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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1918)
'4 -- Monday, February 11, 1018 ASHXAffD TIDING PAGE SKVKJI TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Rates: Ont cent per word, first insertion; cent pr word for each insertion thereafter; 80 words or less $1 per month. No advertise ment inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order except to parties having ledger accounts with the office. PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup- . piled. Oculist and aurlst for 8. P. ! R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postofflce, Medford, Ore. Phone 667. 21-tf DR. ERNEST A. WOOD Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash land, Jre. 73-tt GEO. T. WATSON, Painter and Pa perhangen. Phone 202-R. 166 Ohio street. 40-tf BIIIi POSTER Will Stennett, 116 Factory street. Bill posting and distributing. 64-tf THE JOHNSTOXES CURE Hydro pathic treatments for chronic cases. 31 Gresham street. 41-tf CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLTJB The regular meetings of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Auxiliary Hall. E. D. BRIGGS, Attorney-at-Law. Pioneer Block, Ashland. FOR RENT FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms at 438 North Main street. All mod- . era conveniences. Apply at house or at 267 Fourth street, Ashland. Phone 1. 74-tf FOR SALE Two thoroughbred White Leghorn cockerels, Tancred trapnested stock, price $3 each; 252 egg Petaluma Incubator, lamp trip, price $15. 1049 Ashland street, phone 432-Y. 69-lmo. FOR RENT Fine Irrigated corn, grain and stock ranch; three to five year lease; plenty water; 50 , acres In cultivation; SO acres fine pasture; full equipment; team, tools, hay, cattle, hogs, poultry. . etc. About $600 cash. Also good I used five-passenger automobile. Illinois valley, Josephine county, near Kerby. Good buildings. Ad dress Kerby, Ore., Box 95. 75-St FOR RENT Good four-room house with good outbuildings and chick en yard, on Granite street above the auto camp ground. This is the old Johnson place. $5 per month for the winter. Inquire of Bert R. Greer at the Tidings office. 89-tf FOR RENT Fair ill-room house on Granite street, above auto camp ground. $5 per month for the winter. Inquire of Bert R. Greer at the Tidings office. 89-tf WANTED WANTED A modern, well-located home In trade for 80-acre ranch. Address Grave Creek Ranch, Le land. 75-4t WANTED Fat cows. Price 8 cents for No. 1, 7 cents for No. 2. Also want fat hens. Highest market price paid. Eagle Meat Market. ' 74-tf WANTED Several tons of alfalfa hay. Address J. H., care Tidings, and give price. 64-tf FOR SALE UnSCEIiLANEOrS PEERLESS EVERBEARING straw berry. Claimed to be the largest grown. Plants for sale. 35c doz en, $2 for 100. J. L. Harner, 303 Oak street. 7 4-1 mo. FOR SALE Dill pickles. Delivered anywhere in town at 50c a gallon. Phone 395-R. J. F. Gaines, 575 Liberty street. 68-tf FOR SALE Black oak. green, $10 per cord delivered, or $7 at ranch; white oak, green, $9 50 per cord or $3135 per tiei, 16-inch wood, delivered, or $2.50 per tier at ranch. Orders for 12-inch wood also taken. Clayton Orchards. 73-lmo. FOR SALE CHEAP One Canton ditcher. Heavy, with mould to throw dirt both ways. For heavy ditch work like Irrigation or pipe d!tch. Inquire at tho Tidings of fice. 94-tt FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Twenty acres of good farming land suitable for raising sugar beets, garden or chickens, 3 miles from nearest town, with in Vi mile of good school, on good road, all improved. For further particulars address Mrs. C. S. Lam mey, Central Point, Ore., R. 2, box 21. 