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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1918)
H SO. 101 H. ASniAKD TIDINGS PAGH 8HVBJI . ' i ' ' " " 1 l.l.l.l 1.1 li.lLl..llWI.llL..MI HI. .41.11 n. .. ... . ... a TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Rates: On cent per word, first Insertion; cent psr word lor aach insertion thereafter; SO words or lew f 1 psr month. No advertise ment Inserted tor less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order acept to parties having ledger accounts with the office. PROFESSIONAL. PR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, . ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup- I E. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postofflce, Medford, Ore. Phone 667. 21-tf PR. ERNEST A. WOOD Practice limited to eye,' ear, nose and throat. Offloo hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash land, Ore. 73-tf GEO. T. WATSON, Painter and Pa perbangen. Phone 202-R. 166 Ohio street. 40-tf Dr. C. E. McDonald EYE SIGHT BPECIAL'ST Citizens Bank Bldg. Pince nours: -iz a. m., 2-a p m. JML SCHELLER, Osteopathic-physl- ian and orthopedic surgeon. Of i flee Camps bldg. rhone 147. Hours 10-12, 1-4,, others by appointment. BIIL POSTER Will Stennett, 116 Factory street Bill posting and distributing. , 54-tf LEGAL NOTICES Continued THE JOHNSTONES CURE Hydro f athlc treatments for chronic cases. 21 Gresham street 41-tf CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB The regular meetings of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Auxiliary Hall. B. D. I5RIGGS, Attorney-at-Law. Pioneer Block, Ashland. DR. KEENEY FERRIS, B. S., M. D., " M. H. Homeopathic physician and surgeon. Office, Baptist parson age, 247 Oak street. Hours, 9 to 12 noon., 85-tf NOTICE OP SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an execution duly Issued out of and under the seal of the circuit court for the state of Ore gon,, for Jackson county, dated May 6th, 1918, In a certain action In the Justice Court for Medford District, Jackson county, Oregon, wherein C. E. Conser as plaintiff, recovered judgment against R. A. Rowley and Isabella Rowley, defen dants, for the sum of $148.00 with Interest thereon at 10 per cent per annum from January 19, 1917 un til paid, and the further sum of , $35.01 with legal interest thereon from August 1st, 1917, until paid, and for $25.00 attorney's fees and $10.60 costs, which judgment was enrolled and docketed In the of fice of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson county. . Notice Is hereby given that, pur suant to the terms of said execu tion, I will on June 8th, 1918, at , 10 o'clock a. ra at the front door of the Courthouse In the city of Jacksonville, Jackson county, Ore gon, offer for sale and sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satsify said judgment, with the costs of this sale, subject to redemption as provided by law, all of the right, title and Interest that the above named defendants, jointly or individually, had on May 6th, 1918, or have since acquired, or now have in and to the follow ing described property, to-wit: The northeast quarter of lot 2 In block 4, and the east half of lot 1 In block 4, in the Pierce sub-division, In township 37 south, range 1 west of the Willamette Merid ian In Jackson county, Oregon, containing 4.35 acres. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, May 6th, 1918. I RALPH G. JEXXINGS, Sheriff of Jackson Co., Ore. By Lealle W. Stansell, Deputy. 101-Dtthu SOLDIER'S LETTERS (Continued from page 6) makes It hard to know Just what to write. April 27, 1918. We had church this morning In the court yard and our chafllln spoke. He gives fine, short talks, directly to the point, which do the most good for this kind of an audience. This morning at 5:30 the rhurch bells rang all over the city for mass. There are a number of bells close here and each has its distinctive tone, all toll ing, instead of ringing. Even the chime clocks on the public buildings have a solemn tone. Love, HAROLD. WANTED WANTED A small, furnished house close In. Man and wife only. Call 842 Boulevard.. Phone 432-R. 2-3 FOR RENT 1. FOR RENT Two furnished bunga lows. Inquiro at 115 Granite treet. 91-tf FOR RENT The Bungalow for the season from June 1 to Nov. 1. Is equipped with hot water heater, gas stove, show cases, counters, ta- bles and chairs to accommodate 80 people at a setting. Good dance floor and the coolest place to get confections and Ice cream in the valley. Located at the big park entrance. See Bert R. Greer, at the Tiding office. tf FOR HALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Fresh cow and calf. H. Ignatius. Phone 2-F-21. 