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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1918)
Monday, April 8, 1018 ASHLAND TTDIXGfl PAGE SEVE9 TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Rates: On cent per word, first Insert Ion; cent per word for each Insertion thereafter; 80 worda or less $1 per month. No advertise ment Inserted, for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order except to parties navmg ledger accounts with the office. PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurlst for S. P. B. R. Offices, M. P. and H. Bldg., opposite postofflce, Medford, Ore. Phone 567. 21-tf DR. ERNEST A. WOOD Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and t to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash land, Ore. 73-tf GEO. T. WATSON, Painter and Pa perbangen. Phone 202-R. 166 Ohio street. 40-tf BIIL POSTER Will Stennett, 116 Factory street. BUI posting and distributing. 64-tf THE JOHNSTONES CURE Hydro pathic treatments for chronic cases. 31 Gresham street. 41-tf CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB The regular meetings of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Auxiliary Hall. B. D. IJRIGGS, Attorney-at-Law. Pioneer Block, Ashland. DR. KEENEY FERRIS, B. S., M. D., M. H. Homeopathic physician and surgeon. Office, Baptist parson age, 247 Oak street. Hours, 9 to 12 noon. 85-tf FOR REST FOR REXT Two furnished bunga- lows. Inquire at 111 Granite 91-tf street. FURNISHTD HOUSE at 438 North Main street for rent Garage, fruit and garden. Geo. W. Tref ren, 267 Fourth street, phone 1. 91-tf FOR RENT Good four-room house just above camp grounds. Large lot and good barn and outbuild ings. It Is the old Stevens place.1 $5 per month. See B. R. Greer at the Tidings office. tf FOR RENT Four-room modern cot tage; barn for horses or car; one acre ground for garden. Granite street, near auto park. Call at 1 4 S Laurel St. or phone 383-L. S5-tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms, close in. 148 Lau rel street. Call on or telephone 383-L. 83-tf FOR RENT Furnished five-room bungalow. Adults only. 147 Nut ley street 81-t f FOR RENT ON SHARES An A-l 14-acre apple orchard, mostly Grav enstines. Always a big seller. Phone 9-F-ll. FURNISHED housekeeping apart ments. Inquire 63 N. Main street. 77-tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Milch cow. Call at Grimsley place or address Mrs. H. Montgomery, R. F. D. Box 86. 92-2 rOR SALE Sixty gallons engine oil, 60c a gallon; 1 200-Ib. Jersey Red boar; 1 Jersey cow coming fresh soon; 1,000 lbs. good potatoes; 1 'Jersey bull subject to register; 1 tent. $8:3 good saddles. Eastern SuddIv Co.. Ashland. 92-tf FOR SALE Seed corn. Large Yel low Dent Early. W. D. Booth I1.AA 001 TO QQ Dak Qft-4 FOR SALE Hand-picked, recleaned red Mexican beans, in quantities of ten pounds or more, 10 cents a pound. Davis white wax seed beans. 30 cents a pound; ten pounds. $2.50. 1049 Ashland street, phone 432-Y. 89-lmo FOR SALE CHEAP On Canton ditcher. Hotvy, with mould to throw dirt both ways. For heavy ditch work like irrigation or pip ditch. Inaulre at the Tidings or fice. 94 tf FOR SALE OR TRADE INTERESTED IN ASHLAXI). Every week the Tidings gets sev eral cards like this, asking for sam ple copies of the paper and inquiring about properties. We always send the samples. Will this man find what you have to sell when he reads the sample copies? If you really want to sell your property advertise it in the classified columns of the Tidings. The cost is small. "Ashland Tidings. ' "Gentlemen: Please send me -copies of Ashland Tidings , giving classified ads of farm lands for sale or trade; also please send any litera ture you may have available on Ash land and vicinity, and oblige, "Yours truly, "Wm. C. LOGAN." FOR TRADE, FOR JACKSON COUN TY RANCH OR ASHLAND CITY i PROPERTY A four-story brick : building eleven apartments, nine j of two 'rooms and two of three I rooms. Lot 26x69. The building I is in first-class condition. Well lo- 1 cated in San Francisco. Income per month, $375. Monthly ex pense: Taxes $22, insurance $3.14, steam heat $15, water $12, Janitor $47, lights $5, garbage $1.60; total monthly expense $108.64. Pays net per month $239.36, less 6 per cent Interest on mortgage, $100. Price $40,000, mortgage $20, equity $20. The property earns $2,032.32 per an num net. What have you to trade for the equity? B. R. Greer, at the Tidings office. 