73-5t FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Eight room house, with bath, sleeping porch and cellar, electric lights and gas; corner Second and Har- i gadine; lot about 80 feet square, with large cherry, apple and pear i trees, strawberries and grapes. Stoves and some furniture with it. ! Price $1,000; $550 down, balance $20 per month, with interest at 8 per cent. 321 Hargadine,-phone 264-R. 73-tf FOR SALE My Ashland residence. W. A. Turner, 159 N. Main. 65-tf FOR SALE OR RENT (WANTED TO RENT Small modern house, partly furnished preferred. . Address R. G. O., care of Tidings. 75-2t FOR SALE OR RENT Eleven and one-half" acres near the Belleview school house. Five acres in al falfa, the rest In orchard. 678 Boulevard. ' SITUATION WANTED FEMALE iWORK WANTED Strong, neat , young girl wishes housework. Call I At 343 B street, . . 75-2t MALE HELP WANTED WANTED Men for sawmills and log ging camps. Mills and camps will operate throughout the winter. Steady work. Good conditions. For full particulars write Weed Lumber Company, Weed, Cal. 71-tf LOST LOST On Boulevard, a gold lava lere. Leave at Tidings. Reward. 74-4t FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR TRADE The Vendome proper ty in Ashland, Ore.; three-story building; very valuable corner for location, large lot, paved streets. Will trade for any kind of real es tate. Address Box 521, Eugene, Ore. 74-4t FOR TRADE, FOR JACKSON COUN TY RANCH OR ASHLAND CITY PROPERTY A four-story brick building, eleven apartments, nine of two 'rooms and two of three rooms. Lot 26x69. The building Is In first-class condition. Well lo cated in San Francisco. Income per month, $375. Monthly ex pense: Taxes $22, insurance $3.14, steam heat $15, Water $12, janitor $47, lights $5, garbage $1.50; total monthly expense $108.64. Pays net per month $239.36, less 6 per cent interest on mortgage. $100. Price $40,000, mortgage $20, equity $20. The property earns $2,032.32 per an num net. What have you to trade for the equity? B. R. Greer, at the Tidings office. 69-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Two incu bators, 2 phonographs, a eood don ble harness, 3 good boys' suits age 12 years, 2 boys overcoats age 12 years, 3 second-hand bicycles, 1 hack, plow, cultivator, road cart, single harness, cash register, type writer, saddles, etc. Eastern Sup ply Co., opposite public library, Ashland. 72-tf MANY GOOD POSITIONS can be had by any ambitious young man or young woman in the field of rail way or commercial telegraphy, we want a number of young men and young women to prepare for the telegraph service to fill vacancies caused by unusual drafting of young men for the Signal Corps. Prepare to help your country. Write today for full particulars. The Railway Telegraph Institute. Portland, Ore. 74-lmo. Poultry, Pigeons, Birds, Etc BOB SALE Rhode Island Red cock erel and six pullets. Mrs. W. D Booth, 996 Oak street, phone 2J1-R. 75-2t FOR SALE Day-old chix, hatching eggs, trapnested white Leghorn stock. Deliveries after February 15. 1049 Ashland street, phone 4J2-Y. 69-lmo. ORDERS taken for baby chicks and hatching eggs from Tancred strain White Leghorns, also hatching eggs from Vibert strain Rhode Island Reds. Mrs. W. D. Booth, 996 Oak street, phone 291-R. 7 1-1 mo. