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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1918)
Thursday, April 25, 1918 PAGE BEX ASHLAND TIDINGS A Soldier's Strength Every enlisted man would stand up stronger during the first year's service if he could have the benefits of i because it fortifies the lungs and throat, creates strength to avoid grippe and pneumonia and makes rich blood to avert rheumatic tendencies. Send a bottle of SCOTTS to a relative or friend in the service. The Norwegian cod Hvrr oil In Scott'i Emukion iti now refined in our own Amcrlrnn lubomtorie which makes it pure anil palatalilr. Scott ft Downe. Bloomfieid.N.J. 17-14 The meat packers are urging Mr. Hoover to abolish the meatless days because the supplies are piling up. We would second their motion if the prices showed any Inclination, to "pile" down. The kaiser is said to be a diligent student of the career of Napoleon. There are a few Incidents toward the close of that career that are not cal culated to give William any great amount of satisfaction if he would emulate the little Corslcan. Seed Injury Probably Not Due to Germans Oregon farmers need not be alarm ed by the unconfirmed rumors that formaldehyde used in treatment of I seed grain in Canada has been tam pered with by enemy aliens and ren Idered destructive to the seed, j The reported injury is thought by ifrof. H. P. Garss, of O.A.C., to be due to unstandardized methods of treatment or careless handling of the treated grain. It is extremely unlike ly, he says, that the general supply of formaldehyde has been tampered with. Many farmers injure their grain by treating improperly. This causes thin stauds and results in consider able crop loss. . Extension bulletin No. 292 issued by the O.A.C, at Cor vallis tells how to secure smut con trol without danger to the vitality of the seed. This bulletin will be Bent free on request. It Is Imperative that Oregon farm ers should not neglect to treat their grain this year. The cost of seed treatment for smut prevention is less than 3 cents per acre. Uncle Sam needs every bushel of grain he can get and seed treatment must not bo omitted. Last year 125,000,000 bushels of grain were lost from smut. Practically all of this could have been prevented by the use of proper methods. This year not a bushel of untreated grain should be put into the ground. Phone Job orders to the Tidings. Pure Hllk Pure Cream Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, ' TELEPHONE Proprietor 392-J 4 Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Sep vice to Any Part of Town The Born Guaranty gain a mi You are not expected to pay for your Horn-tailored. Buit unless it satisfies you completely in fit, workman ship and quality of materials. And because Born Tailor ing does satisfy, this liberal guaranty adds nothing to the frice. Let ua show you how good a suit we can make for the money you are willing to invest. Resident Bom Dealer) ' Patilser t$d & Bat t ett To.' M tunc-A of thtm rich! tlurt what I dnppti aiy CroMb." fi lie Needs Somebody to Send Him another pouch ot Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug Uncle Sam's Boys don't ask for much in the way of comforts but good tobacco they must have. A few cents spent for Real Gravely will buy more tobacco tatiafaction than many times the money in ordinary plug. Give any man a chew of Real Grarely Plug, and ha will tell yon that'e the kind to (end. Send the best! Ordinary plug U false economy. It cotta let per week to chew Real Gravely, became a small chew of it lasts a long while. If yon smoke a pipe, slice Gravely with your knife and add a little to your smoking tobacco. It will give flavor improve your smoke. SOW YOUR FRIEND LN THE U. S. SEKV1CE A POUCH OF GRAVELY Dealers all around here carry it in 10c pouches. A 3c. stamp will put it into his bands in any Training Camp or Sea port of the U. S. A. Even "over there" a 3c stamp will take it to him. Your dealer will supply envelops and give you official directions how to address it P. C GRAVELY TOBACCO CO., Danville, Va. The Patent Pouch hmeoe it Freeh and Clean and Good it is not Real Crawly without thit Protection Seal Established 1831 1 Army and Navy News wnnmmtmmttmmnHaimaBiumtti "Lest We Forget!" 