69-tf WANTED TOP PRICE paid for large fat hens. Phone 260-Y or call freight depot . AV. H. Wenncr. - .90-4 FOR SALE FURNITURE FURNITURE FOR SALE Piano, sewing machine, typewriter, ta bles, chaira, bed, rugs, book shelves, books, pictures, fruit jars, dishes, tools, lawnmtfwer', kitchen- ware, etc. Call between 3:30 and 7 p. m. at 167 Hargadine street. Mrs. S. A. McGavern. 91-2 DOWDEN SPUD PLANTER, good as new, less than half price. See It at 115 Granite street. 91-tf MALE HELP WANTED MILL MEN WANTED Year around job for experienced mill men; big wages; excellent mess house; fine cabins; electric lights; men's club house. Telephone or write toMo doc Lumber Co., Chiloquin. Ore. 92-1 mo. WANTED AT ONCE Men between IS and 45 years of age to quality ' for both conductors and motor men. Wages, 38 cents per hour first year, 40 cents second year and 45 cents thereafter. Eight hour day, time and half for all work over eight hours and thirty minutes in any 24-hour period. Apply room 310, Electric building, Portland, Ore. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company. 86-6t FOR 8AUS-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Ulen estate. One-acre tract with five-room modern cot tage on Lincoln Btreet. Price reas onable. Address owner, Fred L Uleri, Lewiston Idaho. 91i-lmo. FOR SALE Part or all, most desir able 15-acre modern home In Ash land. ' Free irrigated. R. D. San ford, Helman street. 88-lmo. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE A modern six-room house, close in, good location. Price $1,000; terms 1500 down, balance on easy pay ments. Phone 98 or 277-Y. 83-tf FARMS FOR SALE Prices are right. Quality and location good. From five acres up. G. S. Butler, Ashland, Ore. 86-lmo. EGGS FOR HATCHING. EGGS FOR HATCHING Raise best j winter layers now. RHODE ISLAND REDS. Setting from pure ' blood, heavy laying stock, 75c if called for. FANCY CHRYSAN THEMUM plants, 40c dozen. Miss Edna Hoag, 475 Beach street. 91-lm FOR SALE Choico Plymouth Rock: setting eggs. Per setting of 15 j eggs, 7ac. Airs. wm. riacKus, 872 B street, phone 258-R. 88-lmo. rAUTO FOR HIRE At Smith's liv ery). Seven-passenger and five passenper cars Careful driver. Phone 59 or 305-R. 89-lmo. LEGAL NOTICES. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson county. Suit In Equity to Declare a Deed to be a Mortgage and to Fosecloso the same. George G. Ogg and Minnie J OkS. plaintiffs, vs. Oren M. Murphy and his wife, Maude Murphy. Omer W. Murphy and his wife, Emma Murphy, W. P. Murphy, L. A. Murphy and his wife, Ales Murphy, Otis L. Murphy and his wife, Ella Murphy, Ivan E. Murphy, Mable Murphy and Cecil .Murphy, heirs at law of E. E. Mur phy, deceasea, a,eienaanis. To Otis L. Murphy, Ella Murphy, Ivan E. Murphy and Mable Mur phy, four of the defendants above named: ' In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to appear in the above entitled court and cause and answer the Com plaint therein filed against you by the above named plaintiffs on or before tho expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publica tion of this summons, namely, on or hoforq the 6th day of May, 1918. If you fall to so appear and an swer, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint, a succinct state ment of which is as follows: That plaintiffs have Judgment againt the mortgaged property hereinafter described ior me sum ' of $800.00 with interest thereon from January 30, 1916, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, Deing tho amount of a loan made by plaintiffs to E. E. Murphy, and judgment for further sums paid by plaintiffs for taxes, -assessments and insurance on said mortgaged nrpmlRfis as follows: 111.33 with interest from April 5, 1916, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum. 111.33 with Interest from Octo ber 5, 1916, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum. 117.01 with interest from April 5, 1917, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum. ,$6.30 with Interest from August 20, 1917. at the rate of 8 per cent per annum. ip. 4 0 with interest from Sep tember 28, 1917, at the rato of 8 per cent per annum. 