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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1918)
Thursday, May BO, 1918 ASHLAND TIDINGS Established 1876 I Published every Monday and Than day by THE ASHIiAND PRINTING COMPANY (Incorporated) . BertB. Greer Edlto OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. TELEPHONE 39 . SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year, when paid at expfration. . .' 12.50 one Year, when paid In advance 2.00 Elz Months, when paid In advance x.j Three MonthB, when paid In advance 75 No subscription for less than three months. All subscriptions dropped at expiration unless renewal is received. ' In ordoKlng changes of the paprf always give the old street address or postofflce as well as the new. ' ADVERTISING RATES ' Display Advertising Single Insertion, each inch.. 25c Six months, each inch 20c One year, each Inch 17 n Reading Notices 10 cents the line. Classified Column 1 cent the word first Insertion, cent the word each other insertion. Thirty words or less one month, $1.00. n Cards of Thanks $1.00. Obituaries 'i xh cents the line. Fraternal Orders and Societies Advertising for fraternal orders or societies charging a regular Initia tion fee and dues, no discount. Religious and benevolent orders will be charged for all advertising when an admission or other charge Is made, at the regular rates. When no admission Is charged, space to the amount of fifty lines reading will be allowed without charge. All additional at regular rates. . - The Tidings lis a greater circulation in Ashland and iU trade territory than all other Jackson county papers combined. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon Postofflce as second-class mall matter. are winning,, today Are thorn who have caught this idea of patient in tensive study of all sources of in formation about their work.. SOIL ACIDITY REDUCED BY EFFECTIVE DRAINAGE Proper tile drainage does not re quire renewal and is a permanent corrective for the common 'forms of acids In soils, says Prof. W. L. Pow ers of O. A. C. In well drained areat ed soils in good cultivated condition, these acids may be .combined with mineral constituents of the soils so as to 'become neutralized, or they may actually be removed or prevent ed from accumulating by drainage and resulting aeration. Wet much soils that contain a large amount of organic matter and no marl, or other wet sollai even when low in organic matter are gen erally more or less acid. These acids may come from decomposition of organic matter or mineral silicates. Generally the soils that have good natural or artificial drainage or have only excess flood water tliat keeps moving, and no stagnant soil water, are not materially limited in pro- Auction by acidity. Even the over flow lands on the lower Columbia and the tide lands on thecoast pro duce heavy crops with drainage. Drainage is the first step In the improvement of wet soils. After drainage lime, manures and fertll Izers can be used more effectually where needed. Lime may help lm pj-ove physical condition of heavy soils and help complete reclamation by drainage. Ol'R SOLDIER DEAD One day in each twelve months we Are accustomed to devote to the memory of those who, by their sacri fice and devotion, made possible for -us the comforts and blessings we now enjoy. If grateful thoughts of these martyred heroes were not often in our hearts, this one day's devo tion out of the twelve-month wouM be a mockery, considering the magni tude of our debt to them. But with ever-recurring thought of their great service presentin our hearts, this day becomes but the flowering of a beautiful devotion and an ennobling Jove. There Is little of tribute that has not already been said of these noblo dead, and we can on this occasion but, echo the words of writers and orators who have preceded us In this mission. 1 But America has, across the deep waters, on the battle fronts where the roar and crash of war never ceases, other thousands of brave souls who have gone forth to protect and preserve that which these our depended heroes so dearly fought for us liberty. Their breasts are to day bared to as savage a foe as ever brave hearts faced and conquered. They are there with the Iron resolu tion to fight to victory or death. They stand between their loved ones and' a fate too horrible to contem plate. , While we strew flowers above the ashes of our dead heroes, what shall lie the tribue that we send across the waters to these our noble de fenders? Shall it not bo the firm faith of a united nation, that in the power of God and the right they will win, and that In the land they have left one hundred millions of their people will continually pray and sac rifice without ceasing, . that their arms may be strong and their hearts tirave for the glorious task before them? Thus may it be! way is .easy. We ourself could get 'way-up repute as a poet or musi cian, when given an, army to back us up but not till then, maybe. Give to mostany fellow the convic tion that he's a sublime poet, com poser and artist and the war lord of earth, and he'll be crazy all right. Egotism, backed by dopotlsm, logi cally produces lunacy,- and among the "divine rights" to which WI1 helm was born was