Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, February 28, 1918, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Thursday, February 28, 1918
Adopt Program of
Work for Year
We are Open for Business
Tlio home economics committee of
the Jackson County Agricultural
Council, which was organized lust
week in the office of Miss McCor
mlck, emergency lioma demonstra
tion agent, voted to adopt the follow
ing program of work for the year:
I. Organization. In order that ef
fective work 1)0 carried on through
out the year, every community in the
county will be organized for service
Local organisations will lie used In
every possible case, and In as many
communities as possible the home
economics study work will be Intro
duced. UH
In the Old Opera House
? .mm i
Here and There
Charged with distributing liquor to
Indians, E. L. Paddock was Thursday
given a hearing before United States
Commissioner Bert C. Thomas, and
eufficient evidence found to bring
him over to the action of the federal
grand jury. It developed during the
hearing that Paddock, who Is a
brakeman on the train between Chil
oquin and this city, had furnished
two young Indians whiskey in a car
near the Southern Pacific station,
where they had caroused and played
cards at night. Klamath Falls Her
Reynolds then left to carry a partial
ly filled bottle from Mann to another
room Mann had rented at another
place, and Chief of Police Hittson
stopped him on the street and arrest
ed him. Mann was captured a short
time after. Medford Sun.
To be compelled at the point of
gun to feed a hobo Is not a pleasant
experience, which fact can be veri
fied by Airs. Fred Ball. Mrs. Ball
was alone at their home about two
Overland Millner
Authorized Agency
Bearings Service Co.
New Departure
Timkem-Hyatt Bearings
miles from town Wednesday morn
ing when a hobo stopped and asked
for something to eat. On being re
fused he pulled a gun and pointed it
at Mrs. Ball, whereupon she fed him
and he resumed his journey south
ward. Such traveling gentry are a
menace tot the public safety and
should be shown no leniency what
ever,. Riddle Tribune.
Justice Taylor Monday morning
sentenced John Mann, a Central
Point laborer, to 30 days in jail for
bringing Intoxicating liquor into the
state, and fined Earl Reynolds $50
for having liquor in his possession.
Mann arrived in the city Sunday af
ternoon from Yreka with three
quarts of whiskey and Invited Reyn
olds and another man up to his room
In a West Main street rooming house
This Corn Will
Peel Right Off!
Gets-It" Makes Corns Come
The "Banana-Peel" Way!
Why have to flop on tho floor,
squeeze yourself up like the letter
Z", and with bulging eyes draw
vour face up Into a wrinkly knot
-while you gouge and pull at the
"quick" of a tender corn? That's
2 or 3 Drape Applied in Few Second
There no Fuulng or Cutting.
"CU-lt" Alwiji Worlul
the old, savage way. "Gets-It" Is
the modern, painless, simple way.
Lean over and put two drops of
"Qeta-It" on the corn, put your
stocking and shoe right on again,
and forget the corn. Pain la eased.
"Gets-It" has revolutionized the
treatment of corns. It never Irri
tates he true flesh. You'll atop
limping on the aide of your ahoe,
and do away with greasy salves,
tundling bandages, thick plasters
and painful methods. Use "Gets-It".
It's common sense.
"Gets-It" la sold by all druggists
(you need pay no more than 25
cents), or It will be aent direct by
B. Lawrence A Co., Chicago, III
Sold in Ashland and recommended
&s the world's best corn remedy by
JdcNalr Bros.
Agents of a company seeking to
drill for oil are In this section and,
It Is said, .are offering exceptional
Inducements to owners of land for
opportunities to drill for oil. The
Record has been informed the rep
resentatlves of the oil Interests have
asked for the right to drill In several
places and declare they want no op
tions until they have brought their
equipment On the ground. The terms
of the option, as verbally outlined,
are said to be quite liberal more so
than any of the kind ever offered
here in the past. Many landowners
who have been approached have In
dicated a willingness to allow the
men to go ahead. Marshfield Rec
That all of the United States
troops destined for service overseas
are not being sent to France, is indi
cated by a letter just received this
morning by Mrs. Carmony of this
city, from her son Glenn, who has
been In training at the Wasco, Texas,
aviation field. Glenn . Carmony
writes that before his letter shall
have reached his mother the 834th
aero squadron will be m route to
Long Island, New York, and after a
short time there will sail for some
where in Egypt. Thla well-known
Roseburg soldier lad says that the
men in his squadron have been is
sued complete outfits of new cloth
ing, the lightest that can be had, so
that they will be able to withstand
the blistering heat of the Egyptian
country, and are looking forward
with eagerness to the work that lies
before them in the campaign there.
