Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, September 24, 1917, Image 1

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"Ashland Grows While Llthla Flows"
Ashldnd, Oregon, Llthla springs
"Oregon's Famous Spa'
" City of Sunshine and flowers
- ..
Prominent Couple
Spring Big Surprise
It Is a secret no longer. Yes, you
have guessed It. Helnrelch Helden-
Phoenix Girls Win
Canning Contest
The canning contest held at the
county fair last week was won by
Irelch and Mairi Welsenburger are , the Phoenix team, composed of Lela
married. They were united In Al-jStevens, captain; Esther Miller and
nany September 13, with County iLoulse Wheeler. They gave an exhlbl
Judge McKnlght officiating. The Jtlon after th award which was en-
marriage was a quiet affair, wit-; Joyed by a large number of visitors.
Men At Fort Need
Winter Clothing
lira E. C. Card returned to Ash-
Vant $250 For War
Library This Week
There has been $11.50 donated tp
Last Train of Conscripted Men
Will Stop In This City Tonight
A i ......
nessed only by a fraternity brother of The team will be sent t,o the state , have -been enlivened at all hours of formation. In which some of the com- home She ay tl at Cantab Those who
the groom's. Neil McEckeren, and his !fair at Salem. The score In this con- jthe day by coming and going troop panles of men we're very well drl Z IsTery t SmmZ v "?
fiancee. Miss Irene Stipe", of Portland. ;test was: Talent 93, Eagle Point 85, .trains. There were two train loadsiTheir panger cars afford d great 1st 2 I ZJ:"- C:
After the ceremony the party re-'and Phoenix 97.
turned to the Delta Tau Delta fra
ternity house at Eugene, where they
had been enjoying a house party
chaperoned by Mrs. Stipe. Here they
School Winners.
following winners In the four on Sunday.
of men to eat in Ashland Th.,rS,iv. lnIvn,nf tn ,, i-".: ' iianwon, airs, a. k. M.nit, Mrs. Atkln-
. ' ,. "r ' l"c wun a pair or wristlets and a sleeve-'son. James Herspv f! n TnmUir, i-r
two on Friday, two on Saturday andjgreeted them at the depot of less vest. These vests can be made Z ' , n Z7'3, I 5
many humorous inHcrlntlnnn frnm im Hn,l ti. . .'. ' ' '' ' ' al80u
school club work contests will also be Ashland this morning, and after I which the men had chalked upon the bers of the Sol 1 era" Auk 1 arv and I r n . . ,
sent to the state fair with their ex- the 7 o'clock train tonight the runlsides of the cars. One car bore th 1JL , "Zf! 'T ! I Cant8. started the ball roll.
were greeted with an elaborate din- jhibits: Sewing division 2 Lucile Hoi- j will be over with the possible excep-1 inscription. "Here's to Redding, the help in sunnlvlne this neert m, ' T V . ' mre yet to
ner which had been prepared by Mrs. dridge, Talent; sewing division 1, 'tlon of one or two trains which might 'city of good stew-Ice cold." Some mo hers of toys now t the tort e IT , ' L,.hrnry fUUd-
roburn, who has been the fraternity ! Flora Manke, Phoenix; boys' division jcome through within the next few jof the inscriptions showed originality now working on the vests JlTny of p T u
see he ka i for I ,, t f maBazlnes' w,ll,e otl""-8,of Commerce down the line got be
nl fe' 1 h,aVe,,,ie- A" rea"ng n,"t(ir"" the local War Library Council.
The Southern Pa,m, nfn , , l'u,dii to Ser Graham. !Granta Pns8 , lt8 campnIpn a wppt
The bouthern Pacific officials are who will distribute it to the men who Li. ...... v.. ...
delighted with tl, ffinUnf i ., ... ' ii nna oumr patriotic
..-- ....w.t j us urn Biiijiieu. me jsi company
which the troops were handled. jnow has a fair-sized mess fund which
. - has been saved from the amount of
money which the government allows
mother and cook for the past many 1. potato growing, Andrew Stevens, i days,
years. ' Talent; gardening, CyriJ. Haak, The trains were very much alike
Mr. Heldonreich Is the son of a, Eagle Point. jail contained a motley crowd of men
wealthy eastern Oregon cattleman, a
graduate of the '15 class of the U. of
O., and is well known locally as he !ups attracted a large crowd and those (tion. They were all fed In the ban
was manual training Instructor and who had never seen mine drilling iQuet rooms of the Elks building and
athletic coach In Ashland high school before were given a rare treat. The
last year. He has accepted a like po- .speed and skill with which the drill
Drill Contest. who had left work In all walks of
The mining drill contest for grown- life to answer the call of conscrip.
sltion In the new high school at Rose
burg this year.