2-2 FOR SALE Prospector's outfit, Pick. nan. shovel, mortar, etc.; baby carriage, go-cart and nursing chair. 400 Morton st. I- FOR SALE Saxon roadster, Chalm ers touring and Studebaker six, 1917 model. Ashland Garage. 2-3t OR SALE 145 ewes, 114 lambs, at R. R. Minter's place. Lee bteers Eagle Point, Ore. 1-5' OR SALE A set of double harness nil fin team for ranch work. Tor nnrtlculars address E. Greer Hilt. California. 96-tf FOR SALE Black Jersey cow, also heifer soon be fresh; 1 light, two- ontpH impk. Inaulre 476 North .w.m 104-41 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE or sat.r Elhtv nrces of good pasture land. Inquire 865 Boule vard. 1-4 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an execution! In foreclos ure and order of sale duly Issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the State of Ore gon, for Jackson county, dated May 13, 1918, In a certain suit therein, wherein George G. Ogg and Minnie J. Ogg, as plaintiffs, recovered judgment against Oren M. Murphy and his wife, Maude Murphy, Omer W. Mur&hy, and his wife, Emma Murphy, W. P. Mur phy, L. A. Murphy, and his wife, Ales Murphy, Otis L. Murphy, and his wife, Ella Murphy, Ivan E. Murphy, Mable Murphy and de fendant, S. Cecil Murphy, heirs at law of E. E. Murphy, deceased, for the sum of $1021.05 wlHi interest thereon at 8 per cent per annum and $53.00 costs, which judgment was enrolled and docketed In said court May 11, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that, pur suant to the terms of said execu tion, I will on June 15, 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the courthouse in the City of Jacksonville, Jackson County, Ore gon, offer for sale and sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy said judgment, with the costs of this sale, subject to redemption as provided by law, all of the right, title and interest that above named defendants joint ly or individually, had on Septem ber 19, 1911, or have since ac quired, or now have, In and to the following described property, sit uated in Jackson county, State of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast cor ner of the J. K. Leabo lot as laid down on the official map of the City of Ashland, Oregon; thence north 5 degrees west along the west side line of Granite Btreet 100 feet; thence west 150 feet; thence south 5 degrees east 100 feet; thence east 150 feet to the place of beginning, all in the City of Ash land, Oregon. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, May 13th, 1918. RALPH G. JENNINGS, Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. By Leslie W. Stansell, Deputy. 103-5 thu France, April 30th. - Almost thf first of May, although j it harly seems possible. If the weath- j cr is as nice tomorrow as It is' to-1 day, May day will be beautiful. Your j letters 9 and 10 came yesterday, i have them all up 'to 10 now. The1 band is playing for muster this ; morning and sounds good. We have j music every day at guard mount, etc. I It seems hard to find anything to write what Is passable. It reminds me of the follow who whote home: "I can't tell you where I am, "but I'm not at the same place I was be fore I left to come to this place." You would be surprised to know where I am. I wasn't In either one of the "dream cities" you mentioned but I was mighty close to one of them. ' How do you like this French sta tion, 'arry? They are fixing a canteen here, and will soon have It going. They are surely a big convenience in this country, where one can get American candy, etc. The Y. M. C. A. has one room rigged up here, have grand pi ano, benches, tables, etc. There aVe lots of old French knives on the walls here half daggers, swords, breast plates from old armor suits, and a mysterious looking basement j under the building. "Shades of Na poleon," I'll bet he'd feel queer if he woke up and found the court yard full of American soldiers. Our kitchen was at one time i "Dragon" cavalry stable, but now it serves fine as a kitchen. Our squad j rooms are elegantly (?) tinted with i whitewash,' and a three-foot base- j board effect of lampblack, all of I which rubs of easily. The walls are j three feet thick and look like they I would last forever, and there are a number of fire places scattered j through the building. You should j see my elegant new pea-green uni form, and, oh, yes, my shoes, too. Don't believe I could get Into the I house with them at home, but they j are great for cobblestone pavement.! and comfortable after the first day or two! Haven't had much success learning French yet. Tried a little German, but It didn't seem to work very well. Love, HAROLD.) (From Harold Simpson, who Is serving with the 65th artillery reg' ment In France.) 