In the same detachment with young
Carmony are three other well-known
Roseburg boys, Frand Shlleds, Frank
Langenberg and Howard Roblnett
No other details of the anticipated
sailing were given in the letter,.
Roseburg News.
IT. Conservation. (A. Conserva
tion of Food.) The production of
standard vegetable products in home
gardens to be advocated. A greater
production of poultry, bees and rab
bits to be stimulated and encouraged
throughout the county. As there
were homes In Jackson county last
year that made little attempt to pre
serve fruits and vegetables for home
use, a greater campaign is to be made
tills year for preservation by means
of drying and canning fruits and veg
etables and by water-glassing eggs.
Greater stress Is to be placed on the
war substitutes for the saving of
those foods needed by the soldiers
and allies. A study of food values
and balanced menus will be taken up
In the study classes. (B. Conserva
tion of Clothing.) Attention will be
called to the necessity of conserving
textiles. Large quantities of cotton
are being used in the manufacture
of explosives. Linen is needed in
aeroplane construction, and we know
of the scarcity of wool and of leath
er. Proper selection, repairing and
renovating of clothing will be the
main features of this project. (C.
Conservation of Health.) Better
sanitary conditions in and around
country homes', fly campaigns, and
hot, lunch work in rural schools are
subjects to be given attention.
III. Household Management. It
Is Important at this time that steps
be taken to simplify the work in the
home as women are having many de
mands made on their time. Labor-
saving devices, account-keeping and
the organization of work In the home
are problems that will be taken up
and discussed in order to make for
more efficient home work.
IV. Home Demonstration Tour.
Later in the year it Is being planned
to have a home demonstration tour
made of Jackson county. Women
from all communities will participate
in this tour, stopping at certain
homes in order to study conveniences
and arrangements. A tour of this
kind will not only be of great pleas
ure and Interest, but may result in
the Improvement of many homes.
It Is not desired or hoped for that
any one community may work out
this entire program, but each com
munlty may select those features
which seem most necessary for that
community. This program of work
is to be correlated In every possible
way with tho program of the Indus
trial Club work and the agricultural
committees of the county. It is be
lieved that an effective working out
of this program cannot but assist in
the enrichment and the betterment
of home life in Jackson county.
Honest to. Goodness Clothing
that has stood the test in this store
for 14 years.
We solicit your patroriage in Men's Wear with an
honest endeavor to please and give value received
Copytiahl, STU
The Houte of KuppAiheunet IJJrf
CtttCAgO jpfjj
The Men's Store
First Church of Christ, Scientist.
Pioneer avenue south. Sunday
services at 11 o'clock. Subject of
lesson sermon, "Christ Jesus." Sun
day school at 10 o'clock. Wednesday
evening meeting at S o'clock. Read
ing room open from 2 to 4 dally ex
cept Sundays and holidays.
Cliristlan Church.
Bible school at 10 o'clock. Preach
ing at 11 a. m. by the pastor, W. L.
Melllnger. Christian Endeavor at
6:30 p. m , on the subject, "Chris
tian Duty and Privilege Prayer,"
Jno. 14:12-17. Leader, Prof. How
ard Grover of Bellevlew, Preaching
service in the evening at the usual
Put It in Vour Hat,
When some chaps are setting
around assuming to tell every one
what they know, as to what numbers
constitute certain divisions of our
army, remove your hat and then read
the following to him:
An army corps is 60,000 men.
An infantry division is 19,000 men.
An infantry brigade is 7,000 men.
A regiment, of infantry is 3,000
A battalion is 1,000 men.
A company Is 250 men.
A platoon is 60 men.
A corporal's squad is 11 men.
A field battery has 195 men.
A firing squad is 20 men.
A supply train has 2 S3 men.
A machine gun battalion has 296
An engineer's .regiment has 1,098
An ambulance company has 66
A field hospital has 55 men.
A medicine attachment has 13
A major general heads the field
army and also each army corps.
A brigadier general heads each In
fantry brigade.
A colonel heads each regiment
A lieutenant colonel Is next In rank
below a colonel.
A major heads a battalion.
A captain heads a company.
A lieutenant beads a platoon.
A sergeant Is next below a lieuten
A corporal Is a squad officer.
Salary Reports
Must Be Filed
The Impression prevails that all
information regarding Incomes Is em
bodied in the returns made on In
come tax blanks recently sent out by
the collector of internal revenue for
this district, but such is not the case.
