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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1918)
ASHLAND TTOIUOS Thursday, April 25, 1018 : . . ; I MEN'S Work Shoes We have a hijstock of Solid Leather Shos, heavy and light weight, a shoe for every kind of work. Prices Range From $2.75 to $6.50 No better shoes anywhere. Our prices will please you. ashlanb M Knilllllllllilllllllllllllllll!llll!ii;iii!lil In the Social Realm when in Ashland, tendered him a re caption at the parish house last Fri day night. A large company of friends of Mr. Ussher were present to greet the honor guest, and a happy time was spent welcoming the re turned officer. Music was a pleasing feature and refreshments were served. I'roKrcsNive 3IM) A delightful evening was spent at the A. L. Irwin home on North Main street last Saturday night when a company of the neighbors and friends gathered to play progressive 50Q. Af ter spending some time with this enjoyable pastime, dainty refresh ments were served and music enter tained the guests. Those present were Mr. and Mrs L. A. Roberts and daughter, Rowena, Mrs. Mary Wll shlre, Mrs. F. B. Tracey, Mrs. Geo. Ketchum, Mrs. Percy Cheever, Mrs. S. J. Irwin. Married at Klamath County Miss Bertha F. Spencer, of Klam ath county, a niece of A. C. Spencer and Mrs. Mary J. McAllister of Ash land, was united In marriage to Lyle Verner Gordon Wednesday of last v,eek by Rev. J. B. Griffith. The bride has been a frequent visitor In this city and has many friends in this section. 1 OTEiJ THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL Tnniiiiiiuitiimiiiiinmimitttas CLUB CALENDAR. Clvio Second and fourth Toes- days. $ Auxiliary Everj- alternate $ Thursday evening. v Junior High Bchool Parent- Teacher Third Tuesday. Hawthorne Bchool Parent Teacher Third Tuesday. Sunshine 8econd and fourth Thursdays. Wednesday Afternoon 8cond and fourth Wednesdays. Trinity Guild Second and Q fourth Thursdays. W. R. C First and third Sat- e) urdays. Monday Afternoon Study Al- 0 ternate Mondays. Chautauqua Monday evening. Chautauqua Monday afternoon. W. C. T. U. First and third r Tuesdays. Home Guard Tuesday evening. $ Eastern Star Embroidery See- ond and fourth Tuesdays. Teacup First Tuesday. Travelers Second Tuesday. e Rebekah Embroidery Second and fourth Thursdays. Christian Aid Second and fourth Thursdays. Choral Society Every Tuesday 6 evening. Prominent Ashland People Wedded A weddUig of much Interest to the people of Ashland took place in San Francisco Monday which united the lives of Dr. R. L. Burdlc, Jr., and Miss Olive Throne, both of Ash land. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. O. II. Johnson, and a popular young Ashland girl She Is a gradu- There never was a time since Adam, as good to buy on easy terms, as the present. Labor Id unprecedent ly high, and no Indications of it be ing lower for a long time to come; and you can buy a good house and lot now of the Beaver Realty com pany for less than the cost of the house, and almost on your own terms. FThis is especially attractive to R. R. people. Beaver Realty Co. 211 E. Main St., Phone 68 Gave Dinner to Guests A dinner was given at the Presby terian man80 Saturday evening in honor of MIbhoh Prlscllla Carnaban, who was home from her. school at Tllot Rock and her guest, Mary Hop kins. Those nreoent besides the honor guests wore Misses Alda Herr, Edith Il.errln and Maria Caldwell. Reception at Poriuli House The members of the Sunday school class of Trinity Episcopal church of which Assistant Paymaster W. W. Ussher of the U. Sf. navy was teacher Friday and Saturday, April 26 & 27 ' No Gloom. Just Joy Laugh and Live Other Features Pole Fairbanks -IN- A MODERN MUSKETEER Or A Kansas Cyclone In this production "Doug" performs amazing feats. Many of the scenes were taken In the Grand Canyon of Arizona, and the work of the acrobatic star on lofty peaks, 8000 feet apve tbe sea level, and along the precipitous canyon, will thrill everybody and,"of course, In connection with its sensationalism and great scenic beauty, it is replete with Intensely humorous situations! Lower Floor 25c Balcony 20c Kiddles 10c Remember, Coming, Sunday and Monday Bessie Barriscale In WITHIN THE CUP No Advance in Prices ate of tho California State Normal; school at San Jose, and has taught at Antioch, near San Francisco, the past two years. Dr. Burdic is a prom inent young dentist of this city, but expects a call in a short time to serve his country in the army. Married at Jacksonville The marriage of Miss Hazel Eaton and F. M. Rouse, both of Ashland, took place at Jacksonville Wednes day of la3t week, Justice of the Peace Henry