PAGK SIT ASHLAND TTDUfCli Thursday, Jaly 12, 1917 BROOKINGS MAINTAINS HIGH LEVEL OF LIVING AND EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS Brookings, Ore. To the Public: On account of the many letters we have been receiving from parties In this and other locali ties, we have deemed It best to set out In an open letter the conditions of Hvine emDlonnent and recreation usually prevailing In municipalities of like character. Wages and Working Conditions. The minimum rate for common la bor is 3 per day of ten hours at the present time in all departments, i with usual advance above this rate that surround the employes of this for responsible positions, company. The company operates a sawmill, tv ,i mmnt nn1 fieneral I logging camp, railroads, wharves and SiirroundinKS. The town of Brookings and the manufacturing plant are located on a plateau about 100 feet above ocean level and running from the shore line back about three-quarters of a i shipping; runs its own line of steam ers to California points. Requirements Applicants Must Fulfill. No man over 60 years of age will be employed. Before entering our employ each mile. Unlike moat sawmill towns, ;Bnd every applicant will be obliged the site Is rolling bench land, free ( to pass an examination by the com frora stumps and slashings. The cll- pany's physi.Man and satisfy him as mate is mild. Snowfall Is a rarity, ! to physical condition, and during the summer months the j Married men must work for the weather Is that of a beach resort. In j company at least 30 days before they the winter the temperature Is moder- will be permitted to bring their fam ate. lilies, in order that both parties may The view of the ocean, beach and be satisfied as to conditions and abll eurroundings Is beautiful. Ilty., A good public school Is provided i ll(iur Is permitted In the for all grades: moving picture thea-'to: P"1" found intoxicated will tre with a seating capacity of 300 summarily discharged, with two weekly shos; general I General, store carrying a large stock at rea-j w desire to build up a commun sonable prices; also a well-equipped j to ' er. thrifty,. Industrious men hospital is provided for employes and i " families, and such will be given families, and Is In charge of a first- itlie Preference in the matter of em class phvslclan and surgeon with , Plyment at a" timeB trained nurse In attendance. There 18 PIenty of continuous em ployment here for a large number of Living Accommodations. actve gober men ,n practically all For single men there Is a large classes of work, and any parties hotel provided with showers and meeting these requirements can feel other facilities, with table board that assured of employment on reporting Is unexcelled In its line. j here. In addition, comfortable bunkj The company Invites correspond houses are provided to take care of , ence from parties interested, and fur excess of single men over and above ; ther Information can be obtained the accommodations provided In the from M. Jordan and other stage op hotel. Rate of board $6. 2b per week, ' erators at Grants Pass or F. Q. Lung, lodging 50 cents and up, according Medford. to accommodations. I This pelnt is reached by auto stage For married men comfortable from Grants Pass via. Crescent City, house3 are provided, with rents rang- at the present time consuming about Ing from S6 per month and up, ac-'nine hours for the trip, cording to type selected; water, light j C. & O. LUMBER COMPANY, and ffood extra at nominal rates, I Adv. It Gold Hill Notes tXtltltlfflt- taatmmttatimin iuy a. u. Keiiogg. BeJew'ew Notes profession of nursing. Guy and Merrltt Randies took a trip up near Crater Lake Sunday. Mrs. F. W. York, who has been ill Miss Ruth Newman of Medfora for some time, Is impnn lng, we are spent several days last week, lnclud- glad to say. W. H. Byers has been absent sev eral days on a business trip to Can ada. Thomas Rogers, who has been em ployed at tho F. H. Mann orchard, left Saturday tor Washington. Haying and cherry-picking are now the order of the day, and provide em ployment for many hands, several from town coming out tJ lend their assistance In these lines. The Saylor Bailey home was glad dened Sunday morning by the arrival of a second eon, weight 8 pounds Mrs. C. I. Homes and Mrs. W. L. Moore were eallers at Mrs. 8. P Crow's, near Ayers' Spur, Monday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Moore and mother, Mrs. McCarthy of Ashland, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Russell of Eugene, visited at the S. J. Evans Jiome Friday evening. Mrs. Ed Gowland was In town Sat urday assisting her father, E. E. Mil ler, In the Vienna bakery. We are glad to learn that Peter Murray has at last found his horse which was either stolen or strayed away from home and was gone over a week. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tucker of Trail, who were here attending the Hylu Hehe and visiting relatives, were tak en to their home Friday by Mr. and Mrs W. G. Tucker, who remained un til Sunday. Miss Louise Homes is at the San! tarium, where she Is taking up the Ing the celebration, with the C. I. Homes family, her parents also com ing up to spend the Fourth. Mrs. G. W. Dodson of Ashland and party of friends called at the Gow land home Monday evening. Mrs. Nellie Dunford oi. McCloud is here to spend the remalnde rof July with her sister, Mrs. H. J Boyd. H ma imu&j "Nearest to '-'.r f vMvlhinv" ' HOTEL MANX Powell St., atOTarrell San Francisco In the heart of the jjt business, shopping and theatre district. trrr r. ,. .... Erfci nunning aistuiea icetntt ftgg water in every room, Sittf 3d Our commodious r.;.'l Homelike restaurant tea will attract 1 4'i European At. you. Hii Plan rates R-tt $1.00 up. jfljl 9.. HAVE YOU WEAK LUNGS? Do colds settle on your chest or in your bronchial tubes? Do coughs hang on, or are you subject to throat troubles? Such troubles should have immediate treatment with the strengthening powers of Scott's Emulsion to guard against consumption which so easily follows. Scott's Emulsion contains pure cod liver oil which peculiarly strengthens the res piratory tract and improves the quality of the blood; the glycerine In it soothes and heals the tender membranes of the throat. Scott's Is prescribed by the best special ists. You can get it at any drug store. Scott & Bowne, Hoomficld, M. J. i Dee Horn, Ed Shoemaker and Buck Horn, who are employed at the Buzzard mine in the Elk creek dis trict, spent the Fourth with home folks. Lester Parker returned from the Prineville country, where he has been employed the past two months Bert Kellogg, formerly of this city now engaged In the garage business in Portland, spent the past week In the valley, and will return to Port land Sunday evening. Mesdames D. H. Miller and Mae Avery wore Medford visitors Friday. Mrs. Laura Hammeroly, who is em ployed at tho Logan placer mines near Ktrby, spent the Fourth with friends in this city. Jerry Gibson, foreman at the ChiS' holm mine In the Meadows district, spent tho' Fourth in Gold Hill, re turning to the mine Friday. Mike G. Womack, the Medford mine operator, was In Gold Hill Wednesday looking after his mining interests In this district. John McCIendon and John Wybark of Lovelock, Nev., arrived this week in Gold Hill for a month's stay with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McCIendon of this city. John Mc CIendon is a grandson of Mrs. Ogden Snyder of this city, and will divide part of his time at her home while here., Both of the youngsters were former residents of Gold Hill. George Iverson, our local baker, spent four days In Ashland during the Fourth, as head baker at the Vienna bakery in that city. While in Ashland he shipped bread from there to supply his bakery In Gold Hill. Among the Gold Hillites employed at the new power site at Copco, on the Klamath river, seventeen miles above Hornbrook, Is E. R. Eaton, Ben Fllpplns, Ray Eaton and William Flipplns. William F. Blackert, proprietor of the Gold Hill meat market, and Miss Nina B. Sharpe of Flint, Mich., were married at Jacksonville Thursday. The orlde has been engaged as a teacher in the Portland public schools the past six years, and lo a cousin of Mrs. E. T. Simmons of Gold Hill. The groom Is a native of Jackson ville, where his father, William Blackert, was engaged In business for a number of years. The young newlyweds are domiciled In the Myr tle Day residence on Fifth avenue north In Gold Hill. Made a Fine Record Albany Democrat: Miss Mildred Hughes of Lebanon has a record of which she may well be proud. She attended the public schools of that city for 12 years without having missed a day and was never tardy In her life. The thirteen tree nurseries main tained by the forest service have an annual output of ten million seed lings, which are used In reforesta tion work In the national forests. This is sufficient to plant 15,000 acres, spacing the trees eight feet apart In each direction. The A. H. Carnahan family will camp In the grove during Chautauqua In order to enjoy all sessions. WHY. THAT WAS RESIDENT ANDREW JACKSON S FAVORITE CHEW OLD HICKORY WAS MIGHTY PARTICULAR ABOUT HIS TOBACCO1 XL J S L 9 ljj ff "w'unm4 a m U GRAVELY'S RrWH -4 '' CELEBRATED Chewing Pluj ( ' BEFORETHE INVENTION. OF OUR PATENT AIR-PROOF POUCH GRAVELY PLUG TOBACCO MADE STRICTLY FOR ITS CHEWING QUALITY WOULD NOT KEEP FRESH IN THIS SECTION. NOW THE PATENT POUCH KEEPS IT FRESH AND CLEAN AND GOOD. A LITTLE CHEW OF GRAVELY IS ENOUGH AND LASTS LONGER THAN A BIG CHEW OF ORDINARY PLUG. 1 wl, 1 El BEFORE BILLY POSTER GETS THROUGH, A LOT OF OTHER PEOPLE WILL BE GETTING PARTICULAR TOO Forest Regiment Enlistment Begun a x T vuiunuvjui acceleration frjfcsYarW Easy Starting Low boiling points do it the first links in a continuous chain of boiling points. Low boiling points for easy starting, medium boiling points . for quick and smooth acceleration, and high boiling points for power and mileage. Red Crown is a straight distilled gasoline. 