The bride Is one of Ashland's most
was hammered and the places chang
ed was .Indeed , a revelation. Unfor
tunately ' Instead of six teams only
prominent young women. She Is a :two competed, and they came from
graduate of the local high school, (the same, camp-. Sam Sandry and
class of '17, and was prominently as- Jack Brady of the Blue Ledge won
eociated with every form of student first prize of 80, drivlng,31 inches
enterprise during her school years
She has been employed as dispenser
at Butler's for the past three years.
She Is also an accomplished musician,
es Is Mn Heldenreich.
Mire. Heldenreich has returned
home In this city and will remain
here until her aunt returns from a
visit to San Francisco and keep house
for her parents. The young people
will make their home In Roseburg In
the near future.
Into solid granite in fifteen minutes.
Etha and Everett Wall were the sec
ond team', their depth being 29
Late News From
Boys At Stevens
(Continued from Thursday.)
Payday came and went. Probably
Students to Write
plans for campaign week, September
24 to 29.
Incidentally, Grants Pass has not
only made a Atato-wldn rnrnrH hut n
to each man. Should the local bovs Lii , .....
iiuuuiiui lorani, on ic ih me rirst city
lairai Iabita 9 n lPnnnAH . 1. ...Ml I
Tak tV....,,. 'I .:. "r"' MW' "Iu: America to flubscrlbe to the fund.
I VI IjODdV rilACa " lne oniy company at 'ort
Stevens whloh will actually have a
nwss fund, as the other companies'
Prominent Local Elk
Gets Big Appointment
Notice pf appointment ai .district
L. G. Glieve Leaves
Vaupel's Store
L. G. GHeve, window display artist
and manager of Vaupel'S Btore for the
past two years, has quit his position
and leaves tonight for the east to
attend to business matters, prior to
John Enders was offered a position
jln the Post Exchange last week and
Ltaking aa active interest in the de- .. , . ,, , .
L.i Blde8. hs ability behind the counter
owna in northera California and ',n " knowV enke went up
southern Oregon. i 48 h thought' hl P8lt,on-
I . -. IM-round - that his -nosltlnn waa
. .. .. a ... I llimlni thA rn nnH Uta PIIam I " w w
deputy grand exaioed ruier . V 7 "J"1'." ""i the Janitor work
Order of Elks for the southern Ore- has managed the Vaupel store hcS has . .
1 wi.v "vtv j iuuub, f vim 10 UtttH
A timely subject has been selected megg funda, whlch are Bent from
by the Oregon Society of the Sons of i,m. ,m i,., u. .
the beautiful quality of tone .pos- !the American Revolution for the ant- 'Z .m ' "
sessed by a bugle was never so much nual achool children's essay contest. Durlng her stay at Fort Stevens
appreciated as on last Tuesday morn- It is "Our Debt to France for Aid 'Mr, Card raided wlh Mr and liT
ing, when "payday" sounded, by Mer- Rendered to the American Colonies 1" ZJ. 1 ' ?
edlth Braver. Everybody had money In the Revolutionary War." Papers Z Z Z m- .
will be Judged for originality, accu- little settlement near the fort,
racy of statements, manner of treat- '
ment,' orthography, syntax, punctua
tion!, neatness and legibility.
Throe prizes will be offered. The
first will be $25, the second 15 and
the third $10. The contest is limited
to pupils in high schools and In the
two higher grades of
for a day or two and candy and cigar
ettes were actually offered without
the asking. Already this happy state
of affairs is, coming to a close, how
ever. Full pay ($36 for a private)
was received for the time from mo
bilization at Ashland. '
R. L. Burdic Opens
Dentist Office Here
Medford's apportionment is $500.
Kvery town In Oregon has organ
ized now.
At Amity, Orel, the membership of
the local council is composed exclu
sively of mothers of soldiers, under
the chairmanship of Mrs. RIIU
St. Johns Is holding public dance.
while the local picture show has do
nated the entire proceeds of one
night's performance. The council
plans to make the performance a
special ona.
