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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1917)
Thursday, Ireml)er 27, 1917 ASHLAND TTTTNG PAGE THREB Will Not Be Able To Secure Sacks According to reports from the Ai; rlcultural College nt ('o.-vallis. farm era will meet up with a shortage of grain sacks next year unless they pro vide for bulk Btoraga Sack prices are shooting skyward, and the price is distinctly uncertain. If Hacks are available at all It will he only at pro hibitive prices. The'only alternative to dumping the grain on the ground is paying four times or more tlio j value of sacks or providing for burtt handling. Even If sacks were available and the prices were right, the additional cost and work of sack handling is enough to Induce the thinking farmer to adopt the bulk plan. Besides this, the sacked grain will be shipped from Interior points in the dirt, while bulk grain will be cleaned, brought to grade and shipped to the terminal. at the loast expense and with no docli- a?e. i Hulk handling means equipment fur handling the grain from the J threshing machine to the farm stor- I age bins. From these It may be load-1 d Into cars from the loading plat- j form. Better still, elevators may be located at the shipping point where j the grain may be cleaned, graded and j loaded under the most favorable con-1 ditions possible. ' '; !; j.'. Hundreds' of Splendid S J REMNANTS s ' ' 1 I I I bril w ' y? J ? Post Exchanges j Furnish Luxuries! Men at the cantonment buy many Articles at the post exchanges for leas money than they would have to pay In their home-town stores. And the post exchange manager, is authority tor the statement that 40,000 men make a tremendous demand for 5-cent packages of candy. About 4 o'clock in the afternoon there is a general rush for apples, sweet crack ers, and coffee or milk, despite ths iact that big dinners will be ready a Bolt Ends from Staple Lines Going' at Less Titan Manuf aelurers'Cos! a 8 a Lillian Foster in "Fair and Warmer," at the Vining Theatre, Thursday, January 3, LESLIE SALT flavors &II the food evenly i(s a. wonderful aid to cooks couple of hours late?. The problem of supplying the men in army cantonments with small ne cessities and luxuries which the gov ernment does not furnish is met by the commission on training camp ac tivities through these post exchanges. They are to be found at each canton ment, there being as a rule one ex change for each regiment. Each car Cabaret Admission Rules Are Issued The department at Washington has Issued the statement that diners at cabarets soon will have the satisfac tion of knowing that they are con- ries an average of $10,000 worth 0f !tributins the support of the goods. ys m ine lrencnes. Business Is nearly all done on a' Regarding 20 per cent of the bill credit basis. Men obtain books of 6 for refreshments as the cost of ad and 10 cent coupons and pay for them mission, where no admission fee Is at the end af the month. Post ex-'cnarsed, the proposed tax is 1 cent changes average $1,000 a day In 1 011 eacl 10 cents or fraction thereof sales, and as there are about 250 in'0' such 20 per cent of the total operation, the yearly business wlllcnarse. If, for Instance, the check aggregate many millions of dollars. ; nanaea you by tne waiter is for Ja. you will find at the bottom an addl- It is sometimes safer and a whole Itional 10 cents for war revenue. lot braver to look a lion in the face J The term "cabaret" Is held to !n than a mule in the heels. Memphis ! elude "every hotel, restaurant, hall Commercial Appeal. ' or other public place at or in which, IU2 55 ii 8 8 8 a 55 fi li 8 THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY 8 55 .8 i:555:natJJt5t:5JnU55mJ55t55a555555tn5r45Sn5t555: Our sale is nearly over, yet we have many good useful things left at big bargains Ashland Trading' Co. in connection with the service or sale of food or other refreshment or mer chandise, there is conducted any vaudeville or other performance or diversion in the way of acting, sing ing, declamation or dancing, either w 1th or without instrumental or other music." Where there Is only Instrumental music by an orchestra, as In the cas3 of many hotels, the tax does not ap ply. It does apply, however, If danc ing Is permitted. The tax Is paid by the person paying for the refreshment. Five-Passenger SUU $ J 425 Hcrc BUY NOW AT PRESENT PRICES On and after January 1st the price will be $1500 Here Buying a car now at this price you will save a large part of your de preciation for the coming year, besides securing the best Light weight Six on the market. .. The above price lo prevail until present stock is sold. ' W.R.DeLAY CLAUDE MILES, Sales Manager 230 W. Main MEDFORD Phone 73 Remarkable Remark. The kaiser's brutality shocks me. Panclio Villa. The allies are pigs. Ex-Queen So phie, Greece. I am the Instrument of the Most High. Kaiser William. The enemy's collapse was the judg' nient of God. The kaiser. This is a woman's war, man-made in Germany. Dr. Anna Howard Shaw. We should all get together and fleht like the