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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1918)
ThnrwUf. Maf 0, IMS ASHLA5D TIDIXaS ASHLAND TIDINGS KsUblUhed 1870 raMiflbed every Mod (lay Mid Thnrsday by THK ASULAXD I'R1.TI.G COMPANY (Incorporated) Ilert R. Greer. ditar OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. TELEPHONE 39 SIRSCKU'TIOX KATES One Year, when paid at expiration One Year, when paid In advance Eiz Months, when paid in advance Three Months, when paid In advance .12.50 . 2.00 . 1.25 . .75 No subscription for less than three months. All subscriptions dropped at expiration unless renewal is received. in ordering chanses of the paper always give the old street address or postofllce as well as the new. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Single insertion, each Inch Bis months, each inch One year, each inch Reading Notices 10 cents the line.. Llnfiifl(Ml Column 1 cent the word first insertion 25c 20c 17C J,4 cent the word each is just what be does when he Is not willing to Join la with "the otber side" in every matter that is patent ly for the advancement of the com munity interest. We have said that all towns have factions. Towns will always have them. This does not mean that the town's progress is retarded by them. In many cases the factions serve to stimulate rivalry in achievement. Where this is the case they are bene ficial. " A wholesome slogan for ap,y town would be: "Go after an opportunity and land it; then if we must scrap, let It be over a division of the spoils." GERMAN'S CAPTURED ONLY VAST DESERT More than 200 villages are mark ed on the map In the region through which the Huns have driven during the last month. But the capture of those villages mean nothing. There are no villages there. The traveler Aould not even suspect their existence if it were not for tne signposts at the cross roads bearing the name of other Insertion. Thirty word3 or leas one month, ii.uu. Cards or Thanks $1.00. Obituaries 2 V4 cents the line. ' FraU-rnul Ordors and Societies Arfvnriiuinir fr.r frnt&rnai nrifora or societies charging a resular Initia tion fpo and no discount. Religious and benevolent orders will be charged for all advertising when an admission or other charge Is made, at.the namiet wulcn once stood pn the the regular rates. When no admbsion is charged space to the Mount of conquest of this rc- mty lines reading will be allowed without charge. All additional at regula. Ing of military value. They them- - rritory ,n retreat,ng acips8 ,t a year llum ail lll:r hcrkuu cwuuijt ju-it iintered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postofflce as second-class mall matter. TUB HOUSK IHVII)i:i "A house divided against Itself can not stand." The words are true In all ages and with all peoples. That failure will Invariably follow disunion Is as certain as that suc cess results from unity of purpose and action. Fortunate, Indeed, Is that town that Is blessed with a citizenship that can come together as a, unit when ever the town's interest calls. It argues well for the breath of mind of Its cltlrons that they can soo beyond tholr purely personal afralrs and catch a view of. prosperity In the large. Hut the real cause of disunion In tho averago town Id not that its cltl rons are so deeply engrossed In thetr own personal affairs but that one la jealous and envious of another, one clique suspicious and distrustful of another. Not only this, but each Is really willing to forego any advance ment if by so, doing the other may be thwarted. , ; ' ', . This Is a di'plorablo state ot at fairs for any town to fall into. It Is sure duatb U all progress, and not only that, but It Invariably the di rect cause of that 'town 'being left behind on the' march of progress. We are ' aware' that all com munltles have' Iholr " factions and their division's of 'sentiment and In terests.' We' are' equally certain that this fact noed In' nowise ' doter the town from oliii(rr every' opportunity to further lU'lirtofesta i' every avail able way: f 'if knei1 could once be brought to sori that by thwarting the Interest! of OATtown' through tholr opposition to a faction, they were in- ''Who Will Win This Battle? if i Yonr kidneys are the Alton of the body. If they become Innrllve and fall to oilm Inute the waste matter, they uro apt to throw the whole loeiiiiinlHin of tho lxdy out of order, thus toxic poisons can ao--cuMiiliiti) In the system unit be as deadly oh Miiike viioin, llcnid'-s rauKlug tin minor ailments