The first Installment of libraries Is
already In the camps, so certain Is
(Continued cn Page Elgt.)
gon jurisdiction has been received by I Installed new methods which have
"Walter Ev. Newcombe', member of the
built up tho establishment until it is
Ashland lodge.
Selection for this Important posi
tion Is made by the grand exalted -He haa put the store on a "100 perl
on his searchlight Job a sadder but
wiser man. -
now recognized as one of the leading
dry goods stores In southern Oreeon.
uiey Hedberg Is entertaining his
,lr anrf h BnnnnnrBTnpnt nf Mr icent efficient basis" and has in-!"""" "co'1- "euuerg
Newcombe's appointment will 1 re-! creased its business to a wide extent. jht packages with which he had
celved by the members of the order, His skill as a window dresser has h9en busied 'r nearly everybody
.!.. i nfnr, tta n. a a av CAiisd hl window dlsnlav9 tn Iia In Camp.
Willi ficiitriai oanoiai-iiuii. 10 " no v 1 - -
alted ruler of the local Order of Elks ! continual source of enjoyment to the
in 1913. He is manager of the local local citizens since he first showed
Western Union telegraph office and . his wonderful ability in this line.
Is prominently associated with every
line of local progressive enterprise, jnjain in Ashland for the present.
The Order of Elks, notable for Its I
charity and patriotism, has voted an L. - , C0ch!nn
nrproprttton of $1,000,000 to be ex- j llltUCC 5 102)111011
landed in war relief This action was
tak,n at the session of the Grand
Lodge held In Boston, and a commis
sion appointed to administer the fund
is now actively engaged In their im
portant work
Seven new men, all well equipped
along electrical and gas engineering
Mrs. Glieve and son Jack will re-i"nes. have been transferred to the
1st from other companies, and all
havevproven to be dandy good fellows
and valuable acquisitions to camp
life. They are: Russell B. Brant
from the Astoria
Display Pleases i8lde9 being an m011"1- m make
J ithe steel guitar talk like a native
I Hawaiian; Ariel B. Chittv. Fred Da-
How the Soldiers'
Heals Are Paid
R. L. Burdic, Jr., well-known local
BChotols of the state. The society's who "ated from thfl North I
circular says Essays shall not ex-1 PacIfl Collee at Portland this
ceed 3,0d0 words in length; shall be 8Drln&' ha8 returned to Ashland and
written, in the pupil's own handwrit-,Saturday Pened UP nlB dental office
in. nna u in the Swedenbursj bulldlne.
"'o diuo vmj ui wmie itiptr, 1 i i
, . . 1 H bnA lin nfflpa vihtr-h la fnllw
aim U1UH.W accompanied Dy a cerr ' , " vnv neonle wpra wonderlns? tn-
tlflcat. of the pupil's teacher to the .e"u"'iPd wlth and best L 3e torn
effect that v essay Is the unaided dtentaI xtu a"d ' ' ,n" ra"gea o p tor the meals Lrve.
wort of the pupil. Essay must be , 8trument? are new 'mention, which J Tere at the various Tat !
signed by the writer with full nost- are found on,y ,n the m0st Progress-! '"la m8" Varl0U,B eat""f
milieu ii me wruer un run posi-1 jantlt.. , , (houses whether it was a cash propc-
office address Including name oflveclty denti8ts offlces- Bltlon or llftd conHi.ierable red tana
county, and mailed to A. A. Linds.ev ! Mr- Burdl Kraduato of the 8 '" .0; ',ftd "J
at 400 Henry building, Portland, and! IocaI hls;h schqo1 ln 19H" He nas 'forthcoming It Is a verv slmnN.
must be received not later than Anrl! ;0ffered hlm8elf for military service rort"comlnf "J9' very 8lmp
mum ne receivea noi later man April nrooess and one that causes no wu It
1- 1Q1R Faonva nnl mmnlvlni u.lh .IW1C6 Hill Was noi BCCCpieO )eCHUSe .
