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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1917)
Thtarsday, October 18, 1917 A8KLAFD TTDTSGS pact rrm 4r LOCAL AND PERSONAL n la effl- Much interest is being manifested In the football game to take place at the Ashland high school athletic field Saturday afternoon between the local team and the high school team of Grants Pass. This is the first of a series of two games to be played with Grants Pass, the next to be played on the latter's ground In the near fu ture. The game will be called at 3:30. . The sale at the Ashland Trading Store still continues to draw crowds of buyers from Ashland and vicinity ager to grasp the benefit of the bar gains offered. Manager Kaufman conducting the sale in a most el dent manner and the rush of business Is being handled by a large corps of jjey of Ashland. salespeople. Cllf Payne makes wardrobes. Jack Dunbar of Fresno, Cal., who claimed to be a chiropodist, arrived In Ashland last Saturday In a dazed condition, without funds. He was taken In charge by the police depart ment until his wife1, who -was reached by telegraph, arrived on the scene. He had. evidently Imbibed too frenly In the "cup that cheers." However, after two days in the society of Chief f.TIatcher he was very much improved nd left with his wife for the south Thursday morning. Mrs. Francis E. McKIssIck of Port land, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. 11111, who recently underwent an op , wsratlon for appendicitis, left the hos pital Sunday and Is gaining rapidly. Busier every dayt That's Studio Ashland. It U L. Mullt, vice-president of the Northwestern National Bank of Port land, was in town this week vlsjtlng relatives., Mr. Mullt was former cashier of the First National Bank of Ashland. Mrs. J. EL Angwln is a guest of friends In Dunsmulr this week. October is a mighty good time to have pictures made. A $3 reward and plenty of time to make you some thing extra nice. Studio Ashland the Tlace1. You are the girl. It O. H. Dyer of Myrtle Creek Is visit ing Dr. D. M. Brower of this city. Fire broke out in the live timber near Butte Falls this week and a company of men were sent from Med fford to subdue It. A hard fight is telng made to control it. ' Our special October offer Is always jgood. It's better this year than ever. Studio Ashland. It On Sunday evening. October 21, Ttev. G. S. Brett will deliver the sec ond lecture, in the , Congregational church, In "The Great Protestant Reformation." The subject will be "John Hus, Who Blew the Spark Into a Flame." On Sunday, October 28, the subject of the concluding lecture will be "Martin Luther, Who Carried the Flaming Torch, " Absence makes the heart grow fonder of the other girl, soldier "boys included. Studio Ashland has the cure. See it in the window. It All members of the Ashland Home Guards are requested to meet in the irmory next Monday evening, October 32, when 'discussions will be made on conservation of foods. The new Studio Ashland is near the jiostoffice. You'll like it. It A. H. Nelson, traveling salesman for Mason-Ehrman Wholesale Gro The Soldiers' Auxiliary will meet tonight at the library for their regu lar business meeting.' All" members are requested to be present and bring any reports from the boys in the army or navy that have been obtained dur ing the week, t . Globe's trouser seat union suits fit the best and wear the longest and are the most reasonable in price. $1,75 and up. Mitchell & Whittle. It The Oregonlan of last Sunday gives an Interesting account of the burning of the mortgage on the pipe organ at the Mount; Tabor Presbyterian church of Portland, of which Rev. Ward McHenry, a former pastor of the A'shland Presbyterian church, Is the presiding clergyman. An elabo rate musical program was rendered at tho services, and the leading so prano soloist was Miss Doris E. Bag- Miss Bagley Is one of Ashland's most prominent singers and Is creating a reputation with her beautiful and welft trained voice. Car Load Just Received Heating Stoves and Ranges Will take your old stove in exchange. All sizes and styles. Bought 'be fore the war-time raise and selling below their present worth. See them at Provost Brothers Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Meredith of Los Angeles, who have been taking a motor tour which extended as far as Puget Sound, were