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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1918)
PAGE nva See Our New Fancy Caps AT Polcy's Drug Store Poley & Elhart, Druggists . imillllllllllllllHUWWl Local and Personal Secretary Shlnn of the Commercial club is In receipt of a number of government bulletins for free distri bution among Ashland housewives. The titles are "Homo Canning of Fruits and Vegetables," "Home-made Fruit Butters," "Presrvatlon of Vege tables by Fermentation and Salting," "The City and Suburban Vegetable Garden." Call at tho Commercial club rooms and get copies of all these bulletins. Notice On and after June I, 1918, all blacksmithlng must be for cash, no exception. X. L. High & Son, Ira Reeder. 2-4t Mrs. James .N'lsbet entered a local hospital this week where she under went a minor operation. Peter L. Spencer left Tuesday for Shasta valley where he will be em ployed during the summer months. Mrs. Elsie Churchman has the agency for the Splrella corsets and will be pleased to demonstrate. Phone 240-R, or call at 31 Union street. 2-tf i Mrs. Mary E. Dunn of McMinn ville, who has been spending the win ter at Los Angeles, has come to Ash land and will spend the summer with Mrs. T. M. Lynch, of Liberty street. Joseph Poley, of B street, has been a patient at a local hospital during the past week. If you have a home In Ashland which you would like to trade for a bearing cherry orchard near Pu eblo, Colorado, and paid water right, see Billings agency at once. This look good. 3-3t Major J. Edw. Thornton of the Ashland-Medford battalion state mil itia, has announced the staff appoint ments of W. Y. Crowson of Medford as battalion adjutant with the rank of first lieutenant, and Charles Rob ertson of Ashland, as battalion sup ply officers with the rank of second lieutenant. A thousand dollars will buy a good 6-room house on paved street, with all assessments paid In full. Here is your chance to get a home. See the Billings Agency at once. 4-2t The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Patterson of Phoenix died the fore part of the week, and the body was brought to Ashland for inter ment In the Ashland cemetery. For reliable plumbing call 314-J. 94-tt Mlas Amy Stannard, daughter of lUrs. E. M. Stannard, Is attending summer school at Berkeley. She has been elected to teach in the Ashland high school for the next term. N Among the drawings of 0. &'C. land at Roseburg last week, George W. Mathes of Ashland secured forty acres of good agricultural land three miles north of this city. .The land adjoins the railroad and Includes a four-room house in fairly good condi tion, as well as some other Improve ments, tl has been occupied at one time, but owning to the title not be ing perfected, has been abandoned years ago. Five-room cottage In good condi tion, within 4 blocks of business dis trict, and equal distance from school for only $600. Buy a home now. Billings Agency. . 4-2t John Finneran, a student of the University of Oregon, has arrived home for his summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stephenson of Gait, Cal., are guests of relatives and friends In the city. They will re turn to their home via Crater Lake and Nevada. Parson's Superb Dahlias. Plant now and up to June 20tb. Field grown roots, eight for $1, eight for $2, eight for $3 and up. Parcel post paid. About half florist's list price. Write R. II. Paxson, Central Point, Oregon. 1-tt Bert and Chester Smith have been notified to report at Portland June 15 for technical and mechanical training at the Benson Polytechnic school. They come under the new draft call to furnish men for special training. Geo. Carey, the plumber. Call 314-J. 94-tt Mrs. J. E. Callahan and Miss Feari Crowson, who have been visiting in Portland for some time, have return ed home. GARDEN TOOLS Time is rere to begin that garden. Everybody ought to have, a garden this year. Tools will be bard to get later, and they are getting higher every day. We have a number of splendid Garden Hand Cultivators, combining the Plow, Weeder, Rake. Cultivator. Just the thing. Let us show you. Provost -Brothers HARDWARE , ilClTIZENSin V BANK S 10 F ASH LAN Dy The Importance of Establishing Credit Is a well known fact in commercial enterprise. Privlcnt Is the firm or in. dividual who had a good working balance at the bank it is an excellent credit builder. Accounts invited. L4on SAVINGS DEPOSITSj L. A. Crance has purchased the four-acre tract of land on Otis street from Mrs. Belle Cordell this week The consideration was $2800. The Camera Exchange. Finishing, 100-tf Among the surgical patients at a local hospital is Mrs. G. C. McLean of Fhoenix. ' Ben C. Sheldon was authorized to visit eastern Oregon in the Interests of the normal school campaign at recent meeting of the committee in charge of local Interests in the move ment. Mrs. II. B. Gossage, plain dress- maklne. 