devil. William Jen nings Bryan. The food administrators talk too much and do too little. Dr. Harvey Wiley. Speeches are poor substitutes for shells. Premier Lord George, England.' I I believed the best way to hold a i man was to flatter him to death. Mrs. de Saullea Washington Is full of people who know things that are not so. Presi dent Wilson. Farming as an Industry is a fatl i ure. As an Investment only has it jany financial soundness. Albert Jay Nock. j Some men attain obscurity by he j coming hermits and living in cave I Others get the same result by raarry , ing famous women. Luke McLuke. Lloyd George Is a live wire, but unfortunately a good many officers of his ship of state are shirt fronts ' and rubber stamps. Lord Northcllff. j The greed and avarice of the Wall street capitalists was America's reas on for entering the war. Leon Troutzky, Bolshevikl foreign minister ; of Russia. Germany has passed the political Rubicon and In the space of five days changed from an autocraqy into a democracy. Math las Erzberger, Gor man relchstag leader. Writing Is an absurd career and a foolish, foolhardy business, and no man has a right to take It up who can avoid It. Ambassador Thomas Nelson Page, London. Oregon Sales High During Past Year Sales of national forest timber in the ifiscal year 1917 were more than double those of 191 8, according to the annual report of the forester. The total amount sold exceeded 2,000,000,000 feet and Is valued at more than $3,715,000. During the same period about 727,000,000 feet were cut aud removed, for which the purchasers paid $1,507,303 into tlio federal treasury. The largest sales were made In Oregon, where about 6SS, 000,000 board feet were disposed of. In addition to the timber sold, ap proximately 113,000,000 board feet, valued at almost $150,000, was cut under free use permit by more than 41,000 settlers living near the na tional forests and depending on the forests for firewood and building ma terial to Improve their homesteads. Because the girls like soldiers. To learn self-control. For my adopted country. I had tried everything else, so I thought I would give the army a whirl. To have a chance to ride on a train. I had never ridden on one. To see France. They said I wasn't gamv. , To kill a few Germans for what they did to Polana. Not, a bad lot, the soldier boys, ar9 they? Overl.ahd Millner Company Practical Gifts for Christmas Spot Lights Trouble Lights Schra der Air Gauges No-Glare Lense3 Klaxon Electric Horns Suitcase Carriers for running board Auto Jacks Hand Pumps (three valves) Robes. Why They Enlisted. There are more than two million men now In the military service of the United States, and the most of this number enlisted voluntarily. Why did these men enlist? Well, here are a few reasons given by sol diers at Camp McClellan, at Annlston, Ala.: To see excitement. To help free the German people from kalserism. Adventure and experience; also to do my little bit for my country. Because the country needs me. I want to get the kaiser's goat RELIEVES SOI R STOMACH (Commonly call ed Heartburn) Gns in the Stomach, Belching, Swell- Injr and Full Feeling, no frequently complained of after meals, in TWO MINTTES SAMPLE PACKAGE mailed FREE by The Hellingliam Chemical Co., Ilellinghani, Wash. If your druggist is unable to supply you. i i v? I Hi 01 SHINE IN EVERY DROP" Btnck Silk Stove Polish Is different Ik doe not dry out; out be iukh! to the I liuit drop; liquid and fuwt I one qunlltr; almoin tefy no I wutf; nudunt or dirt. You I get your nun worta, Black Silk Stove Polish Is not only moat ronamfeiil. bnt It tvm a brilli ant, ailky liiHtrtt that cannot iw obtained with any othur poliah. lilnrlt tiilk tituva Foiiah doea not rut off -it litta lour timei aa long m ordinary pouaa-ao n aavoa you uine, worm aou monay. Don't forget when yoa Want atove polish, be nun to for Black Silk, lfiti.n l th Iwat atova polish you ever usmmI you r dtalar will rufuaa your money. Black Silk Stm PoCak Worlu, Starling, DUaoia. Uaa Black Silk Air Drying Iron Enaml an gratea, ltf later, atovu-pipt, and auto tnobila tire nma. Frenuita runUiig. Try it. Ue Black SHk Metal Pol. Ith foraitvorwar,nidteI,tin ware or brnaa. It work quickly, msUy and leavea a brilliant aurfaee. It hue no fKluaiforuMouautomuuilea, Stevenson Studio for portraits. Plaza Barber Shop "On the Plaza" Guaranteed shaves or whiskers refunded J. A. Yco, Prop. Arc Your Lungs Strong? tubes easily affected? Above all, do colds settle on your rhest? TFipn vnnr Inner mav not he. as stroncr as vou - j - - o - J o - expected consumption often follows. Good Physicians Everywhere Prescribe ICOTT'5 m ULSJOti Because its Pure Cod Liver Oil is Famous for strengthening delicate throats and weak lungs while its glycerine soothes the tender linings and alleviates the cough. Start on Scott's Emulsion today It is Nature's building-food without drugs or alcohol The imported NonrcirUn cod llvrroll ud In Scott' i C mahfen Is BOW refilled In our own American lubontoriei which unmnteM It Im from Imparities Scott & Bowne. Bloomfield, is. J. O-U i