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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1918)
Vhursday, May 0, 1M8. ASHLAND Tronic PAGE ffiBTKS TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Rate: ' On r.anl ni anc.h Insertion thrliftor- xn mnrAa ia.nt inserted lor less than 25 cents. fcictpt. to parties having ledger accounta PROFESSIONAL. OR. i. 3. EMMEJIS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, tar, nose ana tnroat. masses sup plied, ucuiisi ana aurist lor 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postoffice, Medford, Ore. Phone 667. 21-tf , . . , j It. ERXEST A. WOOD Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and tbroat. Offloe hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash land, Ore. 73-tf lOEO. T. WATSON, Painter and Pa- perhangen. Phone 202-R. 166 Ohio street. 40-tf Pit. C. E. McDO.VALD, Eyesight Spe cialist, "formerly of Mobile, Ala., has opened an office in the Citi zens Bank building. Dr. McDon ald Is recognized as , one of the leading Opteometrlsts of the coun try. Y.ou will make no mistake In having him look after your eye trouble. Office hours, 9 to 12 a. m., and 2 to 5 p. m. I DR. SOU KIXKI t. Osteopathic physi cian and orthopedic surgson. Of fice Camps bldg. Phone 147. Hours 9-12, 1-4, others by appointment. B1IL POSTER Will Stennett, 116 Factory street. BUI posting and distributing. 64-tf THE iOHXSTOXHB CURE Hydro pathic treatments for chronic cases. 31 Gresham street. 41-tf CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLVIJ The regular meetings of the club will be held on the Becond and fourth Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p. m , at the Auxiliary Hall. E. I). BRIGGS, Attorney-at-Law. Pioneer Block, Ashland. Vll. KEEXEV FERRIS, B. S., M. D M. H. Homeopathic physician and surgeon. Office, Baptist parson age, 247 Oak street. Hours, 9 to 12 noon. . 85-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT Garden ground. In quire of Mrs. J. D. Crocker, 115 Church st. 99-3 FtKNISHED housekeeping apart ments. Inquire 63 N. Main street. . 77-tf FOR RENT Two furnished bunga lows. Inquire at 115 Granite street. 91-tf FOR RENT Good four-room house Just above camp grounds. Large lot and good barn and outbuild ings. It is the old Stevens place. 15 per month. See B. R. Greer at the Tidings office. tf FOR RENT Three-room house fur nlshed, close in. Adults only, $7 per month. Call Plaza Market or 561 C street, 100-tf FOR RENT Furnished modern apartments, Main street. Call 317 j, 100-tf FOR RENT ON SHARES An A-l 14-acre apple orchard, mostly Grav netlnes. Always a big seller. Phone -F-ll. . Mm BALE MISCELLANEOUS DOWDEN SPUD PLANTER, good as new, less than half price. See It at 115 Granite street. - 91-tf FOR SALE A set of double harness and fine team for ranch work. For particulars" address E. Greer, Hilt,: California. " ' ' '" FOR SALE Good single buggy .and harness! 1 "140. Good Wl-around horse, 1 50. W. F. Shaw, 564 El kador street. Ashlaqd, ' . , 99-3t FOR SALE A good mountain wag on with removable cover top, ton gue and shafts, an ideal camping wagon; a good Studebaker buggy and pole; a fine set of driving har ness, single',- a Bet of double har- , ness; a l-horse cultivator, 7 shov els; : a l-horse . cultivator", fine tooth; a good family driving or work horse. J. B. Webster, M. D., Rooms 1-4, First National bank building, phone 6J.( Ashland Ore- 6u FOR SALE Wood wagon wltn stakes for hauling slab wood, 3 Moline, cheap. Call Plaza Market ni KR1 r. at rant. 100-11 TOR SALE Registered roan Durham bull. James Barrett, East Side r01.b-oi. 100-l FOR SALE Milch goat fresh in a few days. Trice $30. Apply after 1-lh m 15 8 Wiiner St. 100-l FOR SALE Household goods. In quire at Tidings office. 100-& FOR SALE Good Jersey cw' fr.e in July. Phone 229-R or call 423 ,N. Main. 100-3t MALE HELP WANTED WANTED AT ONCE Men for saw mill work. Good wages. Leona Mill Co., Leona, Douglas county, Oregon. 95-6 EGGS FOR HATCHING. REGISTERED Jersey Bull for serv ice. 'From a cow that makes 990 pounds butter in one year. per service. R. D. Sanford, lower Hei man St., Ashland, Ore. 9 3.4 mo. LOST ' LOST Gold "nugget Crescent stick pin between park and Methodist church. Finder leave at Tidings office and get reward. 100- SMOKL At All Dulirs. Tkt Haver Uili TisiT Tht Hillioa Dollar SmK Tisit Ciirar Factory, Makers J. M. Alnnft, Prop. wnrt tirat i..i., . 1 a m n i i .v Classified ads art cash with order with the office. WANTED WANTED Housework by young ' lady. Call 266 3rd St. 99-4t WAITED By elderly woman, place as plain cook, no objection to coun try. No heavy washing. Mrs. Frances Murphy, Talent, Ore. 99-4 W A N T E D By elderly woman, place as caretaker in small home or widower's family, $25. Mrs. Hise, Talent, Ore. 99-4 WANTED Girl to assist In kitchen. No cooking. Apply Sanitarium It V ANTE D Experienced primary teacher for private school com mencing October 1, good salary, apply now. Address A. B. C, Sun office, Medford. 