Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, June 18, 1917, Image 1

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Rogue River Round-up I
Annual Ilyiu Belief
Ashland, July 3, 4, 5. J
Ashland, July 3, 4, 5.
"Oregon First"
In Everything
Oregon first In army end navy en
listments. Oregon first in Liberty bond over
subscription'.' Now add the third great entry on
the national honor roll:
Oregon first to over-subscribe its
1600,000 quota of the $100,000,000
Red Cross emergency war service
H. L. Corbctt, general chairman of
the state campaign committee, which
Is responsible for raising $400,000,
believes It w"lll be done.
W. B. Ayer, general chairman of
the Portland campaign committee,
which Is responsible for raising
$200,000, believes It will be. done.
Oregon's biggest business men,
Oregon's most prominent women
thousands of them are devoting prac
tically full time to the campaign, re
gardless of nersonal sacrifice be
lieve It will be done.
Very soon the story will be told.
Red Cross week begins June 18 and
ends June 25. In a short seven days
the state generally must raise $85,-
.814 a day, $10,475 for each hour of
an eight-hour working day.
It will be done. The task Is great,
but Oregon's -willingness -is greater,
Never has Oregon failed in full re
sponse to the appeal to generosity,
and bow the Universal Service of
Mercy pleads.
The president of the United States
proclaims Red Cross week and asks
In behalf of the nation at war that
the $100,000,000 bo given. The
wounds and agony awaiting the sol
diers that we send across the sea beg
that wo furnish the Red Cross hpa
pitals. physicians, nurses, stretcher
bearers, medicines and bandages In
time to serve their terrible need.
And the mother whose yearning
arms reached emptily after her sol
dier boy who las marched away,
holds out those arms pleadingly to
ward the patriotically generous of
Oregon; her full, tender heart ques
tions anxiously: "Will you give the
Red Cross ability to save my boy's
life when he is wounded, and to care
for mo?"
It is an appeal that Oregon can
not will not, resist. ''
Red Cross week offers Oregon an
opportunity to complete her splendid
Remember that the American Red
Cross is financed out of private sub
scriptions, because if financed by the
government it would cease to have
the status of a neutral ot the battle
fields and its work might be handi
capped or destroyed. Remember,
that subscriptions made now may be
paid in 25 per cent Installments, July
1, August 4, September 1 and Octo
ber 1.
To all committees, L. G. Nichols,
state campaign manager, says:
"Every campaign organization must
come up to Monday with Its full com
plement of workers. Any worker not
willing to put in four hours straight
time a day should be relieved of duty.
The finish is harder than the start.
Set yourself for a long raco and a
fast one and accept nothing less than
success." .
"Every report from every Oregon
community 13 encouraging," says Mr.
Oregon will show that the people
realize the Hod Cross appeal comes
from ah emergency that must be met.
Conductor Hurt in
; Freight Smashup
Freight Conductor Bert White is
In the railroad hospital at San Fran
cisco, seriously injured, as the result
on arrtAont which occurred at
Montague early Saturday morning.
White was on toj) of a stock, car when
s two other cars were shunted into it
at a high rate of speed, owing to
some misunderstanding ot signals be
tween the engine crew and two lnex
nerienced brakemen. One car was
flung high into the air and toppled
ever on top of the '.car on which
White wag standing. His side waa
crushed and head injured.. r At first
It was not thought that he would Jive,
but he regained consciousness Satur
day afternoon an is' given a chance
to null through.' ' Nothing could he
learned of his condition this morning.
Defnr At least five silos will be
built in this vicinity this spring.
Gives Red Cross
iWeek Big Sendoff
Practically the entire city is in
Lithla park this afternoon in attend
ance at the exercises which open the
Red Cross week campaign in Ashland.
A picnic dinner at noon was attended
by thousands.
Editor Edgar Piper ot the Ore-
gonlan and Irving vinlng are the
principal speakers this afternoon.
Mr. Piper arrived this morning and
says he Is delighted to get down here
in the sunshine, and that every time
he visits Ashland be becomes more
attached to it.
