The French army has only two; neals a day, one at 10:00 a. m., and' ti" otner at 4:J0 p m. They carry ; fy lrerd around with them most all the j 3 time and cut off a chunck and At it 1 just as v.e would apples. They arei j-reat consumers of red sour wine. which Is very cheap. Their canteens ! jjcj do a large husia?ss in cheese, sar-ira c'incs, and chocolate. They also sell 1 53 French fried potatoes, a mess kit full e3 ior 2c. The French soldier gets 5:g a day. hut they all seem to have,ti money , Our Trench friend says LH that most of th?m get their money E2 from home or by going on guard and !p2J performing va:ious other duties for.ej their wealthier comrades. Each man! 5 has to peel his own siiar! of potatoes Js for th day. which he turns Into thpibnl kitchen and has his name checked! off. They have long tables, the.S topr of which are made of wire net-'U2 ting (similar to sand screens.! The;3 fotatoes are damped onto this net-!g3 tine, and earh mnn pnp ..ia and peels his potatoes, fills his mess' kit and then takes them to the kitch-'tii 1 J en. i its The 70 mile gun has been firing on Paris again today. We heard the ; shelh exploding, but I don't know' .,h t A.n. .1,... A : I r 1 i I I working hard today, but it was all cvA fn the aunsh'np snH froch q!i en '. I gues3 It w ill do me good. There ; (Qg are fellows here frora South Dakota, , 3 L'octon, New Y'ork. Brooklyn, Minne-j rota, Oregon, Washington, Califor-'pSj r.ia, and I think from almcst every g I?ace else. We are fortunate in our En camp, as we are at the edge ol a K large park, and there are lakes with fi !-. cf water lillic3 swans, etc, on , fi t.'::a Cur t'm? is an hcur ahead b-ass. Ia the center of the build- re Is a large opening running from ; the ground floor to the rcof, 7 floors if!ove. The roof is dome shared of I stained gias, and a beautiful riecej of work. Tne window decorations! in this store were surely wonderful, j ic were also the arrangement of the i show cases, etc , etc.. in the interior, i ior. We lunched at a little restaurant on Montaigue avenue near one of the Y". :.I. C. A.'s. After lunch we went to the athletic meet at Colum bus park. There was a large crowd there, soldiers, sailors and marines, three bands, French, English and American. There were races, re lays, ball games, etc., etc. The Y. M. C. A. had two stands there and were ! selling ice cream, lemonade, tobacco,! and (real American white bread 1 1 ham sandwiches, and our French friend was particularly pleased with j tiie white bread, the first he had had 1 for a long time. We did not stay! nit here long, however, for we wera more interested in seeing Paris. The only1, one of the athletes which we !;new was Keriat, the winner of the r.vle race, and who was from our c.rop. He also wen the mile race at the Olympic games at Stockholm. We rode to and from the grounds in n double-decked car, like I mention-f-1 before. We ate our dinner at the Enlisted Men's Y. M. C. A. hotel, and It was rome dinner, prepared by one of the .et chefs in Paris. The dining room was heavily decorated, the walls al most one solid mirror, and we had seffle service. I'm inclosing the menu card. While we were In there eat inr; our dinner, the big gun landed a couple of shells on Paris, and in 20 minutes after it lit we were on the si'Ot, and as we were on our way 1-ome last night the Germans pulled mother air raid which flunked again. The barrage fire as quite elaborate and as it's hard to tell during a raid 'htther the airplanes gt over or not, tey are always interesting. We went to services in the Madel :i.t church in the morning, and the big pillars were decorated with .'rcericaa flags. A "petite francias madamoiselle" took 00 centimes away from me for the little flag in this letter, but, it was for French war charities. Love. HAROLD. I GET THE BEARD BIT LEAVE THE ROOTS I'm not after the "pound of flesh" I leaTe the root to continue their growth. "You are next." Buckhorn Barber Shop Clyde Costolo IV, GLASSES A. WHITEI). Optician JCJ C. . II Comply With the Law : AND USE : Printed Butter Wrappers ACCORDING to the luling of the Oregon Dairy and Food Commission all dairy butter sold or exposed for sale in this state must be wrapped in butter paper upon which is printed the words "Oregon Dairy Butter, 16 (or 32) ounces full weight," with the name and address of the maker. To enable patrons of the Tidings to oasily comply with this ruling this office has put in a supply of the standard sizes of butter pnpor and will print it in lots of 100 sheets and up ward and deliver it by parcels post at tho fol lowing prices: 100 Sheets, 16 or 32 onnces $1.75 250 Sheets. 16 or 32 onnces ... $2.50 500 Sheets. 16 or 32 onnces $3.75 Mi Send your orders to us by mail accompan ied by the price of the paper and it will be promptly forwarded to you by parcel post, prepaid. ' We use the best butter paper obtainable, and our workmanship is of the best. Let us' have your order and you will not regret it. Ashland Tidings Ashland, Oreg'on