One item generally overlooked Is that
relating to salaries. It Is necessary
for every person, firm or corporation
paying salaries amounting to $800
or more during 1917 to report same
under oath to the commissioner of
Internal revenue, sorting division,
Washington, D. C, on special forms
furnished by Collector Milton A. Mil
ler, Portland, Ore. These reports
must be filed on or before April 1.
Phone Job orders to the Tidings.
Old papers for sale at Tidings of
fuse so little I
j ihtdyouc&n
I veil afford I
I 'the besi I
Trinity EpiHcopol Church.
Vicar, the Rev, P. K. Hammond.
Holy communion at 7:30 a. m. Sun
day school at 9:45. Service and ser
mon at 11, at which Mr. Anderson
will sing "One Sweetly Solemn
Thought." Strangers and visitors
most cordially welcomed. No even
ing service.
done in this special effort and the
revival won't stop when the evangel
ist leaves the city. We will continue
to preach tho soul-saving, sln-kllllng
Wesleyan doctrine of Justification
and sanctiflcatlon through faith in
the blood of Jesus. Don't forget the
three meetings Sunday. This will be
your last opportunity to hear Mr.
Morse. Bring your unsaved neigh
bor with you. Dorman D. Edwards,
First Baptist Church.
Rev. W. N. Ferris, minister. Bible
school at 9:45 a. m. Divine worship
at 11 a. m. The pastor will preach.
There will be special music. Reports
from layman's missionary teams will
be received. Young people's meeting
at 6:30 p. m. Evening service with
special reading and sermon at 7:30
p. m. We cordially Invite our neigh
bors and friends. Strangers are al
ways welcome.
Corvallls, Ore., Feb. 28. Ashes
are worth a careful trial as a fertil
izer this year in the preparation of
garden land, In view of the high price
of other fertilizers.
Hardwood ashes are the best, and
when kept dry till applied to the soil
they add lime, potash and phosphoric
acid. The lime has a beneficial ef
fect on the soil and on many vegeta
bles. It improves the physical con
dition of heavy soils by separating
the fine particles and making tho soil
more porous. It also serves to repel
Insect pests. The potash la in a fine
ly divided form, readily available as
a plant food.
From 30 to 50 pounds per square
rod are recommended by Prof. A. G.
Bouquet of O, A. C. They are' broad
casted and thoroughly Incorporated
with the soil as It Is being worked up
in the spring. Too heavy an applica
tion tends to make the soil alkaline,
a condition unfavorable to vegetable
growth. Ashes are also likely to In
crease scablness of potatoes and
should not be used on patato lands.
1 Soft wood ashes, leached hardwood
ashes, coal ashes and Incinerator
ashes usually contain much less of
I the valuable soli and plant element.
Am i quarter century i
of the Northweit it our
Guarantee of
y Satisfactory
I Service
Ui Brto4r Sttft.
Poultry Foodi
Bee Supplies
LVyA for Citilqffta 29
or at the latest early In May. i
Such an estimate Is based on the
known preparations for equipping
and housing the men.
The numbor to be called in the
first Increment has not yet been de
termined because the question of
housing them has not been disposed
of. It is possible that additional
cantonments may have to be provid
Xazarene Church.
Sunday evening will be the last , ;
service of the special meetings with SECOND DRAFT MAV
Evangelist Morse. The pastor will j START IN APRIL
preach In the morning at 11 and Mr. j
Morse at 3 and 7:30. His evening! v hile war department officials re
subject will be "What Will the Har- iterate that no date has been deft
vest Be?" The following week our ' nitely fixed for the calling of the sec-
regular prayer meeting will be
changed back to Wednesday night.
We feel that great good has been
ond draft of the national army, all
Indications would seem to point to
some time during the month of April,
Perhaps Hlndenburg was merely
springing a premature April Fool's
joke when ho fixed April 1 as the
date he would occupy Paris.
Umber Up With Penetrating
Hamlin'. Wizard Oil
A harmless and effective prepara
tion to relieve the pains of Rheuma
tism, Sciatica, Lame Back and Lum
bago is Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It pen
etrates quickly, drives out soreness,
and limbers up stiff aching joints and
You have no idea how useful it
will be found in cases of every day
ailment or mishap, when there it
need of an immediate healing, anti
septic application, as in cases of
sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites
and stings.
Get it from druggists for 30 cents.
If not satisfied return the bottle and
get your money back.
Ever constipated or have, sick
headache? Just. try Wizard Liver
Whips, pleasant' little pink villa. 30
cents. Guaranteed.
That's our slogan. Garden Tools, for instance. There are
those that last a season and those that last many seasons.
We carry the lasting ones.
Shovels, Hoes
akes, Spades
And every Tool needed for garden work of the very high
est quality.
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