The Ashland band furnished music
prior to the program of addresses and
vocal music.
Friends Were Good
Says His. Garwood
After visiting for a few days In
Ashland, Mrs. Garwood, who was ac
quitted by the circuit court Jury at
Jacksonville on a charge of accom
pliceship In the Strickfadden arson
case, left Sunday for Seattle. Mrs.
Garwood expressed herself as being
extermely grateful to the many
friends who "stayed by her" through
her trying experience.
"I was confident that my Inno
cence would be proven from the first
and did not allow myself to realize
my surroundings and did not cry or
'carry on during the sixty-three days
that I was held," obe stated. "Mr.
Newberry (her attorneytold me
that he could have the indictment
set aside as faulty when it first came
up, butj w decided that it would be
best to allow the trial to vindicate
me. I certainly appreciate the mea
ner in which the many friends I had
made in the valley stuck by me, . I
had a tine business, which has suf
fered heavily on account of this trbu
Mrs. Garwood did not express any
harsh feelings toward Mrs. Strickfad
den or Mrs. Dreyfus, although anx
ious as to the outcome of the hearing
at which their sentence was to be
set. J , w:
When questioned as to the possi
bility of Mr. Hemphill having been
a tool of the other two women, Mrs.
Garwood stated that to her knowl
edge nothing had occurred in the
trial which implicated him. Mr.
Hemphill committed sucide at Eu
gene shortly after being arrested!
Mrs.- Garwood seemed slightly affect
ed by the reference to Hemphill and
said: "While, of course, any such
implication would be getting into
pretty deep waters, I have wondered
If there wasn't a possibility that out
side people had something to do with
his death. But then It Is all over
and there is no use even thinking
about it."
Hood River Increased lumber de
mand felt in this district. Mill start
Stanfield ships 250 cases of Swiss
cheese to San Francisco.
Will Mark Progress
Of Red Cross Week
A most unique device for record
Ing the progress of the Red Cross
campaign in Ashland will be placed
in front of the Red Cross headquar
ters in the Elks Temple and will at
tract a great deal of attention. The
device is a huge landscape painted on
a strip of canvas, thirty feet long,
depicting a Red Cross hospital tent
at one end and a wounded soldier at
the other. A movable ambulance
will progress over a road In the fore
ground as the subscriptions come in,
and its arrival at the spot on which
the wounded soldier lies will mark
the consummation of the. campaign
for $5,000 In this city. Milestones,
representing amounts from $500 to
$5000, line the road, and the amount
subscribed will be shown bx the posi
tion of the ambulance. ' '
The greatj canvas was painted by
Miss Hortense Winter and Is a credit
to her artistic 'ability, It represents
two weeks of Jard work on the part
of this talented young lady. The
dev'ioe will be' displayed at the Red
Cross picnic in Lithla park Monday,
after which It 'will be placed at Red.
Cross headquarters.
n ... ...
Let s waKe it
Let's mako it Ashland first. This city must raise $5,000 for the
Red Cross. The campaign has been systematically organized
throughout the nation to raise $100,000,000. Ashland should be
the first to report her share accomplished. Let every Ashlander
make up his or mind as to the amount which can be spared, keep
ing in mind the fact that It may be your boy or your neighbor's boy
who will be saved from death by your bit. Then Instead of waiting
for a campaign committeeman to call upon you, take your dona
tion to Red Cross headquarters immediately tonight if possible
and help mako it possible to report Ashland's quota secured ahead
of any city In the nation.
Campaign Organized To Raise
$5,000 For Red Cross In Week
The following persons have been
selected to captain the nine teams
that will conduct the soliciting cam
paign for Red Cross fundB next week:
W. - D. Hodgson, J. B. Wimer; Otto
Klum, G. Hi Billings, Frank Jordan,
A, E. Kinney, E. T. Staples, Mrs.
Frank Dickey ,and F. C. Homes.