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. The following Is a schedule of ex penditures of Jackson County, Ore gon, together with a list of the claim nuts and articles or service for which the claim is made and jvhich were passed upon by the County Court of Jackson County during the month of October, 1917: The following bills were allowed relative to the County Salary Fund, to-wlt: County Court and Commissioners. F. L. Tou Velle, county judge's salary $150.00 Geo. W. Owen, commission er's compensation 76.10 Louise Williamson, bailiff's salary 63.00 Total $291.00 Circuit Court. A. R. Thompson, bailiff. ....$ 18.00 Sheriffs Office. F. H. Hull, deputy hire $ 10.00 Ralph G. Jennings, sheriff's salary 208 33 Leslie W. Stansell, deputy hire 125.00 Total $343.33 County Clerk's Office. O. A. Gardner, county clerk's salary $166.66 Flora Thompson, deputy hire 83.33 Flora Welch, deputy hire 70.00 Total $319.99 Treasurer's Office. Myrtle W. Blakeley, treasur- er's salary $100.00 School Superintendent's Office. G. W. Ager, superintendent's salary $150.00 Mrs. Rodney Schuler, deputy hire 16.65 R. E. Morris, supervisor s sal ary August and September 133.33 Total $299.9S Fruit Inspector's Office. E. R. Oatman, deputy hire..$ 81.37 C A. Noren, deputy hire 25.00 T. J. Williamson, deputy hire 78.75 I. R. Kline, deputy hire 93.60 Total $278.62 SMOKE At All Dealers. Tho Flavor TisiT Tho Million Dollar Smoke Tisit Cigar Factory, Makers J.M. Alnntt, Prop. Assessor's Of ice. J. B. Coleman, assessor's sal ary $125.00 James M. Croncmiller, deputy hire o. wu Delpha Coleman, deputy hire 56.25 Llnnle Hanson, deputy hire. . 65.00 Total $326.25 Tax Collection. Paul F. Anderson, deputy hire $ 80.00 D. H. Cronemlller, deputy hire 65.60 W. O. Garrett, deputy hire. . 100.00 Mary TruaX, clerical hire. . . . 52.50 Total $288.00 Court House Expenses. J. A. Norrls, Janitor's salary $ 60.00 Jail Ex pen ho. Alpha Hartman, jail matron. . $ 6.00 Care of Poor at Poorfarm. Dr. Theo. J. Malmgren $ 83.33 W. N. Wells, superintendent's salary 100.00 Total $183.33 Enforcement of Prohibition Law. Paul F. Anderson, deputy sheriff, overtime $ 10.00 Paul F. Anderson, deputy sheriff, overtime 30.00 Total .. . $ 40.00 County Kecordnr's Office. Chauncey Florey, recorder's salary $166.66 Mildred Neil, deputy hire... 75.00 Total 1341.66 County Surveyor's Office. A T. Brown, surveyor's com- . 'pensatlcn $ 72.50 Watcrmnster. Fred N. Cummings, B&lary . . . $ 83.33 Ferries. John Blaes, salary $ 25.00 Th following bills were allowed relative to tho Current Expense Fund, to-wit: County Court and Commissioncm Philo Holbrook, duea to emintv iudees' and com missioners' convention. ... $ 10.00 Home Tel. & Tel. Co.. tele- nhone bill 2.92 Total .... $ 12.92 Circuit Court Expense. Telephone bill $ 2.70 R. H. McCurdy. witness fees, Stale vs.. Garwood 65.00 Total $ 67.70 Justiro Court. G. H. Atwell, Juror $ 1.00 H. C. Burgess, Juror 1.00 John Brown, juror 4.30 A. J. Chalk, juror 1.00 C. A. Chapman, constable fees -45.25 Mrs. L. A. Hedfrueth. witness fees 4.30 J. Hockersmlth, juror 1.00 .1. T. LeaoeiV witness 4.00 T. D. Llnville, juror 1, 00 Mrs Jacob Moore, witness. . 4.30 S. J. Myers, witness 3.20 Jacob Moore, witness 4.30 Blake Miller, witness 1.00 J. H. Mayfield, witness 3.20 H. Ma-honey, witness 3.20 Frank McCarvel, witness. . . . 4.3 James Owena, witness 4 60 Jack O'Conner, witness .... 3.20 L. J. Pierce, witness 3.20 R. C. Porter, constable fees. . .50 L. H. Tucker. Juror ....... 1.00 Arden Turnaugh, witness... 1.50 L. J. Trefren. justice fees. . . 6.20 L. J. Trefren, expense 75 G, O. Taylor, justice fees 68.35 .1. B. Wimer. witness l.OO J. R. Williams, witness 4.30 Total $180.55 Sheriffs Office. Taul Anderson, graveling ex pense $ 28.32 City Drug Store, supplies. . . 