Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, June 21, 1917, Image 1

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Oregon Historical Society
I'oiuu 207 Second II
I Annual Hyiu Hehc:
Rogue River Round-up
Ashland, July 3. 4. 5.
Ashland, July 3, 4, 5. ;
Patriotic Parade
Committee Busy
' Chauncey Stoddard and Irving
Flndley are devoting most all of their
time to parade matters and report
that the people In general are show
ing a willingness to participate In
this year's event, due to the (act that
the patriotic feature appeals to them.
, There has been a demand all over
the country that special ..effort be
made in each community to celebrate
In some manner this Fourth of July,
and there Is every reason to believe
that Ashland will have a parade that
has never before been equaled.
There will be only one or two com
munities where fireworks will be
more elaborate than the display on
the 4th arid 5th of next month, and
these will be In cities of over a hun
dred thousand population.
Residents of Ashland or any other
locality of southern Oregon who Inr
' tend to participate In this the great
est of all patriotic parades will kindly
notify either Mr. Flndley or Mr.
Stoddard, so that a position In true
line of march may be assigned to
' them.
Pendleton Bunch
Due Next Tuesday
Tho Pendleton "rarln' to go"
hunch will arrive in Ashland next
Tuesday and will be quartered at the
Park hotel, which has been turned
Into a "Let 'Im Buck" hotel, where
free board and lodging will be fur
nished to the roundup participants
this year. The Pendleton bunch are
a great gang of fellows, according to
Mr. Brlggs, who met them while in
Philomath, atid are every one gentle
men. Del Blanchett. who heads the
delegation, brings thirty head of re
lay, racing and roping horses, . and
Spain Brothers bring twenty-five
head of the meanest buckers In the
country. A number of riding horses
belonging to the performers are also
brought along! The stock will be
quartered at the roundup grounds,
where they will be stabled In a tent
70 feet by 40 feet. The mangers are
being built at present.
The Murphy relay string. Includ
ing Messenger Boy, Bessie Mills,
Baby Doll and Wade Hampton, all
"some travellers," are already quar
tered In a stable built on the grounds
and the Helms string will be brought
up within a week and also stabled In
the same building. Two strings of
refay horses are to come from Klam
ath. When the Helms stock, about
fifty head, the herd of steers recently
purchased by the roundup associa
tion, the herd of buekers from north
ern California and Klamath and this
valley are all here, which will be
within ten days, there will be two'
hundred head of stock at the grounds.
Clif Payne makes wash benches.
Arouses Realization
Of Realities of War
The Red Cross campaign in Ash
land was opened Monday with a rous
ing meeting in Llthia park. The
business houses closed for three hours
and hundreds joined in the commun
ity dinned at the picnic grounds fol
lowing which they attended the ex
ercises held at the bandstand.
The stand was beautifully decor
ated with greens, red cross flags,
allies flags and the American flag.
Three squads 6f the 1st company
were stationed on guard duty around
the grounds and lent a military air
to the day. The Ashland band play
ed several selections and accompa
nied the chorus led by Mrs. Elmore
In singing "America," "It's a Long
Way to Tlpperary" and "The Star
v Spangled Banner."
. E. V. Carter acted as master of
i ceremonies and after a brief introj-
, ductory talk introduced Prof. Irving
E. Vinlng who delivered a forceful,
clear outline of the aims and needs
of the Red Cross, work, explaining
the Inception of the Red Cross work,
the wonderful part which the Red
Cross Is playing In the alleviation of
Buffering and the' saving of lives In
the great Eureopean conflict, the sys
tematic organization which t rea
son of the patriotic unselfishness of
all the workers, admits of every cent
Bubscrlbel being put to practical use,
(Continued on Page Six.)
Iron Police Posts
To Stand at Corners
"Look out for the Iron policeman,
autoists.," For Ashland Is to have
Iron traffic polfcemen stationed at
the principal corners to direct the
auto driver In the way he shall turn.
