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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1918)
Monday. Jon 17. 101W. PAGR FTTH mtiiimtinHtwuuw Local and Personal um:iimH:ninmii Albert W. Leeds, a Btudent of Stan lord university, Palo, Alto, Cal., Is In Ashland visiting his grandmother, Mrs. E. H. Wagner, and other rela tives in this city, and may spend the summer vacation In Oregon. His home Is at San Diego, and his father, V. H. Leeds, was a 'former well jriown resident of Ashland, and this state, having been for many years editor and publisher of the Tidings, and for eight years served as state printer of Oregon. Old line Health and Accident In surance Company wants capable, ac tive district manager in the Ashland territory. Splendid opportunity for the right man to make some mighty pood money. National Casualty Co , Detroit, Michigan. 6-3 Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sanderson of Pctaluma, Cal., have been spending the past few days with friends in I shland. They were former residents of this city, where Mr. Sanderson was a partner of J. D. Dennis in the Ash land Feed end Grocery store. For Salt! Norfolk Shetland pony. Thone 221-U. 5tf John Reader of Rogue River was in Ashland Saturday morning where he came to meet a brother from Ok lahoma, who arrived that morning. The brothers returned to Rogue River where the visitor will remain for some time with his father. Paxson's Superb Dahlias. Plant cow and up to June 20tb. Field grown roots, eight for $1, eight for 1, eight for $3 and up. Parcel po3: paid. About half florist's list price. Write R. II. Paxson, Central Point, Oregon. l-tl Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Loosley of Fort Klamath are in Ashland and will spend the coming week here with friends. Mrs. W. 0. Bradbury of Yakima Wash., Is making a week's visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. f-impson. Mrs. Bradbury and Mrs, Simpson were former school mates. Mrs. II. B. Gossage, plain dress making, 207 Vista street. Phone 439-J. ltt Miss Gertrude Miksch, who has re turned with her parents to Belleview from Canton, Ohio, where they have I'een living for the past three years, will teach the primary grade of the Belleview school during the coming term. wtm m mm wm it .rm i m m. . m m mm mm mm m m- BANK O FASH LAND- Cultivate Kindness Cultivate the linbit of kindness, the promoter of good will It often docs more good than a medi cine. Make every act a deed well done. Become a regular deposi tor of the Citizens Bank of Ashland. 110m) SAVINGS ITVOV DEPOSITS, Letth Abbott, a student of the Uni versity of Oregon and former city editor of the Tidings, came home last right for a brief vacation. Lelth has been elected managing editor of the 'Irl-Weekly Emerald, the college pa per for the coming year, and will serve as feature editor of the Ore gona. Ho has also been elected & member of the Sigma Delta Chi, a national journalistic organization. Wanted. Two dining room girls. Inquire Depot hotel. 6-3t John Finneran, who returned last Friday night from Eugene where he had been a student at the University of Oregon during the past year, left Sunday night for McCloud to accept a position as brakeman on the rail road running between McCloud and Sisson. Our kodak finishing will please the Camera Exchange. tf The Home Guard will hold a business meeting in the park opposite the play grounds Tuesday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, at which all the members are urged to be present. Miss Fern Murphy, a student of the University, of Oregon, has come home for the summer vacation. She arrived Friday night. W. H. McN'alr of the McN'air Bros, drug store, has gone to Palo Alto, and ?an Francisco to spend a few days, after which he will return with his wife, who has been spending several weeks in California. Mrs. Alice Ough, niece of Mrs. El let. Wagner and cousin of Mrs. C. E. Lane, arrived Friday morning from San Francisco to spend a few days in Ashland. She will go on to Port land to make an extended sojourL with a daughter. Mr. Kavenaugh, southern Oregon manager for the Singer Sewing Ma chine company, spent a few days in Ashland the latter part of the week looking after business Interests here. Geo. Carey, the plumber. Call 314-J. 94-tf Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Hilt left Fri day morning for Klamath hot springs ! where they will remain for several weeks while Mrs. Hilt