1.33 Heme Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill 16.55 Rclph G. Jennings, traveling expense 38.04 Ralph G. Jennings, office sup- plies 12.39 Medford Printing Co., sup plies 49.50 Medford Book Store, supplies 2.75 Medford Book Store, supplies 6.80 rostal Tel. & Cable Co, . tele grams 3.13 Leslie W. Stansell, traveling expense 44.22 Western Union Tel. Co., tele grams 24.19 Total $227.24 County Clerk's Office. G. A. Gardner, stamps $ 1 0.00 Home Tel & Tel. Co., tele phone bill . 5.20 Jacksonville Post, printing.. 8.00 Medford Printing Co., Print ing 18.50 Medford Book Store, supplies 23.70 Medford Book Store, supplies 51.20 F. E. Redden, clerical hire.. 14.00 Western Union Tel. Co 2.48 Total $133.08 County Treasurer's Office. Myrtle W. B'akeley, stamps.. $ 3.00 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele- phone bill 2.25 Medford Book Store, supplies 1.90 Tot"' $ 7.15 School Superintendent's Office. G. W. Ager, traveling ex- pense $ 50.00 G. '. Ager, supplies 3.57 Ashland Printing Co, sup plies 17.50 John II. Carkln, county fair expense for School Club. . 23.50 City Drug Store, supplies. . . . 7.20 G. W. Godward, eighth grade exam 3.00 Home Tel. & Tel. Co 2.25 Jacksonville Post, printing.. 12.50 Medford Book Store, Bupplies 7.00 Medford Book Store, supplies 1.10 Southern Ore. Tract. Co., freight on supplies 2.60 Lewis Ulrlch. stamps 12.08 Western Union Tel. Co., tele gram 30 Total $142.60 Assessor's Office. J. B. Coleman, traveling ex pense $ 9.05 Home Tel. & Tel. Co 2.40 Medford Printing Co., sup plies ; 49. zo Medford Book Store, supplies 3.70 Medford Book Store, supplies 1.00 Total $ 65.35 Tax Rebates. B, L. Dodge ..p.. $ 14.66 R. Woodford 11.00 Widows' Pensions. Ernestine Austin $ 17.50 Nellie G. Bush 10.00 Mrs. J. H. Byerly 35.00 Eifle Marie Haer 17.50 Minnie Boardroan ......... 25.00 Goldle M. lloyer 20.00 Printhia M. Urackburn .... 32. 5U Rena W.. Harr 10.00 Orpha Betts 10.00 Coral Bacon 20.00 Anna Laura Corum 10.00 Mts. H. A. Crelghton 17.50 rila May Calne 17.50 Dora Bell Cress ' 10.00 May J. Daw 32.50 Lucy May Davis 17.50 Carrie L. Grant 10. Nettle Green 25.00 Mary K. (irlsez 10.00 Lela F. Illldebrand 17. uo Nellie L. Illekon 10.00 Lizzie Heath 17.50 Jennie Jones - 10.00 Emma Z. I,onU 10.00 Dollie Love 32.:0 Minnie M. Morris 25.00 Amanda M. McNeil 10.00 Annie Estella Nelson 40.00 Sarah E. Ossman 10.00 Emma Paulson 23.00 Minnie Bell Patch 10.00 Rose A. Peffley 25.00 Mary E. Payne 10.00 Rosa Ann Kobbins 17.50 Rose R. Singer 40.00 Catherins K. Silver 10.00 Laura E. Stewart 35.00 Mary J. Toiey 25.00 Total $727.50 ' Court House Expense, City of Jacksonville, water rent, six months $ 30.00 Calif.-Ore. Power Co., lights 2.47 Mtdford Book Store, supplies 7.90 Taylor-Williams Co., supplies 2.15 Total $ 42.52 Jail Expense. City Drug Store, supplies... $ 2.70 Calif.-Ore. Power Co., lights. 5.00 Mrs. Aug. Siugler, board of prisoners 140.00 Llrich Bros., supplies 3.70 Total $151.40 Care of Poor at Poorfarro. Earl Briscoe, supplies $ 19.00 Miss Glrtlia Clark, assistant.. 18.00 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., light and power 13.77 Henry Duer, nurse 10. 00 Enders & Sons, supplies.... 7.15 E. C. Gardner, supplies 7.98 Hutchinson & Lumsden, sup plies 14.35 Medford Furniture & Hdwe. Co., supplies 1.50 Medford Electric Co., supplies 1.35 Marsh & Bennett, supplies. . 6.75 Pacific Tel. & TtL Co., tele phone bill 1.63 Henry Sheets, supplies 7.2 Ulrlch & Ryan, supplies 22.90 Total '.. $131.6 Care of Poor Not ut Poorfarm. Rena Avery, Indigent $ 10.00 Nancy Arrismlth, indigent.. 6.00 Effle Marie Baer, allowance. 7.50 Maggie Bohl, indigent 13.00 A. D. Beardsley, Indigent... 