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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1917)
k TTimnilay. December 8, 1017 J Til or 1 "HI Show Yea lloa i CornsPeel Offl" I Ever Peel a Banana Skin t That i Itt l "I should worry about those corns t I Juat nut soma 'Gets-It' on." Corns used to pester the world into frenzy, enduring pain, digging, slicing toes, tinkering with plasters ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE THRES' in Franco. It was a great success when tried, and we Wleve It would be as effective today. Don't forget the prayer meeting. Fifty present last Thursday night. Our aeirvioes are honored of the Lord. .Why not let him bless you too? Dorman D. Edwards, pastor. Gets-It Puta Your Feet la Clover It End Cora (toickly. and tape, trying to fix a corn so It wouldn't hurt But now no one in the world "should worry," because the moment you put "Oets-It" on. It means the end of a. corn. There Is nothing In the world like Ciets-It" nothing as sure and cer tainnothing that you can count on to take oft a corn or callus ev ery time, and without danger. The ora never grew that "Gets-It" will not get It never Irritates the flesh, never makes your toe sore. Just two drops of '"Gets-H" and presto! the corn-pain vanishes. Shortly you can peel the corn right off with your finger and there you are corn-free and happy with the toe as smooth and corn-free as your Tialm. Never happened before, did t? jQuess not. Get a bottle of "Oets-It" today "rora any drug etore, you need pay more than 25c, or sent on re ceipt of price by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 111. tioiu in Ashland and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by i. J. McNalr, McNalr Bros. I AT THE CHURCHES First Church of Christ, Hcientlrt. Pioneer avenue south. Sunday servloef at 11 o'clock. Subject of lesson sermon, "God the Only Cause and Creator." Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Wednesday evening meet ing at 8 o'clock Reading room open from 2 to 4 dally except Sundays and holidays. Nazarene Church. We will have the regular preach ing services Sunday. Morning sub Sect, "Sanctifying Ourselves." Even ing jjjrvice, "An Airmy of the Lord." This will show the kind of an army Cod would like to put into the field Presbyterian Church. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.; preaching services at 11 and 7:30; Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m.; prayer service Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.; choir rehearsal Friday even ing. A cordial welcome to all. Congregational Churcli. G. Southwell Brett, minister. Pub lic worship each Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school at 9 45 a. m.; Junior Endeavor at 2:30 p. m.; Intermediate Endeavor at 6:30 p. m.; mid-week meeting for prayer and fellowship Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Next Sunday Dr. J. K. Brown of Harpool, Mesopotamia, will speak morning and evening. Dr. Brown spent thirty-eight years, as a missionary, In this interesting coun try, which is the traditional Garden of Eden. Everybody welcome. Trinity Episcopal Church. Vicar, the Rev. P. K. Hammond. Services for the second Sunday In Advent: Holy communion at 7:30 a. m.; Sunday school at 9:45; morn ing prayer and sermon on "A Modern Frankenstein" at 1 1 ; evening service and sermon on "The Hope of the World" at 7:30. Strangers and vis itors cordially welcomed. BEST WAR.TIME RECIPES. ! THEY MAKE ' 'EM "' WE BUY 'EM YOU USE 'EM WHAT? Why! Wire Grip Tires, witha guarantee to be perfect after 6,000 miles. Overland Milkier Co. Nut Bread. Three cups graham flour, 5 tea spoons Royal Baking Powder, 1 teaspoons salt, cup sugar or corn syrup, XVi cups milk and water, 1 cup chopped nuts (not too fine) or 1 cup raisins washed and floured. Mix together flour, baking powder and salt;' add milk and water, sugar or corn syrup and nut meats or rais ins; mix well and put into greased loaf pan, allow to stand 30 minutes in warm place. Bake In moderate oven 40 to 45 minutes. Entire Wheat Prune Bread. Two and one-half cups entire wheat flour, cup sugar, 1 teaspoon salt. 4 teaspoons Royal Baking Pow der, 1 cup milk, 1 tablespoon short ening, 1 cup prunes. Wash prunes, soak several hours, drain-stoua-and chop. Mix flour, sugar, salt and baking powder; add milk and beat well. Add prunes and melted shortening. Put fn'o greased bread pan, allow to stand 20 to 25 minutes in warm place, and bake in moderate oven one hour. (Dates, raisins or nuts may be used Instead of prunes.) With all these oil stoves exploding in the army camps, there is some one hanging around who should be made to take his seat on those stoves, and he needn't have his trousers on either. The trouble with the Italians Is said to be that the Germans mon keyed with the hand-organ man. 81 VINING Sat. Dec. 8 ROWIiANDIJFFORD-GATTS (Inc.) Present the Most Popular American Play Ever Written A Thrilling, Picturesque and Romantic Story of Kentucky Life 4MHItHtlltltllttttlM The Spirited and Exciting Horse Race The Famous Kentucky T Thoroughbred, Queen Bees The Rollicking Fun of the Inimitable Pickaninnies IMIKB ! I . Written by C. T. Dazey The Strongest and Most Expensive Cast tbe Play Has Ever Had COMPLETE NEW PRODUCTION 3 Kentucky Thoroughbred Horses 3 The Famous Pickaninny Brass