The purchase of probably a half doz
en of the traffic regulators was or
dered Tuesday night by tho city coun
cil, and it is hoped to have them be
fore the celebration. They will be
placed at the worst corners. These
Iron posts, placed In the center of the
street, are in use In many cities and
have proved quite successful In mak
ing the autoists keep to their own
side of the road in making the turn.
Monster Red Cross
Parade Saturday
It is being arranged that a monster
parade will be formed at the East
side school on Saturday evening at
8 o'clock and will march through the
streets of Ashland, in commemoration
of tho close of this wonder-week's
work in raking Red Cross funds.
Everybody who has a sentiment of
patriotism In his or her makeup is
not only expected, but commanded to
Join the parade. Auto's will be deco
rated to suit the owners' taste; flags,
of course, will be in evidence, for
Uncle Sam will be in command; mu
sic and flowers are expected in pro
fusion. Everybody is expected to
wear a Red Cross badge, and all will
take notice that It will be dangerous
to appear without such badge. The
members of the Red Croso Society will
all wear their Red Cross uniforms.
All Bultob.le and proper banners will
be admitted. All questions to be
asked for information should be sub
mitted to Mrs. Benton Bowers, chair
man of the parade committee.
Engle and Simpson
School Directors
At the annual school election Mon
day, F. S. Engle and T. H. Simpson
were rechosen directors by votes of
182 and 14S respectively. Mrs. W.
W. Ussher and L. S. Brown, placed in
the race by friends, received 77 votes
and 59 votes respectively. The total
number of persons voting was 238.
The vote was not large, though great
er than some years On one occasion
It was twice as larse. The board met
Tuesday night to qualify. H. F. Poh
land was reappointed secretary.
Say Big Crowds
Coming From North
The roundup delegation which vis
ited the Portland Rose Festival and
also every town between here and
Portland returned Tuesday and re
port a highly successful trip. At
Portland the five Ashland cowboy
singers were one of the unique fea
tures of the festival parades and ac
complished a great lot of advertising
for Ashland. All along the line they
attracted big notice and never failed
to draw a bl? crowd when they sang
on the street corners from, their au
tomoblle. Vast quantities of great
posters, folders, handbills and round
up songs were distributed and were
eagerly sought, and Oregon is
"billed' as It has never before been
billed for such an event. '
Monte Brltjgs reports that In addi
tion to the special train with prob
ably 150 Portlanders, other points
along the line will send big delega'
tlona. Roseburg is coming particu
larly strong and Mr. Brlggs was told
there that a conservative estimate of
fifty automobile loads from there
would not cover the number who
wpre coming, cottage urove will
. . i
send seven automobile loads, Salem
about fifty people, and other places
In proportion. ,
The Philomath show is on this
week and the sixty head of stock and
the thirty star roundup performers
from Pendleton, who, by th,e way,
Mr. Brlggs, says are as clean a bunch
of gentlemen as one could hope to
meet, were met there and will arrive
in Ashland Tuesday.
... Salem Wlttenberg-KIng Company
to build evaporating plant here, to
cost nearly $200,000, V
1 Portland Special
s And Hyiu
Monte Briggs brings word from Portland that the Portland
Chamber of Comnerce and the business men of the Portland metrop
olis have got behind a special train from that city to Ashland for
tho roundup and Hyiu Hehe July 3, 4 and 5. One hundred and
thirty business houses have already given assurance that they will
send representatives, The Portland Police Band will also come on
the train, which will arrive here the morning of the 3rd and will
be parked on tho uptown station track within half a block of the
If park. Accommodations, both sleeping cars and diners, for the Port-
? landers will make the train their home during the stay here. Local
a business men have been working hard on the proposition for several
weeks., D. B. Grant, who Is in Portland, has been one of the hard-
est workers for the train.
jj A special train from Coos Bay will also be parked on the uptown
siding. -
The following Is from the Port
land Oregonlan: Portland business
men are going to have a "Hyiu Hehe"
with their business friends at Ash
land July 3, 4 and 5.