100-4t WANTED Laborers for wooden shipyard. Good pay, rapid ad vancement In wages and work. Geo, F. Rogers & Co., Astoria, Ore gon. 101-3t WANTED IMMEDIATELY Thor oughly capable woman for cook ing aud general housework, strong, willing, quick; pleasant disposi tion. No washing. Family of four. Small town In northern Cal ifornia; splendid climate. Attrac tive proposition to right party, but don't bother me unless you can make good. Must be well rocom mended. Write Immediately to V., care Ashland Tidings, stating wages expected and giving refer ences. Give address and phone number, if any. 101-2 FOR SALE OR TRADE INTERESTED IX ASHLAND. Every week the Tidings gets sev eral cards like this, asking for sam ple copies of the paper and inquiring about properties. We always send the samples. Will this man find what you have to sell when he reads the sample copies? If you "really want to sell your property advertise It In the classified columns of the ridings. The cost is small "Ashland Tidings. "Gentlemen: Please send me copies of Ashland - Tidings giving olasslfied ads of farm lands for sale or trade; also please send any litera ture you may have available on Ash land and vicinity, and oblige, "Yours truly, "Wm. C. LOGAN." FOR TRADE, FOR JACKSON COUN TY RANCH OR ASHLAND CITY PROPERTY A four-story brick building eleven apartments, nine of two "rooms and two of three rooms. Lot 26x69. The building is In first-class condition. Well lo cated In San Francisco. Income per month, $375. Monthly ex pense: Taxes $22, insurance $3.14, steam heat $15, water $12, Janitor $47 lights $5, garbage $1.50; total monthly expense $108.64. 1 Pays "net per month $239.36, less 6 per cent Interest on mortgage, $100. Price $40,000, mortgage $20, equity $20. The property earns $2,032.32 per an num net. : What have you to trade tor the equity? B. R. Greer, at the Tidings office.' ' 9-ti POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS , , ;; For County Judge, George A Gardner announces his candidacy for County Judge, subject to the republican primaries May 17. He stands for efficiency, econflmy, business principles applied to county affairs, a square deal to every section of the county, personal service and courteous treatment for everyone transacting business with the county. (Paid Adv.) - County Treasurer. I hereby announce my candidacy for renomlnatlon on the republican ticket for. County .Treasurer, to bq voted on at the primary election May 17, 1918. - - r..' t - MYRTLE W.BLAKELEY. (Paid Adv.) For County Judge. F. Roy Davis announces his candi dacy for County Judge, subject to the democratic primaries, May 17, 1918. If nominated and elected he will give the business affairs of the county his personal attention exclusively. Has had ten years experience in the courts of Oregon seven years in Jackson county as a resident and court re porter of Ashland and Medford. Will play no favorites. (Paid. Adv.) CORONER I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for coroner on the republican ticket. Primaries May If, 1918. FRED W. WEEKS, (Paid Adv) Sheriff. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff, subject to the Republican primaries May 17, and respectfully solicit the support of all voters of Jackson county. C. B. TERRILL. , ' (Paid Adv.) County Clerk. I wish to announce to the people of Jackson county that I am a candi date for the republican nomination for County Clerk, at the primaries to be held May 17." In asking for the nomination for County Clerk, I do so feeling that I am thoroughly quali fied to serve the people In that capac ity, and that my previous service as County Recorder has fully prepared me for the more Important office of nin.b Tn daba lhA nannlft are UUUIJ Vic n. am wav -- 1 - satisfied with my administration of tbe Recorder a oince, ana snouia see fit to promote me to the office of Connty Clerk, I assure them that they will have no reason to regret it. CHAUNCEY FLOREY. (Paid Adv.) POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. County Judge I hereby announce my candidacy for the ' republican nomination for the office of county Judge at the primary election to be held May 17. As member of the law firm of Carkln & Taylor, I have been engaged in the practice of law for eight years in Jackson county, mainly along busi ness and commercial lines; since Jan uary, 1911, I have held the office of justice of the peace for Medford dis trict. My decision to become a can didate has been reached after con sultation with many friends, who be lieve that, in addition to business ability, legal and Judicial