117.01 with interest from Octo ber 5, 1917, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, ana me cusis uuu rtldlmrnmnents of this suit. That the Deed of Conveyanco executed by E. E. Murphy conveying to plaintiffs a tract of land situated SMOKt At All DeaUn TisiT Th. Million Dollar 'Smoko Tht FUr Luti Tisit Cijtar Factory, .Makers J, M. Alnutt, Prop. in Jackson County, Oregon, and described as "Beginning at the northeast cornor of the J. K Leabo lot as laid down on the of ficial map of tho City of Ashland, Oregon, thence north 5 degrees west along tho west side line of Granite street ' 100 feet; thence west 150 feet; thence south 5 de grees east 100 feet; thence east 150 feet to the place of beginning, all In the City of Ashland, Ore gon," and which deed was record ed September 20, 1911, In Vol. 89 of Deed Records of Jackson Coun ty, Oregon, ot page 233 thereof, be decreed in legal effect to be a mortgage, aud that the . lands therein conveyed bo Bold under foreclosure las provided by law, for tho payment of said amounts due plaintiffs. That the right or equity of redemption of said de fendants, and each.. of them, in or to the said described premises be forever barred, excopt as in the manner provided by law, and for such other relief as tho Court may deem meet and equitable. This Summons is cerved upon you by publication onco each week for six consecutive weeks in the Ashland Tidings, a semi-weekly newspaper prlnttd and published at Ashland, Oregon, pursuant to an order of tho Hon. F. M. Cal kins, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order is of dato March 23, 1918, and requires you to appear and answer as above set forth. The dato of the first publication of this Summons Is March 25, 1918. L. A. ROBERTS, Attorney for Plaintiffs. Residence and postofflce address, Ashland, Oregon. 88-6t-Mon. STATEMENT OF THE OWNER- 'SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULA TION, ETC., required by the Act of Congress of AugUEt 24, 1912, of Ashland Tidings, published semi weekly at Ashland, Oregon, for April, 1918. State of Oregon, County of Jack son S3. Before me, a notary public 1n and for the stato and county afore said, personally appeared Bert' R. Greer, who, having been duly sworn acording to law, deposes and says that he is the editor and man ager of the Ashland Printing Com pany, and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and be lief, a true statement of the owner ship, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, re quired by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied In section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, to wit: 1. That the names and address es of the publisher, editor, manag ing editor, and business manager are: Publisher The Ashland Print-, ing Company, Ashland, Oregon. Editor Bert R. Greer, Ashland, Oregon. Managing Editor Eert R. Greer, Ashland, Oregon. Business Manager Bert R. Greer, .4shland, Oregon. 2. That the owners are: The Ashland Printing Company, Ash land, Oregon; Bert It. Greer, Ash land, Oregon; Harvey R. Ling, Ox nard, Cal.; Charles B. Harris, Tu scon, Ariz.;i H. H. Hail, Los An geles, Cal. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders, holding one per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are' None. BERT It. GREER, Manager. Sworn to and pubscribed before me this 4th day -of April, 1918. G. F. BILLINGS, Notary Public for the State of Oregon. My commisElcn expires January 3, 1920. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. For County Judge. George A. Gardner announces his candidacy for County Judge, subject to the republican primaries May 17. He stands for efficiency, economy, business principles applied to county affairs, a square deal to every section of the county, personal service and courteous treatment for everyone transacting business with the county. (Paid Adv.) County Clerk. I wish to announce to the people of Jackson county that I am a candi date for the republican nomination for County Clerk, at the primaries to be held May 17. In asking for the nomination for County Clerk;, I do so feeling that I am thoroughly quali fied to serve the people in that capac ity, and that my previous service as County Recorder has fully prepared me for the more important office of County Clerk. ' In case the people are satisfied with my administration of the Recorder's office, and should see fit to prombte me to the office of County Clerk, I assure them that they will have no reason to regret It. CHAUNCEY FLOREY. (Poid Adv.) Sheriff. I hereby announce my candidacy ror tne office of Sheriff and respect fully solicit the support of the voters of Jackson county. C. B. TERRILL. (Paid Adv.) County Clerk. