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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1917)
Monday, September 24v 19XT page six ASHLAND TTWlfGt .t & . v.- I Movie Matters Los Angeles advertisement, as It might be: Wanted Something that will remove dye from every part of my body without taking the skin with It. I was an Indian for four weeks. Now I want to be a white man. Raymond Hatton, Just because Mildred Harris was horn on November 29, a Thanksgiv ing day, and Thanksgiving falls on the 29th every eight years, the Lois Weber production lead makes the claim of being but two years old. Player note: The hen which lays the golden egg in William Fo&'s "Jack and the Beanstalk" did such good work that she has been awarded a five-year contract. They assert that Jesse Weldon, who works In Fox cemedies, Is funny all over from his head to his feet and sideways. He is four feet eight Inches tall, weighs 185 pounds, has a waist line of 44 Inches and is 46 Inches around the chest, Gladys Brock well wears a gown consisting almost entirely of Treton pears In a forthcoming picture. Bathing girls are to figure more prominently than ever In Mack Sen tett's comedies. Harry Ham, who appears with Ann Pennington In "The Antics of Ann" for Paramount, once before worked In a Famous Players picture, but the film was destroyed by fire and never retaken. So this constitutes his act ual first appearance in a Paramount production. Tom Melghan's eyes were badly burned by Kllollght rays during the filming of the final scenes In "Arms and the Girl," Blllle Burke's new Paramount plctura Elliott Dexter Is lending him about pending the restoration of normal conditions so far as his optics are concerned. Since the price of ammunition has been soaring, It Is being considered ns a possibility at least that the Mack Bennett studios, where Paramount Mack Sennctt comedies are now be ing staged, may desist In the use of enennrlos calling for gunplay. Dag gers will be substituted If the rule Roes Into effect. Director Flshback wants to know how he's going to "stick up" a train with a dagger. Th board of strategy Is considering the question deeply. MIps Edna Goodrich, the "All American Girl," has gladdened the licnrts of Fifth avenue, New York, milliners and modistes with checks aggregating 137.(100 for fifteen powns and as many hats, which are to be worn by the popular young actress In her four new star produc tions soon to be rp1ased by the Mu tual Film Corporation. Additional checks aggregating $13,975 have also been despatched to the proprietors cf famous shops tn the Rue de la Talx and Avenue de l'Opora, Paris, which have also contributed to tho effulgence of the Goodrich ensemble. Harold Lockwood has signed a new contract to continue In Metro plctiiros. Ills tiew leading lady is Plllle West, and rhe's said to be quite as enthusiastic and efficient a love-maker as Mae Allison. But of that more anon. Norma Talmadg worked there at the same time. The Ingenues look Tery much alike "And I bellove to this fateful day." la ments Blllle. "that Norma' plrtor are being advertised as mine and ttlne as hers," A 1 I FULGENZIO GUERniERI V With the La Scnla Grand Opera Company, playing at Tage Theatre, Medford, Thurs day night, October 4. Pete, who looks after the "props" j for the Douglas Fairbanks 'pictures, !went down to the Victor Hugo cafe In Los Angeles recently and asked the proprietor if he bad written any thing shorter than "Les Mlserables" V "The Count of Monte Crlsto," that ! Fairbanks might use for a comedy scenario. Bill Hart performed his first and only holdup last week. The victim r ! 1 . J ,1 ,L. tmvtlnmnnfa ' his six-shooters, and the spoils, they say, a big dish of ice cream. The director, the star and the scen ario writer are said to have had their day of high salariest Now they say an "extra" man of the Lois Weber company has purchased a Ford. Charlie Fang Is a Chinese come dian with a blank countenance said to be so Irresistible that Chaplin and Fairbanks will be forced to extend themselves to keep in the foreground. Svd Chanlin has returned to Los Angeles after a long stay In NeWtenor Gandpnzl, Sinagra, Corralo; York. Mrs. Syd ChapHn, who has baritone-, Valle, Vlgllnne', Formes; been ill, has fully fecovered and Is jbasso, Plcchi, Carrol; contralto, Bart dlsDlaylne all kinds of "pep." She.alooza. says she never felt better, and no lit tle thing like nine days on the oper- atin? table ever bothers her. , Her .only regret is that she will be unable to dance for six months, which means another fox trot champion. Accord Ing to Syd, Charlie's vacation will be cut down to a month, as they will J soon have to start production on the pictures which he has contracted to furnish the First National Exhibit ors' circuit. Auto Show Was Attractive Feature The auto show proved to be one of i the most attractive features of the county fair held at Medford last jweek. The auto dealers of the county showed that they were a live bunch, 'as practically every car agency in the entire county was represented at the show. These dealers and cars were repre sented: A. W. Walker Auto Company, with a Hudson Speedster, Chalmers Six, Maxwell touring car, a Maxwell truck and a Track ford. t Power Auto Company, Bulck Six and Four, and the parts In the rough used In their manufacture. Redden Form-a-Truck, Firestone tires. A feature of this display Is a Firestone truck tire 14 Inches wide, 42 Inches high, weight 540 pounds, value about $200. It Is the heaviest and most costly tire ever seen In Medfor.d. I Tr.eichler Plerson, Inc., Oldamo jblle Six, recently received, and the parts used In construction; Dodge jtourlng car, Dodge sedan and U. S. 