207 Vista street. Phone 439-J. I" Miss M. Armeda Kaiser, a teacher in the city schools of Oakland, Cal. has arrived home for her summer vacation. Mrs. W. B. Smith and Mrs. Amos Dabuff. who have been guests or their children. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Smith In Oakland, Cal., have reteurn ed home. Studio Ashland, better portraits. 100-tf The ordinance covering the grant ing of concessions for the Fourth of July celebration and Roundup was adopted at the council meeting Tues day night. It is virtually the same as last year, except that it provides that all concessions must be approved by the mayor. ' Miss Celia Osterdahl of Portland Is spending the week visiting the N. Erlckson family, on Fairvlew street Miss Osterdahl Is here for her health, having heard of our famous lithla waters, and deciding this was the place to restore her lost health. I can do a few more washrtigs at my home. Will get the clothes, also deliver them. Mrs. Bacon. Phone 433-L. 2-4t Miss Florence Erlckson, Southern Pacific company clerk, will leave next Monday on a two months' visit with an aunt near Billings, Montana; stop ping off in Portland, Spokane and Butte, her native city, to visit witn friends while en route. Miss Evelyn Taylor of Medford was up visiting friends here last Sunday. Among the drafted men passing through the city last Monday was Carl Backstrand, an old college mate of Miss Celia Osterdahl, who is visit ing at present with friends here. The Camera Exchange for film. 100-tf Mrs. K. Baldes of Berkeley, Cal., arrived In Ashland yesterday to spend several weeks at the home of her niece, Mrs. O. C. Hinds, of Oak street. J. W. McCoy, cashier of the First National bank, and V. O. N. Smith, cashier of the Citizens bank, left Wednesday evening to attend a two days' session of the State Bankers' association, which convenes at Bend. ' R. W. Cuvellier, who was for many years road foreman of engines for the Shasta division of the Southern Pacific, Is now running on the Sacra mento division with headquarters at Truckee, Cal., where his family will reside. Mrs. Cuvellier and little daughter have recently been living In Sacramento. .- Prof. J. C. Barnard, who has been teaching school at Eagle Point dur ing the past winter, has moved his household effects to his ranch east of Ashland. Mr. Barnard does not expect to teach again next year. Express Agent Dan Applegate re leased two baskets of carrier pigeons from this station Monday morning. The birds had been sent out by the Seattle Racing Pigeon club. For Sale Norfolk Shetland pony. Phona .221-R. 5tf Herman Stokes and family are visiting friends in Albany. They ex pect to remain several days In that vicinity. ' Mrs. Cliff Jenkins and children have gone to Corvallls and Astoria to spend the coming six weeks with relatives and friends. Mrs. Ross Applegate and children from the Dead Indian country, left this week for Pendleton where they will spend the summer, and where Mr. Applegate Is employed. Word was received In this city of the birth of a son to Lieutenant Com mander and Mrs. James D. Moore, which occurred at Charleston, S. C, May 24. Lieutenant Commander Moore is a son of Mrs. Sam Evans of this city. A decree' of divorce was granted this week to Gertrude Blrnum against Charles Birnum by the Judge of Jose phine county. This case was tried several months ago. Jay O. Withrow of Talent passed through hera Tuesday evening en route to San Francisco where he will enter the officers' training camp at Fort Winfield Scott. 1 Mrs. Frank Jordan will leave to day for Portland where she will meet Mr.. Jordan, who Is employed there, and where they will spend the sum mer. Mrs. J. E. Patterson left Tuesday evening for Sacramento, after whlcii she will go on to the Yosemlte val ley to join her husband, who Is lo cated there. Mr. and Mrs. Cus Ralph and little daughter of Garfield, Wash., arrived in Ashland Friday to spend a coupl? of weeks at the home of Mrs. Ralph's mother, Mrs. O. H. Johnson, after an extended tour of the middle west. On arriving here Mr. Ralph receiv ed a telegram calling him home-Immediately, which necessitated the continuance of his Journey, but Mrs. Ralph will remain here longer. Through the Beaver Realty com pany a real estate transaction was made during the past week in which our lots and a dwelling house be longing to L. M. Sanders on Beach street was sold to Robert Ralney, a stockman of northern California, who will become a citizen of Ashland. v Mrs. J. C. Cusick and little son of Sacramento arrived In the city the fore