experience are iudispen3ible In the successful administration of the office of coun ty Judge, many of the moat Import ant duties of which are purely Judi cial. If nominated and elected, I pledge the citizens of Jackson coun ty a careful, Impartial and economi cal administration of all the duties conHected with tho office. GLENN O. TAYLOR. (Paid Adv County Judge, I herewith announce my candidacy for tho republican nomination of I County Judge at the primary election May 17, 1918. If I am nominated and elected I will during my terra of office conduct it strictly as a busi ness, hewing to the line of economy and demanding efficient service in all departments of the county serv ice. W. C. LEEVER. (raid Adv.) County Clerk. I hereby announce my candldacv for the Republican nomination for County Clerk at the primary election, May 17, 1918. I have had 1 years' experience as deputy county recorder and seven years as deputy county clerk. The countv clerk's office will, after the first Monday in January, 1919, as sume the duties of the county re corder, and I feel my experience in the said offices Qualifies me to take up the combined duties. If nominated and elected I will continue the preeent efficient and nivmnmtcal methods In conducting the office and use every effort to give the public courteous treatment. FLORA THOMPSON. (Paid Adv.) For County Commissioner N I hereby announce my candidacy for the nominatii for county com missioner on the republican ticket. I stand for prudent progress in all Ihlngs; am thoroughly conversant vlth the construction of roads, iiriripps and so forth, and be lieve in making improvement.! wherever and whenever necessary. Have had wide experience with mpn An A affairs. If nominated and elected will during my term of office endeavor to conduct tne ai falrs of said office in an efficient manner, and give the taxpayers full vtlue for every dollar expended. F. V. MEDYNSKI. (Paid Advertisement) For Bhcrlff I hereby announce my candidacy fox the republican nomination for sheriff at the primary, May 17th. 1918. If nominated and elected I will during my term of office give my personal attention to the office and enforce the laws as provided by statute. I stand for a business ad ministration and a square deal to all. A. W. WALKER. . (Paid Advertisement) ' Commissioner I hereby announce my candidacy tnr th nomination for county com missioner on the republican ticket. If nominated and electea 1 win stana for business principles in administer in thR Affairs of the county, econ omy) good roads And a square deal to all. J ArarJo uvvana. , (Paid Adv) ' Sheriff. T herebr announce my candidacy for th nffice of Sheriff on the repub lican ticket at the primaries May 17, 1918. BAM Li. SAWDKX. (Paid Adv.) LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF SHERIFF" r SALE By virtue of an execution amy issued out of and under the seal of the circuit court for the state of Ore gon,, for Jackson county dated May 6th, 1918, in a certain action in the Justice Court for Medford District, Jackson county, Oregon, wherein C. E. Conser as plaintiff, recovered Judgment against R. A. Rowley and Isabella Rowley, defen dants, for the sum of $148.00 wltn Interest thereon at 10 per cent per annum from January 19, 1917 un til paid, and the further sum of $35.01 wkh legal interest thereon from August 1st, 1917, until i&ld, and for $25.00 attorney's fees and $10.60 costs, which judgment was enrolled and docketed in the of fice of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson county. Notice Is hereby given that, pur suant to the tertns of said execu tion, I will on June 8th, 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the Courthouse In the city of Jacksonville, Jackson county, Ore gon, offer for Bale and sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satsify said Judgment, with the costs of this sale, subject to redemption as provided by law, all of the right, title and Interest that the above named defendants, Jointly or Individually, had on May 6th, 1918, or have since acquired, of now have in and to the follow ing described property, to-wlt: The northeast quarter of lot 2 In block 4, and the eaBt half of lot 1 in block 4, In the Pierce sub-division, In township 37 south, range 1 west of the Willamette Merid ian in Jackson county, Oregon, containing 4.35 acres. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, May 6th, 1918. : RALPH G. JENNINGS, Sheriff of Jackson Co., Ore. By Leslie W. Stansell, Deputy. 