'They say, who have come back from Over There, that at night the troubled earth between the lines is carpeted with pain. They say that death rldeB whistling In every wind, and that the very mists are charged with awful torment. They say that of all things Bpent and squandered there, young human life is held least dear. It is not the pleasantest pros pect for those of us who yet can feel upon our lips the pressure of our mother's goodbye kiss. But please God, our love of life is not so prized as love of right. In this renaissance of our country's valor, we who will edge the wedge of her assault make calm acceptance of its hazards. " For us the shell-swept trench, the stif fening cold, weariness, hardships, worse. For you for whom we go, you millions safe at home what for you? We shall need food. We shall need care. We shall need terribly and without failure supplies and equip ment in a storm that is constant and never ending. From you who are resource and reliance, who are the heart and hope of that humanity for which we smite and strive, must come these things. Buy your coun try's bonds! Buy them today!" not been reported to the Honor Guard and who are not represented on the sorvice flag. In looking over the list that appeared In the last issue of tho Tidings the names of many boys are found missing from the list. It Is hoped that any one who recalls a man in the service whose name does not appear should report It to the Honor Guard at once so that all our boys may be honored by a star in the service flag. When in Ashland last week Assist ant Paymaster W. W. Ussher display ed the metal Identification tag every member of the navy wears. This Is a small medal attached to a chain and is worn about the neck. On one side is the name, date of enlistment and date of birth of the wearer, while on the reverse side is an identifica tion finger mark. This Is burned into the metal with acid and is not oblit erated by time or the wear and tear Dr. Frank S. Miller, medical super intendent of the Edgecllff Sanitorium, Spokane, in a recent newspaper Inter view stated: "When the time comes that it will be fashionable for every home to have a sleeping porch, the health of the nation will be improved greatly." Phone or write to ua. We will send a competent man to figure with you. DO IT NOW. Ashland Lumber Co. Phone 20 of elements. Since the beginning of war when many sailors have lost their lives and marks of identifica tion were obliterated, many recover ed bodies are filling nameless graves on this account. Now every sailor, from the admiral down, wears the identification medal about his neck which never, under any circumstances leaves his person. W. If. Pracht, who recently enter ed the navy, has succssfully passed the examinations for engineer at Bremerton and lias entered the service. Frank Tinker has been promoted to corporal in the 13th company at Fort Stevens. ' Frank has been serv ing as bookkkecper for the company and will continue to hold this posi tion, as well as serve in his newly appointed office. KLAMATH SHKKI'MAX IS KILLED OX RANGE O. T. McKendree, aged 42 years, of the firm of McKendree & Tryon, of Klamath Falls, was shot by J. E. Paddock or Will Holbrook, of Bon anza, Oregon, on Saturday, near Bon anza. All are sheepmen using the same range. McKendree came on the property of Holbrook armed, and was shot twice through the chest while on his horse, and instantly killed. There was trouble between herders earlier in the week over grazing. Thirty thousand sheep are pastured on the lands where there was room for only 10.000. McKendree arrived Thursday from Berkeley to adjust matters. Holbrook had leased the land over which the trouble occurred from Paddock. Both Paddock and Holbrook were held by the coroner's Jury after the inquest. Holbrook is married and has five children; Paddock Is married and has two children, and McKendree is sur vived by his widow and two sons. McKendree was a big stockman and held much real estate in this city and county, but his home was in Berkeley. Cal. The men of this country have de cided that they will not permit the women to do all the conserving ot clothing, so they will give up the belts of their coats. When is a sacri fice not a sacrifice? piTPf A Demonstration Offer 11 Jl HilillL. April 29 to May 5 Consisting of Extra Thick Fry pan, 9 inch. Deep covered Sauce Pan, 3 quart. Double Lipped Sauce Pan, 2 Mi quart. Deep Preserving Ket tle, 6 quart. Cereal Cooker, 2 qtv in combination with Tea Kettle, 6 quart. April 6-Piece Set May Or Buy Them Individually SPIX'IAL ,1'KICES OFFERED JUST TO I XTItODUCE THE FAMOUS ALUMINUM