4S1ti$))'BEST IN THE LONG RUN fHP Bffes Tested at Every ftf nXlilv HMttt of the Compass 1 u l mm twi!w?y m? TESTED TIRES ffiA HERE'S a lot of geography in .rly the wear of tires. Some wear !vJL ','f well in one region, and wear out in another. Climate, pecu liar roads and road conditions are the cause of it. Therefore, good service in a single region is not enough proof of tires that must undergo nationwide use. Least of all could it measure tires up to the TESTED standard, Goodrich demands of tires. With a command to find out what Goodrich Tires do on the roads of every section of our country, and what the roads of every section do to Goodrich Tires, Goodrich sent its famous Six Fleets of over forty cars, light and heavy, the length and breath of our nation icy an aggregate mileage of 1,044,686 linear miles, and 4,178,744 tire miles. The Pacific Fleet con tributed 166,960 miles on MR SALE I am going to sacrifice my five-acre ranch, one mile east from postoffice, on East Main treet, for $2600, one-third cash, balance $15 per month, 7 per cent intorest. . No agents.. This place lias to be seen to be appreciaieu Address H. L. Sinclair, Montague Cal. 103-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR TRADE Set of 10 new electri oi innUa fnr nost card camera. Must be in good condition 715 N. Main St. Call 104-3t LEGAL R'OTICES. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, May 4, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that Clay , Q. Sanford, of Plnehurst Oregon, . who, on March 27th . homestead entry, serial No. 08723 . for SEK. section 32, township 39 south, range 4 east Willamette . Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make three-year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before F. Roy S. Land Commissioner, at h!3 of fice at Medford, Oregon, on the 17th day of June, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses. Mr C W. DeCarlow, of Plne- : hurst", Oregon; Mrs C W. DeCar- ; low. of Plnehurst, Oregon; Leland A. DeCarlow, of Plnehurst, Ore- , gon; Ralph Springsteen, of Plne- . hurst. Oreg.H CANON Regigter tiihitPfiHnn May 6. Last We take no stock in the report tbat the safety first slogan originated with the Hohenzollern beys. It had its Inception among the "conscienti ous objectors" of our own country. S MO Kb. TisiT At All Dtaltrt Tht Flavor UiU Tlalt rirrnr Faftnvv. J. M. Alnntt. Prop The Million Dollar SmoKo Makers Ashland Transfer & Storage Co. C. F. Bates, Proprietor Wood. "Peacock and Rock Springs Coal and Cement phone irf Office 99 Oak Street, Ware house on track near depot. Ashland, Oregon Mrs. C. F. Payne of 1410 Boule vard is the recipient of a letter from her son, Homer, who is with the avi ation section signal corps stationed at I Ellington, Field, Texas, written ,May 12, In which he says: "My Der Mother: I believe this is Mother's day. There was a pro gram at Jthe Y. given by a number of women from Galveston In remem brance of the day. I dressed up with the intention of going, but as I have to lie around all the time through the week and am "getting so soft, I decided it would better my health 50 per cent could I get a pass to leave the field and walk over to Galveston bay, eight miles distance. Two of us got passes and when, out on the road soon overtook another from the Fighting 52nd. We arrived in League City,-a small village five miles out, only to-learn that it was still seven miles to the bay. Well, as it was about 28 miles on .to' Gal veston City we decided to take the chance of catching an auto ride in and also back, as we only had $1 among three of us. The carfare one way is 92 cents. AVe did get a ride on the trailer of a one-seated Ford. "Arrived O. K. and went down to the beach where we borrowed 25 cents apiece for bathing suits from some more of the 52nd. Talk about fun! We were In the bay about one and one-half hour. The water wa just the right temperature, but very salty, so my eyes are somewhat sore tonight. While we were In, immense wavos came up, and while standing waist deep the waves would come ever us so -high that when we would jump into the air. we could only reach the tops with our finger tlpp, and would fall again into the foam ing water. I could almost always dive under them, only to arrive on the other side In time to wipe the water out of my eyes and take one breath, when I would have to do It over again. "I don't know when I enjoyed my self so much In my life, and am sure ' 5 . i Thrift It i the filter of 5 ;' patriotism. 