101-6tthu miW." "V-"' - Mi n J 1 or tne ' KE soldier a the fire of m I tested soldier; the tire must be tried in the fire of the road test to be a tested tire. I'V. f:3J 1 it:sM.x" , mmB?wmm Urn TCSTEDglitTIRES' llip! 1 I That is the Goodrich idea of a tire. Therefore, Goodrich Test Car Fleets, six of them, for a year ham mered Goodrich Tires from state to state, putting them to the road test of rock, sand, and gravel. The tires emerged tested warriors of the road, from a grand mileage of 4,178,744 tire miles. - 1. B ? Every War Sav- It C ing Stamp is atef ' 1 ( towards Peace. i C fat til. m 5 ? SoMncnBitck an4 j ffifriK THE CITY OF Goodrich Tires and Tubes For Sale at E.V. Jones Garage East Main Report of Hawthorne. School Inspection At the recent Inspection of the Hawthorne school made by the coun ty nurse, 237 children were exam ined for the purpose of detecting eymtoms of physical defects. The In spection also Included a contagious disease record and a survey of the health habits of the children. . Where defects were found notes were. sent to the parents, nd when urgent need ot prompt attention Is required riBltg to the homes are made by the county nurse. Following Is the report submitted by the nurse: .Number of children examined. 237; with defective teeth, 112; enlarged tonsils, 65; defective vision, 66; sym ptoms of adenoids, 37; noticeable defective hearing, 2; orthopedic de fects, 2; skin symptoms, 6; children with no apparent defects, 47; child ren with frequent headaches, 43; fre quent colds, 81; using toothbrush regularly, 165;'occasionnlly, 37; nev er, 35; bath weekly or oftener, 229; twice a month, 4; once a month or lqss, 4; open window In bedroom, 177; open window occasionally, 15, never, 45; drink tea regularly, 53; coffee, 74; number of notices sent. to parents, 1C3. Canteen Station Assisted Soldiers One of the busiest business centerj of Ashland during the past week has been the canteen station of the Red Cross at the Southern Pacific sta tion where the committee in charge under the chairmanship of Mrs. W. Tj. Maxey, and her assistants Mrs. C. W. Wlnne. Mrs. Walter Everton, Mrs. E. H. Bush and Miss Ruth Porter, have met the demands of the troops as they stopped here during the fore part of the week to be fed. The canteen, during the four days the troop trains were passing through sold on an average of $30 worth of stamps and $16 worth of p?d cards to the soldiers The boys T i K-oaaMi;?: must be tried in battle to be a tf h ( t.Vf'. f, f '$. V'"'' JiM'' They triumphed, SILVERTOWN CORDS and BLACK SAFETY TREADS, with an endurance that doubled Goodrich's pride in the structure of the spiral wrapped, cable-cord tire body, and the tough ness of the cross-barred, close-clutch non-skid black safety tread. Get this assured service of proven service by getting the conquerors of America's roads. Get "America's Tested Tires," and you get long mileage and dependability wherever you take your car. THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY Portland Branch: Broadway and Bumside St., Portland, Ore. GOODRICH AKRON. Phone 116 were given an opportunity to write their cards at the canteen station, afer which the committee mailed them! Between 900 and 1000 cards a day were mailed from this sta tion during the four days the troop trains were passing. . Many attentions, were shown the boys while here that were highly appreciated by them. Sunday two first aid patients visited the canteen and the services of a physician were procured by the committee to care for them. Apples, magazines and flowers were presented to the boys, and were apparently received with Cleanliness, Personal Attention and Courtesy Combined to Make the, Eagle Meal Market Popular L. Sclnvein 81 Pure riilk Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N.NORTON, TELEPHONE Proprietor 392-J Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser vice to Any Part of Town i iui an iwwii(it:i.iii " ii n iViDt Have Tour Clothes Made at Home John John the Tailor A Fit Cleaning1 and Pressing SSI Mil! I fcV.'.'xi v li -, Vf , lit : I 1 V IK!!' tU t u WW. fc. I TkU " Burftoot Gondrirh Dohri Locuei tverywbeic , I ; taa v ill I llli Ml Z It 1 1 ' u Park Garage . Sells Goodrich Tires and Tubes Telephone 152 gratitude. The demand for niaga sines and light reading material U great at the canteen and the supply 1b soon exhausted when troops are moving. Anyone with magazines, not too out of date and which the oung men will enjoy reading, will be doing a patriotic act if they will give them to the canteon station t pass along to the boys going through. Apples are also requested to be glvea to the canteen for the soldiers. . , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leahy and tw children of Dunsmulr were guests at the home of Mrs. O. Booth this week. INSPECT ourmarKet and your confi dence will be behina the pleasure of eating1 our meats. The Knowledge of cleanliness and a sanitary worn shop will aid your digestion. N. Main Phone 107 Pure Cream ' -' ' Tailoring for ' ' Hen and Women for Clothes or No Sale Austin Hotel BlocK I,;