Yesterday approximately 130 firms
were listed among those who desire
to take a personal lesson in Chinook.
According to Ashland representa
tives in the cit,y "hyiu hehe" stands
for "big time", and it will be held
at tho second annual Rogue River
Practically every wholesale and
jobbing house in Portland has signed
up an agreement to send one or more
representatives. A speciai train, with
the police band of 50 pieces aboard,
will leave Portland at 7:30 the night
Red Cross Fund Committees
Gaining Fine Results in City
The entire city Is given over to Red
Cross work this week and the results
obtained aro fulfilling the hopes of
those at the tead of the work. Ash
land will have accomplished her share
in a manner which leaves no doubt
of the city's patriotism when the to
tatls are summed up Saturday night
at the close of the campaign
Perfect organization of the cam
paign In Ashland Is the predominant
factor in the success of th,e week's j
work, and the nine committees are j
covering the city In a most thorough 1
manner. The response has been unl- i
formly good and practically every cit- j of mercy, the patience and- persever
izen will wear the Red Cross badge ' Every afternoon the regular
of honor which is given to every con -
trlbutor by the close of the week.
Tho week has been a very busy one j
for the Red Cross workers. Head
quarters in the Elks Temple has been
animated with the buzz and bustle of
fifty workers. At noon each day the
captains and their assistants gather
to report and to straighten out such
kinks as may have pnarled the yarn.
Everything Is animation and eager in
terest. Many little happenings and inter
esting incidents come to the surface.
Some are trivial, some ludicrous,
some pathetic. One lady contributed
$10 and, not having the money to pay
it, pledged jewelry as security. A
man and wife living In the country,
having no boys of their own to go to
th,e front, came in and subscribed
$25, saying that they would have to
borrow It, but felt that they could not
do less, that to them It meant an op
portunity they might never have
again. To them the cause had that
significance that marks the patriotic
principle upon which our Institutions
are founded. Two boys about 14
years old came to one of the solicitors
and gave a dollar each, saying that
they were not old enough to be taken
as soldiers and they wanted to do
One man possessed of more venial
suspicion than patriotism or common
sense refused to subscribe because,
he said, he, understood that the can
vassers were to get 10 per cent of
what they collected. There is noth
ing in such a soul as that to make
either a patriot or a good citizen.
Such suspicion ought to be watched.
How different is such a character
from the woman who offered the so
licitors $5. The solicitor Knew une
could not afford it and refused to
take more than-$3. Others were
found who were genuinely heart sick
because they coulq subscribe nothing.
What a splendid opportunity to check I i earched. j Later the boya were locat
up on the people who- have no souls.! 'id by phone at BlIC where they had
' 1 ' i!' ; gone to visit their father, who Is em
Word comes from Talent and Phoe 'ployed In the .bor factory. -
To Roundup I
Hehe Is Assured
of July 2. Excursionists will occupy
the train during their stay at Ash
land and will have meals In dining
cars. ,
On tho return trip the train will
reach Portland at 7:30 a. m July 6.
While the excursion train will be
operated under the direction of the
bureau of publicity and cenventions
of the Portland Chamber of Com
merce, the larger part of the work
of interesting business men was "put
over" by the merchandising experts
of Ashland. The latter wrote their
Portland houses, promised them a
handsome order and insisted on their
making a visit to the Roundup,
D. B. Grant of Ashland will today
begin placing tickets for the trip.
nix. of splendid work being done. It
is a hard time for the farmers. The
preceding dry seasons have left over
but little from the last crop, and
there is nothing to sell yot bt,Uie crop
that' Is coming on. But from every
quarter flashes evidences of patriotic
zeal. We are In it, folks, we are In
it, and by the blessing of God Amer
ica will justify the faith of our fore
fathers. The women God bless them!
furnish the great stimulant. They
furnish the sympathy, the fine touch
iRed Cross workers In large numbers
of sewing machines and subdued talk,
all dressed In their uniform of white,
I lend an air of Intense business with
a touch of solemnity about It. The
great tidal wave of fully aroused in
terest and determination is sweeping
the land. People are waking up.
