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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1918)
Thursday, May 0, 1918. ASHLAND TIDINGS VA.GR FJVfl PC tures , OP MOTION PICTURE STARS JUST RECEIVED POST CARDS 2 for 5c PICTURES . . '. .5c AT Polcy's Drug Store Foley & Elhart, Druggists Local and Personal PERSONALS ' Warren Scott, a well known farm er of the Wagner creek district, died at his home Thursday after an ex tended Illness due to cancer. The de teased had been a resident of that section for the past seven years. Fun eral services were held Monday af ternoon at the Stearns cemetery near Talent where Interment took place. We have the exclusive agency for the Iceless Queen Coolers. No ex pense for ice, and will pay for itself in a short time. EMIL PEIL. .101-4t The baseball game between Ash land and Medford hgh schools Sat urday on the home grounds resulted In a score of 11 to 3 in favor of the locals. The rain during the after noon somewhat impeded the play. See Bulbul at Chautauqua Friday. C. S. Cochran, who spent a portion of the winter in ABhland, came from Eugene the fore part of the week rfter his automobile which was stor ed here. Mr. Cochran has a ranch ear Eugene, but he expects to sell that and locate somewhere in south ern California for 'the benefit of his wife's health. Farmers Attention Look to your mowers, rakes and binders for the worn parts and bring in the numbers f the parts early. It will be very hard to get repairs later, and after our stock on hand is exhausted. 101-4t EMIL PEIL. W. D. Hodgson, the real estate man, was in Roseburg last week look ing over business Interests, and Inci dentally selling a residence property which he owned there. Paxson's Superb Dahlias, eight for a dollar, eight for two dollars, and eight for three dollars. About half of floriBts' prices. R. H. Paxson, Central Point, Oregon. 100-4t THE iJCITIZENS(0 W BANK O FASH LAND Financial Solidity The payment of bills by check is not only conveni ent and economical but is a good indication of fi nancial solidity. Are you paying your bill in this business-like way? Checking Accounts, large or small, are solicited. Mmi SAVINGS HVO" DEPOSITS, ... A deal was closed . through the Beaver Realty agency recently. where: by J, C. Croff, an employe In- the local railroad yards, takes Into pos session the house and two acres on lower Oak street, owned by Charles M. Pierce, a former resident of Ash land, but now of San Jose, Cal. Mr. Croff expects to Install a model dairy cn his new purchase. Mrs. Simons has just received mid summer shapes In white Gage and other styles. It Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bush are now occupying their new home at 65 Fine street which they recently purchased. Dr. G. 0. Jarvis succeeds Dr. A. V. Boslough as chief surgeon at Ashland for the Southern Pacific company. Dr. J. B. Webster is appointed assis tant surgeon. May 12 Is Mother's day. The day will be observed by the Baptist church and Sunday school. See Bulliul at Chautauqua Friday. Bert Smith has resigned from the fire department headquarters and Is thinking of seeking employment on the railroad. His place on the de partment Is being filled by William Myer. See Bulbul at Chautauqua Friday. E. F. Smith and son Chester left this week for eastern and central Oregon where they will spend several weeks introducing the Monkey Grip tire repairs. They will make the trip by automobile. See Bulbul at Chautauqua Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gorham of Rogue River were over Sunday visi tors of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Gorham, in Ashland. Insure with Northwestern Mutual Life of Milwaukee. H. C. Galey, agent. 84-tf Patrick H. Dally, principal of the Washington school of Medford, has resigned his position to accept the appointment of deputy fish and game warden for this district. He has al ready assumed his new duties. - At the meeting of Elks lodge, on Saturday evening next, a represen tative of the federal food adminis tration, will address the members of the order on the subject of food, con servation. It Is expected a large at tendance of the brothers will be pres ent. See Bulbul at Chautauqua Friday. Roy Gearbart has purchased the residence property of Mrs. Pearl M. Dodge on Sixth street, and will oc cupy It as a borne. See Bulbul at Chautauqua Friday. W. J. Moore has returned from Boise, Idaho, where he was called by the serious illness of his son Frank. During his absence Mr. Moore was clso taken flick with an attack of l.i grippe, and was also confined to a hospital, but has practically recover ed. Mrs. Moore, who was summoned to Boise when Mr. Moore was re ported sick, will remain with her son until his recovery Is assured. Peter Perlclch, the foreigner who was taken from a train last week In an unconscious condition and placed in a local hospital, died Saturday morning without regaining conscious ness. A brother and two cousins ar rived the fore part of the week from Pittsburg, Cal., and another brother from Hoqulam, Wash., came last night. The body will be interred In Ashland. H. B. Reed, formerly of this city but now a successful farmer of Jose phine county, was a visitor to this city during the week. Mrs. H. G. Enders received word Tuesday night announcing the death of her father, John Barron, at Am sterdam, Mo. Mr. Barron had been an invalid for some time. Little Elbert Greer, who has been at the Sanitarium for the past three weeks where she underwent an oper ation, will be taken home tomorrow. She will be at home to her friends In about a week. !