There will be a good-natured rivalry
between them in showing the results
of . their canvass. These captains,
with three men working with each,
are giving their loyal service to this
work. Remember that they have Just
as many personal interests to look
after as we have and that they are
making sacrifices by neglocting their
own work to help out in this great
cause. Subscribers are appealed to
to make up their minds what they
are able to do to support the Red
Cross and to give liberally, cheerfully
and promptly , when approached by
the solicitors.' Soliciting is not pleas
ant work no. one likes to do it so
make it as. easy as possible for these
teams, by. acting promptly when you
are appealed to.
'All solicitors, with the executive
committee, are , to meet every noon,
commencing Tuesday, take lunch to
gether, compare notes and- experi
ences, turn over collections, etc, and
this "getting together" each day will
not only be a welcome relief from
the soliciting grind but will serve to
stimulate the teams to even greater
The ladies of the different church
organizations have generously offered
to Berve these lunches each day, di
viding the work among them, These
lunches will be served In the banquet
room of the Elks temple, on the hird
Saturday night the executive com
mittee met, together with the cap
tains and members of the several
teams There was almost a full at
tendance and every one present
showed such enthusiasm as assures
the raising of the $5,000. It Is con
fidently predicted that wben the so
liclting campaign opens Tuesday
morning' every team captain and
every team member will be "Johnny
on the spot" and will stay with the
work until it is fully, finally and
successfully ended.
Chairman Carter is In receipt of
advices from othr sections of the
state, reports made to him by his per
sonal friends, to the effect that the
people seem not only willing but
anxious to subscribe to this Red Cross
fund, and it is freely predicted that
Oregon as a whole will make a splen
did showing.
Talent, too, Is coming to the front
splendidly, and, Just as a starter, the
team captains got together Friday
night and subscribed $150. All pres
ent Bhowed an earnest interest in
boosting the fund. Fine, Talent,
fine! We know that you can be re
lied upon to do your part.
TheRev. Mr. Bailey, Phoenix's best
loved citizen, Is doing his best In this
cause, and it is hoped end believed
that he will have the earnest support
of the people of that locality.
Talent Campaign.
J H Fullar Is campaign manager
in Talent. The captain of the
mlttee Is Joshua Patterson,' who has
the following as aides: H, S. Glelm
N. O. Powers, H. J.' Terrell, C. W.I
Holdrldge..: A preliminary meeting!
was held : last Friday ana . is
pledged as a starter. Talent's share
has, been set at $500 and every per
son in the . community will be asked
i r . I
nsmana nrsn
to give, the minimum being one dol
lar, In order that $500 may be raised
There will be a meeting at the Talent
city hall tonight.
Splendid sermons were delivered
at the several churches of the city,
and they brought home to the people
the urgent necessity of contributing.
It should be looked upon as a privi
lege to be allowed to contribute, and
wben tollclted we believe that, in the
great majority of instances, the re
sponse will be a cheerful and gener
ous contribution.
' There's a trip across the channel
home, for the British Tommy on fur
lough or. convalescent, but when the
American soldier boy says farewell
to home folk it will be until the war
ends. Hence the Red Cross. It will
be its duty to see that nothing is
lacking to keep the troops healthy,
happy and efficient.
Trench warfare has left its wake
In a, livid army of tuberculers all
through France. The country must
be savd to Itself and for the Ameri
can troops that are coming. Hence
the Red Cross.
American troops under - General
John J. Pershing will soon be out on
the firing line in France They de
serve America's best. Hence the Red
Cross' need for $100,000,000 from
the nation.
This Is the official answer to the
argument, "Why the Red Cross?
given out by the war council of the
National Red Cross and transmitted
to Minnesota state headquarters.
Campaign Ilctfins in Week.
A sketch of actual needs, showing
where every dollar Is called for, has
been prepared by the war council.
The Red Cross will go to France and
Belgium, seed the devastated districts
there, furnish ambulances along the
dreary Russian war fronts that are
In danger of collapse, resupply the
hospitals and safeguard the American
boys going out.
