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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1918)
-PACT EIGHT ASBLASD TIDliraS Thnrnday, May 80, 1018. President Approves : of Celebrating 4th That the Fourth of July should not jiais this year without the accustom ed , celebration that has heretofore marked that Important historical an niversary, President Wilson has set Lis seal of approval on celebrating the vent. In response to a petition framed by men of foreign-born citizenship an nouncing plans for' a demonstration of the Fourth of July to express their loyalty to the United States and In the cause for which It is fighting. President 'Wilson replied as follows jto the petition: "I have read with great sympathy the petition addressed to me by your representative bodies of Indepen dence day, and I wish to convey to you, in reply, my heartfelt apprecia tion for its expression of loyalty and good will. "Nothing in this war has been more gratifying than the manner in which our foreign-born fellow citi zens, and 80113 and daughters of the foreign-born, have risen to this great est of all national emergencies. You have shown ma where you stand, not only by your frequent profes sions of loyalty to tho cause for which we fight, but by your response to calls for patriotic service, Includ ing the supreme service of offering Mobilizing Your . Finances It's easy when your available cash is all snugly reposing In a sound tank. You can handle your finances with less cost and trouble, i Join Our Army of Depositors and be prepared for the financial bat tles that face you. State Bank of Ashland life itself In the battle of Justice, Jreedom.and democracy. Before such devotion as you have shown, all dis tinctions of race vanish, and we feel ourselves citizens in a republic of free spirits. "I therefore, take pleasure In call ing your petition, with my hearty commendation, to the attention of all my fellow countrymen and I'ask that they unite with you In making the Independence day of this, the year when all the principles to which we stand pledged, are on trial, the most significant in our national his tory. "As July 4, 1776, was the dawn of democracy for this nation, let us on July 4, 1918, celebrate the "birth of a new and greater spirit of democ racy, by whose influence we hope and believe, with the signers of the Declaration of Independence, dream ed for themselves and their fellow countrymen, shall be fulfilled for all mankind." Change of Schedule .Effective June 2nd A new schedule will go into ef fect on the Southern Pacific Sunday, June 2, making quite important changes In the time of the tralnB passing through Ashland. Nob. 11 and 12, known as the Shasta' Limit ed, will' be removed entirely. Changes In the other train service will be as follows: Southbound, No. 13, will arrive in Ashland at 10:15, a. m., and leave at 10:35; No. 53, will arrive at 5:00 p. m., and leaves at 5:20 p. m.; .No. 15 will arrlvfc at 12:20 p. m., and leave at 12:35 p. m. Northbound, No. 14 will arrive at 6:40 a. m., and leave at 7:00 a. m.; No. 54 will arrive at 4:40 p. m., and leave at 5:00 p. ra.; No. 16 will arrive at 6:05 p. m.,.and leave at 6:25 p. m. Made First Trip To Crater Lake Last week J. H. Boyd, one of the local taxi drivers, made a trip to Crater Lake with a company of lo cal people. The party consisted of Mrs. Boyd, Misses Shaw, Caha and Wagner, and went over the Dead Indian road to Pelican Bay, arriving at the lake Thursday. They were aide to go within two and one-half miles of the lake with the car, and made the rest of the Journey on foot over the snow, which is four or five feet deep In- drifts around the rim of the lake. Mr. Boyd states that the Dead In dian road is in fair condition with the exception of many trees fallen across the road, compelling detours to be made around them. This is probably the first auto party from this section to reach the lake this season. A wheatless Oregon is to result from the first war. work conference held in Portland under the direction of the Oregon Council of Defense two days last week. Patriotic Americans will be asked to foreswear the use of all wheat products until after the coming harvest in resolutions to bo introduced before the conference. "Oregon voluntarily wheatless" is to be the soigan. Every person who can possibly do so will be asked to use substitutes for