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for County Clerk at the primary election, May 17, 1918. I have had 1 years' experience as deputy county recorder and seven years es deputy county clerk. The county clerk's office wHl, after the first Monday in January, 1919, as sume the duties of the county re corder, and I feel my experience in the said offices qualifies me to take up the combined duties. If nominated and elected I will continue the present efficient and economical methods In conducting the office and use every effort to give the public courteous treatment. FLORA THOMPSON. (Paid Adv.) SLOGANS STATEWIDE Contestants For Liberty Loan Prize Widely Scattered. NEARLY EVERY COUNTY AND TOWN IN OREGON IS REPRE SENTED IN THE MATERIAL SUB MITTED TO COMMITTEE. Slogans from over the entire state were submitted for use In the Third Liberty Loan campaign, In the recent slogan contest, for the best of which a $50 Liberty Bond is to be awarded opening day, April 6. Among the slogans which were con sidered by the committee as possess ing high merit and worthy of especial mention, are the following which are nrpresentative of the entire Btate: -" Open your purse help Hill the curse, Miss Hazel McCoy, Dufur; buy a bond that binds Democracy, W. P. McMasters, Mills City; the Kaiser groans at Liberty Loans, Nettie Page Scofleld, Newberg; Liberty Loans are Liberty's stepping stones, Mrs. J. D. Slater, La Grande; bury the Kaiser with Liberty Bonds, Geo. A. Barden, Grants Pass; Uphold the colors with liberty dollars, Mrs. Edward- Hill, iarshfield; Over there our boys are watching, H. K. Donnelly, Salem; Break Liberty's chains invest your gains, Bucna Fisher, Dallas; Sow bonds reap victory, Miss Elva S. Hall, Vanora; Build freedom's foun dation with Liberty Bonds, C. E. Logs den, Junction City; Our country's ar morLiberty Bonds, C. W. Collier, Milwaukle; The Liberty Bond is vic tory's wand, H. E. Allen, HillBboro; Gold were dross with freedom's Iobs, Count that day lost, whose low de scending sun, sees nothing done to beat the Hun, both by T. P. McAn drews, Baker; Your little mite may win the fight, Mollie E. Striaght, Ore gon City; Protect your homes with Liberty Loans, Lonna Powell, Baker; Buy a bond bridge the pond, Mrs. H. M. McKenna, Astoria; We'll bridge the pond with Liberty Bonds, M. Eva Duel, Eugene; Join the band at Lib erty's stand, Mrs. L. R. Whitney, Van couver, Wash.; Another Liberty Loan Insures Entente success, Wtlna Debill, Amity; Provide Pershing power to punish Prussianism. The following slogans are a few of those submitted by residents of Port land in the contest: Fight, buy, or show us why, Grace N. Crow; Patriots all, subscribe to the call, A. R. Vandervielen; Liberty Loans protect what you own, W. W.j Lawton; Our bonds dictate our sol diers' fate, Mrs. D. W. Jackson; Have a heart, do your part, They also serve who only lend, Jennie A. Marshall; Yankee Doodle dollars do or die, Keep the home funds fighting, W. S. Kirk Patrick; 'Tis freedom's call lend your all, Be no shirker, be a worker, Flor ence B. Hoyt; Save America's fate from German hate. J. N. Reeves; The Liberty Loan safeguards the home, J. II. Mason; For county and home- Liberty Loan, Geo. E. Hall;, Be backer, not a slacker, H. G. Furnish; Subscribe to loan, protect your home, Miss Myrtle Bates; Can you deny while others die, Anna Laville Mc pherson; Bonds are better than Prus sian fetters, Ruth Helen Underhlll. CRY FROM TRENCHES TO FOLKS AT HOME The following Is copied from the Roseburg News, and is said to have been published 1y request from onu of the boys at' the front: Samuel J. KIrkwood, secretary of the Interior In the cabinets of Presi dents Garfield