A genially burning pipe, smoked
during a lull in the fighting, while
resting In a dugout, can save a sol
dier's nerves for a month, It has been
estimated. The Red Cross furnishes
special personal comfort kits not In
cluded In army regulations.
Commission to Study Needs.
A Red Cross commission, headed
by Major Grayson M. P. Murphy,
member of the Red Cross war council,
Is now on the Way to France. The
commission is composed ot trained
business men and expertB, and will
study ways In which the Red Cross
can best aid French and Belgians, in
dividuals and towns, in re-establishing
themselves. ' 1
President Wilson has pointed out
that the need among one of the allies
Is the same as a need among our
selves, and that unless It is supplied
It drains on the efficiency of the en
tire war machine.
Two hundred thousand blankets,
10,000 kilograms of quinine, 30,000
kilograms of cod liver oil and 400,000
pairs of woolen socks, 20,000 flannel
waistcoats and 5,000 pairs of surgical
rubber gloves Is an emergency order
that has come from France.
While the United States govern
ment will grant allowances for the
families of dependents and soldiers,
thousands of cases will arise where
additions or special aid must also be
given, and here again the Red Cross
com-fmust be prepared to aid.'
Every dollar collected will be spent
under the supervision , of the war
council the mtney to be handled by
Secretary ot th Treasury William 0.
MoAdoo. The-money collected will
be for both war and civilian relief. ,
Most BeMade Powerful. .
lerbert HoeVer, food commission-
Commercial Club
Orders Booklet
The Ashland Commercial Club has
placed an order with the Ashland
Printing Company for 5,000 twelve
page booklets. The new advertising
feature will contain a summary of
the analyses of the various mineral
waters, description of the auto camp,
park and general write-up of Ash
land's advantages. Four large cuts
have been ordered to dress up the
booklet, which will be up to date in
every respect. The cost . will be
The club's supply of Ashland litera
ture has been completely exhausted
and scores of calls come every week
for Ashland literature.
Equipment For
Company on Way
Word was received here last week
to the effect that the supplies for the
1st company, Coast Artillery, have
arrived at Eugene and will be for
warded to Ashland within the next
few days. This work is in charge of
Captain T. B. Davis, corps quarter
master. The supplies are being sent
out in preparation for a call to the
colors, which will come about July
15. By that time It Is expected that
each company in the state will have
its entire equipment for field service.
The goods which will be received
by the local company consists of
axes, two woolen blankets to the
man, waist belts, galvanized buckets,
big ash and water cans, wall tents
and flies, flro Iron sets for field
mess, camp kettles, lanterns, tarpaul
ins to cover the mess tents, pick
axes, shoe stretchers, 24 tubes of
hypochlorite of lime, enough in each
tube to disinfect 20 gallons of water,
six compass watches, equipped with
radlollght so that the compass may
be seen at night, and many other
minor articles needed during war
Other equipment to be distributed
among the several coasi ariuiery
companies of the state Includes 2,000
pairs of army shoes, two suits of un
derwear for each man, four pairs of
socks for each man, an extra suit of
cotton uniform for each man, new
stoves, mosquito bar, brooms, bed
sacks, woolen gloves for each man,
cots, field desks, 85 pounds of nails
for each company, toilet articles and
other equipment that Is useful and
necessary In the field. '
Monster Sunday
Crowds Yesterday
The largest crowd which has visit
ed Ashland this year was In town
from valley and northern California
points, Sunday, and confectioneries
and restaurants did a business which
rivalled that of the last celobratlon
days. Over 1,500 people attended the
Sunday band concert and hundreds
of automobiles drove over the park
drives. The natatorlums were both
Apple Thinners
Paid Good Wages
Pay for apple thinning In the val
ley orchards this year Is much higher
than In any year In the past. At
some of the orchards the pay ranges i
as high as $2.50 and transportation
to and from town for expert men thin
ners, while boys and girls receive as
high as $2.25 and transportation.