The various church denominations
are at the front each day at noon with
delectable viands for the work
ers. Each denomination has one day,
and It Is interesting to see the pleas
ant rivalry In preparing and serving
the splendid luncheons. On Tuesday
the Presbyterian ladies put up a
lunch that caused many a surprised
epicure to smack his Hps In satisfac
tion. On Wednesday the ladles of
the Christian church, headed by Mrs.
Melllnger, were on hand with a "Mex
ican menu", that made everybody sit
up and take notice. We'd like to have
such a lunch every day. Oh,, you
crusty old bachelor, do you know
where you are at?
At the request of tho executive
committee, militia guards were posted
at the entrance and exit of the park
to stop autos and thus avoid the noise
which would be annoying alike to the
speakers and the hearers at Monday's
Red Cross rally In the park. This
arrangement should have been given
publicity so that all might understand
the purpose of this restriction, but
through ufortunate oversight the
executive committee failed to an
nounce the matter through the papers
and as a consequence a number of
our citizens were unnecessarily incon
venienced and annoyed. The execu
tive committee regrets this oversight
and offers its apologies therefor.
Mrs. Robert Jassman of Holly
treet late Friday reported the dis
appearance of her two-boys, Henry,
aged ten, and Robert, aged eight.
they had been Men in the park and
the lower 'canyon and hills were
Fined $100 For
Failure to Eject
D. B. Shaw, owner of the Falrview
rooming house on Fourth street, was
fined $100 In police court Wednesday
for failure to eject Mrs. Eva Pierce
within ten days of receiving notice
to do so. He was notified May 7,
following conviction of Mrs. Plerco
on a charge of running a house of 111'
fame. City Attorney Moore conduct
ed the prosecution, Chief of Police
Atterbury supplying the details of tea-
tlmony. Mr. Shaw was represented
by Attorney Kelly of Medford. The
jury consisted of W. II. Cowdy, J. J
Murphy, A. W. Storey, II. T. Elmore,
Howard Robo and J. II. McGee.
Are Needed
The number of peoplo who have
listed rooms for tho accommodation
of visitors during the Hyiu Hehe has
been a great disappointment to the
accommodation committee1, .There
are a great number of residents who
may have visitors', but In case these
do not come, their rooms could be
used by this committee and thereby
give these residents an opportunity to
make a little money for their use and
the work connected with same.
People who have rooms to rent or
desire to feed any of these visitors
during the celebration should kindly
call at the city hall and give the
young ladles In the recorder's office
all tho information regarding same.
W. H. Gowdy will again have charge
of assigning rooms ,to the visitors.
He will have an assistant who will
be required to stay In the department
headquarters until 12 o'clock at
Motorcycle Hits
Ford on Highway
Myron McVay, a railroad fireman,
was badly cut and bruised Monday
night when his motorcycle crashed
into a Ford below Talent. Ills face
was badly cut by glass from tho wind
shield. Otto Winter brought him to
Ashland and Drs. Jarvis aud Itos-
lough patched him up. Otto Howard,
on another motorcycle, escaped the
Tho motorcycle was stuck In tho
radiator of the Ford and apparently
tho rider had been thrown Into the
windshield, which was bent back onto
the wheel and broken. Blood was
distributed over the pavement for
twenty feet.
Saw Mill Will
Operate Monday
George B. Hart, of the company
which has purchased the Nell creek
sawmill and box factory, reports that
logging operations Will begin next
Monday. A crew of fourteen men
has been at work blazing trails, run
ning guy. lines and putting the ma
chinery In shane. New grates for the
boilers and numerous other parts
had to be ordered, but the machinery
Is now nearly in shape for operations.
