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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1917)
Thursday, December 6, 1017 PAGE SIX ASHLAND TIDINGS LOCAL AND PERSONAL flllllllllMIII'lllllllllillll''""111111'1"111 Charles S. Cochran and wife, who came here recently from Harrlsburg, Ore., In search of health for Mrs. Cochran, have taken rooms over the Porter millinery 6tore. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Barnay left Monday evening for Martinez, Cal., to visit for the winter with their son, B. 0. Barney. . Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Harris and Wise Mary Harris spent Thanksgiving In Gazelle, Cal., their former home. For plumbing or general repair work call Goorge Carey, 462 Allison Btreet. Phone 814-J. 48-12t Rev. W. L. Mel linger, pastor of the Ashland Christian church, was in Grants Tass over Sunday, where he delivered a missionary address Sun day evening. rYora there he went to Eugene to attend the ministers' con vention held this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Hodge of Port land were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Joy on the Boulevard over Thanksgiving. Stevenson Studio for portraits. The Hen that Roosts on the Limb of an Old Apple Tree Produces Nothing Moral : Build a Hen House Ashland Lumber Co. Phone 20 Dr. and Mrs. A. VV. Boslough re turned Saturday from San Francisco, where the former had gone to take the examinations tor admission into the medical and surgical departments of the United States navy. t Mn. and Mrs. Fr P. Schneider left "Wednesday for. Ontario, Cal., where they expect to epend the winter, and may. eventually make southern Cali fornia their future borne. They were accompanied by Mr. Schneider's fath er; Christian Schneider. Donald Rice of Portland, who is well known In Ashland, passed through here last week en route for American Lake from San Francisco. Donald recently received. a rating as first lieutenant at the officers' train, ing camp at San Francisco. The Ashland Box and Lumber Com pany, whose mills are located at Mis tletoe station, has petitioned for bankruptcy proceedings in the United States court at Portland. J. S. MacMurray, teacher of sing ing. . Address Hotel AuBtln. 45-tf The Elks of this city are planning a big dance which wjll take place on New Year's eve. Although no definite arrangements have been made, the Elks have taken some action along the lines of mak ing plans for their annual Christmas tree. This Is an event looked for ward to by the children of Ashland as the holiday season approaches. , The service flag seen hanging at Hotel Austin, containing four stars, was the first one to appear in Ash land. It Is In honor of G. L. Young, step-son of A. A. Chisholm. Mr. Young enlisted in the navy and is now at Harvard College taking the technical part of the service of avia tion. The other three stars are for three young men who were employed at the hotel at the time of their en listment. They were Leslie Phillips, now a cook at American Lake, Charlie Lamkln, at Fort Stevens, and Merle Thorne, at Fort Stevens. Stevenson will develop your films. A school survey of the Talent dis trict will be made in the near future for the purpose of school Improve ments In that district. A committee composed of County Superintendent Ager of Jacksonville, Prof. G. A. Bris coe of Ashland and a representative from the University of Oregon will , make this survey, possibly about the ( first of the year. , Mrs. George Eubanks and son Archie have been spending several days visiting in Portland and Tacoma, I Mrs. J. E. Potter of Boring, Clack amas county, Is a guest of her daugh ter, Mrs. Walter Everton, of Allison street J Mrs. J. C. Mitchell of Hamilton, Cal., was a week-end guest at the home of her mother, Mrs. E. L. Coder. W. Rl. Rltzinger, a former resident of Ashland, but who has lately been living in Salem, has leased the dairy Santa Clans Great SeiisatioE Santa Claus is a surprised individual this year. Never in all his history has he seen such values in JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, WATCHES! CLOCKS, TOILET ARTICLES, LEATHER GOODS, NOVELTIES as he has found at this Closing Out Sale My stock was bought more than a year ago, about 30 per cert below the then low wholesale cost, and in many cases 50 per cent below present wholesale cost. The Prices I Am Making In This Sale Talk lor Themselves Many persons who-contemplated gifts in other lines are now turning to jewelry on account of their ability to buy at this sale at about half what they would , ordinarily have to pay for the same articles Here Are a Few Real Santa Claus Reminder For the i Soldier Boys t Laree khaki Folding Case, 12x 30 inches, containing Safety J Razor, Metal Mirror, Soap Box, Military Brush, Talcum row dair, Thread, Needles, Buttons, Tablet, Pencil, and "First Aid" articles. Regular price $12.50. Price during this 7 C( sale I.JV Same, only smaller. . . . Same, only smaller . . , . .4.50 .3.00 B ' --' - ,if .MJ.iJJl "LITTLE BROTHERS" OF THE ; Famous Goodrich Tire 3 Grades Black, Red and White AH Rubber Lace Boots 6 inches high black $3 00 " red 3.25 12 " " red 3.75 " " .'