Two dollars seems to be the mini
mum. In pant years boya were paid
$1.50 and even less on some or
chards. The apple crop gives prdmlse of
being one of the largest In history
In this valley, and preparations are
being made to provide labor for hand
llng and cars to transport 2,000 to
2,500 cars of apples and pears. The
fruit is not set as heavily In many
orchards as in some past, years, but
escaped the frost and will yield larg
er returns than last year, which was
a fair fruit year. ' ' n
er and former head ot the' Belgian
relief work, urges the Red Cross must
be made powerful in order to com
mand Its shipping and aid on a scale
extensive enough to fill needs prop
- it.,'
Pennies and Nickels
Will Help the Cause
What part can the "kiddles," tha
tender, big hearted little boys and,
girls, do to help win thB war?
This is one ot the questions thatj
has been Interesting the leaders In
the great Red Cross drive for $G00,
They believe they have arrived at ak
solution of It and will attempt to
arouse the enthusiasm of the young
sters to a pitch as keen as that of the)
grownups who are waging the battle)
for the dollars.
The plan Is to enlist the assistance)
of the parent1) and urge them to In
still at this time the patriotic need of
exercising self-sacrifice and self-restraint
In the smaller things that eat
up the pennies and nickels t,hat tha
"kiddles" spend for "eats" and good
ies of all kinds. '
Parents will also be urged to help
their children to earn a few mora1
pennies or dimes during the next few;
weeks than they have been In thai
habit of doing, and to ask the kiddles
to save their earnings above what
they actually need and give them to)
the Red Cross fund.
There are nearly 100,000 children;
ot school age In Oregon and they are.
or soon will be, out of school foij
their summer vacations, and the ReI
Cross committee la confident that
these thousands of young patriots
will be able to make a splendid show
lng in gifts p the Red Cross if the
exercise a, little more energy, perse
verance and thrift in working for the)
great relief movement
It the school children of Oregon!
averaged only a dime apiece they)
would swell the Red Cross fund by H
magnificent sum of over $3,000. It
they averaged but a nlcket apiece, thai
grand total would be between $1,6001
and $,2,000.
How Important the pennies and
nlckeb and dimes may be in the all,
vlatlon of suffering end misery
among the woundeif on the battle
fields of Europe, where the America
soldiers will soon be doing their 1)14
to help win the war, is shown by soma)
figures prepared by the Red Cross.
For example: f
One cent will buy Iodine to dialn-
feet a wound.
One cent will buy enough gauze foe
one dressing.
A nickel will buy a bandngo. '
Eight cents will pay for a tempo
rary npllnt.
A dime will provide chloroform fos
an operation.
Twenty flvo cents expendnd af
above may a limb or a II To of s)
wounded soldier.
Every man, woman and child inl
the Btnte can do something In this rU
gantlc Red Cross campaign. There!
will be many of those who are not
circumstanced so as to be among the)
heavy givers, hut there never waa sj
movement in the history of philan
thropy which offered such abundant
opportunity for the high and low
rich and poor to join hands In the)
common causo aa lo presented by thel
American Red Crocs. The humble)
penny, the modest nlcket and thai
bright little dime, each can and does!
do a dcflnlto practical thing toward!
the work that la before us to do. Tha"
child's mite and the rich man's mil
lions will each bo received with equal
welcome and each will serve the same)
degree of efficiency In tho Red Cross
work. j
. J
Railroad Announces ,
Rates to Hyiu Hehe
An outline of the rates and dates
which the Southern Pacific offers forj
ticket sales to the Roundup and Hylts,
Hehe has been received by Secretary
of the Commercial Club H. O. Frehr
The rates will be an open one audi
one-third fare for the round titpv
The territory and dates of tale are)
as follows:
Portland to Wilbur, Ore., inclusive
main line an4 branches, July I, S
and 4. ' : :
Roseburg to Siskiyou, Inclusive
July s, 4 and 8. ;
From California points north and
Including San Francisco, Mies, Tracy.
Lat,hrop and Stockton, also Klamath
Falls branch, July 2, S and 4.
. All tickets from Oregon and Cali
fornia points limited for return