and Arthur, while war governor of Iowa, In the year 1S61, made a speech from the steps of the eld capltol building in which he said in substance:' "Tliese are troublesome times and there are traitors and spies in our midst who would destroy this union. If any ,nian in this state is a traitor to the caus or Insults the flag, shoot him In the act, or in the uttering of the word, I am the. governor; youi1 pardon awaits you." What the United States needs at Hie present time Is 48 war governors like Samuel J. Kirkwood. As a people we have too much ego in our Comos. We do a big tiling in a big way but frequently neglect the details. Just now we are on the big gest job the world has ever known, and it Is up to us to get down to the materialistic and utilitarian. We who are In France and those who are to follow have no fear for the months of toll and battle that lie before us but we do want to know that the spies and traitors who aro seeking to block our avenues of sup plies and munitions shall not suc ceed. , i Alien enemies should be watched and accounted for. For three nights the writer was with a French patrol in one of the largest cities in France, that made the rounds from 10:30 p. m. to 2 a. m. Different patrols started in different directions from a central baao and literally fine combed the city. Sleepers In the parks were routed out, hotels and lodging houses were Invaded, pedes trians were held up and each was made, civilian and soldier alike, to show his credentials, in centers of population that Is the rule in France. Frence is original and efficient in her methods. For years Germany has permeated the earth with her. spies both mili tary and commercial who preached German efficiency, and took observa tions on the side. Germany pioneers in nothing but robbery, murder, rape, arson and kul tur. France gave the 'world a Pasteur who laid the foundation for modern medicine, and ever since Germany has been giving the bugs a merry chase and calling it German effi ciency. Italy gave tho world the wireless, and from tho; day the first word jarred the virgin eons of the atmos phere, Germany has been setting up great wireless stations on alien shores for the avowed purpose of de stroying democracy. The United States gave the world an Edison a wizard with a thou sand wonders, a Holland with the first Bubmarlno (which Germany re fused to buy, but stole outright, the Wright brotheri, the first pioneers of the air. Germany took up the wondrous deeds of these and other great men, dressed them in German clothes, and scld to the world, "Be bold! we are the efficient" and 'said it so often the world came to believe It, She hired our newspapers to propagate our kultur and pave the way for what has happened. And, folks at home, keep your eyes ever and anon on the newspa pers and men who before the war favored the German cause. The Jingle of the dollar helps the hurt that honor feels "The voice was the voice of Jcob, but tho hand was the hand of Esau." A mother In Belgium saw a Ger man approaching her home. She hid her children. The Gorman demand ed supper, lodging and breakfast. Ills wants were satisfied. In the morning, to the surprise of the good woman, he paid her. She said: "How strange I thought' all Ger mans were bad. I am pleased to know that you are a gentleman. Do you know that when I first saw you I hid my children?" "So?" replied the German, "I too have children. Let me see yours." Whereupon the fond mother called up the treasures of her heart from the cellar, only to see thorn both shot deud'ut her feet. In the hlatin of her grief Bhe told the story to her neighbors but now she tellw It to the bars of her window In a mad house. , Folks at homo! we sent you greet lugs! Our fiber is good, and it Is your fiber. We will each and every one do his best and do you the same. And when we return we won't be afraid to look you in the eye, take you by the hand and say "Howdy." FOREST FIRE LOSS IS LESS X 1017 Losses from fires In natlonhl for ests last year amounted to $1,358,- 600, according to figures compiled by the Forest Service. While the loss was larger than for several years, it was unusually light considering the dangerous conditions. Protracted drought aud periods of high