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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1918)
Thursday, April 25, 1918. ASHLAND TIDING! PAGE SEVKX TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Rates: Ont ctnt per word, first Insertion; H cent per word for each Insertion thereafter; 80 words or less $1 per month. No advertise ment Inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order eicept to parties having ledger accounts with the office. PROFESSIONAL. PR. J. 3. EMMEN8 Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, car, nose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurlst for S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postofflce, Medford, Ore. Phone 667. 21-tf DR. ERNEST A. WOOD Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Offloe hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash land, Ore. 73-tf GEO. T. WATSON, Painter and Pa perhangen. Phone 202-R, 166 Ohio street. 40-tf BIIL POSTER Will Stennett, 116 Factory street. Bill posting and distributing. 64-tt THE JOHNBTONES CURE Hydro pathic treatments for chronic cases. 31 Gresham street. 41-tf CIVIO IMPROVEMENT CLUB The regular meetings of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Auxiliary Hall. B. D. IJRIGGS, Attorney-at-Law. Pioneer Block, Ashland. DR. KEENEY FERRIS, B. S., M. D., M. H. Homeopathic physician and surgeon. Office, Baptist parson age, 247 Oak street. Hours, 9 to 12 noon. 85-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms at 340 Almond street. 95-5 FURNISHED housekeeping apart ments. Inquire 63 N. Main street. 77-tf FOR RENT Two furnished bunga lows. Inquire at 115 Granite street. 91-tf FOR RENT Five-room modern cot tage at 47 Union street. Get key at 59 Union street. 95-3 FOR RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms, close in. 148 Lau rel street. Call on or telephone 383-L. 83-tf FOR RENT Four-room modern cot tage; barn for horses or car; one acre ground for garden. Granite street, near auto park. Call at 148 Laurel St. or phone 383-L. 85-tf FOR RENT Good four-room house Just above camp grounds. Large tot and good barn and outbuild ings. It is the old Stevens place. $5 per month. See B. R. Greer at the Tidings office. tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished mod ern eight-room house, well locat ed at 614 Boulevard. Fine neigh borhood, and close in. One of the best homes in the city. Enquire at the Tidings office, or Mrs. D. R Minkler. $25 per month. 96-2t FOR RENT ON SHARES An A-l 14-acre apple orchard, mostly Grav enstines. Always a big seller. Phone 9-F-ll. FOR SALE M lSCELLA KOl'H DOWDEN SPUD PLANTER, good as new, less than half price. See It at 115 Granite street. l-tf FOR SALE Cream separator, walk ing plow, 14-tooth cultivator, grindstone. Inquire 649 East Main street. 94'tf FOR SALE A set of double harness and fine team for ranch work. For particulars address E. Greer. Hilt, California. 96-tf FOR SALE Hand-picked, recleaned red Mexican beans, in quantities of ten pounds or more, 10 cents a pound. Davis white wax seed beans, 30 cents a pound; ten pounds. $2.50. 1049 Ashland street, nhone 432-Y. 8 9-1 mo. FOR SALE A mare, hack and har nR9 fnr 13R. Mare eood for cul tivating truck garden and light work. Also a span or muies iui sale cheap. A new seven-foot Simon cross-cut saw for $3.50. Can be seen at first ranch on high way in California. E. Geulden ptennlg, Hilt, Cal. 92-lmo.' FOR SALE OR TRADE INTERESTED IN ASHLAND. Every week the Tidings gets sev eral cards like this, asking for sam ple copies of the paper and inquiring about properties. We always send the samples. Will this man find what you have to sell when he reads the sample copies? If you really want to sell your property advertise it in the classified columns of the Tidings. The cost is small "Ashland Tidings. "Gentlemen: Please send me copies of Ashland Tidings giving lasslfied ads of farm lands for sale or trade; also please send any Hterft Ure you may have available on Ash land and vicinity, and oblige, "Yours truly, .,.. "Wm. C. LOGAN. FOR TRADE, FOR JACKSON COUN TY RANCH OR ASHLAND CITY PROPERTY A four-story br ck building eleven apartments nine , of two "rooms and two of three ' rooms. Lot 26x69. The building ; is in first-class condition. Well io ' cated in San Francisco. Income per month, $375. Monthly ex 1 pense: Taxes $22, insurance I $3.14, steam heat $15, water $lj. i Janitor $47. lights $5, garbage $1.60; total monthly expense $108.64. Pays net per month i $239.36, less 6 per cent interest . en mortgage, $100. Price $ 0,000, mortgage $20, equity $20. The property earns $2,032.32 per an num net. What have you to traae for the equity? B. R. Greer, at the Tidings office. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Part or all, most desir able 15-acre modern home In Ash land. Free Irrigated. R. D. San- ford, Ilelman street. 96-5 FOR SALE Ulen estate. One-acre tract with five-room modern cot tage on Lincoln street. Price reas onable. Address owner, Fred L Ulen, Lewiston Idaho. 91-lmo. FOR SALEAT A SACRIFICE modorn six-room house, close in, good location. Price $1,000; terms $"i00 down, balance on easy pay ments. Phone 98 or 277-Y. 83-tf MALE HELP WANTED WANTED Man and wife for ranch work. Address W. J. Ilartzel, Med ford. 94-4 WANTED A good cook or waitress. Apply Home Restaurant, East Main street. 96-2t WANTED AT ONCE Men for saw mill work. Good wages. Leona Mill Co., Leona, Douglas county, Oregon. 95-6 WANTED Man and wife for ranch work. Patterson Orchard com pany. Call 303 North Main or phone 304-J. 96-2t MILL MEN WANTED Year around Job for experienced mill men; big wages; excellent mess house; fine cabins; electric lights; men's club bouse. Telephone or write to Mo doc Lumber Co., Chiloquln. Ore. 92-lmo. WANTED A HOME. Have you got your for sale ad where this man will see it? April 4, 1918. Ashland Tidings: Please sent me a sample copy of your paper. I in tend to go down to your county and get a home. I am, Yours truly, A. COCHRAN, Whatcomb Co., Washington. WANTED WANTED A piano box. Call at 649 East Main street. 94-4' EGGS FOR HATCHING. EGGS FOR HATCHING Raise best winter layers now. RHODE ISLAND REDS. Setting from pure blood, heavy laying stock, 75c if called for. FANCY CHRYSAN THEMUM plants, 40c dozen. Miss Edna Hoag, 475 Beach street. 91-lm FOR SALE Cholco Plymouth Rock setting eggs. Per setting oi is eggs, 75c. Mrs. Wm. Flackus, 872 B street, phone 258-R. 8 8-1 mo. REGISTERED Jersey Bull for serv ice. From a cow that makes 990 pounds butter in one year. $5 per service. R. D. Sanford, lower Hel- man St , Ashland, Ore. 93ilmo. T'OLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. For County Judfro. r.nnrva A r.ardner announces his pnnrthiai-v for County Judge, subject to the republican primaries May 17. He stands for efficiency, economy, nrlncloles applied to county affairs, a square deal to every section of the county, personal service ana onnrtonna treatment for everyone transacting business with the county. (Paid Ad v.j County Clerk. I wish to announce to the people of Jackson county that I am a candi date for the republican nomination for County Clerk, at the primaries to be held May 17. In asking for the nomination for County Cleric, I do so feeling that I am thoroughly quali fied to serve the people In that capac ity, and that my previous service as County Recorder has fully prepared me for the more important office of County Clerk. In case the people are ...tipfiort with administration of the Recorder's office, and should see fit tn nrnmnta me to the office of County Clerk, I assure them that they Mm nave no reason to regret u. CHAUNCEY FLOREY. (Paid Adv.) Sheriff. for the office of Sheriff, subject to tha Ronnhiirnn nrimaries May 17, pnd respectfully solicit the support of all voters of jacicson county. C. B. TERRILL. (Paid Adv.) County Clerk. T UawaKw annrttinrA TTI V CRT! dldacv 1 HClCUjr ihiiiuu'v ' for the Republican nomination for County ClerK at tne pnimujr eicv.tiuu, May 17, 1918. I have had 1 years' experience as deputy county recorder and seven years as deputy county clerk. The county clerk's office will, after the first Monday in January, 1919, as sume the duties of the county re corder, and I feel my experience in the said offices qualifies me to take up the combined duties. If nominated and elected I will continue the present efficient and economical methods in conducting the office and use every effort to give the public courteous treatment, give v pjjORA THOMPSON. (Paid Adv.) County Treasurer. I hereby announce my candidacy for renomlnatlon on the republican ii.i.-i rnnnt? Treasurer, to be voted on at the primary election May MYRTLE W. BLAKELEY. (Paid Adv.) Sheriff. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff on the repub lican ticket at the primaries May 17, 1918. SAM L. SANDRY. (Paid Adv.) POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS County Judge. " I herewith announce my candidacy for the republican nomination of County Judge at the primary election May 17, 1918. If I am nominated and elected I will during my term of office conduct It strictly as a busi ness, hewing to the line of economy and demanding efficient service in all departments of the county serv ice. W. C. LEEVER. (raid Adv.) For Sheriff I hereby announce my candidacy fox the republican nomination for sheriff at tha primary, May 17th, 191 S. if nominated and elected I v.