'tires. Goo. E. Mlllner, Overland roadstor jand Country Club and WIllys-Knlght, .Wire-Grip tires and the new theft I signal, a patent to put on tires that makes getting away with a car very difficult. Valley garage. Ossman & McDon ald, Page Six and Speedster one of the latest additions to the auto family In Medford. W. K. De Lay, Velle Six, another Tn0 Chicago White Sox Thursday new car here; Chevrolet roadster,1won the toss for deciding where the jChevroM light delivery, Goodyear and Republic tires and accessories. C. E. GaUi Auto Company, the Ford and out in the yard the new Avery 0-10 horsepower tractor. The light and frothy plays which the theatre mnrtr say the public wants In war tlrn are being very rarifully xpnrr'd to cut out any thing that eotiM InUrMit an Intelli gent person. s V TIT ;4 ? V 4V NINA MORGANA Grand Opeia Assured In Southern Oregon The most Interesting event of the current season at the Page Theatre is the coming of the La Scala Grand Opera Company with Its splendid ros ter of songbirds, well-tralried chorus, orchestra and scenic Investment that place It in the ranks of the two or three best operatic companies of America, The orchestra will number 40 and the chorus will contain the same number of excellent singers. New scenery, new costumes, proper ties and splendid electrical effects will be In evidence. For the first time In the history of Italian opera on the Pacific coast a technical stage director will be carried, so that oper as will be put on in a manner worthy of the artists and the company. Noted Artists. A partial roster of the exception ally fine cast of artists is as follows: Soprano, Ester Ferrabinl, Nina Mor- Sana; contralto, truerrlerl de Larra; Giuseppe Gandenzi, lyric tenor, Is well known throughout the United States. He has toured twice wJth the Boston National Grand Opera Com- pany. Madam Ester Ferrabinl, dramatic soprano, Is considered by the Italians the greatest "Carmen" of the Itallai operatic stag,e. Her voice Is a warm dramatic soprano, under excellent control. Blanca Soroya, one of the new sing ers In the west, Is a young and beau tiful lyric soprano. She is well known In eastern centers, where she has ap peared In such operas as '"The Jewels of the Madonna" and "Thais." Signor Roberto Vigklone Is a bril liant baritone, with a remarkable j"ange and power of volcie. He came direct fnom South America, where his name Is well known to all music lov ers. Karl Formes of Company. Signor Karl Formea Is a young American baritone whose recent de but with the Metropolitan Opera Comanpy created a furore In New York. This will be his first Ameri can tour since he toured with the Mascagnl Opera Company. Chevalier Fulgenzlo Guerrierl, the conductor of the La Scala company, la one of the best known of Italian di rectors In America. He Is known as the "scoreless conductor," being able to read 56 operas without a score. Pillto Slnagrai, lyric tenor, Is one of the bright stars of the company. His first American tour was under the direction of. Henry Savage as principal tenor In "The Girl of the Golden West." Prices are to be within the reach of every one, $3 being the highes price for orchestra and box seats, ranging downward to $1. The opera win be on percentage basis with Sparks M. Berry, lmpressarlo of the La Scala company. Chicago vs. N. Y. Play World's Series opening game of the world's series of baseball games Is to be played. Their opponents will be the New York Giants. The ones who are worrying about having to fight are not the drafted men, but those who are afraid they will get called next time. Tidings "For Sale" ads are actlvs little real estate salesmen. TURKISH "JUSTICE." Curious Cata of Man Who Wai Guil ty of Having Daughter. Dr. Clarke, a famous traveler of about a euitury usotells of the fol lowing reiuarknble ease, which was tried ut tlie Greek Island of Cos: A youn' mun desperately in love with n girl of Siam-hlo eutierly sought to mar ry her, but Ilia proposals were rejected In consequence of his disappointment he bought some poison and destroyed himself. The TurkiKh police Instantly arrested the father of the young wo muu as the cause, by Amplication, of the man's death. Under the tilth spe cies of homicide he became, therefore amenable for this uct of suicide. When the rase