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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1918)
Monday, February 11, 1918 A Genuine Sale of Good and Up-to-Date Styles. This is a Great Opportunity to Buy CZJ u m M Low Feces ASHTiAJTD TIDINGS rimum muni . - - REMEMBER THE LAST DAY IS FEBRUARY 23 Ladies' Black Kid Lace Boots Plain Toe, Louis Heel, 8-inch top, was 4.50. O QC Sale price OtVD Plain Toe, Louis Heel, 8- inch top, was 5.00. A AC Sale price TlD Plain Toe, Louis Heel, 9- inch top, was 8.00 n m Sale price f trD Plain Toe, Dull Kid, Louis Heel, was 5.00. J Sale price Ladies' Black Kid Button Boots Plain Toe, Louis Heel, 8-inch top, was 4.50. Q Sale price , JDD Plain Toe, Louis Heel, 8-inch top, was 6.50. C 'JC Sale price ......r.:r.. DDD Plain Toe, Louis Heel, 8-inch cloth top, was J AfJ 6.00. Sale price Plain Toe, Cuban Heel, 7-inch top, was. 3.50. O QC Sale price tdUd Cap Toe, Turn. Sole, Rubber Heel, was 4.50. Q QC Sale price UUu O AT Sale price 0X) Remember all original prices guoted, are at least Irom one dollar to two dollars below to-days prices l&m jj I I 1 V 1 W - " iff Ladies' Colored Lace Boots Imit. Toe Cap, Gray Calf, cloth top to match, Louisheel, J was 7.50. Sale price... Q9frO Plain Toe.White Kid Top, black bottoms, Louis Heel, C yjC wag 6.50. Sale price.... 0,43 Plain Toe, Castor Cloth Top, black bottom, Louis f AJ Heel, was 6.50. Sale J, All Brown Kid, Louis Heel, was 6.50. Sale . All Plum Kid, 9-inch, Louis Heel, was 9.00. 5.95 Extra Special Values in Broken Lots and Discontinued Lines oi Ladies' Shoes All kid Gipsy button, was 4.00 Velvet Gipsy button, was 4.00 Heavy black calf 6kin, low heel, button was 3.25 Same shoe, only lace, was 3.25.. Special at 2.65 Gunmetal, low heel, button, was 3.50 Gunmetal, Cuban heel, button, was 3.50....' Special at 2.95 Pat, button, cloth top, plain, pointed toe, was 4.00 Pat. button, cloth top, plain, round toe, was 3.75 Kid top, pat. button, plain toe, was 4.00.... Kid top, pat. button, cap toe, was 4.00 High cloth top, button, Louis heel, plain toe, was 5.00 Values at 2.95 a pair Gray Nubuck, button, was 4.50 Brown top, pat. vamp, button and lace, were 4.00 Kid tops, pat. button, Cuban heel, were 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 Black cravenette, button, was 4.00 Big Values at 1.95 a pair New and Up-to-Date English Walking Boots . Tony red calf, wingtip, military heel,welt sole, was 6.50... New shade tan calf, wing tip, white Neolin welt sole 'and white rubber heel, was 6.50 Dark mahogany calf, straight cap, heavy welt Bole, was 6.50 Brown calf, straight imitation cap, was 6.00.. At One Price 5.95 English Walking Boots with Fancy Tops Black gunmetal, with gray buck, cloth tops, was J Af 6.50. Extra special I.D Tan vici, with army cloth, khaki tops, was 6.50. i AT Tr.vtra cnpr-ial t"TJ3 ', ' ', Gray Calf, with cravenette tops to match, was 7.50. AC'i Extra special 0iu v Black vici, gray cloth tops, was 6.50. Sale price .'. 5.95 All Girls School and Dress Shoes Reduced Gunmetal, button, wide toe, sole leather, toe caps sizes 5 to 8, 1.85 8J to 11, 2.30 Hi to 2, 2.55 Same shoe, only stock toe cap sizes 5 to 8. 1.65 8i to 11, 1.85 1H to 2, 2.15 Dull calf, wide toe, good solid single soles sizes 5 to 8, 2.25; now 2.05 8 to 11, 2.50; now 2.30 to 2, 3.00; now 2.75 Pat. calf, wide toe, good solid single soles sizes 5 to 8, 2.25; now 2.05 8J to 11, 2.50; now 2.30 . Hi to 2, 3.00; 2.75 Gunmetal, lace, wide toe, black, water proof, canvas top !to8i. 1.75: now 1.60 9 to 11. 2.15: 1.95 1U to 2i, 2.75; 2.60 3 to 6, 3.25; 3.05 Vici kid, English leather sole, 11$ to 2, 2.75; 2.55 Big girls, 2 to 6, 3.50; 3.25 Gunmetal, English Neolin sole, 11 to 2, 2.85; 2.65 Big girls, 2$ to 6, 3.50; 3.25 Men's Dress Shoes Black calf skin, English lace, solid leather throughout, was r PC 6.50. Sale price J.UJ Same shoe with Neolin sole, was 6.50. Sale price 5.65 Black calf, English high grade welt soles, was 7.50. Sale price.. .6.65 Mahogany calf, English highest grade welt soles, was 8.50. Sale 7.65 Same shoe, with army cloth tops, was 8.00. Sale price 6.95 All Boys School and Dress Shoes Reduced Black calf, English Textan welt soles, to 0, 4.50. Sale price .'.4.15 Gunmetal, English Textan, welt soles, 1 to 6, 3.75. Sale rke , ..,. . 3.45 Button and lace, wide toe, Textan welt soles 8 to 11, 3 00; now 2.70 11$ to 13$, 3.25; now 2.95 1 to 6, 4.00; now 3.60 Gunmetal, English, white sole and heel, 1 to 6 only, 3.75;'now 3.40 Heavy black chrome uppers, gray Indestructo sole 8$ to 11, 2.75, now 2.50 11$ to 2, 3.00, now 2.70 2$ to 6, 3.25, now 2.95 Copper toe, blucher 11$ to 2, special at 1.75 -Box elf, lace, 11$ to 2, special at 1.50 Men's Dress Shoes Gunmetal, lace,-English leather, welt soles, our special 4.00 o r value. Sale price DA)D Gurr 'ai, lace and button, wingfoot fibre welt sole, our spec- O 1 C ial 3.50 value. Sale price Pat. button shoes, cloth and kid tops, 4.00 to 4.50 values O QC Sale price. uitJ Same in 5.00 and 6.00 values. Sale price 3.95 Other shoes too numeroui to mention, special sale discount of 10 All Men's Work Shoes Reduced 10 per cent n l 3 w Men's Army Shoes 5.50 values. Sale price 5.15 6.50 values. Sale price 6.15 Herman's 6.00 value. Sale 5.75 If rtrtlr stnlf etrin ArUQa fillAAQ Munsou last, 7.50. Sale price.... 6.75 Tou will never have another chance liKe this to save money. ashlanB j i r' Hunkidori Loggers Boots Light weight, 10-in. top, special..7.75 Heavy weight, 12-in. top, special 8.25 Black and Tan Work Shoes fi-in. Blnp.hflr cut. fmnmal Q.fiK Send Cash with all mail orders to insure prompt attention fi n'-M tzsn fsn tsn mm nan f . in tisn nsn iJ n i . ti im un mi on i m on i m issn rrsn im rsti tzn i m fPn rfl ir-n Ifl