WARE The Fuel Saver It'll wear and wear and wear. Made of thick, strong sheet Aluminum Guaranteed for 20 years It will last longer. Think of it! Then con sider the fuel saving 1-3 to 1-2 'less heat required. Unless you find these utensils the most serviceable, the most durable and altogether the most satisfactory that you have ever used, every penny you pay will be refunded without a word said. Housewives "who know" insist on "18-02" ILLINOIS Ware, the line that comprises 344 Shapes and Sizes A Utensil For Every Purpose all sold under a 20-year guanantee. Stop wasting money replacing pots and pans that "wear out" quickly. Buy for permance for unbeat r.ble economy for unexcelled cooking results. Buy 18-02" ILLINOIS Ware and say Elghteen-Ninety-Two." See "18-92 Ware Demonstrated at Our Store HUAUTY FIRST Hear the factory expert tell of the many advantages and economy of using "18-92" ILIANOIS Ware, guar anteed for 20 years Note the wide variety of "18-92" utensils in our stock. Buy this unusual bargain offer ing at the special introductory price. Swenson & McRae Ashland, Oregon Manufactured and Guaranteed by ILLINOIS PURE ALUMINUM Co. hOSS pureIjM'spw TRADE MARK tUDE IN AMERICA Have Tour Clothes Mads at Home John for Clothes Tailoring for Hen and Woman John the Tailor Cleaning and ' Pressing A Fit or No Salo Austin Hotel BlocK John W. Schuler, a 22-year-old boy of Sisson, Cal., has gained for him self the title of "The Ace", for down ing five German planes during a night battle late in February. Following this honor the Sisson lad entered into battle with the Huns in a num ber of air raids over the western front, and on three occasions sent enemy aircraft crushing to earth. Young Schuler enlisted at San Jose as a pilot a year ago. After five months' training at Forth Wortfl, Texas, and Hamsted, Long Island, he arrived in France in October, and has been actively engaged in flying as a scout since the time of his ar rival on the French fields. Under the guidance of French fliers Schuler soon came to the point where he flew into actual battle, and, although many times close to death, he has never yet been wounded. Recent New York papers have devoted con siderable space to the gallant work of the "Siskiyou County Ace." Walter Carpenter, son of W. J. Carpenter of this city, wil go to Camp Lewis April 26, in-response to his call by the draft. Mr. Carpenter has been in the employ of the government extension works for some time, and when his number was called, could easily have had it deferred on account of his occupation, but he pre ferred to serve his country by getting into active service rather than fol low the work in which he is at pres ent engaged. . A recent stranger In Ashland ex pressed himself as surprised to see so many stars In the city service flag which has been floating over the Plaza during the past week. "Do they repesent the number of men who have gone from the county?" he asked. When told they represented thoso ' who have gone from Ashland alone, he was very much Impressed with the patriotism shown by our young men. Even the larse number of stars on the service flag does not represent nearly ail the men who are or have been at some time a resident of this city. According to Dr. Maud Hawley, leader of the Honor Cuard, from 50 to 75 more are In the army, navy or air service from Ashland who have mm I Ins?! mmmmmmm A New Local Service for Motorists m 13 .VMS Timken Roller Hearing Hyatt Roller Bearing m ill m4 3&f JVeio Depurturt Hall Hearing To provide motorists and others interested in automobile service work in this section with prompt, expert dependable service on bearings, we have established an authorized local service station for the Bearings Ser vice Company. The Bearings Service Company is the national service representative for the Timken Roller Bearing Com pany, Hyatt Roller Bearing Company and New Departure Manufacturing Company. Supplied with authentic engineer ing records by these manufacturers end having immediate access to com plete stocks of new bearings not ' reground 'or second hand stock we can provide service in which you can place absolute confidence a bearing service that is exact, depend able and prompt one that will make it unnecessary for you to be without the use of your mpchine pending the receipt of bearings from tax off factories. MiUner Overland Garage Authorized Agency Bearings Service Company r n 111'"!!! ..,llli,h,n,:'!!lllll,li