- 'I . r Aluminum AMuiuterEiiU TEA KETTLE STRICTLY FIRST CLASS For $3.50 HUB R Mrs. S. L. Sandry and two daugh ters of Rogue River spent Sunday at the Hotel Ashland where they were guests of Mrs. L. J. Ileer. John Allison and family and a par ty of friends of Grants Pass camo to this city Saturday for a picnic In the park. The rain during the after noon interfered somewhat with the pleasures of the outing. Geo. Carey, the plumber. Call 314-J. 94-tf Ralph Fraley returned Tuesday evening to Fort Stevens after spend ing a ten-day furlough with bis par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fraley, in this city. George Jenkins of Log Angeles Is spending a few days with his family on Oak street, after which he will go to Weed where he will be em ployed with the Weed Lumber com pany. Mrs. Benton Bowers, Jr., went to Grants Pass this week to spend a few days with relatives. Miss Jean Altchison, H. N was called to Grants Pass this week on professional business. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Jacobs have re turned to Ashland from Oakland, Cal. The former has accepted a po sition with the Southern Pacific com pany here. Mrs. Lettle M. Traske and daugh ter TTarrlet, who have been making an extended visit in Maine, have re turned and will remain in Ashland. Much interest is being manifested in the Junior 4-Minute contest in the lubllc schools. This contest is still in progress, although one of the con testants won the special privilege of speaking before an audience at tin Vinlng theatre Monday night when the play, "The BeaBt of Berlin," was presented. This was Miss Constancy Caldwell, who gave a most excolli'iit nr.d Inspiring talk which was greatly erjoyed by the large audience present. GARDEN TOOLS Time Is rere to begin that garden. Everybody ought to have a garden this year. Tools will be hard to get later, and they are getting higher every day. We have a number of splendid Garden Hand Cultivators, combining the Plow, Weeder, Rake, Cultivator. Just the thing. Let us show you. Provost Brothers HARDWARE The Camera Exchange for film. 100-tf A protest has been forwarded by the court to the state highway com mission upon the condition of the Siskiyou highway, which has "been left In a deplorable condition by the rains and snows of winter. This stretch of road is under the stats control.. See Bulbul at Chautauqua Friday. James Archibald and wife from Prownsboro motored up to this city on business Saturday evening return ing the same day. The Camera Exchange. Finishing. 100-tf Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Holdridge were in this city Monday from Talent attending the funeral of the late War ren Scott of Wagner creek which took place at Stock's undertaking parlors. For reliable plumbing call 314-J. 94-tf Mrs. Art Seale returned to her home In Laws, Cal., Tuesday morn ing after spending the past two months at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Samuel Mcilvray. See Bulbul at Chautauqua Friday. Mrs. M. J. Brennan of Spokane, Wash., was an Ashland visitor over Monday night while on her way to Montague, to visit with relatives. Plant Paxson's Superb Dahlias now and up to July 4th. Get them at the Rexall Store, Central Point, Ore gon. 100-4t L. F. Ferguson, the merchant, moved his household effects this week from the Shook building on East Main street to 167 Hargadine street. Mr. Fprguson states that it is a time-honored custom of his household to move every seven years, and as this is the required period the Ferguson family are fulfilling their old traditions. Clif Payne makes clothes racks. . . , -.s ft mm Vote: 35 X Percy R. Kelly of Linn County for Jl'STICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Practiced law since 1892. Circuit Judge since 1910 Justice Is patriotism's proudest boast and loyalty's greatest aid. iVAUFEL'S Sensational Shoes Every pair of Shoes advertised are wonderful values even before these high war time prices on merchandise. Every day you neglect taking advantage of fhfs sale you lose money. Act now before the sizes are broken. Sorosis Shoes IN 8-INCH BUTTIN, PATENT VAMP, BLACK CLOTH TOP, LOUIS LEATH ER HEEL. WORTH TODAY $6.50 Special 3.29 pr. 18 Pairs SOROSIS SUEDE 7-INCH BUTTON SHOES, WORTH TODAY $6.00 , Special 3.29 9 Pairs SOROSIS KID BUTTON 7-INCH TOP, WELT SOLE, 12-8th LEATHER HEEL. WyORTH TODAY $6.00 Special 3.29 12 Pairs SOROSIS PATENT VAMP, 7-INCH CLOTH TOP, LOUIS LEATHER HEEL, WELT SOLE. WORTH TO DAY $7.00 Special 3.29 6 Pairs SOROSIS 6-INCH LACE, KID, LOW HEEL, WELT SOLE, BLUTCIIER CUT. CHEAP AT $6.50 PAIR Special 3.29 10 Pairs SOROSIS TIES IN GENUINE PAT ENT CALF. WORTH TODAY $6.50 Special 1.89 45 Pairs SOROSIS KID PUMPS, RIBBON BOWS, 12-8th LEATHER HEEL EXCEPTIONAL VALUE AT $5.00 Special 1.89 22 Pairs SOROSIS TAN PUMPS GREAT FOR HOUSE WEAR, HEEL, SOL ID LEATHER THROUGHOUT Special 1.S9 22 Pairs SOnOSIS 7-I.NCH BUTTON WELT, KID VAMP, CLOTH TOP, MILITARY HEEL. WORTH TODAY $6.75 Special 3.29 39 Pairs ENGLISH WALKING LACE BOOTS, IN TAN; STRICKLY HIGH CLASS Special 3.29 25 Pair SOROSIS TAN BUTTON WELT. 8-INCH TOP, WORTH TODAY $6.75 Special 3.29 21 Pairs SOROSIS 8-INCH BUTTON, KID VAMP, GRAY CLOTH TOP, LOUIS LEATHER HEEL. WORTH TODAY $7.00 Special 3.29 Buy one or more pairs of the above advertised shoes. Be Insured against the high prices which are sure to exist this summer and winter. The Quality Shop VMJPEL Mail Order Specialists 1 Emm