part of the week to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Darby O' Toole. Mrs. Cusick went to Corval lls Wednesday where she will remain for a week with her sister, Mrs. F. R. Norton, after which she will return to Ashland to make a more extended visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kimball of Califor nia have come to Ashland to spend the summer, and have rented the residence of Frank Jordan on Gran ite street. Rev. D. D. Edwards left Monday for Portland to attend the 14th an nual assembly of the northwest dis trict of the Nazarene church conven ing in that city. Mrs. C. W. Fraley and Mrs. T. S. Wylie represented the local church as delegates to this as C. Blair Edwards, who has been clerking in the White House grocery store, left, this week for Dunsmuir, where he has accepted a position la the Ehernehan, company grocery. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Balllnger and Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Balis expect to leave Friday for an extended auto mobile trip to Porterville, Cal., and Los Angeles. The Journey will be made in the Balllnger car. The Balls children, Janet and Jean, will go to Red Bluff during their parent's ab sence. Charlqs N. Gard of Seattle was a guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Gard, at their home on the Boulevard for a few days during the past week. He returned home Sun day evening. CUf Payne makes porch swings. This week G. S. Butler sold to D. I. Chancey of Los Angeles one of his ranches In the Myers tract, across Bear creek. Mr. Chancey has gone back to Los Angeles to get his fam ily who will move onto the new place. Rev. F. M. Baker, of Los Angeles, a former pastor of the Ashland Bap tist church, passed through here this morning on train No. 13 from Al berta where he has a ranch. Everett Eeeson, Ben Wyant and Everett Bailey, three young men from Talent, left this week for Portland where they will enlist In the navy. Soldier Answers Last Roll Call W. W. Carpenter, an aged resident of Ashland and a veteran of the Civil War, died at his home on Second street Monday. Mr. Carpenter was 84 years of age, and had been In deli cate health for some time. At the time of the death of liU wife, which occurred about a month ago, his condition was critical and It was not thought ho would succeed her in this life many days. Funeral services werre held Tuesday After noon under tho auspices of Burnslde Post, G. A. R., and interment was made In the Ashland cemetery. AT THE CUURCOES iiiiiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiifnTttiiiiiiinitiiin?Ttttt Trinity Episcopal church, vicar the Rev. P. K. Hammond. Holy Com munion at 7:30; Sunday school at 9:45. Morning service and sermoa at 11. Mrs. Hockett will sing an of fertory solo. No evening service. Nazarene Church Owing to th absence of the pastor, the morning service will be In charge of one of tha laymen. Y. F. H. L. at 7. No even ing preaching service. ' Friday after noon prayer meeting at the Slinger land residence on Morton street. Mrs. Schneider, leader. Dorman D. Ed wards, Pastor. Free Methodist Church Rev. Oli ver, evangelist, will preach at this, church May Cth at 8 p. m. Every body welcome. Mrs. Elva Hobert, Pas tor. Free Methodist church Rev. R. II. Dollarhldo, district elder of the Free Methodist church, will hold the dis trict quarterly meeting Thursday. May 6, lasting over Sunday. Every body is welcome. First Church of Christ Scientist. Sunday service at 11, subject of les son sermon, "God, the Only Causa and Creator." Sunday school at 10. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 p m. Reading room open from 2 to 4 dally except Sundays and holidays. TfRVPTOTf l GLASSES 3m VHITi:i, Optician c Men and Boys' Furnishings Women and Children's Shoes : VAUPEL'S Dry Goods and Notions Quality Merchandise In all Departments. Women, Misses and Children's Furnishings Royal Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets mm ' mid' Cool and Durable. Perfect fit ting and very comfortable, Coop . er's Underwear. All weights and prices. Dress and Work Shirts Arrow the most stylish and com fortable shirts for dress. Stand ard work shirts 65c to $1.25 Khaki Trousers and Corduroy Trousers Every pair the highest standard. Priced below wholesale cost. Buy now and save from 50c to $1.J25 pair. Ladies' Puritan Undermuslin Department Corset covers. Envelope chemise Undermuslin gowns and combina tions. ' Petticoats A big line of extremely beautiful and durable Petticoats. Silk, Taf feta and Sateens $1.25 to $7.00 Hosiery Department A new shipment Comprising all its new shades and colors. Cotton Silk Lisle and Silk. All weights $1.75 pair The Quality Shop VMJPEL Mail Order Specialists