wind? made conditions virtually the same as in 1910, when $25,000,,000 worth of timber on national forests whs de stroyed. Careless callipers were responsible for 1,288 fires. Railroads, partly through failure to comply with tho law, set 1,003, while the number of Incendiary fires la given as 952. The total number of fires fought was 7,814. All but 2,132, set by light nlng, were caused by human agen ClfiS. LIVESTOCK INSURANCE Ilartfqrd Mortality Policies Insure horses, mules and cattle against death from any cauce Hartford , Transit Policies insure cattle, sheep and hogs against loss on the way to market. Better protect yourself against loss before it is too late. Farm and work horses, dairy and feeding cattle) reg istered stock. Protected by the great Hartford Fire Insurance Co. with its record of more thnn a century of hon orable dealing with the public. Billings Agency Real Estnte and Real Insurance 41 E. Main St, Phone 211 Pure flilk Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, TELEPHONE Proprietor 392-J- Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser vice to Any Part of Town HOW RETURNS ARE NOTED Map System to Be Used During Third Liberty Loan Drive. Eoturns from the various counties of the state will be indicated at the Oregon State fentral Liberty Loaa headquarters,' Portland, on a color scheme map, as will every town and district in which a quota has been assigned, by a yellow thumb tack. The counties will have a large headed tack and the districts a small yellow, one. As soon as one-half of the assigned quota has been reached in each town or district a red thumb tack will re place the yellow one on the map. Similarly with the counties on the state map. Each county headquarters will have their own map with the county divided into convenient dis tricts which are to be bulletined like wise. When the full quota In each town and district is attained it will be des lgnated by a blue thtimb tftck. This system will afford an accurate checM and will indicate those counties and districts of the Btate which are doing the most effective work in the Third Liberty Loan Campaign. In each town and district a solicitor will be sent out with the Government household questionnaire upon which is written pertinent facts concerning the Individual's ability to subscribe. Should the person be unable to sub scribe one-half of the amount esti mated that he is able to, a yellow card will be sent Into district head quarters. When more than one-half but less than the full assignment has been received a red card replaces the yellow, and a bluo card Is used when the full quota of the individual has been subscribed.! This system gives an accurate and detailed chock on every person and the state and county headquarters will know exactly what can be expected and what is being done. The master map at Washington, ft. C, will indicate the advance In each state and the entire country. Everyman's Pledge. America shall win this war! Therefore, I will work, I will savst, I will sacrifice, I will endure. I will fight cheerfully, and to my utmost as If the whole outcome of the Strug gle depended upon me alone. INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Leave Ashland for Medford, Talent and Phoenix daily except Sunday at 9:00 a. m. and 1:00, 4:00 and 5 : 1 6 p. m Also on Saturday night at 6:30. Sundays leave at 9:09 a. m., 12:30, 4:30 and 6:30 p. m. Leave Medford for Ashland dally ex cept Sunday at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00, 4:00 and 6:15 p. m. Also on Sat urday night at 10:15. On Sundays 10:30 a. m., 1:30, 6:30 and 9:30 P. m. Fare between Medford and Ashland, 30 cents. Round trip BO cents. Ashland Transfer ! & Storage Co. C. F. Bates, Proprietor t Wood, "Peacock" I and Rock Springs Coal and Cement PHONE 117 t , r I Office 99 Oak Street, Ware-1 house on track near depot. J Ashland, Oregon r.iti Hill hi . VIA A IHT if i 4f aia w Itr H.-n rrnnnu A En tho tioart nt tho tttc business, shopping mam mmm wmb v w aaw and theatre district. Running distilled ice HtHi water in every room. Our commodious lobby .fine service,and Homelike restaurant will attract you. European Plan rates $1.00 up. Management W. B. Janet Pure Cream 0 LtoJ;s8s? Everything" fBf Ml w I (