Band , BIG NEW STREET PARADE DAILY I Doors 7 AO Lower Floor $1.00; Front Balcony $1.00; Upper Balcony, first 8 rows I 75c, Ust 9 rows BOe . . . I Beat sale Thursday, Deoeraber 0 , , . , w , ( DOLLARS GIVE COURAGE. To Bs Psnnileaa Makss Man Fsel Do- pandent and Cowardly. There Is this to be said about wealth: It gives couragu to the owner. Pover ty makes cowards of us ull. "Tbe man who Is suffering with fear," says a writer, "because be does not know where the next dollar is com ing from is in no condition to earn or to attract dollars. Fear always makes a man think he is weak, a nobody. It always pictures the worst, sees no light ahead." We bear a great deal these days about efficiency and,about inefficiency. Tbe fellow who has saved a few dol lars and has them in the bank or where he can put bis hand upon them is more efficient than the fellow who Is penni less. Start out to find a Job with nev er a dollar in your pocket You'll have a hard time. You appear at a disad vantage when you approach a business man. You feci your dependence. You have a cowardly air about you, an in efficient air. You realize thut you will have to accept anything that is offered. You are In no position to look the busi ness man in the face and tell blm your quullflcatious. Want is at your back, causing you to cringe. But with money in your pockets you assume a different attitude. You real ize that you are to that extent Inde pendent You meet tbe business man more nearly upon an equal footing. You are more courageous, more self assertive, more efficient. You know that you are not compelled to accept tbe first Job offered you. You can dis cuss wages and contracts and condi tions of employment If you are not "broke." So If for no other reason tbe young man should seek first of all to have a bank accouut, to have some thing right in the beginning. Dayton News. ' PUFFBALLS ARE GOOD FOOD. And of All the Ediblo Fungi Thty Ars Called ths Safest. Puffballs are tbe safest of all fungi for tbe beginner, none of them being poisonous, and they . are at tbe same time excellent and easy to obtain, writes William A. Murrlll, assistant director of tbe New York botanical gar den, in the American Museum Journal. Being tender, they cook quickly and are easily digested. Tbey should as rule be cut open before cooking to see that they are not too old and that they are really puffballs. If tbey are white and firm like cream cheese inside, show ing no yellow or brownish discolora tion, they are of tbe right age to use. If the interior shows no special struc tures, but Is smooth and homogeneous, then one may be sure be has a puffball. Tbe "egg" of the deadly amanlta con talus tbe young cap and stem Inside, which are readily seen when the "egg" is cut, aud tbe "egg" of the stuikhora shows the stem and a green mass lu side, surrounded by .a layer of jelly-like substance. Puffballs may be cooked alone in va rious ways or used In stews aud om elets and for stuffing roast fowls. When used hi omelets they should be stewed first. All kinds except the very small one should first be peeled and cut into slices or cubes, after wblch they may be fried quickly in butter or dipped In beaten egg and fried like eggplant or cooked in any of the ways recommended for tbe ordinary mush room. The smaller kinds are much In ferior in flavor to tbe larger ones and need a few specimens of some good mushroom to make them attractive. Seasicknaas. . Tbe old fashioned notion that a good do6e of seasickness was beneficial was due wholly to tbe fact that upon re covery the victim of mal de mer is usually so delighted that be is apt to Imagine that he never felt better In bis life, while feeling normal again is merely so great a contrast to tbe exceedingly wretched condition which this disorder brings about that exag geration of one's feelings Is the most natural' thing In the world. Seasick ness Is far from pleasant It is not beneficial, and In rare cases It termi nates fatally. ' Round Shoulders. An excellent exercise to straighten round shoulders good for girls or wo men who bave to sit a good deal is performed by placing a tbln stick or wand across the back and letting It rtm out through the bent elbows. The arms are bent so that the bands rest on the rhest Keep tbe arms and shoul ders pressed back aud down and walk about tbe room tu this way for five or ten minutes. Chicago New Moiaturo and Tempers turs. 'A cubic foot of air at the tempera ture of zero (K.) can contain only .5 of a grain of water vaor, at 32 degrees It can bold 2.13 grains, at (15 It can contain 6.8 grains aud at 08 it can bold 18.1X1 grains of moisture in sus pension. These figures go to show that summer air cau hold at least nine times tbe quantity of dampness that air can when reduced to the tempera ture of freezing. Longer Than Expected. Vandeventer 8o at your request be spoke at your dinner Broadway fie did. - "And did be come up to your expec tatlonsr "Why, be went an bour beyond it" St Louis Post-Dispatch. One of tiff's Tragedies. ' Among the tragedies of life Is the good wife- who has just observed her twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, but is still hoping for a set of silver spoons -Washington Post . . ', To enjoy true bapptaess Is impossible wall tbnet about us an unhappy ""ST Mi Savings ON (S(ffl All the Holiday