1 Hence there's a continuous chain of boiling points, gradually rising from low to high. Mixtures cannot have a continuous chain oi ' boiling points. That's why mixtures cannot be as good motor fuel as pure straight-run gaso line. And that's also why the gravity test for gasoline is worthless gravity tells nothing at all about boiling points, the only real test of gasoline quality. To make certain of getting real gasoline, and not a mixture, fill with RED CROWN ite Gtsoline 0 Qualify v. STANDARD OIL COMPANY luunuui 4 After enlisting the men will be fed at government expense", and will be furnished uniforms and regular military equipment, and In addition 1 will be paid according to a fixed scale District Forester George H. Cecil the lower scale to apply while traln- of Portland, Oregon, announces that lng In tnIa country, the higher scale the actual enlisting of woodsmen and after the reach France. The rate of mill workers for the 10th reserve en- Pay has been flxed as follows: i C. R, D. Jones, whoee railroad work calls him to California most of the time, enjoyed a visit with bla family on Mountain avenue Tuesday. glneers (forest) began Monday, July Enlistment will be for the period of the war. Men wishing to Join the regiment should apply to the district forester, Beck building, Portland, or to one of the following, who are assisting in the enlisting work: Forest Supervisor Seltz, Eugene. Forest Supervisor Eiickson, Medford. Men recommended by one of these listing officers go to any U. S. army recruiting officer, where they are ac cepted as recruits If they pass the physical examination, which Is the same as that required for other mili tary service. Recruits must be white, between the ages of 18 and 40 years, and must be citizens of the United States or have declared their Intention to become such. Men subject to conscription will discharge their obligation by enlist ing in this regiment. All applicants should understand that this Is a mili tary organization; that they must undergo the customary drill and dis cipline of United States soldiers, and that they may be called upon to do work within the danger zone. Picked woodsmen will compose the regiment men who will be given a chance to take the part in the war for which their life and training have fitted them. Although listing has been going on for two weeks, the district forester states that there is still 'room for experienced loggers and mlllmen. Places are open for skilled axmen, sawyers, tie hewers, skiddders, teamsters and blacksmiths. U. S. Foreign Service Service ..$51 $60.00 Grade 6 first sergeants 18 sergeants, lst-class. 51 60.00 1 sergeant, bugler... 48 51.20 50 sergeants 44 51.20 6 stable sergeants ... 44 51 20 6 supply sergeants .. 44 51.20 6 mess sergeants .... 44 51.20 2 color sergeants ... 44 51.20 19 Cooks 38 44.00 108 Corporals 36 40.80 6 Saddlers 36 40.20 37Wagonen 36 40.20 186 Privates, lst-class.. 33 40.20 558 Privates, 2nd-clasa. 30 33 00 12 Bugler 30 33.00 The regiment will be made up of six companies of 164 men each, aside from battalion and regimental staffs, drivers, and commissioned officers. It will be sent overseas as soon as organized, trained and equipped. It will first be assembled at two train ing camps, the regimental headquarters- and one battalion at the Ameri can University, Washington, D. C, and one battalion at Fort Leaven worth, Kansas. - yTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTtTTTTTTTTt Mrs. A. True Lundy I NU-BONF. CORSETS i Hotel Medford. Hotel Austin Monday T Agents wanted for Ashland and a Grants Pass vTT7TTTTTTTPTTttTTTTttttW VfcVVTli. In. comparable Baby Food. babitt heatthvi &4M healthy babim wmli. NmH lo Mothm' iMk WIDEM AN N'Si PUIIK, UNtWfSTCNCO. IVAPONATIO GOAT MILK A Perfrci Food alto far Invalid. AT UIADINO DRUO!Tt IAI D EM A WN GOATsM I LK CD. Phy (lean t Big. ten rfntCal 8 FOR Chilblains Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment AT ALL DRUQ STORES Tubc 25c Jans 60c County Recorder Fully Recovered ! Ashland Transfer & Storage Co. County Recorder Chauncey Florey, who was accidentally thrown from the running board of an auto while assisting In the pursuit of John Rags dale when the latter escaped from the county Jail, has entirely recov- Mlllwrlghts, sawyers and engineers ered 'rom the accident and Is on are needed to man portable sawmills which will form part of the equip ment; helpers are required for the various activities connected with the woods operations and the mainten ance of large camps. duty again in his office. Nearly one half of the population of Oregon obtains its drinking water from the national forests of the state. C. F. Bates, Proprietor :: Wood, "Peacock" : and Rock Springs loal and Cement PHONE U7 Office 99 Oak Street, Warc- ; house on track near depot. Ashland, Oregon MMIIIIIHIHIIIIIIHM dm m .a wmm. If H WSen you pay more than rikpricu,youpay for some, intog that doc not exbt," iiu f uuiun 1 ornue I ' I HIS man has learned that A tire satisfaction is to be measured by the extent of the manufacturer's interest in the car owner's personal ex perience. His money buys unusual mileage and real non-skid protection plus the basic Fisk Policy to see that dealers and users alike get full value from "The price is right and fair" Fish Tires For Sale By All Dealers The Fisk Rubber Company of N. Y. General Offices: Chicopee Falls, Mass. Fitk Brancha In Man Than 125 Qlej I i ........... . ,