...white 4.50 Leather Top Drivers 8 in. $4.00 12 in. $4.75 Henvy and Light Weight, 1 iiucUe Arctic $2 00 Heavy 4 Hackle Hi preKB N)le Light Weg! t MO UNt 5 Ujv $3.50 3.25 KNEE BOOTS Black $4.00 Red $4.75 White $6.00 HIP BOOTS Black $5 75 Red $6.75 Dont bay Rubbers of any Kind till you hare seen these goods. Udles Robbers, 75c. any style Hens $1.00 Mens Extra heavy, $1.50 Elgin, gold filled, now 1 Safety Razors, gold filled han ' ' dies,, regular price 1 QA $4.00, during this sale. . l.U ! I Pocket Testament, khaki cover, 1 front and back for photos, reg ; I ulair price $1.00, sale gQ ; ; Every Item Below Whole I sale Value M I MHO III English, French and German, a book for the soldier, A regular $1.00, price OUC Metal Mirrors, large size, in case, regular 50c, fl now JVC WRIST WATCHES For the Soldier Ingersolt, radio dial, with strap Ingersoll, radio dial, heavy dou ble strap and glass A PA protector I.)U Fine Swiss Wrist Watch" with strap, a fine timepiece, A A regular $10.00, now... 0.U Elgin, regular $13.50, now 4.25 .9.90 12.00 Elgin, sterling, 17 jeweled, for mer price $28, 00, jg QQ Every Item Below Whole sale Value For Mother and Sister 1 A Leather Hand Bag, many articles for the table, Sewing Sets, Toilet Artlolee, Brooches, Writing Sets In leather, and many other articles, all at less than wholesale. - SomeGoodThings for Dad Pocket Knives (many kinds), Watch Chains, Charms, Bill Books, Purses the kind daddy would like; Pocket Manicure Oases, Fountain Pens, Safety Razor Sets, Compasses, Field Glasses. All at abeut half you usually pay. Every Item Below Whole sale Value Weddings, Birthdays, Anniversaries Ruby, Pink, Blue, White or Golden Sapphire Rings, set In fine Tiffany mounting, from $3.50 to $10.00, from carat to 2 carat sizes, for ladles. For men, Bent 8tone In Sap phire and Ruby Amethyst, To- paz and Aquamarine. Many shapes. See ourv prices. A Ring from $4.00 to $10.00. Regular prices would be from $7.00 to $15.00. We have hundreds of other Rings In a great variety of set tings, at half what you can get them elsewhere, all In standard makes. Every Item Below Whole sale Value 1 1 1 44M4lmM'4" EVERYTHING MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Compare the retail prices I am making with prices on the sam,9 grade of goods and you will see what a tremendous saving this sale means to you. Two hundred Watches to select from. Ten thousand dollars' I wnrth of hleh-erade Jewelry and Notions being sacrificed to T quit me retail uuhiw-sh. Profits Are Thrown to the Wind In This Sale j I Have But One Object In View To close out the entire stocks and quit retailing. Come be-" I lore the stock is Droken uiiiiiniinniiiiiHim-'" ' ' 1 "'' o: Tl' ur 9 M OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS eweler O. O. Helman, who had been spend ing several days duck hunting In Klamath Falld, returned Wednesday with 22 mallard ducks as the result of his prowess. Everett Smith left Monday for Oak land, Cal., to complete his architec tural course In the Polytechnic and Engineering College of that city. Mr. Smith will also act as instructor in certain branches In the college dur ing his course. farm of Leo B. Sander on Nevada street. Mr. Sander and family will move to Tillamook, where the latter will engage in farming with his father-in-law, whose two sons recently joined the national army. ' ' ' Mrs. Esther Ashcraft has returned home from an extended visit with her ( Ladies of , Ashland V - . ... Have your FURS repaired and remodeled by F. Bartlett of Medford We guarantee oar work. Genuine Buckskin' Glove and Gauntlets oar specialty. ,'''.''' 120 B. Mala St, Hedfor4 , parents, Mil. and Mrs. O. S. Silsby, of Klamath Falls. Mrs. Ashcraft re cently received word that her hus band, who Is In the navy, had taken a cruise with the ship Marblehead down the Pacific as far as Panama and back to San Diego. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wilson arrived Wednesday night from southern Cali fornia to visit with the latter's Bister, Mrs. J. R. Casey, and family. Mr. and Mrs. WllBon have recently sold their home at Colorado Springs and if they like Ashland will locate here. Canteen Service Station Installed graphic requests from the troop train commanders. The canteen stations are maintained about eight hours apart, and have received the highest commendation from the commanders and from headquarters at Washing ton, for the very efficient service rendered In the transporting of troops. are living in a country where real newspapers are published. Phone Job orders to the Tidings. Harrlsburg Work Is progressing on new mill plant here. These are days when a fellow paws over every clothing stock in town and ends by going home and dragging his old winter suit from the closet to which he consigned it last spring. Canteen stations are maintained at Seattle, Spokane and North Yakima, Washington; Standpoint, Pocatello and Welser, Idaho; and Roseburg, Portland, Ashland, Salem, Grants Pass, Eugene, Pendleton, . Baker, Hood River and The Dalles, Oregon. Troop train commanders are notified by bulletins from headquarters where they may find canteen stations en route. The stations are maintained primarily to furnish breaks In the route, by means of light refresh ments, reading matter, fruit and friendly ' visits. They are open '24 hours each day, and some one Is al ways In attendance who Is In touch with the local situation. , Arrange ments are made with grocers, ''drug gists, physicians and others to fur nish supplies or assistance on short notice, upon the receipt of tele- Portland Multnomah county's de linquent tax list Is $640,064.69, the greatest In seven years. Delinquen cies have increased annually since 1910. ' . These German spies who circulate these yarns about transports sunk by submarines should remember they TOWER'S FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER, is a corker tor stayirtd on the job. V .r Waterproof Absolutely. W&gjjft Saiisfacilon Guaranteed, fw DEALERS EVERYWHERE. ! A.J. TOWER CO. BOSTON. Cleanliness, Personal Attention' and Courtesy Combined to Make the Eagle Meat Market Popular INSPECT our marHet and your confi dence will be behind the pleasure of eating oar meats. The Knowledge ef cleanliaeit and a saaltary worb shop will eld your digeitlon. scnwein sin. Ham Phone 107 vT ) :o' : tfl f r 'i