wheat; Jt is not contemplated, however that manual laborers who cannot afford substi tutes will be asked to use them yet. Once the family is pledged to the wheatless regime the '.'government will seek the flour in its possession for use of the allies. .No amount will be too small. "Within two days we will buy that extra sack of flour from you" said E. F. Cullen representing the food administration. "No amount will be too little for us to use. We will ar- Effort to Effect Wheatless County : The federal food administration has urged the county food adminis tration to exert increased efforts to make Jackson county wheatless. It Is the desire of the administration to fctart on this basis June 1. The fol lowing statement was issued last night by tho administration: The federal food administrator asks that we resolve to make Jack son county wheatless beginning on June 1. We therefore request all citizens to uso substitutes and limit their consumption of white wheat flour to 2 Vt pounds per month. This practically means using none except as a binder. There Is no limit placed on barley, corn, rice, potato and rye flour. The time has come when we must save the wheat flour for our soldiers and allies In Europe. Jackson county has not failed to do more than was asked and no request has been made that was more Imperatively necessary. Men Wanted Astoria wooden shipyards, gov ernment work, good pay, quick advancement, splendid working conditions; no experience re quired; cool summers, close to beach resorts; no fees charged. See J. m. Alnutt, Elks building, next to theatre. Last, of the Series of Dairy Lectures The last of the series of dairy meetings by the extension service of the O. A. C. and County Agent C. C. Cate was given Tuesday in the city hall. Addresses on "Feeding in Connec tion with Pasture and Its Import ance," and, "Judging of Dairy Cattle and Fitting for Show or Sale," were given by E. B. Fitts of O. A. C. In the afternoon the meeting went to the farm of Ralph Billings for a public demonstration. These meetings have been largely attended and have awakened much interest among the farmers and stock raisers of the valley. AMERICANS TO TEACH BASEBALL IN LONDON A committee on public information representative in London says: London has never heard of a base ball season before, but will get its chance this year when the American baseball league gets It schedule of games well underway. There are eight American and Canadian teams recruited from various organizations stationed in London, with games scheduled for each Saturday durln3 the summer. The thousands of American sold iers who may pass through London, or be Invalided or stationed here, are in a fair way to be made to feel that England is the next best place to home and that English hearts are kept warm for them. "Make England the Sammy's bllghty " is the way the English Kress puts it in urging readers to en tertain the American troops. "Bligh ty" Is the war word for everythin? the soldier wants in intervals of his fighting work;, the place where friends, recreation and home comfort await him. The Weekly Dispatch recently call- 1 (runncil mm W..Shell The Barber 137 . Main Quit the Tobacco Habit Qult-Tobac Tobacco Treatment will do the work promptly and perman ently. io matter in what form you use tobacco smoking cigars, pipe, cigarettes, chewing tobacco or snuff. So matter how much you use, or how long used. Qult-Tobac will break you of the habit in from three to five days. Pleasant to take, no in convenience, no remaining away from work or business. A simple home treatment. No crav ing or desire for tobacco in any form after you begin taking Qult-Tobac. Don't try to quit the tobacco habit unaided. It's a losing fight bpainst heavy odds and means a serious shock to tho nerv fiis pyntom. Let the tobacco Inb't 5u!t YOU. It will quickly quit you. if you will take Quit-Tobao accord ing to the simple directions we send you. It Is a thoroughly reliable and permanent remedy for the tobacco habit, but is not a substitute for to bacco. Thousands have been freed from the habit. Why not you? Write at once for particulars and testimonials. A. F. HALL CO.. 118 N LaSalle Bt. Chicago I-4t ed for suggestions for a public en tertainment to be offered American soldiers and an Instant response made thousands of dollars available for amusements and' entertainments. The idea that found greatest favor, how ever, was to throw, open. the home of the nation to the Sammies. . ... i- An officer commanding an Ameri can squadron operating with the English fleet has reported on a late inspection and speaks in high terms of the present state of efficiency In which he finds both ships and men. "Vessels show the most gratifying improvement in battery and fire con trol," he said. "Our ships are smart, spick and span and have been recip ients of many high compliments from British flag officers." ;..;:... 