G. Cox performing the ceremony. The groom is an employe at the Southern Pacific roundhouse and has been a resident of this city for the past six months. sive 500 at her home on Morton street Monday evening. Four tables were arranged for the games, at which' Mrs. Roy Walker and J. F. Place secured the first prizes, while Mrs. H. G. Eastman and L. Hineman 'were given the booby prizes for the lowest scores. Delicious refreshments were served, after which the guests repaired to the famous Belgle dance hall In the attic and enjoyed an hour of dancing. Tllose In attendance were Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Eastman, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Hinds, Mrs. Ada Bunch, Mrs. Roy Walker, Mrs. H. C. Stock, Mrs. C. Beigle, Misses Helene and Gertrude Biede, Georgia Coffee, Tva Whitcomb, Calla Belgle, Messrs. E. R. McCormlck, Milton Beiglei El mer Beigle, Cbauncey Stoddard, J. F. Place and L. Hineman. Pupils' Piano Recital The piano pupils of Miss Estelle Jones gave an interesting studio re cital at her home on Liberty street, Saturday . afternoon. Pupils taking part In the recital were Mildred Bolz, Lorraine Brookmiller, Fred Calef, Olive Calef, Mrs. Allen Denton, Eric Hansen, Mrs. M. J. Love, Harold For ter and Frank Walker. ProRresslve BOO Party Miss Calla Belgle, entertained a company of her friends with progres- Republican Candidate For County Clerk - p ?? CHAUNGEY FL0REY "'or Fcveral years Deputy County Assessor and f lire years County Recorder of Jackson county; " -uglily familiar with county businens. The last public accountant, after having exam- 1 liia ofiVe, said in his official report: "It is the - ' un office of its kind in the State of Oreg m." (raid Aavj Delegates to Grand Lodge At the last meeting of Hope Re bekah lodge last Tuesday night the following delegates were appointed to attend the grand lodge session to be held at Seaside In May: Mrs. W. ht Moore, Mrs. W. N. Wright and Miss Mollle 'Songer. Classified Advertisements TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR SALE Pigs, two months old. ' W. H. Wallis, Soda Springs. 97-4t PIANO BARGAIN For sale, square piano at very low price. Call- at 177 Hargadlne St. 97-3t rOR SALE 7 -room house, 3 lots; all clear, $500 on easy terms. Also good six-cylinder Hudson, A-l con dition. Phone 432-R, or call 842 Boulevard. ' 97-3t FORI SALE New Harley-Davidson motorcycle, three-speed, twin-cylinder; tandem attachment. A bar gain 1 sold at oiice. Jordon Elec tric company. 97. 2t ty a careful, impartial and economi cal administration of all the duties connected with the office. GLENN O. TAYLOR. (Paid Adv mn;iiiiiii;ii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!:iii'ii!ii;i;:: AT THE CDURCHES Trinity Episcopal Church Vicar the Rev. P. K. Hammond. Holy Communion at 7:30 a. m.; Sun day school at 9:45. Morning service and sermon at 11. Strangers and isitors most cordially welcomed. No evening service. ' First Church of Christ, Scientist Pioneer avenue,' south. Sunday services at 11 o'clock. Subject of les son sermon, "Probation after Death," Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Wed nesday evening meeting at 8. Read ing room open from 2 to 4 daily, ex cept Sundays and holidays. Presbyterian Sunday school at 9:45, preaching service at 11 -and 8 o'clock. Christ ian Endeavor at 7:00. Prayer serv ice Wednesday evening. Choir re hearsal Friday. Quarterly Commun ion service will be observed next Sunday morning, also ordination tit Mr. J. R. Robertson as elder. FOR RENT Three continuous rooms for light housekeeping, completely furnished, one block out from busi ness section on Pacific highway. Light and water, furnished. Gas In house. $12.50. Mrs. S. J. Ir win, 156 North Main street. Phone 347-R. It NOTICE OF REDEMPTION OF PAV- INO IMPROVEMENT BONDS Recorder's Office, Ashland, Oregon April 25, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Paving Improvement bonds Nos. Iu7 to IfiO, both In clusive, dated .Nov. 1, 1909, of the City of Ashland, Oregon, will be , taken up and cancelled by said city on the 1st day of May, 1918,by payment of the face value there of and accrued interest, and Inter est on said bonds will cease on that date. GERTRUDE BIEDE, City Recorder. Date of first publication April 25, 1918. 