Fifty men will be employed when the
plant gets undar way. All kinds of
finished lumber will be turned out
and box shook In huge quantities to
supply the needs of the orchards of
the valley. Two automobile trucks
have been ordered from Los Angeles
and will be used In hauling lumber
from tle mill to the factory and In
delivering throughout the valley.
Mail Clerk Thief
To Serve Four Years
Elton Hocker, railway mall clerk
formerly on the Southern Pacific bet-
tween San Francisco and Ashland,
Oregon, was sentenced Tuesday at
Sacramento by Judge Van Fleet to
serve four years on McNoll's Island.
He was oonvlctod on eight counts
charging rifling of the malls and Is
said to have secured thousands of
Large hot house Is to be built at
SteTenson will dovelop your fllmi.
Sunshine Baby Show
Celebration Feature
On the three days during th
Roundup, the Sunshine society will
conduct a baby show at the Beeba
& Kinney rooms, A small admittance)
fee will be charge to each mother
that enters and this ten cents will
be counted for one vote for any baby
indicated by the mother, the baby re
celvlng the most votes will receive
a prize. The Sunshine society con
ducts the baby show and they will
furnish different prizes for the girls
and boys and there will be classifi
cation also according to the ages of
the children.
Rest rooms for the motherB ar4
being provided and also a plant
whereby the mothers may Becure a
splendid mother's chart to assist her
In raisins her children properly
this chart comes with the Ladles'
Home Journal at a reduced rate.
The finances above what is used
for the prizes will go to the Sunshine!
society to aid in charitable work, aa
occasion arises for its use.
Regulate Jitneys
To Roundup Grounds
The city council Tuesday evenlns
passed an ordinance regulating the)
jitney business between the business)
section and the roundup grounds
during the celobratlon days,, July 3,
4 and 5, which It Is believed will give
satisfaction both to the public and
the majority cf tho Jitney men. Last
year the matter woa not well organ
ized and qb a result overcharges were)
made in many Instances.
This year all cars carrying passen
gers for hire during the celebration
will be required to pay a license fe
at me rate or tu cents per passengeq
capacity of the car. That Is, a five
passenger, car will pay $3.50, seven
passenger car $3.50 and so on up to
ten-passenger cars, over which capac
ity will pay $10. Tho licenses may
be obtained from the city recorded
and a tag with the number furnished.
The license tng will also show id
plain figures he trip price, which
has been set at 15 conts for one way
to tho grounds. Any driver caught '
without a llccnso or caught chargiug
over this amount will be fined from
$.1 to $20 and not allowed to con
tinue In service The money from
the licenses goes to the celebration!
fund. Tho police will have charge)
of this feature and will see to It that
the provisions of the ordinance arei
carried out.
Only state licensed ehauffours wllf
be allowed to run cars.
Tho regular schedule cars running
to Medford, Central Point and Klam
ath Falls will not bo affected by the
Licenses will be sold at the city re-
corder's offlco.
Boys and Girls
Can Make Money
In order to pay tho expenses neces
sary for the hanging of the largest
flag In Oregon, which will be unfurled
on the Fourth of July, the celebration
committee have had some flag souve
nir buttons made to sell at 10 cents
Boys and girls are wanted by th
committee to sell these flag buttons.
There will be a liberal discount made.
and this will give an opportunity foit
the children to make some spending
money which will come In very handy
during the celebration.
Next Monday's issue of the
S Tidings will feature a full front
page "spread" cf tho coming
$ celabratlon features In which
t all of the features of the Hyiu
Hehe and Rogue River Round-j
$ up will be given comprehensive
treatment. A limited number &
of extra copies will be printed.
t and the Tidings would suggest
4 that those wishing copies for
Q mailing to friends place their
orders before Saturday evening
in order that enough may be
printed to fill the demand.