l, ii. essays not complying with . ' . . or de ny. T ie Southern Pacific Com-
th-ae requirements will be rejected, ol nm,or ,njunes wn,cn ne recelVGa pany ,vftn0P9 ,..., to nav for th9
and no essavs will i,e rMnrnoH ,in llls h'Kh school track work. He pany Bllvftn09 n,n(lfl to P ror tn -ana
no essays will be returned. . ... mpni n nnm ii.ttnir loior fmm
I tried once to get Into the dental "
joorps at Portland and later was re-!tIu5 ernnie,lt- Ench mnn 8rre
Ijected from the 1st company at Port; a mcaI tlclet at 1,19 door and
Siskiyou Phone Line
Will Be Rebuilt
Stevens because of a minor injury,
The-McGee clothes und Hargrove vs, Walter Martin and H. C. Stevens
miliinery fashion show which was 0f the Portland comnanv. wirelesi
Among the great voluntary agen- jne,a, at lne ivmm neatre "may j operators and gas engine men; Ches
cies so efficiently serving our country " , " "? , ' c"lc,la"""e"1
today this great order has assumed :of itB lineJn Af and and "8 8 "uge
. o. . i success. The stage was tastefully ar-
The Pacific Telegraph and Tele
phone Company will rebuild their toll
lead between the California-Oregon
state line and this city between now
and tho first of the year. Engineers
Trains Are Loaded
With Ashland Water ;
these are all turned In by the pro
prietor to the quartermaster, who Is
Biies a receipt for them. A bill is
liven maklo out In favor of the Red
Cross against the Southern Pnolflcs
Company, the bill nnd tickets then
elng delivered to Agent Kraemer,
I who expresses them to the general
passing office at San Francisco, after paying
evening was tlie initial entertainment ter Paul of the MarahfioM ,,n
and Henry Wheeler of the Cottage
Grove bunch. Wheeler Is a baseball
ranged and several local girls acted j pitcher and will be a welcome addl-
aa mnripla fnr nhnwlncr thn lata can- t . - .l. .ii, .... . ..
,. , ---., r'"" lu l"a iwiriniB Rian or tne cora-
Draited Men Will son'8 models ln a manner which cre" :pany team-Five more men are to be
jatcu luuuu laiuiainu wuiuuicui 11 uiu transferred.
Da UvjmiTIOfl CftAtl.the unusually large audience which .
- , A, i. The pet racoon which was the mas-
' , The young ladles who acted as t, ,
, . cot of the Roseburg company has
All Oregon men on the draft llst(models were the Misses Lucile Bar- thn 1o rnmnn
may soon have to undergo physical ,ber, Florence Erlckson, Querltta mMt of , time ,n 8e t w
examination to determine their fit-1 Brown, Hazel Smith and Lillian Mc-jtlpnt or ,n the meBg tent He Jg a
ness for service m me army, uov- m , . a"rrlendly little fellow, answering to
ernor Withycombe has announced the two little daughters of Mr. and . . Comm , . .,.,...
that he favors the suggestion of the; Mrs. C. B. Wolf acted as models for Llf t .' -
war Department tnat an or me men jhiiuwuis me amerem onenngs 01
registered take the examination at children's coats in a most commandl
once, Instead of waiting until called .able way Considering their age.
to the cantonments. This plan will
save much time In getting the men
ready for service. The executive de
partment expects to have examina
tion of Oregon men started soon.
Engineers Favor
Asphalt-Base Oil
Boys at Fort Get
Another Pay Check
More Delicaces to
Ordnance equipment has been re
ceived and the company Is now fully
equipped, those who have been with
out guns receiving new ones and the
'old pieces being broueht iid to stand-
SflldifirS ThiS WPPklapd- New bt8 and PackB have been
Mviuiviu amu iivw received all around.
At a meeting of the Soldiers' Aux-
Second Lieutenant Frankland, who
- The" Oregon troops at Fort Stev
ens, formerly the Oregon Coast Ar
tillery, National Guard, Friday r;e-
celved their pay checks to cover their
drill work as National Guard for the
period, from January 1 to July 1,
1917. The pay roll totaled over. $20,
000. The companies that received their
pay Saturday were the 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
6th, 7th, 9th, 11th and 12th. The
Illary Club Thursday evening Mrs. jcame from the Presidio training camp
Hedburg, Mrs. Acklin and Mr. Hlbbsito the Ashland company, has been
were appointed as a committee to at- made material officer and Is super
visor over the searchlights', communi
cations and power plants. Lieutenant
John J. Kernan of the 4th is now our
second lieutenant and has proven to
be a very likable officer.
