Monday, June 25, 1017 ASHLAXD TIDINGS PAGE SEVEH 'UiUUUM Movie Matters Metro has another ingenue. She Is Alice MacChesney, formerly con sidered Chicago's moat popular schoolgirl, who went to Essanay from the school room. sands garbed In whatever bathing son at the southern California beach resorts as they are upon the screen. At Venice, Ocean Park, Long Beach, Santa Monica and other beach resorts In the vicinity of Los Angeles, until this summer, girls and women were not permitted to wear one-piece bath ing suits, and they also were required to don bathrobes or other full length garments while walking on the board- In her first Goldwyn photoplay LwaIk r anywhere twenty feet away Jane Cowl Is supported by many of m ine waier 8 eai;e- But now' ac" the nlavers who wPr vHth h.r .costumes they choose.' stage productions. William T. Hays, who will play Mabel Talllaferro has been elected ' PartB ,n Mch of the Trla,!S'e produc. en honorary corporal of Company K, Big Free Eating Room and Tables-Free Bring your luuch and use our new room and tables free July 3-4-5. Free water and toilet. 1 Big Eats Cheap ; Opposite Public Library jj Bta Aito Storage Room Home Defense League, of Flushing, L. I. She's the only woman so honored. Announcement Is made at the Lasky Hollywood studio that the company will pay salaries to the da pendents of married men If they are called to the colors. Alice Joyce, whose next release will be "Richard the Brazen," wjisi one of the active workers for the As- j tor's Fund Fair recently held at the j Grand Central Palace, New York, i She sold tickets all one afternoon In j the lobby of the Longacre theatre and her returns for the day werej among the largest turned In by the many actresses who, labored for the success of the fair. tions, "The Haunted House" and "Superstition," comes to moving pic tures from a theatrical background that has been varied as it was suc cessful. After several years of stock he proceeded to vaudeville, and ! thence to character parU In a long I series of Broadway successes, among :them "The Eternal Magdalene" and A Pair of Sixes." Thelma Salter, Georgle Stone and the Triangle Kiddles, accompanied by scores of extra children, have been filming fairyland scenes In the San Fernando mountains, California, for their new picture, "In Slumberland," which is being produced under the direction of Irvin Wlllat. Help Reduce the Car Shortage On May 1, 1917, the United States A numter of New York dramatic critics are severely "roasting" Elsie 1 Ferguson for her defection to the screen before Bhe had utilized herpvas short 145,479 freight cars, the talents in the "speakles" to Interpret greatest shortage In history, a number of powerful roles. Theyi How the freight car owners and accuse her of taking "the easiest ' the freight car users by co-operating way" and sacrificing the artistic. Grant Lands Not Yet Open to Entry L. L. Sharp, special agent In charge of classification of the Oregon & Cal ifornia grant lands, with headquar ters In Portland, has received an of ficial statement from the secretary 'of the interior, relating to the policy of the Interior department In connec tion with the grant lands. vThe secretary requests that his statement be given publication as It settles some Important points con cerning w hich Inquiry has been made. The secretary In his statement em phasizes the fact that the lands are not open to entry and that It Is ut terly useless for any person to at tempt to acquire preference " right upon any of the lands. He warns especially against land locators who are alleging to be able to obtain preference rights upon pay ment of a small fee. Any money paid to such locators, declares the i secretary, Is money thrown away. Mr. Sharp stated that he will have crews of men at work classifying the i lands of the grant within the next few days. Following Is the statement of the secretary of the Interior In full: My attention has again been dl can make enough cars for the govern ment and everybody Is shown In an "Doug" Fairbanks often worked appeal just Issued by C. J. McDonald, eighteen hours a day In the making : assistant to the chairman of the west-1 Jecte(j t0 the fact that many inquiries of his latest Artcraft picture, "Wild! em department of the railroads' war ' re beIng made to officials 0f this and Woolly." board. McDonald points out that the and other departments relative to the (trouble does not lie In the non-exlst-1 opening to settlement of the lands "The Immigrant." Charlie Chan- ence of enough cars, nut mat me lin's latest comedy, cost more to pro-! maximum use of each car is not ob duce than any of his ether Mutuals. jtained. Just what co-operation in Twenty thousand feet of film went i freight car conservation means is into the construction of the picture, . shown here: which, when completed, was 2,000 feet. An increase of two tons per loaded car would be equivalent to adding j within the limits of the grant to the Oregon & California Railroad Com ipany in Oregon, title to which was declared to be revested in the United 'states by the act of June 9, 1916 ! (39 Stat., 218). Under the terms of the act, no dls- over ZOO.nuu cars 10 me numoer postion can