caine before tho mag istrate it was uified literally by the accusers that "If he (the accused) hud not Jmd a daughter the deceap would uot have fallen in love; conse iuentl he would uot have been disappointed, consequently he would uot have swil lowed poison; consequently he woalu uot have died. But he (the acciised liud a daughter, nnd the deceased ha: I'ailen in love, and had been disup pointed, and had swallowed poison aud bad died." ' I'pou all these nceouuts be was call ed upon to pay, the price of the youiii; luau's life, und this, beiuj,' fixi-d u't tin film of 80 plasters, was accordingly exueted. Another instance was related to Dr Clarke, which occurred at the island of Sumos, as a characteristic feature of Turkish justice that is to say, a so phistical application of a principle rig idly foundpd upon this tifih species of ''homicide by Implication." The Capu dan I'asha reusoned with the people of Samoa on tho propriety of their paying for u Turkish frigate which was wreck ed upon their territory and the crew lost "because the accident would not have happened unless I hell' Island had been hi the way." Case and Comment FOUR TYPES OF MEN. French Method of Picking Soldiers For Special Lines of Work. "A good Judge of human nature la born aud not made," declared Dr. G titanley Hall, president of Clark uni versity. "Baseball scouts are not able to tell how they pick men; neither tali any employer tell how be picks his men." Dr. Hall described the French system of dividing mpii into four general types and selecting them for particular jwsl lions in the army accordingly. He said; "First The digestive ty. It Is characteristic of the heavy jaw, broad abdominal region. Such men require more fond, need It regularly, must be well fed. Such men are best on the de fensive. They are hard to dislodge from i he trenches. "Second. Xhe respiratory type. Nos trils and ears are large; large, Ion;: chest; demand plenty of pure ulr; get restive tmder coutinement Such mo ire selected for woik on high moun tains. They are good in the charge, In making an attack. Such men exclusive ly are selected for the aviation corps. "Third. The muscular tyiie. Head Is square, limbs; long and strong, body short. This type is good for the bayo net charge In the artillery service. "Fourth. The Tjervous type. Large head tapers down to a sharp Jaw. Such men have power to draw upon their re serves. They can get their second wind. The really great are men of this type. Along with this type Is closely associat ed a willingness to sacrifice self for the good of others. "Children and, animals nre guided by the desire to gain pleasure and avoid pain. As they grow older they should learn to bear present palu for future pleasure." Pittsburgh Gazette-Times. Hard to Hear Airplane at Sea. While It Is widely known that an air prune can be heard for some distance off on land, ou water the lupplng of the waves and the whistling of the wind through the rigging and superstructure of a vessel make It almost impossible to henr the power plaut o an approach ing seaplane until It is almost ovehead. hence the submarine plying the sur face has alight warning of an Impend ing seaplane attack until It is often too late to escape.-Selentiflc American. Heart and Lungs. The action of the heart, lungs and dl gestlve system is Involuntary, for the rensnn that it Is indispensable to life and must be carried on u-ider all elf enmstances. If a mnu had to think of hid heart or had to remember that he must breathe or that bis food must dl gest he would have no t'me to do any thing else, and if by chance he should ror'i't to keen his heart soing or his lungs In operation he would fall dead on the spot The Mcst Acourato Frontier. As an iustunce of the Jealousy exist ing hi the relations between Norway and Swedeif it may lie noted that the boundary line between the two coun tries is the most minutely exact In Eu rope. In every parish touched by the line there Is deposited an elaborate plntl WUlcn is reneweu every il-u years the whole of the work or surveying. etc., being carefully repeated each time Loesl Pride. "What Is the name of this street?" "This is Broadway." replied the proud citizen of Dubbsvllle. "Ah! Named ui honor of the famous thoroughfare. 1 presume?" "Why, sir, this Is the famous thor ougbfare!"-Blrmlngham Age-Herald. 