will take a course of baths for rheumatism. Mrs. H. Ignatius returned to her home in the Belleview district Friday evening after an extended stay at the home of her mother in the middle west, where the latter has been very ill. Want a good job of finishing? Try the Camera Exchange. tf C. B. and 11. R. Lamkin, Misses Mary Ives, Allie Shinn and little Charles Francis Murphy composed a party who went to Montague Thurs day in the Lamkln car. F. J. Shinn and son Neil had busi ness in Jacksonville Thursday. Stanley Herbert of Stockton, Cal., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Herbert, of North Main street. He will shortly enter the army, prob ably In the engineer corps. For reliable plumbing call 314-J. 94-tf Mrs. C. E. Davis of Second street received a card from her son, Joy Edwards, who is on his way to Camp Meadu. Md. The card was mailed from Chicago, and the young man stated that he was witnessing some great sights while on his journey east. Mrs. C. E. Davis entertained at her home on Second street this week Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Driver of the chapel cor "Good Will," which Is now lo cated at Central Point, and Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Driver of Berkeley. The later are on their way to Camp Lewis to visit their son stationed there, af ter which Mr. Driver will make a trip cast. Miss Agnes Chading of Seattle ar rived in Ashland to visit with her trandparents, Mf. and Mrs. Ben Zurnstein of the Bon Ton bakery. Julian Provost, of St. Paul, Ore gon, Is a guest at the home of his brother1! P. Provost, of Oak street. Mr. Provost expects to make, an ex tended sojourn In Ashland. John H. SVlnterhalder, of Medford, enlisted in the navy last week and left Ashland Thursday evening for I-ortland to take the physlclal exam ination. He was accompanied to Ashland by his mother, Mrs. Mary Wlnterhalder, who came to wish her sen Godspeed. Miss Dorothy Ralston of Chicago, Ills., arrived in Ashland Friday and vlll spend the summer here, a guest of Attorney Nellie Dickey. Miss Ral tton formerly lived In this city. Misses Emma and Amelia Furer of Cambridge, Mass., are guests at the home of their sister, Mrs. E. E. Bag ley of Skldmore street. They expect to make an extended visit In this city. GARDEN TOOLS Time is rere to begin that garden. Everybody ought to have a garden this year. Tools will be hard to get later, and they are getting higher every day. We have a number of splendid Garden Hand Cultivators, combining the Plow, Weeder, Rake, Cultivator. Just the thing. Let us show you. Provost Brothers HARDWARE Mrs. Louis Schwein, who has been making an extended visit in San Francisco, returned homo Saturday r.lght. Studio Ashland, better portraits. 100-tf Mrs. Mary Wilshire and daughter Pearl of the clerical force of the Citi zens bank, left Saturday evening for a two weeks' vacation In Portland. Saturday, June 22, they will attend a pioneer reunion of Mrs. Wilshlre's foimer school mates and old-time friends of her girlhood days. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. CYMyer of Duns mulr, who were In Ashland last week visiting at the home of the former's rarents, Mr. and Mrs. William Myer, Btarted Thursday evening for Santa Crux, Ca., where they will make an extended sojourn. Mrs. L. W. Loveland has been play ,ng In the Vlnlng theatre for the past week. Wm. HIMis of the Plaza meat mar ket received Saturday a picture of his son, Frank, who is with the 6.'tn regiment In France. The picture of the young man was taken by the side of a huge tractor which he Is driving. According to his photo graph, Frank is enjoying good health, as he looks robust and sturdy and ap parently Is enjoying his sojourn In "Sunny France." Mrs. R. P. Cornelius returned home Saturday night from Klamath Falls where she was called by the acciden tal shooting of Mr. Cornelius last veek In which he lost his right arm. Mrs. Cornelius reports that the In jured man la doing nicely In the hos pital and from present Indications expects to be able to be moved to his home In a week or two. Mrs. Elizabeth Dinwiddle of Gold Hill, who lately returned from a win ter's sojourn In Los Angeles, is mak ing a visit to her brother, Chas, Sten nett of Fairvlew street, and also to nephews, L. E. and W. S. Stennett. Mrs. Dinwiddle spent winter before last viBlting relatives and friends back In her old neighborhoods In Iowa and thinks there is surely some