be made of the lands re- v. K T.lnoMn. who 1 a do fancier , available for public use. vested ln the rnIted States until af- when not posing before the camera, I ' ,ter due ciassmcauon mereoi ana me captured a lot of prizes at the Wil-,Plnt9 ln the Unlte tate8 "ferT payment of the taxes, as provided by mlngton Del bench show j freight 18 receIved and dellvered- " Section 9. The land department has "', ' is estimated that quicker loading and ; been exerc!Blng due dIHgence Jn tne . , k , ! unloading would Increase the number matter of classification as well as the nuT " 7 V V " h. irm t ' of aval,abIe cars by 515'00- i ascertainment of the taxes acrued '7 . : . There are Z.575.00U rreignt cars d aId but on account of the :nifinn nmr ira n-or-a tmu'om hi hum i v.uu j,.u.c, ..... . th,g c&untry of wnlcn anout b.o Miss uoraon asserts ma', ner gowns lltieatlon Instituted by the railroad nrp tinrtnniiv under renair. ine ran-' , nir,o- int nnootinn tha .... . , - Ul'lll IC1I1J . V..W are me most e.e.oorate sne nas eer are try,ng hard tQ reduce this -congttutIonaIty of the act, final ac- worn on stage or screen. j percental?e t0 4, whIch WOuld release ; t, has fceen 80mewhat delayed. The l64,non cars for active service. supreme court in its decision, dated Xow, if the public win co-operate A ,3 1917 fuly pn0d8 the con- with the railroads in loading cars to sliUltIonalty of that act Sessue Hayakawa says that he ' likes "heavy" roles best because they require more dramatic expression. He should be comfortable as the Mexican bandit in "The Jaguar's Claws." Earle Williams and Anita Stewart are to he co-swrren in nasruim inv , promptly. rcleESe quickly. tures as soon as Miss Stewart recov- j New cgrg gre be(ng buIU blt the ers from an illness, cai'sed by over-! . . Hnn.R b,lstnesg i8 be- ing built fa3ter, wherefore avoidance I of car wastage Is as Important as " I avoidance of food wastage. Maxine Elliott made two Goldwyn The timQ may even comej and pictures ana then planned to pay at nn,PMy. when our i success will hinge upon the car sup- ply work, that Is confining her to a hos- j pital. visit to her sister, Lady Gertrude Forbes-Robertson, in England. But the authorities banned the trip and she will vacation in California. Now William Fox Interposes the remark, several hundred words in length, that poor weather conditions in California, which caused a loss of many thousand dollars to film pro ducers last spring- was caused by the lieavy cannonading on the European battlefields, v Stafford Windsor, who was in Maude Adams' supporting cast for five years, will play a part In "Super stition," a Triangle production featur ing Jack Devereaux, directed by Ar thur Rosson and supervised by Allan Dwan. Windsor, who was "too tall for the trenches" in "Panthea," is not too tall for the 7th regiment, however, and "Superstition" will be his last play before he leaves for training camp. their full permissible capacity and in i These ,and3 ar9 not yet open for releasing equipment promptly, maxl-;entry and geniement and will not be mum efficiency will be secured ano. open unt they hnve been fully re. the problem solved. 8t0red in the manner directed by Ask for only the cars you need and gafd flct l)n(er such rul(1 and resia. when you need them; use fully, load ;tIong ag raav be adopted to govern such restoration. In the meantime it is utterly useless for any prson to attempt to acquire any preference right upon any of these lands. There Is no method or manner by which anv fillne can be made that would elve anv preference right for the pur- country s . t nrnntrcmpnt nf snv nf thpse lands, or of any right whatever which can be respected by this department When the lands have been classified, public notice will be given from time to time fixing and defining the terms Help us avoid using two cars where one will suffice,' for a car saved Is a car made. unon which the lands are to be dls- Decorate your homes and autos ro(,ed of amJ the tlme of tjleir dispo- wlth crepe paper novelties. "OSB Blton. Brothers can supply you wun evei-, Tip attentIon of the department thing you need In that line for tne hag hem. oaled tQ tJ)e fact that there big celebration. are already at work ln the field, lo- pntnrs who are claiming that throueh KEEP THE KIDXEYS WELL. ... ..- nreference rlehts can and Some be secured by the payment of a small The department desires at this again to warn the public that no such preference rights can- be ob- California women were among the firt to achieve equal rights of suf frage in the nation, and now they have won another victory which Is none the less important, particularly In Bonthern California. After a two on correct this trouble." -,,oirti thn ffiminine aev- Price ouc. at an aeaiers WenUli T Worth Saving, Ashland People Know How to Save , fee. It. .... time Mnnv Ashland neonie taKe tneiri ii i Vionda hv npclp.rt.lnfiT the nnv. hon thpv know these organs ,talned at this time, and that any need help. Weak kidneys are respon- money paid to such locators will un- slble for a' vast amount of suffering douhtedly be money thrown away, ana ui neaun w U h the policy of the department dangerous. Use Doan s Kidney rius i ...:;. . . . n rpmpflv that has helped thou- , that when the lands are ready to be sands of kidney sufferers. Here Is thrown open for settlement and en an Ashland woman's xecommenda- t th() pubnc j8 to be notified there- - o u..,..h ! of so that every one will have an AITS. Hi. 1'. URerH. ' muuuiaii - Ave., Ashland, Oregon, says: "I i equal opportunity and an equal have been taking Doan's Kidney Pills 'chance. This policy will be strictly nff and on for a long time wnen i have felt any need of a kidney medl cine and they nave never iauea to elve good satisfaction. I am subject adhered to. The death of James Mattlngly left to backache and at times my kidneys a vacancy a8 to senior presiding of act irregularly. Doan's Kidney Pills Snti,rn nreirnn Old Sol- Don't dlers' Association', of which he was '" . 7v "Mnnr snort of surf simply ask for a kidney remedy get i colonel otees of the outdoor sport oi sun nwv j pinathe same that!,... t, bathing have benten down the bar riers of the law and gained uncondl The tlonal rights to wear the same Kina of bathing suits that men wear at the beaches. Foremost among the leaders in this campaign for equal rights were the Keystone comedy girls, who are as well known in perr cording to new laws recently enacted by the city fathers of the beach mu nicipalities, they can appear on the Doan's Kidney I'liis tne same tnai John Renault of Jacksonville. Mrs. WOlters uses, rosier-numum Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. i TUBI 2BC rod CROUP Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment T ALL DNUQ STORM jars 60c lieutenant-colonel is J. P. Sayle of this city, prominent Grand Army veteran, is corresponding with J. E. Peterson Of Grants Pass, who is adjutant of the association, on the matter of filling the vacancy and per taining to the annual reunion of vet erans which will be held ln Ashland. In September. Draft Regulations Soon to Arrive Stevenson Studio for portraits. Army draft regulations have been received by Adjutant-General George A. White, in Portland, according to word received here, and he will soon transmit them to the local council which will have charge of the draft in this county. The complexity of the regulations calls for considerable pondering by the staff officers that they may be ready to answer all questions. Governor Wlthycombe has appoint ed all the exemption boards and for warded these appointments to Presi dent Wilson for approval. Announcements will not be made from this end, however, states Adju tant General White,, unless the gov ernment so provides. The county quotas are being allot ted and everything will be ready for Immediate action as soon as the presi dent sends the word. For your convenience the Eastern Supply Co. have decided to delay moving into their new building until after the big Round up. After July 10th we will move our shoe shop, vulcan izing works, welding aud brazing works, bicycle shop and general repair shop, into the big concrete store and warehouse opposite Pub lic library. Check your parcels for pafe keeping. We cor dially invite you to make free use of this big clean, liyht room, l'k-nty of ladies and gents to wait on you. The I-asteru Supply Co. have gnne to a big expense to help you during these three big days. Kindly make yourself at home with us. Eastern Supply Co. i TTTtT " I TTTTTttTtTTTTT fTTi rTTTTT I f i r I i l l-1 T i .TtttTTT Oregon registered 62,922 men ol military age in the recent draft reg istration. Adjutant-General White has Issued a corrected statement superceding the figure of 62,840 wired to Washing ton on the day after registration. Included are 4S0 enemy aliens, 6,234 aliens and 716 totally disabled and 146 colored citizens. Exemptions are claimed by 28,989 who state that they have either one or more dependent relatives. Phone news items to the Tidings Programs for the National Educa tion Association meeting, which is to be held ln Portland July 7 to 14, arc being sent out by J. A. Churchill, su perintendent of public Instruction, to the Oregon teacherB who have taken out associate memberships ln the as sociation. Copies also will be mailed to any other teacher who requests them, he announced. R. & McClure of Bend arived hers Tuesday He is a son In-law of H. P. Holmes and will be employed ln thf Holmes grocery store. ( Rossis yCry I Toasls y V I piiipp jfj inf. : i hi t--;r" it 5KJ coon 'ITH "fif V is I W ff J PEARL Jk OIL k For Sale by j Provost Brothers Ashland, Oregon : i Thomas H. Simpson, j Ashland, Oregon J I l ! OIL COOK. Now is the time to consider kitchen comfort this summer now is the time to buy an oil cook-stove. Look for the specially-decorated win dows of the merchants listed at the left. The orange discs proclaim a message welcome to every housewife. They tell how the New Perfection drives out the drudgery and discomfort of summer cooldng.and at the same time givesbetter results than your regular kitchen range for all-the-year-'round cooking. This is New Perfection Oil Cook Stove Week. Ask these dealers to explain how the long blue chimneys of the New Perfec tion Oil Cook-Stove prevent all smoke and smell. Learn the comfort and econ omy of cocking with Pearl Oil. PERflCTION