8ave Their Breath. Alice I wouldn't marry a lawyer He would always be arguing with me. MarieNonsensel Lawyers don't ar gue unless there's a fee in sight-Boston Transcript KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED Stevenson, 177 East Main Street "I Never Sleep" J. P. Dbdg'e & Sons it!itttttHttttffintnttttttttKttnt ' Undertakers Willi Ordnance Officers Wanted For Army Men to serve . as commissioned and non-commissioned officers and pri vates in the ordnance department of the United States army are urgently needed, according to the govern ment's latest call for volunteers. They must be of draft age or older, and must have college training or be "men of sufficient actual business ex perience to enable them to grasp the subject and be relied upon after com pleting the course." No other re quirements are stated in the call. The University of Oregon at Eu gene has been designated as a train ing station for the course. The In struction of the first section will be gin October 1. Plenty of applications have been received already, but the government now wants new sections to be started every week therafter. Each class will be limited to fifty men, and these will be expected to devote their entire time to the train ing. Th,e army's need is so urgent that the students showing the most aptitude will probably be called be fore the end of the six weeka The men will act as shipping clerks, stores clerks, balance of stores clerks, etc., at bases nnd field depots, and be responsible for buy ing, handling and accounting for mu nitions ' and military equipment, Thousands of lives will depend upon their accuracy and efficiency In get ting ammunition and ordnance to the fighting lines, and the War Depart ment demands men who "are 100 per cent efficient." , The course at the University of Or,egon will be under charge of C. C. Jeremiah, who has been assigned to the work by the War Department A fee of $20 will be charged to meet the heavy expense of giving It. En llstment Is required at the close of the course. If the men are called to duty and are placed In the field they will receive the rank of sergeant, which carries with It a salary of from $40 to $60 a month, according to grade, with a 20 per cent Increase In case of foreign service. All men taking the course will probably be made sergeants as soon as they get Into the field,, although the govern ment does not guarantee this. The training will Include Industri al and scientific management, the re ceipt, handling and shipping of ord nance material, conversational French, and perhaps typewriting. The man who can operate a type writer will have an advantage and stand the best chance of early pro motion to commissioned rank. Director Jeremiah comes from the University of Pennsylvania', where he has be,en connected with a similar course. He says: "Every man should be made to realize that the course Is not given with the view that the men will make money after th,ey enlist. It Is a purely patriotic move and the men taking the course must sacrifice something for their country. At the University of Penn sylvania we had In our class mer chants, ' lawyers; manufacturers, brokers, etc. men who were making salaries of anywhere from $1,200 to $10,000 per yean. They sacrificed home, salary, prospects and every thing else to bevof service to their country, and we shall expect the same of the students,out here." Application blanks for admission to the stores course will be furnished on request. Address C. C. Jeremiah, University of Oregon, Eugene. Th,e United States Is not to fix the price of meats, but the public can feel sure that, the dealers who have the enterprise to advertise will also have the enterprls to secure good bargains ,for customers. The Franford explosion is called "accidental," hut no doubt the kaiser will pay the usual price for the job. Lady Assistant Depaty County Coroner Slate Licensed Erabalraer fit if Clothes . Economy depends upon two things the price rou pay for your clothes, and the service they give you. Clothes Borti'tailor ed to your measure will cost you less, by the year, than any other, ready-made or made to order. Because it is Born policy to give the larg est measure of quality in materials and work- , manship in exchange for your dollars. Rctident Bom Dealer) Paulserud & Barrett ASHLAND PROOF Should Convince Every Ashland Reader. The frank statement of a neighbor. telling the merits of a remedy. Bids you pause and believe. The same endorsement By some stranger far away Commands no belief at all. Here's an Ashland case. An Ashland citizen testifies. Read and be convinced. Festus Butts, retired farmer, 172 Mountain avenue, says: "I was an noyed for quite a while by kidney and bladder trouble. Nothing seemed to reach It until I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. They helped me from the first and soon regulated my kid neys and cleared up the kidney secre tions." The above statement was given on March 12, 1913, and on March 15, 1916, THREE TEARS LATER, Mr. Butts said: "I am ready to back up my former statement regarding my experience with Doan's Kidney Pills. It has been several years since I was cured of kidney trouble by this medi cine and I am still enjoying first-class health' Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Butts has twice publicly recom mended. Foster-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. ' ii in ' v Now the coal miners, railroad men and factory operatives demand mora pay to meet the higher cost of food, and next the food producers will de mand higher prices to pay for the in creased wages of the coal miners. railroad men and factory operative.