eifference in climate between the two on a winter resort basis. Chief Yeoman C. W. Heilbronner of Medford, who has been spending a short furlough with friends, stopped off In Ashland Saturday to visit with the recruiting officers at the locai station, while on his way to San Francisco, fter two weeks he wll! return to the navy recruiting office at Portland. Attention! Car Owners (feral Eedueltio -ON- TIMES I WE HAVE more than one hundred tires which we wish to dispose of. We handle Goodrich, Lee, Miller and Firestone tires. We give 15 per cent re duction on Firestone tires and 10 per cent on Miller and Goodrich and Lee. Ccme and buy while they last. Buy that tire now at a great reduction. Hoover ize on the Tire proposition. White Star Garage N. DIX & SON, Proprietors Telephone 116 374 East Main Mrs. G. E, Stone of Gold Hill, who hap been spending some time in Ash land at the homo of Mrs. J,. H. That cher at 166 North Main street taking a course of water treatment, spent a lew days at Gold Hill during the past week. Carroll Wagner arrived last night Trom Fort Winfleld Scott to spend a short furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wagner of Oal: street. J W.A.Shell TheBarber 137 . Main Phone job orders to th Tidings. Barrels of 'Em 1 There are barrels of disabled wrist watches in France and at the camps. , We invite your inspection of the durable kind Waltham movement; reliable and easily re paired Non breakable and non-explosive glass , Silver case; non-corrosive Easily adjusted, washable wrist straps Radium dial and hands Fastenings strong and durable; easily wound and set . Price $22.00. , . , Waltham Co., have a branch in Paris for the repair of their watches Other good watches, at lower prices THE WATCH SHOP II. L. WIIITED, Proprietor 3L tmtitmAmm Authorized firm to sell W. S. S. PEL Help win the war. Buy W. S. S. whero quality reigns supreme QUALITY STORE Do Your ShODDina Early at VAUPEL'S for the Big Round-Up We have everything that is needed lor the occasion. Make It a big success In every way Arrow shirts New and complete Btock to be had in all the latest designs and pat terns. The shirt with a reputa tion. If the particular dresser wants a good shirt, try an Arrow $1.25 and $1.50 'pHE cutaway front collars are in great favor among men who like to avoid the commonplace in dress. A very complete assortment of these smart styles is offered by us in Arrow COLLARS 20c each, 3 pair for 50c Ratine Special Just the thing for a New Skirt. Colors, blue, tan, gray, brown, green, white. Regular price 75c yard. SrKCIAL 40c yard. Comes 36 inches wide. Sorosis Shoes Every pair must go. Values from $6.00 un to $7. GO. On sale at the Sl'IX'IAL 1'KICE of $:J.20 pair. Remnants A big table full of values while they last. Every one marked at the lowest price possible. Take advantage of this big opportunity Ked's The perfect rubber soled Canvas shoe for men, women and children Full stock on hand. For comfort during the summer, wear Keds Several different styles to choose from. Oxford Special $3.50 and $4.00 values on sale at $l.Kpalr. Every paid guaranteed a bargain Come In and look these big values over. Merite Jewelry The Inexpensive luxury. This line consists of verythmg that the particular customer would wish for at a price within the reach of all. N1AL PERY RICS Colonial Drapery Fabrics Screens, pillows, table runners and many other useful home articles made of Colonial Drapery Fab rics lend just, the touches that are needed to give a sense of completeness to the furnishings. We have a beautiful line of artistic Colonial Drapery Fabrics that will suggest to you a wealth of ideas for beautifying your home. Come and see them. Help win the big struggle, Th world's war. Buy war sav ings stamps. ROYALmW1 $1.00 to $3.00 New nnd complete stock In lat est styles to be had. Be well dressed and wear Royal Worcester Lorseis We have them at all the popular prices. $1.M) to $5.00. Summer Voiles Cor that summer gown we have th most beautiful and complete stock that was possible to buy under tint-resent trying conditions. Nothing newer can be had. Topu nr prices :5c t $1.00 u yard. Hawaiian Cloth SHOWER-PROOF The new fabric. for summer comes In all the poplar shades. Colors Copenhagen, black, biscuit, white, cream, old rose; 36 lnches,05c yard, Try it and be well satisfied. Buy W. S. S. VAUPEi'S The Quality Shop Mail Order Specialist Open 7:30 a.m. Close 6:00 p. m. Buy W. S. S. f