1 m'-i f Buy War 1 5 Saving 5 :,m 7 Stamps. ) 5, ' OriMlt it ) t V f DVtry Good rich IJ 1 C Brancliand t r opot L - ' desert paths and coast highways ; the Mountain Fleet 55,796 through the Rocky Mountains; The Dixie Fleet 3,285,860 in the South and North Midland; the Prairie Fleet 198,744 on the Great Plains; The Lake Fleet 217,372; and The Atlantic Fleet 254,012 on a grand tour of many tours ranging from Virginia, through New England, and back to the City of Goodrich. Throughout this road roughing, SILVERTOWN CORDS, and BLACK SAFETY TREADS, proved them selves the tires of durability and de pendability wherever you go in pur broad land. They verified all the good qualities of Goodrich Tires, and re vealed many new virtues. Get the economy, the comfort aod certainty of such proven service if demanding the tires proved out in 4,178,744 miles over American roads "America's Tested Tires." THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY Portland Branch: Broadway and Burnside St., Portland, Ore, mm ir-nr fc -rn.i J 1' il n n t I THE CITY OF GOODRICH I . : at ,i '! ,) II I f J a ) H AK.RON, OHIO.Xf;' Goodrich Tires and Tubes For Sale at White Star Garage N. DIX SON, Props. 347 East Main M. L. CROUCH, Mgr. Phone 116 Park Garage Sells Goodrich Tires and Tubes Telephone 152 it did me worlds'of good. It was lots of fun to go out ana swin uutiv with the waves. There were ahout 100 more in bathing, but it was rain ing and not a very good day. I rodo back on the Interurban and the other two caught cars in. We arrived at 6, Just in time for chow. We left at 9:30, andas we didn't have evem a chew of gum for dinner, we ate some supper. Mother, you may judge for yourself, whether I spent my Sun day in a profitable manner or not, but am sure I did. ,"I hope this' has been a pleasurable day for you all. Mother dear, I can't write a big Mother's day letter. All I can say is that I love you and pray for you, and am trying to live f Christian life, the same as I have for a long while. "Goodnight to all. God bless and keep you. Your loving son and brother, HOMER." TRAINING OF WOMEN TO BEGIN AT REED of convenient aid when needed. ' One of the features of the clinic .will be the aid that it will extend to crippled and deformed children. The grounds are particularly desirable In the fact that much apparatus for the use of convalescing youngsters may bo placed under the Bhade trees and about the big lawn. The government has authorized the authorities at Iteed college to treat patients assigned to the clinic by the state industrial accident com mission until such time as Injured soldiers from the front may bo sent here for treatment and the learning of an occupation that will make theiu self-supporting. Possession of tho desirable prop erty was niado possible through the action of L. Allen Lewis, who gavo the college an Indefinite lease oti the property. The home has been va cant since the death of the mother of Mr. Lewis. Possession Is to be given at once. , Miss Josephine launders, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Saunders, of this city, Is an Instructor In this work at Reed college. y.Lpiri'iiijjiji.y(i)ii!l'.l'P'1 "unnr pin Early In June, Reed college will being Its training of women for prac tical reconstruction of human beings. Men from" the war front, persons de formed through accidents at the In dustrial plants or persons born with deformities are to be "fixed." Part3 are to be added where missing and the human bodies .made serviceable. It Is In line with the great plan that Is engaging the attention of Ameri cans In every state. The clinics will be free so far as its patients are concerned, the splen did work befng supported through donations by prominent people and operated with the aid of the sur-j geons, nurses and facilities from the j great hospitals with which tho new lnsuiuuuu in iu no uiiil'U. j It will be located in the old Lewis home. Tho building is a three-story j structure and contains about twen-1 ty rooms that will be available for ! the purposes of the clinic. Thoj grounds are spacious and filled with ; shrubbery, while the homes of the neighborhood add much to its charm. The surgeons and staff of the new clinic will be quartered ' In" the top story of the clinic, while its proxim ity to the big hospitals assures plenty J. P. Dodg'e, & Sons nuantKntmmKfflinintnttmsmtt 1 Undertakers R.'ji i-j'-U.'f iin fif - Lidy Assistant Deputy County Coroner Slate Licensed Embilmer Cleanliness, Personal Attention and Courtesy Combined to Make the Eagle Meat Market, Popular L. Schwein INSPECT oar market and roar confl- A dence will bt behind the pleasure of eating" our meats. The Knowledge of cleanliness and a sanitary work hop will aid your digestion. 84 N.Main Phone 107 1 PureHilk Pure Cream Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, TELEPHONE Proprietor 392-J Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser vice to Any Part of Town X' tint. jjuwi'v ; publication June 3, 1918. 1009t IIIMM II MMM