in Ashland this week. 5ir Meredith is connected with a large printing establishment in Los Angeles. Loggers' Mackinaw shirts In heavy, plain,, dark blue and gray plaids at $6.60 each. Mitchell & Whittle. It With a force of 75 men, machin ery and equipment State Highway Engineer L. L. Clark is making rapid progress on the paving of the Siski you highway. Four and one-half miles have been completed since Sep tember 1, and one more mile Is ex pected to be finished within ten days. An effort is being made to get the rock down while the weather Is good and then repair breaks In order to have a good road for winter travel. Two shifts are working eighteen hours a day to expedite the work. Extra heavy horsehlde gauntlet gloves with the seams on the outside at $2.25 a pair. Mitchell & Whittle. Word reached here Thursday that Don B. Smith, former director of The Citizens Bank, who is now at Su perior, Iowa, is critically 111. Word was received in Ashland this morning of the death of Rev. S. A. Douglass' of Grants Pass, who had been 111 at that city for several weeks past. Mr. Douglass was at one time pastor of the local Baptist church and had many friends here who regret to hear of his demise. A suit of clothes or' an overcoat tailored to your measure by Ed V. Price Co. insures perfect satisfaction. See the book of samples at Mitchell & Whittle's. It L. M. Wilkes and family, from Mid land, Mich, are new cltlzens,in Ash land, having arrived last week and moved into the house at 163 Orben street. Ma Wilkes Is a fine chef of twenty-five years' experience and Is fitting up the room at 343 East Main eery Company of Medford. was a bust- Btreet ,nt0 a coz.y mtle Bnort order jiess visitor in town Tuesday. Mrs. Hattle Camps ani son Max returned Tuesday from San Jose, Cal., where they had been sojourning for some time.- Mrs. H. O. Vinson and daughter Goldie of Beaverton are guests of Mrs. A. Austin Chlsholm and Miss Azala Young at the Hotel Austin. Mrs. Eugene Cavln of Baker City is visiting her sister, Mrs. ErlcWeren. The 0. H. Barnhllls and Homer Elharts motored to Table Rock the firsflof the weeki. ' That Is, they mo tored most of the way and climbed the balance of the distance. The 0. R. S. Thimble Club will hold a social evening Friday, October 26, at the Masonic Hall. Admission 25c. Cards and other games. The public Is Invited. 4 3-3t Mrs. H. E. Badger expects to re turn to her home In Oakland Friday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berg strom, a son, whom Charles says is already yelling for the allies. C. C. Cate, the county .pathologist, was In Ashland Tuesday on business connected with his office. While here he visited 0. H. BarnhlU's Wlmer Cove orchard and pronounced the Spitzenburgs and Newtowns the best he had seen in the valley this year, expressing his conviction that a display of these apples would be ; certain to win first prize at the Port- land land show, if properly selected and packed. What Is the Christian's Idea of la bor? Come to the Brotherhood class of the Methodist Sunday school at 9:45 Sunday and hear this Interest ing question discussed. Revw Ed wards, the new pastor, will have charge of the class. Charles Tllton Is recovering from a severe attack of the measles. Mrs. W. 0, DIckerson and little son Wilbur left this week for Fort Stev ens to visit the former's son Donald, who Is a member of the 1st company, 0. A. C., there. ! pi '"'!','' s''n .,application cards at the , ' . ', 1 i - ' jlfji We have started a campaign to acquaint everyone in Ashland with the wonderful Tone Qualities of the Columbia Grafonola. We want 500 Families to sign , application cards at the Vining Theatre Friday or Saturday nights of this .week, asking us to loan them, FREE OF CH ARGE and WITHOUT ANY' OB LIG ATION WH ATEVER, a Col uin bla Grafonola and records enough for one evening's entertainment. We will deliver machine and come for it. Cards given in connection with FREE CONCERTS at VI N I. NCI THEATRE at 7:00 P. M. Friday and Saturday evenings, one half hour before' show starts. Regular admission chargod, but returned to all leaving at close of concert. Hear the new November records. Con cert given by FOLEY'S DRUG STORE Columbia Agents Ashland Oregon me Xote A verdict of not a true bill was llnqucncy of a minor, at the session found against Floyd Dickey and Ves-lot the grand Jury last Monday. The