-1 11 during my term of office give my personal attention to the office and enforce the laws as provided by statute. I stand for a business ad ministration and a square deal to all. A. W. WALKER. (Paid Advertisement) For County Judge. j F. Roy Davis announces his candl- dacy for County Judge, subject to the j democratic primaries, Kay 17, 1918. j If nominated and elected he will give the business affairs of the county his personal attention exclusively. Has had ten years experience in the courts of Oregon seven years In Jackson county as a resident and court re porter of Ashland and Medford. Will play no favorites. (Paid. Adv.) For County Commissioner I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for county com missioner on the republican ticket. I stand for prudent progress in all things; am thoroughly conversant with thn construction of roads. bridges and so forth, and be lieve In making improvements wherever and whenever necessary. Have had wide experience with men and affairs. If nominated and elected will during my term of office endeavor to conduct the af fairs of said office in an efficient manner and give the taxpayers full value for every dollar expended. F. V. MUUI.-NStU. (Paid Advertisement) LEGAL NOTICES. SUIT IN KQITITY SUMMONS .Tnhn Rlahfir Plaintiff, vn. D. T. McKercher and L. M. Goodwin and his wife, Sarah E. Goodwin, De fendants. To D. T. McKercher, one of the defendants above named: In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to appear in the above entitled Court and cause and answer the Com plaint therein filed against you by the above named plaintiff on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publica tion of this Summons, namely, on or before May 30, 1918. If you fall to so appear and an swer, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint, a succinct state ment of which is as follows: That the plaintiff have Judgment against said defendants, and each thereof, for the sum of $500.00, with inter est thereon from September 3, 1916, at the rate of eight per cent per annum. $50.00 attorney fees, and the cost3 and disbursements of this suit; that the Warranty Deed executed September 3, 1912. by the defendants, L. M. Goodwin and Sarah E. Goodwin, and conveying land situated in Jackson county, Oregon, described as follows: Beginning at a point 120 feet north of the center of the south line of section 9 in township 39, south of range 1 east of the Wil lamette Meridian, Oregon; thence north 350 feet; thence west 145 feet to the east side line of Taylor street in the city of Ashland, Jack son county, Oregon; thence soutn along said side line 350 feet; thence east 145 feet to the place of beginning, the same being lots four (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7, eight (8), nine (9) and ten (10) of the unrecorded plat of Goodwin Addition to the city of Ashland, Oregon, be decreed in legal effect to be a mortgage, and that the lands therein conveyed be sold un der foreclosure as provided by law, and for deficiency judgment and such other relief as the Court may deem meet and equitable. This Summons is served upon you by publication once each week for six consecutive weeks In the Ashland Tidings, a semi-weekly newspaper printed and published at Ashland, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Hon. F. M. Calkins, judge of the above entitled court, which order is of date March 9, 1918, and requires you to appear and answer as above set forth. The date of the first publication of this Summons Is April 18, 1918. L. A. ROBERTS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence and postofflce address, Ashland, Oregon. 