8.00 Mrs. Boyer, Indigent 8,00 Sue Bailey, indigent 8.00 Julius Bjerregaarrt, Indigent. 10.00 Mrs. A. W. Bish. Indigent. . . 8.00 Anna Cameron. Indigent.... S.00 Mary M. Chllders, Indigent. . 12.00 Elinc Curry, Indigent 10.00 Mrs. I. C. Caliller, Indigent. . 8.00 Mrs. Kate CoDDle. Indigent. . 8.00 Mrs L. E. Downing, indigent 10.00 Daniels for Duds. siiDDlies for tubercular 13.80 Mis. S. B. Ellis, Indigent. . . . 5.00 J. H. Fattlg, indigent 10.00 Catherine Gillott. indigent.. 10.00 Mrs. Gunn, indigent 12.00 Mrs.. E. C. Gard, supplies for poor V H. Houston, indigent .... 10.00 10.00 Mrs. Hudson, Indigent 8.00 Leon B. Haskins. supplies for tubercular i Martha Jones, Indigent .... 6.00 Etta Jewell, indigent 6.00 E. Kimball, Indigent 15.00 Mr. and Mrs. T. J,. Kelso, In digent 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kane. . . . 15.00 Lena Lee, indigent 8.00 Mrs. Miller, indigent 10.00 Mrs. I. A. Montgomery, indi gent 8.00 Can Mahar, Indigent 10.00 Kila Myles, indigent 8.00 Mrs. J. Myers, indigent .... 15.00 Medford Harness Co., sup plies for tubercular 9-"0 John U. Mann, sunn lor tubercular 19.27 t & M. DfltiArtment Store. supplies for tuberculur. . . 6.30 Oliver .Nadeau, indigent .... 10.00 Mrs. Frank Poyser, Indigent 6.00 Alice Mi, Reed, Indigent 10.00 Jennie Rodgers, indigent. . . . 20.00 Catherine Rodeers. Indigent. 10.00 iv is. X. J Slvers, indigent. . 10.00 W. H. Smith, Indigent 15.00 W. H. Stewart 10 00 T. D. Stafford, indigent .... 7.00 Ellas Slover, indigent 10,-00 Nancy SIsemore, Indigent... J"."" Sebastian Schumpf, Indigent. 10.00 Mrs. L. Schleffelln, Indigent. 6.00 St. Vincent's Hospital, care of Indigent child, Norman Asn- craft 69.50 Sawed Heart Hospital, care of poor ii.n Mr. and Mrs. Taffer, indigents 10.00 lleda Turnln. indigent 10.00 Alice Ulrlch, rent for Mrs. Copple, indigent I2-00 W. N. Wells, cash advanced for transporting indigents. 48.20 Pierce Wilson, indigent .... 6.00 P. D. Waterman, indigent. . . 8.00 Z. W'olgamott, indigent 8.00 Annie Watklns, indigent. . . . 8.00 Wolters' Cash Store, supplies r for Mrs. F. F. Dodge, Indi gent 9.30 Total 2i Juvenile Court. Chaa. B. Gay, salary and ex- J. P. Dodge & Sons Undertakers $mtnimmnmiimiiiiii pense, probation officer. . $101.40 Mrs, E. C. Gard, transporting children to Boys' and Girls' Aid Society 68.60 J. W. Robinson, examining Insane 5.00 J. W. Robinson, examining Insane 5.00 Total $180.00 Advertising and County Printing. Ashland Tidings, printing for county $ 44.25 Medford Mall Tribune, print ing for county . . i 8.85 Total $ 63.10 Election Expense. . R H. Toft, polling place June 'election, 1917 $ 6-00 Enforcement of Prohibition Law. W. J. Carpenter, special agent $ B. F. Forbes, clerical hire. . . F. H. Hull, special services. . Fred Holmes, special service Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele 30.00 30.00 40.00 3.00 4.20 3.55 .30 126.30 11.00 .75 30.00 2.07 phone bill Medford Book Store, supplies Medford Book Store, supplies R. C. Porter, special agent. . O. M. Roberts, office expense Thomas H. Simpson1, stamps. John B. Wimer, special agent Western Union Tel. Co., tele grams Total $281.17 Roads and Highways. Cal.-Ore. Power Co.. lights for ' P.. & E. crosaing $ 1.00 Southern Ore. Tract. Co., freight on supplies 2.10 County Recorder's Office. Bertha Eckelson. clerical hire $ 22.50 Chauncey Florey, stamps... 10.00 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill 3.21 Medford Printing Co.. sup plies 28.00 Medford Book Store, supplies 1.15 Medford Book Store 4 50 Frances Nell, clerical hire.. 10.00 Total $ 79.40 Surveyor's Office. Clcrlbell Arnold, clerical hire $ 30.00 A. T. Brown, office expense.. 