97-2t County Judgo I hereby announce my candlddacy for the republican nomination for the office of county judge at the primary election to be held May 17. As member of the law firm of Carkln & Taylor, I have been engaged In the practice of law for eight years In Jackson county, mainly along busi ness and commercial lines; since Jan uary, 1911, I have held the office of justice of the peace for Medford dis trict. My decision to become a can didate has been reached after con sultation with many friends, who be lieve that, in addition to business ability, legal and judicial experience are indlspenallile in the successful administration of the office of coun ty judge, many of the most import ant duties of which arc purely judi cial. If nominated and elected, I pledge the citizens of Jackson coun-j Baptist Church Rev. W. Norton Ferris, minister. Bible school at 9:45, a live wire. Re member, "the Sunday school that is not out for business, has no busi ness to be out", O. F. Carson, supt. Divine worship at 11. Do not fall to attend this service. Come and wor ship with us and hear the .pastor's message, "What Does the Bible School Stand For?" Sunday school efficiency Institute at 2:30. Every Christian in the city should be there. Young People's meeting at 7:00. Ev ening service of song and sermon at 8. All are cordially Invited. Strang ers always welcome. Nazarene Church Sunday school at 9:45, T. S. Wiley superintendent. Efficient and Godly teachers in all departments. You are invited to take advantage of this great opportunity of bringing your children under practical as well as theoretical religion. Morning wor ship at 11, subject, "A 'Rest Result ing from Toil." Y. P. H. L. at 7, Mina Ashcraft, president. This service is devoted (o an outline study of the bible. Evening . service at 8, sub ject, "Sanctification as Taught by Jesus." If you are Interested in scrip tural, not man-made holiness, you wiill appreciate this sane interpreta tion. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8. This Is a well attended servlcs and always proves a great spiritual uplift to all who attend. Cottage prayer meeting Friday afternoon at the Hlbbs residence on C street, be tween 4th and 5th. Mrs. John Bur nett, leader. If you want the gos pel, come to these meetings and you will not be disappointed. Dorman D. Edwards, PaBtor. v . 1 Mrs. Adelbert May of Mantua, Ohio, Is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Root, who are old- time friends. Mrs. May has been spending the winter with her son at Riverside, Cal. PAGE THEATRE One Night Only, Tues. Apr. 30 First appearance here of the distinguished English actor r. Cyn! Maude In his international success The Comedy Drama, GRUMPY As played two years in New York and London il Orders Now Regular Seat Sale M The Right Kind of a Man f or Senator , v 'J ' t A Robert N.Sfaniield Farmer, Stock Raiser and Producer The state is entitled to the active services of a man who knows how to work. Work for the state generally and work for the people of the state both Individually and" collectively. Oregon does not nsed any orators for orators are a drug on the market, and like constitutional lawers, they do not get anything. The federal government needs all the assistance Oregon can give, but Is not receiving It because It has not been put up to the department on a business basis. i Today business men are having more to do with the gov ment affairs than ever before. We are spending twenty-four million dollars a day and the people who will pay this money are the people who actually create wealth, the farmer, producer and the toiler. Our prosperity depends upon our continued industrial activities and every one of these should be maintained at maximum capacity. The prosperity of the small farmer, the small producer and the small manufacturer Is as essential to the stats and the nation as the prosperity of the big man, every one of our occupations should be given equal considera tion regardless of the amount produced. Every encouragement must be given to Increase produc tion and this can be obtained only through assurance that the small farmers as well as the big man is going to receive his proportionate share of the war expendi tures, and that there will be a' market for his products and a profit to him for his work, based proportionately upon his cost of production. ' ' There must be equality in all phases of our state and national industry, and the small fellow must not be for gotten, overlooked or crowded out through the rush for big things and big orders and big accomplishments. If the people of the state want a business man, a work er, a man who knows, is thoroughly acquainted with every phase of the Industrial situation in Oregon, a man who Is capable, honest and fearless,a man who has by his own labor and through his advancement aided In the progress and development of Oregon, they want Robert N. Stanfield. Paid Adv. by Stanfield Senatorial League, 203 North western Bank Building, Portland, Oregon.