95-6-Thurs. Relieves Gus in the Stomach, Sour Stomach (lieatrtbiirn), Belching, Swelling and Full-Feeling, so fre quently complained of after meals, in TWO MIXITES. Trial package 15o at your druggist or mailed to any ad dress uiMn receipt of price by The Uellinglmm Chemical Co., Belling hum, Wutili. SMOKfc. At All Dealtri Tht Flavor Urtt TisiT Tb Million Dollar SmoKo Tisit Cigar Factory, Makers J. M. Alnutt, Prop. N,i-'1BEST IN THE LONG RUN : X :i ft? 1 1 fT the City of Goodrich, they have officially announced the grand mileage nation-wide Test Car work of 1917: 1, 044, 686 linear miles. A, 178,744 tire miles. Those figures indite the Emancipation Act of motorists, freeing them from tire mishaps and amputated mileage. Compressed in them is the story of the famous Six Fleets, and how they hurled Goodrich Tires the length and breadth of our ration, over city pavement and country road, ploughing them through sand and mud; mauling them against rock, and gravel Mathematics has no fa vorites. That multiplied mileage of 4,178,744 miles 'j I! Sdf Denial Is J J t:ieA-ldTet .;J of Loyalty,' tj I D'JY WAS ( i SAVING I 8TAMPS I ) ( Onfft'art jf unnctiLnd I J! J Vtpat I tl lb - . W&$bdi THE CITY OF GOODRICH AKRON, OHIO, &&'Mrl Goodrich Tires and Tubes For Sale at E.V. Jones Garage East Main TIIKKl LOCOMOTIVKS AXI FIVK CAISS IN WltKCK Derailed by a broken flange on a freight car wheel, three locomotives and five cars lot lnlmiier left the track early Sunday while descending Ilice hill, about 14 miles south of Drain on the Southern Pacific. The three engines were coupled together 16 cars back and two more engines cn at the head end. The wreck occurred while the train nas coasting downhill and one of the locomotives turne comppctely over when it left the track. Of the three engine crews only one man was hurt, Fireman Green, on the rear engine,' suffering a badly crushed and scaled foot, the others escaping as If by a miracle. An unique feature of the event was the selling of pictures of the wreck to passen gers of trains, help up by th,e wreck, by an enterprising photographer. Trains were held up for 14 hours and an extra wrecker was called from Tortland to help clear away the wreckage. WANT FOREIGN EltS KEPT FKOM FORESTS E. S. Martin and 80 other Mrytlo creek resident have petitioned S. C. Harthrum, supervisor of the forestry department of Douglas county, not to employ any but native-born Amer ican In the woods and forestry serv ice. The petitioners do not even want a foreign-born person, citizen or oth erwise, to be allowed on the forest lands. Mr. Barthrum, although allied with many patriotic enterprises here, criti cises the petitioners severely. He says that the petition is the result of a neighborhood quarrel between Mar tin 'and Fred Assan, a homesteader of Austrian birth, but an American citizen, who is now employed in tha shipyards in Portland. Assan has been employed by the forestry serv ice frequently during the past several seasons. Last summer the woods were patrolled very strictly to avoid fires, and men seeking employment as fire fighters were blamed for some of the conflagrations. coldly, calculatingly, puts the seal of multi plied proof on Goodrich Tires, and stamps them 'Tested." In that searching test, no slightest defect, no hidden short-coming could escape the sight of the Goodrich ex perts. v SILVERTOWN CORDS, and BLACK SAFETY TREADS, under light and heavy cars, defied the rough going of road3 wher ever the Test Car Fleets rushed them. The spiral-wrapped, cable-cord tire body, and Goodrich's tough black tread rubber fought the hard fight and conquered. Seek tire surety and long mileago in the proven service of "America's Tested Tires." Goodrich guarantees you will get it because Goodrich tested and got it. Tested Tires mean 100 per cent, quality. Demand it. Tested Tires mean supreme service. Demand it of Goodrich's THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY Portland Branch: Broadway and Burnside St., Portland, Ore. Phone 116 Renew Shabby Varnished Surfaces You can easily make marred or shabby varnished surfaces bright and new. For floors that are worn and scuffed use Acme Quality Varnotile -- Floor Varnish. Woodwork and furniture should be var nished with Acme Quality Interolite. Window sills, doors and exterior surfaces are given a durable finish with Acme Quality Sparkote or Exterolite. There's an fiCME QUALITY VARNISH for every purpose. A floor varnish that's tough and durable and made especially to be walked upon, var nishes for automobles and carriages, woodwork, furni ture or any surface that can be varnished, either indoors or outdoors. Tell us which you need. Swenson . McRae Ashland, Oregon Cleanliness, Personal Attention and Courtesy Combined to Make the Eagle Meat Market Popular INSPECT ourmarKet and jroor conll dene will b behind th pleasure of eating our meats. The Knowledge of cleanliness and a sanitary worn L. Schwein M S S . y .k J Yn 3 Thb fin ; fa, tram Coodndi Dln'J .0 uewUKli l ira art MocMod J Park Garage -Sells Goodrich Tires and Tubes Telephone 152 shop will aid your digestion. 84 N. Main Phone 107