Goods, which were ordered quite a while ago, hefore the advance in prices, are here and have heen placed on sale at ridiculously low prices for quick clearing out. You save fully one-half and even more on many items, such as : Handkerchiefs. Shopping Bags. Toilet Sets Damask Table Cloths, ete. Mens Silk Ties, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs Make your selections without delay, while selections are good yet, it's to your interest, You will have to pay con siderable more anywhere else for same qualities. You i will be amazed at the showing as well as the price. Ashland Trading Co. 2L Young America Is Urged to Enlist ' A great drive to make every school child in America buy at least one 25 cant thrift stamp during the first week of the war savings campaign which opened Monday has been an nounced by the national war savings committee. Savings stamps and cer tificates by which it is planned to raise $2,000,000,000 within the next year went on sale at every postofflce Monday morning and at banks, schools, stores and other institutions later in the week. Secretary McAdoo's message to young America said: "Nations have their childhood and their days of hard lessons, just as children do. One hundred and forty years ago, when the first American army marched to battle, our nation was younger among nations than you are among your fathers, your moth ers and their friends. Our army had drummer bops In those days, the real boys of 10 and 12, who marched as bnavely into cannon fire as their great chief, General Washington, himself. Our nation had little girls who laughed and cheered and loaded muskets for their fathers, who fired through loopholes In their cabin homes, when the painted Indians charged to the very doors. "Where many school houses stand today American boys and girls may have helped to fight and defeat the enemy, when our nation, too, was young. "We are in the greatest war of the world's history and we must win this war. We can and we shall win, if the boys and girls of America say so, and mean it, and feel It, and live it, as the boys and girls of '76 lived, and felt, and helped. ' "The nation needs that sort of boys and girls today. Not to beat our drums, nor to load our 'muskets, but to start a great work which must be done.' It is the part of boys and girls today to give an example of self-dental and sacrifice, to teach fathers and mothers, to teach the grown peo ple of the nation that wenstill have In every young heart the spirit of '76, when boys led our soldiers into battle, and girls fought beside their fathers at the cabin walls. The les son Is thrifty saving to the point of sacrifice self-denial of everything unnecessary. "If every boy and girl says at home tonight, 'I will fight In this war; 1 will save every penny and loan it to my government to help save the lives of the big brothers of America; I will try to teach every American I see to do the same' then 20,000,000 homes, of all America, will be filled with the spirit of "76, the spirit o! the drummer boys; of the brave girls of those days, "America will win the war again, as It has always won, through the splondtd strength, courage and sacri fice In the hearts of youth, that today will teach the nation the lessons of saving and serving which it must and will learn, through the message which Its school children will carry home. "Through saving your pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters and buy ing thrift stamps and then war sav ings certificates, you will help your country and Its gallant armies to win the war. "I know you will help." Oregon's 6 per cent tax limitation law shows its worth in holding down levies In different sections of the state. Phone Job orders to the Tidings. Advertising was considered profit able to the merchant and Interesting to the public in days when It was re garded as Impolite to mention the price of things In conversation. How much more so now, when everyone la talking about prices every day! Among the places where you can hear that traditional pin drop is the Russian front. Silverton Many silos are being; built in Waldo hills. A Grippe Epidemic Every winter Health Boards warn against this weakening disease which often strikes those who are least prepared to resist it You should strengthen yourself against grippe by taking mm which is the cream of cod liver oil, refined, purified and so skilfully prepared that it enriches the blood streams, creates reserve strength and fortifies the lungs and throat Don't delay It may mean much. Use SCOTT'S Refuse Substitutes Scott 4 Sown, BWS.ld, N. J. IT-IS Pure flilk Pure Cream j Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy I E. N. NORTON, TELEPHONE Proprietor - 392-J, Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser ! vice to Any Part of Town ' 0E: j UIW' II . ill! f i i i if m? i , w . i m, sv -tr 1 AM i v. . t '.' f IF . ""I I Win -mmrnm V I ISL Real . GRAYELYS ! Chewing Plug EE3 Cott mere pr poant to ktqr thn ordlniry lug , butLeii par wt ik to Chaw. ' A Uttl Chtw of GrOKOly , UiU o Long Whlls. Ths Good Gravity Tost ' laati, too. a too. pouch is proof or rr JJ3.9ravtf&Sara,Ca OvmuftiL HlBf OLD TOP-YOU LOOK AS THOUGH YOU'D BUY A WHOLE TRUNK FULL OF IT IF YOU COULD READ ANO LEARN HOW QOOD IT IS.IfUiJ ,'i:r 1 3v IT IS NOT HEALdRMCty fZ III i I pi J . lllii aim f