tend to the sending of this week's
shipment to the boys at Fort Stev
ens. They wish to sertd a shipment
of grapes and cookies this week, and
all the articles which are to be sent
should be left at Mr. HIbbs' store on
East Main street before Wednesday
noon. x
All the soldier trains
hav,e been working on the territory .through Ashland are heavily stocked ;cash for the service rendered to the
for the nast month. sunnHes have al- with Ashland water. Every available soldiers In this city. In this manner
ready been received here, and a large 'space on the cars is being filled with it is quite probable that the first train
crew of men will start work In the im-, 1'arrels and tanks of the1 local water ,1s paid for before the last one loaves,
mediate future. .because of the feared contamination
Tli? nineteen miles of reconstruc-,0' the Roseburg water, which it Is
tlon will cost approximately $53,200, thought has caused the many cases
and according to present plans will of typhoid fever which have broken
be completed about the first of the out in Roseburg during the past week.
... I V. . . .. . .
year. The company will reconstruct, j Jtosenurg is me next shopping place
more lines on the other side of the of the soldier trains which leave Ash-
Htnfo Hn. tier mnr iland. and for th a reason the rnru am ' runner recognition lor motor on
The present line Is an old one and stocked with an added supply of Ash-, ma,Ie rrom California aspnaitrc-asa
called for much repair, so the com- 'and water so that they will have to petroleum waa brought to light re
pany decided to rebuild instead of .take practically no water on at Rose-j06111 wllen a prominent Peerless
repairing. The new line will be made urg. dealer showed a group or newspaper
from new material and will he erected I City health officers of Roseburg , 111611 a letter from the Peerless fao
ln a straight line over the mountain have ordered that the citizens of that
and be much more accessible in the city should boll all the water that Th'8 ,etter stated that after test
winter than is the present line, they use until the water has been ln several kinds of oil. the technical
. thoroughly tested by the state health department was able to secure uni
e$&4$$&$$$$ authorities.
To Get Taxes, t-ted.
Lieutenant Spencer, while retain
ing his position with the company,
has been made signal officer for the
Columbia river defenses and has
charge of . the signal work and the
$ For tho Week Beginning Sep-
$ temler 23.
$ Paclflo states: Fair over $
S southern and occasional rains 3 , Payment of land taxes aggregating
S over northern districts; rising $1,504,041 to eighteen counties In
$ temperature In valley of Callfor- $ Oregon and one county in Washlne-
nia after Sunday. J ton were recommended bv Secrwtarv
j Lane Friday. When the federal gov-
! ernment recovered title to the lands
,from the Oregon & California rall-
The only classes of people who! road, congress authorized the pay
haven't demanded exemption yet are ment of taxes levied against the prop
the Grand Army and Confederate 'ertlee while In the possession of the
road. The amounts due range from
$478 In th,e case of Clark county,
formly better results with a certain
widely known advertised motor oil
made here on the Pacific coast from
California asphalt-base petroleum,
than from any of the oils which trujr
veterans and the Boy Scouts.
Some of the paper makers who
complain about the price fixed by the
government will no doubt also com- tugs, etc., on the river. Some of his
till. A .1. 1 A nlatn If ttt.l. fnnt , I. a A L .... ... . .......
uiu um vuiupuuieB uau ictoiveu j""" " mo uuu i nuj vruwi i , leirow uliicers JORingiy aUDDeKI uim
their pay previously, jthat price, , j"Commander of this Columbia River,"
and over at Fort Columbia the other
day a green.recrult on the No. 1 post
at the guardhouse called out the county's portion of the taxes Is ap
guard for the "Commander of the proximately $242,000.
Columbia River" when Lieutenant
Spencer hove in sight.
Bootlegger Caught
In Klamath Falls
Sidney Beals of Klamath Falls was
taken Into custody In that city Tues
day with a dozon and a half quarts
of booze In his possession. He en
tered a plea of not guilty before tha
Justice of the peace and was sen
tenced to sixty days In Jail and fined
Washington, to $300,132 In the case $200 and costs. When brought Bo
ot Douglas county, Oregon. Jackson fore the court he declared that this
was not his first offense and that h
had been disposing of liquor to th
parched throats of Klamath Falls for
$3 a quart , . .
Phone Job orders to the Tidings.