the right to bo egotist and despot for all that was in him. Genuine artistic talent never is bred and born that way. The world might put up with Wil helm's craziness as long as it was confined to Germany, but it being now rampant throughout the world, seeking whom it may devour or cor rupt, the proper thing Is to lock it up, and this Is the world's present business. Every Piece of Meat From the East Side Market Is a Good Piece. That '8 the only kind we handle. Wholesale and Retail. FISH ON FRIDAYS. OYSTERS AND CRABS IN SEASON. James Barrett, Prop. Phone 1S8. NATIONAL EFFICIENCY CRAZY ENOUGH There's nothing in tho story "Kais er Wllhelm Is Going Crazy." He's gone been gone for some time. For years, the experts have been convinced that Wllhelm's "withered" left side extended to his brain. He is the Nero of our times, barring his superiority to that old Roman villain m to personal morality. Like Nero, he has posed 83 a composer of music, poet and an artist, and better com posers, poets and artists than he are starving to death. Being also the head of militarism, Wilheim, like Nero, has acquired some standing In the arts, at least In Germany. But getting fame that I I I'M i "I I a-- -J Collars FOR SPRING CASCO'lVSm. CLWt-l'Hn Industrial production is a science, and in the world competition we must meet nations who conduct it on a scientific basis. We have in the past worked on a traditional and haphazard basis. If a mechan ical or agricultural method was hand ed down by the fathers, It became fixed for many years. There were not many producers who would an alyze It to its elemental principles I to find if it was correct. There has been a lack of techni cal schools to Impart to young men the most careful preparation for the mechanical arts. There was a lack 6t research to standardize formula; and processes of production. And most young men have not thought it necessary, to pursue such courses of 'technical study as were within their reach. In many lines now there are works of technical infor mation available. But the majority of young men engaging in these call ings do not study these sources of Information. Recent years. It is true, have shown a marked trend toward better methodand science. Many factor ies that used to buy raw materials by guess work and get cheated half the time, now depend on laboratory tests,. Thereby they get a product that they can depend upon. If wearo going to make shoes or steel, or raise potatoes, we need to know all there Is to know about ! shoes and steel or potatoes. We need to understand all the constituents of our raw material, how it tends to vary from standard form, what defects It is likely to suffer from, how it will work under all condi tions. This spirit of indefatigable inves tigation of detail, or research for complete Information about processes and materials, Is necessary to any national efficiency. The people 'who ALL 2 1-Y EAR-OLD MEN MUST REGISTER Wednesday, June 5, 1918 is regis tration day. Every man residing in the United States, whether citizen or non-citizen who has reached the age of 21 years since registration day on June 5, one year ago, must register. Hours for registration will be from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m.; with penalty for failure to register up to one year In jail. If too 111 to appear before your local draft board to register In per son, send some competent person to explain circumstances to the board and obtain registration card, with authority to fill It out. This card, after being filled out, must be re turned to local board by your repre sentative, or mailed to board with self-addressed envelope for return of registration certificate. Unavoidable asbence fro your h6me district will not excuse failure to register. If you must be unavoid ably absent, go at once to local board nearest to place where you happen to be, explain circumstances, and regis tration card will be filled out by th board and given you. Mailthis card immediately, together with stamped relf-addressed envelope for return to you oil registration .certificate, to your own local board. Do not delay, for your registration card must reach your home local board by Wednes day, June 5. Every man registered will be given a registration certificate. For your own protection, keep this certificate with you at all times ready to show on demand; otherwise, you are liable to arrest on suspicion of having evad ed registration. The only 21-year-old men not re quired to register are those already in the military or naval service of WHILE AT WAR WOMEN SUFFER AT HOME Eugene, Oregon, "I certainly owe a treat deal to Dr. I'ierco's Remedies; -three (Mil-rent times thoy have saved my life. One time I had trouble with my lump and the doctor said that 1 could not ct well. I took )r. Pierce' Golden Metlieiil Diseovory and it cured me. Durlni? another ill ness the doctors said tliero was no chance . - i v jT . JN. ir iny rocuvcry. x U'nC-.yrf- took two bottles of ' v ' Dr. Pierce's Knvorlto Prescription and trot well. Aituln doctors said that tlm only thing to savo my life was an oixirntion. and at once, too. I aRiiii) took the 'Favorltn Prescription and the '(inlden Medieul Diseovory,' and tliey brought mo tliromth just tine well, and without an npnmtlon, so I cannot speak too highly of these wonderful reme dies. " Mits. A i. ma Jarvis, 402 W. 2d St. RosKwito, OitRGON. "During expect ancy i was so poorly i couia not Keep a v ii i ii K on my stomach and my head and back ached terribly all tho time- and I was so nervous. A friend told me about Dr. Pierce's l'"vorlte Prescrip tion. I took three bottlea and never Imd any trouble afterward. The first (lose helped me. My baby was a nice, healthy child. I think the ' Prescription' Is simply (treat. I im (lad to recommend it." Mas. C. A. Friknd. 