of rheumatism, sclutlriv, luiiibugo mid buck Bi'lin, in t'lfil of Mm kidneys is apt to 'develop ink) more serious diseases, such as (IiuIn'Ics or stone In llie bluddor. Kid llie I ,k1 y of t'lvlc. poisons c! "'H the bhulil'T ami kidneys und cure t1 1 twinges of rhmiiiiutlsm with An-u-rlc tnd you win tho taltlu of llie. Aiiurlc was llrst dinfovnrod by Dr. Tlorce, and lias Ix-neflUid thousands of sufferers as well &b uppeuswl uml olliuinatod tho ravages of the pioro serious kidney dis ease. Now procurable at any g'Kid drug tore, or send direct to Dr. V. M, Pierce, Uuffalo, N. Y., lu cuts for trial package. Mrb.H.G CoKKRdays: "Whenlcom Bienced the treatment of Anurio I wns in tmd shaiie. i My back itched all the time and ob I how . my back would ache at night until ! would have to get up, I could never .fclw'p nil night. Hut Fhire I have taken the Anurio Tabids my Wkache is all gone ami 1 can lie down and sleep good and sound all night. Obi bow nioch better I feel no one knows but myself 44mw do My advice to all sufferers of kidney troubles is to give- Anuric a trial and tljcy will find relief Hum their trouble. juring themselves vastly more than they were Injuring their community, surely they would take a different view of things. The man who deliberately stands in the way of his community's prog ress Is disloyal. Just now this word has an ugly sound, but we can use no other, because no other so well fits the offense. Placed In broader circumstances, the offense would he magnified. No man's personal ln teres and no man's personal animos ity, can for a. moment weigh In the scale with the welfare ot his com munity, and the man who permits them to do so is as truly disloyal as a man who deliberately plots against lils country in the large. There is a difference only in the magnitude of the offense. Fortunate Indeed, Is the town which, when any move affecting the general welfare Is being considered, can drop its factional disputes and put a united shoulder to the wheel in the public Interest. No man has the right to Inflict his personal grievances on his com munity and compel Jt to suffer be cause of his own sore toe. Yet this go, blotted out everything which might have been of use to human be ings. The British made no effort to for tify and hold this area in case of a new German drive across it. Except for the necessary buildings to house their troops and except for road re pairs to render motor communica tion possible, the British left the re gion in the state of utter devastation In which they found It following the first battle of the Somme. ' Places like those marked Estress, Poeuilly, Brie, Athies, Tincourt, Rot sel and Buire may well have been taken by German troops, but those places are nothing but heaps of red brick dust and a few piles of shat tered stones, practically useless even for machine gun posts. The, German plan seems to have been to catch the British armies in this devastated area and engage them In a war of movement in the open where there was no cover of any kind. But the British forestalled this trick by extricating themselves with out more than normal losses, and tak ing up prepared positions still furth er hack. The territorial conquest of the Germans since March 21 Is valueless. They have simply occupied a vast Sa hara of their own making. ROTAXIST DIRECTS MOSS PRODUCTION" Prof. A. R. Sweetser, head of the university department of botany, has received an appointment from the National Red Cross headquarters in Washington, D. C, as director of sphagnum moss production in Ore- I -' ' " ' A Husband's Advice To Other Husbands Save Your Wile Vtork This Way Ti IIROUGII the day most men are absent from home and Housework at the oany duties that wives must attend to. little know ot the mest Is bard and kitchen work tho hardost of all. ' ' But, not when you have the Hoosler Cabinet In your kitchen. It lets a woman sit down comfortably to prepare the meals. It saves her miles of steps and hours of toll. It saves food by keeping flour, sugar,, etc., n protected places and avoiding waste In measuring and mixing. In countless ways the Hoos ler paya Its cost. , , Yet most of all, the Hoos'er saves your wife's looks ard strength. ' It prevents fatigue, and what Is more precious than hor health? All this, remember, for only $1 a week. Hoosler prices are low' Your money all back If you are not delighted. J. P. Dodge & Sons Phone 212 fan gon. He will work under Dr. J. W. Hotson, of the University of Wash ington, who is manager of the