ter Decker, Ashjand young men young men were entirely exonerated charged with contributing to the de- from the charges against them. Oregon-made Macklnaws In the best cloth and the most substantial patterns at $8, $10, $11 and $12. Mitchell & Whittle. It Rev. H. J. Vine, who has been occu pying the pulpit in the Baptist church during the past year, left with his . family Tuesday for Dayton, where he -will reside on his ranch. , yciTizENsO W BANK X Preservation of Democracy Help preserve our democratic institutions and our sovereignty as a nation by subscribing to the Second Liberty Loan, issued In bonds from $50 to $1,000 and yielding 4 per cent Interest. Yon can subscribe through us. I III 111!' V RKon SAVINGS DEPOSITS house. He will not serve regular meals, but will cater entirely to the short order counter trade. A large force of men has been put upon the old opera house and the la bor of razing the ruins of the former building is being rushed as rapidly as possible. As soon as the debris is cleared away Contractor A. L. Lamb will start the erection of Jhe modern building to replace the old one. Mr. and Mrs. James Archibald of Browns boro owners of the building, were in Ashland Wednesday on their Way to Klamath Falls. Special magazine offers until No vember 10. See us at once about this. Poley's Drug Store. 43-3t Mrs. F. W. Herrln and little daugh ter, who have been visiting at Shasta Springs, returned home Sunday. GOOD ADVICE, FREE Any time , you want to dispose of anything consult with Gartner, proprietor. It is to your benefit. Ashland Junk Dealers, 383 E. Main street. Phone 79. 43-lmo. Don't miss the chance of hearing a Columbia Grafonola in your own home. See bur big ad. Poley's Drug Store. , It The Ashland Honor Guards will meet this evening In the armory at 7 o'clock for the purpose of taking up the first drill work. A full attend' ance Is solicited. ' For' solid, old line, legal reserve life insurance that also provides against total disability and creates a cash fund for yourself later in life, see He C. Galey, agent Western States Life Ins. Co. Phone 43 1-J..' 43-tf We Mtptt mly IPFinniI29 We live-Up to Our Advertising Every article we carry is made by the best and most reliable manu facturers in the U. S. A. There is no need then to wonder why we are not afraid to advertise our lines so highly. In times like this, when everything is high, we can not afford to handle inferior goods inferior merchandise may be sold to a customer once, and only once. Pretty expensive experience to pay a high price for an article that will only give half the wear you should get out of it, not that alone, you are disappointed in the appear ance the first time you wear it. We Are Well Slocked With the High-grade Merchandise You Want, Not at a Higher Price, but at a Reasonable and Just Price Present merchandising conditions are such, in all goods adaptable for government use, that there is a great ehoitage for immediate delivery, and any price asked is paid for underwear, hosiery, blankets, in fact all ma terials where wool or cotton is used. The same may be said of shoes. Your Attention, Please Remember, merchants all over the country are clamoring for goods ordered many weeks ago, but on account of the mills being oversold are unable to get relief. This is not a scare, merely a warning to buy while we can quote the right price on articles in great demand. REMEMBER OUR SALE ON SHOES Counter No. 1 Low shoes worth $3.50 j AO and $4 00, sale price I 0 Counter No. 2 High shoes worth $3 50 1 AO and $4.00, sale price letO Counter No. 5 Ladies high shoes in gunmetal, patent leather, patent with kid tops, kid with cloth tops, . ... t . . mi I ' 1 i ... . i L 1U. M A Jow for wii Counter No. 3 Low shoes worth $3 00 and $400, sate price Counter No. 4 High shoes Soro-in worth $4 00 and $5 00, sale price 98c 2.50 Pier i0. O UaOieS nigll olioes III gUIIIIlWitll, yawuu leamoi, paicnvi wmi iu mm viv... ..v,, or high heels, button or lace. This line on sale at a gro it bargain. They are right in line J A A winter wear. Any sh e on this table, pair Tv" Buy your shoes and underwear now. Buy any other article you may need. Youare sure of a bargain here. I THE QUALITY SHOP frrjlCJqprnCT fcilfc iki lk4 Ikdl UtdJ UtdJ lkdJlfciiUUUcykyudJloJ kii UeJ UcJ UeJ UcJ Uci UtU UcJ UtJ Ucii ugj JU JF5 IE JLJ MAIL ORDER SPECIALISTS r.t Ur ft