851 Moshcr Street v "Favorite Prescription " and "Golden Medical Discovery" are both pnt op in liquid and tableta. If not obtainable at dealers, send 10 cent to Doctor Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., and he will mail trial package Of either tablets. the United States. But men 21 years old who have been discharged from the military or naval service must register. LIMITS HOLDING OF ALL WHEAT AND SUGAR A Canadian order In council pro vides that no person, wfth the exception-of manufacturers of flour bakers, confectioners, wholesale or retail dealers, or persons living at a greater distance than two miles from a licensed dealer, shall hold or have In his possession or, under his con trol more flour, made wholly or in part, of wheat, than is sufficient for his ordinary requirements for a per iod not exceeding 15 days. Anyone living at a distance greater than two miles and less than fiv-3 miles from, a licensed dealer may hold or control flour made wholly or in part from wheat up to an amount sufficient for his ordinary require ments for a period not exceeding 30 days. Anyone living more than five and less than 10 miles from a llcens ed dealer may have sufficient for his ordinary requirements up to 60 days While a person living-more than 10 miles from such a dealer may have sufficient for his, ordinary require ments for a period up to 120 days. Any wholesale or retail dealer IV censed by the Canada food board may not hold flour made wholly or in part from wheat in excess of a quan tity sufficient for his ordinary trade requirements for a period exceeding 60 days. The regulation regarding sugar parallels this save in the last clause. Manufacturers, wholesalers, or re tailers may not have more sugar than Is required for a period exceed ing 45 days. Four tons of shipping capacity are required to transport a soldier, and another ton is. necessary for his equipment. In addition, It takes 50 pounds of ship capacity a day to keep him supplied with food, clothing and ammunition. HOTEL MANX Powell St, at OTarrell San Francisco .i the heart of the business, shopping and theatre district. Running distilled ice water in every room. Our commodious lobby ,fineservice,and homelike restaurant wiil attract you. European Plan rates $I.C0 up. Everything" tfl-ff m I m tit & tea ?"Cha bank, witt the Cm Clock,' 'V,,. Handling the Busi- 1 r c . l nt5 ui idling. so- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK is a community institution, not simply lo cal. Its facilities and services will be found reaching into far distant points of Jackson county. Our meth od of handling deposits and with drawals by mail place the institu tion at the convenient disposal of farmers moat everywhere. We invite both oral and written inquiries. TkHtstNatioiiaWattk ASHLAND, WM ASHLAND. UKtUUNx" Ev carter. Pres. CMVAUPEl VICE PRCS J W M'COY. CASHIER CLARH.BU5f1.A5iT CASH illlllllllllllllllllll Only 40 Labor Saving Features DON'T spend long hours in a hot kitchen thie summer. With a Hoosier you can do your work in half the time. The most important discoveries have been built right into this cabinet. x For example, theShaker Flour Sifter shakes out flour light' and fluffy insfead of grinding flour and grit through a sieve. The Hoosier Two-Way Sugar Bin which holds twice the ordinary amount. Hoosier s patented Food Guide and ca'ad Chart can t be found on any other cabinet. Hoosier 8 Uver-bize Base has 21 per cent, more space for pots and pans than the average. There are 17 such exclusive features as these. Come here and pick out your Hoosier before the preserv ing season comes on. We'll deliver ii for only $1 down. Pay the balance $1 a week. Your money all back if vou are not delighted. J. P. Dodge & Sons Phone 212 Kit "More Tread on the Road" 9 Hcke- is me ijax rcoaa mng master mile maker of them all. The tire for endfiranre and abuse on all roads in any weather. Made doubly strong where the road strain comes. It has more tread on the road more rubber where it should be more grip to grip with because of the special patented feature Ajax Shoulders of Strength These rugged supporting shoulders of the tread mean longer wear. They cushion against shocks. Shoulders of Strength distribute road wear evenly. It cannot come in one spot and quickly grind through to the fabric, 97 Owners' Choice This big percentagj of all came with their cars. See Ajax Tires goes to individual them here at the Ajax Tire motorists who select them Supply Depot.headquarters to take the place cf tires that for Ajax Tire3 and Tubes. Ford Garage LEE HALL, Proprietor "While Others Are.Claiming Quality, We Are Guaranteeing It" 5f4 I hi mi pa I f l Jim 9