5 5' Buildings :.J WHEATLESS OltEtiON AIM OF WAR WORK That are preserved with Good Paints and Varnishes are an asset ' both to the individual and to the nation Buy Your Meeds Now If Wall Pay -' Our stock is going fast but we can still SAVE YOU MONEY Carson - Fowler Lumber Co. 0 Corner First and B range to gather in flour by the pints If need be." Details of the plan are not com pleted but flour and wheat are to be gathered at some central place In each vicinity packed and then as sembled to be shipped east in car load lots for export to France, Great Brltlan and Italy. ' French homes have not baked bread for hundreds of years. They have not even ovens nor baking tins in their kitchens. They rely upon the bakery. It you ask them to bake their own bread, for the bakery can not supply quick breads made with out wheat the women of France must add another hour to their long day of toil. Will you ask them to do that? Or ishall our homes carry the extra burden of doing without wheat? Don't forget to slow up on the meats again. The reserve supply 13 being rapidly exhausted, and with no more food animals coming Into the market at this season, we may soon be up against the meatless day one? more, Mr. Hoover warns, unless we check up on our steaks and roasts. Cut down your meat consumption at least one-third, and save pork and beef particularly. These can be shipped the most conveniently. Lamb, mutton, chicken and fish are the meats for good Americans. When you hum'Over There," buy a war savings stamp to keep it over there. "Digest of Food Prepared by the Government" Headline. We don'r need It. We'll attend to the diges tion process if we can only get the food. 14 Coats to choose from at ... $16 50 8 " " " .. 19.50 15 " " " 22.50 Other Coats $24.50 to $37.50 J5r l ft ' 3 IP IP I Wanted Hosiery We have been able to se cure fairly complete stocks of LIsle'and Silk Hosiery In grey, brown, champagne and white. Quantities so far se cured are limited, so see about your needs soon, n Garment -Merinos SMART Apparel of all kinds popularly priced for May selling. Remember that the I longer you delay your buying of garments made of woolen cloths the more vou I will have to pay, and the added chance of not being able to secure' as desirable mater- I lal. Why not choose this month while the stocks are complete ? 50 Good Suits, some strictly for summer but many good all the year round Suits, clever styles, splendid cloths $19.50 to $40.00 Summery Petticoats The best selection of Silk Petticoats we have offered you, await you now. Khaki Sport Clothes Riding Breeches and Skirts Coats, Shirts, Bloomers and Middies just received. Charming Dresses Betty Wales and Virginia Dare Dresses in Silk, Serge, and Wash Dresses. Voile and Silk Waists In addition to our high class waists we're showing Voiles at $1.50, Jap Silks $2.50, Crepes $3.50. Korrect Skirts Correct is right. The de sign, material, fit and prices they are right. Sport Sweaters Sleeveless Slip Overs, Sleeveless Button Jackets, Fibre, Silk and Wool Sweat ers in brilliant hues. - Gossafd Corsets American Lady Corsets Graduate .Corsetlere, ..who , can fit you correctly. tiiiiiiimiiimimmiiiiiiiiiniiiiuiiiim Kayser Knit Vests Combination Suits Envelope Chemise The Kayser lable on your knit Underwear is assurance of satisfactory service and comfort able fit. Ribbed Vests 35c to 60c. . Combination Suits 75c to $1.75 Knit Envelope Chemise 85c. . ... . i Silk Top, Lisle" Body in White or Pink Combination j3uits or Chemise $1.75. Dainty Muslin Under Garments It is advisable to stock up well ahead with these neces sary requisites while you can obtain them at moder ate prices. You know how the cottons that go into the making have raised in price Our next purchase must be priced much higher. ' Gowns Envelope Chemise Petticoats Bloomers Corset Covers Drawers . . All attractively priced