12.80 IMptziren Co.. sun- plies 21.04 MPfirnml Book Store, sunnlies .85 n. L. Slevertaon. surveyor's expense 13 00 Total $ 77.69 Senior of Weights and Measures n t I'nnton. salary and ex pense i 32.97 Wntennnstcr. Fred Cummings, expense.. $ 23.40 The following bills were allowed relative to the Pacific Highway Road Fund, to-wlt: II. S. Stine, premium on con tract bond $ 80.00 Tho following bills were allowed relative to the County Road I'und, to wit: General Road Fund. Coast Culvert & Flume Co., road supplies $134.83 Kr.ds Transfer Co.. transfer rins Riinnlles 1 50 Oarnett-Corey Hdwe. Co., road supplies 3.94 Walter KItto, rent for shed for road machinery GO. 00 Medford Sheet Metal Works, repairs O J. Patton, salary and ex pense on Pacific Highway. 71.00 W. H. Smith, asphalt Hartman, payment on Ap- plegate bridge contract 2500,00 Special Iiond Funds. Road District No. 1 Jack True, labor $ik.ihi Material 102,03 Taiont Mercantile Co., ma terial 10 Road District No. 2 W. R. Nyswaner, labor as per pay roll 690.00 Supplies 31.40 Rond District No. 3 Walt F. Charley, labor Material 18. 05 Ed Dutton, labor as per pay- . roll 255.25 Material 24.90 Cleanliness, Personal Attention and Courtesy Combined to Mane me Eagle Meat Market Popular Af nop win m L. Schwein 84 N. Main Bare Tour Clothes Hade at Homo John for John the Tailor A Fit ar Cleaning and Pressing Ltdy Assistant Deputy County Coroner Stile Licensed Embilmcr Eagle Point Hdw. Co'., ma terial 6.85 Road District .No. 40. S. Welcher, labor , 165.62 Material 114.85 Road District No. 6 J. D. Adams & Co., supplies. .. . 13.00 C. A. Newatrora, labor 22,90 Material 46.43 Road District No. 7 Frank R. Nell 41.75 Road District No. 8 J. E. Davidson, labor 639.25 Material 24.12 Road District No. 9 John Grieve, labor 399.00 Road District No. 10 VV. R. Garrett, labor 383.75 Road District No. 11 A. K. ICarhart, labor 128.00 Material 20.38 Road District No. 12 Geo. Stacey, labor 122.25 Material 15.55 Road District Mo. 13 Carl Iteebe, labor 1517.75 Material 69.25 Road District No,. 14 D. W. Pence, labor 300. 2: Material 66.75 The following warrants wore Issued In payment of bounties out of the Current Expense Fund, to-wlt: H. O. Mathes $ 3.00 D. B. Welch 3.00 Frank Woldrldge 6.00 Geo. D. Williams 6.00 O. Winter 3.00 C, W,. Davis 3-0 J. E. Drake &.0U W. De Groat 3.00 Earl Kendall 3.00 H. T. Hoberecht -0( R. L. Ray J-u J. D. Bailey 3 .00 BenJ. Lamb 3.00 .Tnnh Moore 3.00 Oliver Gaines 2.00 0. E. Lamb Chester A. Apple,gate 6.00 Total $ 60.00 G. A. GARDNER, County Clerk. More than ten million families have signed the Hoover pledge card. This pledge Is a plodge of service, as real as that of any soldier. It Is be ing kept in your family, or Is It mere ly a "scrap of paper"? Why Not Make Yourself Secure Why not guard yourself and your .dear ones? Why not protect your business? The cost Is small the chances you are taking are BIG. Steer clear of trouble. This is the reason for Insurance: Fire, auto theft, auto fire, plate glass, , surety bonds, live stock, accident, health, life. Are YOU fully protect ed? Billings Agency Real Estate and Real Insurance Ashland Transfer & Storage Co. C. F. Bates, Proprietor : Wood, "Peacock" : and Rock Springs Coal and Cement PHONE 117 t Office 99 Oak Street, Ware-1 house on track near depot, t Ashland, Oregon MHMMMMIHIMMHIMI INsrlll our marnei sou your dene will be behind the pleasure tinrf nor maati. The Knowledge of cleanTlnesi and a lanitary work ihop will aid your digestion. a J II Phone 107 Tailoring for Hen and Women Clothes No Sale Austin Hotel BlocK