moss dressings of the northwest division of the Red Cross. Oregon share Is 500,000 pads, and Prof. Sweetser is certain that the moss can be secured in such large quantities that double that amount can be turned out. He recently re turned from a trip into the Sluslaw country, where, with the aidof the school children and boy scouts of Acme and Florence, he was able to gather 40 sacks of moss. When the moss has been properly dried It will lie sent to the Red Cross headquart ers In Eugene. An instructor in the making of the pads will come 'from the University of Washington when the materials have arrived In Oregon. Dressing from the east will arrive shortly. According to Prof. Sweetser, the people in the state are taking a great deal of interest in sphagnum moss, as evidenced by the numerous In quiries he has received concerning the kind of moss needed. He Intends taking a trip to Tillamook, where he expects to find good moss from the bogs along the coast. Astoria and Newport have also found large quantities of the moss from adjacent bogs and marshes. 4 !"Cfi9 Bank wiffi ttif Cbmo, Clack,' m Conservative H lusioaians I FUNDS deposited here for safekeep ing and convenient use are surround ed by every protection that laws and mechanical devices make possible. The First National Bank welcomes new accounts and consistently cares for the old. Try our "better than us ual" banking service. JkHrstNatiottatSattk ASHLAND. OREGON. 'm' E V CARTER.. PRES. CMVAUPEL VICEPPtS JAM' COY. CASMltd CLARrv BUSH ASVT CASH I CONTRACTS PROHIBITED UNTIL AFTER JUNE 1 ROOSEVELT TAKES RAP AT WAR SLACKERS No American has a right to a night's sleep unless during the day 1 e has done something to aid In the war aginst Germany, was the declara tion Colonel Theodore Roosevelt re cently made to a Brooklyn, M, Y., au dience in urging investments In the Third Liberty loan. "The man' who does not think that it was America's duty to fight for her own sake, In view of the infamous conduct of Germany'toward us, stands on a level with a man who wouldn't think it necessary to fight in a priv ate quarrel because his wife's face was slapped," asserted the former president, prefacing on attack on the conscientious objector. "The Ameri can who is not now heart and soul In favor ot fighting this war through to a victorious conclusion," said the colonel, "Is a traitor to his country and to mankind. He Is unfit to be a free man, for his soul Is the soul of a slave." Phone job orders to the Tidings. Portland. May C. Under a new regulation just announced by Assis tant Federal Food Administrator W. K. Newell, all dealers in dried fruits are prohibited fom entering Into any contract of sale or any committ ment of new crop fruit products for more than a reasonable advance over the cost of same and that a full re port of all sales made In carload lots must be made to the dried fruits di vision of the U. S. food administra tion at Washington. D. C. ' Any dealer In dried fruits desir ing details of the new regulations are referred by Mr. Newell to the county administrator for the county In which his business Is being carried on. Misery may love company, but that's the last reason In the world for wanting to be welco&ed. Studio Ashland, better portraits. 100-tf -Mrrow Collars FOR SPRING - CASCO'lVlin. CLYDE-7W1 faby Chick kSr 1:5,, Heavy Winter Laven ZgSfr Qucli from a S. C. white leghorn ttrwa wt Kate L. WnAo hn f, 7 , L- .l.w I.. pou cud wilt do) for our tpecU low price for ' IVe cfarka mil -.1 W - -m 7 wmvamjva. 2. C WHITE LLUHUKIN3 BA.5T CHICKS Write oitj and trt dacka fat winter Urinf and auHtM profm. WE PAY (3 EXPRESS CHARGES THEB1HM HATCHItY Lartt u WmU CapuitjCS.OOOQkU FCTALUMA, CAI. the next line noolkt. They a g have made engine" ood great ) i. . ' I THE CHALMERS HOT SPOT AND RAMSHORN MANIFOLD The Chalmers Hot Spot heats up and cracks up gas like water spilled on the top of a stove so fine that the great Chalmers engine gets more power out of gas than has ever been taken from gas before. The Ram's-Horn manifold is a companion device that does an important task in a masterly way. Both of these devices are explained at our Show Rooms. Touring Car, 7-Passenger . .$2115 Touring Sedan $1950 Town Car, Landaulet ....$3025 Touring Car, 6-Passenger . .$1565 Cabriolet, 3-Passenger. . ... $1775 Limousine, 7-Passenger ...$2925 Standard Roadster $1565 Town Car, 7-Passenger. .. $2925 Limousine Landaulet ....$3025 All Prices f.o.b. Detroit Subject to Change Without Notice, South Fir Street Medford, Oregon