Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, June 14, 1917, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Tliurwlay, June 14, 1017
Mtes Jessie Hathaway has gone to
Salem to do missionary work.
'. Mrs. W. A. Cooper was a Talent
visitor on Tuesday of this week.
Miss Annabelle Van Natta Is visit
ing In Talent with her aunt, Mrs.
Miss Lena Casey. of the postofflce
force la 111 at her home on Pioneer
Attorney J. D. Falrclilid, wife and
daughter Margaret of Yreka spent
Sunday here.
' Mrs. Beatrice Hllleary left yester
day for Bly to visit her sister, Mrs.
Mark Hamaker.
The ladle3 of the Congregational
church will give a cooked food and
apron sale next Saturday at W. 0.
DIckeraon'B store. 6 2t
J. II. Doran will be the principal
speaker at Flag day services held In
Central Point tonight.
Mrs. Mary A. Kaiser, mother of
Postmaster Kaiser, Is critically 111 at
tier home on Allda street
F. 8. Engle, after so many of his
friends have urged him to serve on
the school board for another term,
lias finally consented to stand for re
election. If your income will not pay living
expenses nnd for life Insurance too.
-what Is your family going to do
should your earning capacity cease
altogether? Consult H. C. Galey,
agent Western States Life Ins. Co.,
431-J. 6-2t
Howard E. Ewer returned Monday ; ephone exchange, left Tuesday for
from Eugene, to which place he oc-
companled the remains of his wife.
Joe Hurt is establishing a summer
camp on Rogue river near Prospect,
a location which yearly sees a num
ber of Ashland camps.
Portland, where she will attend the
Rose Festival. She will be the guest
of Miss Irene Brandels, who wag do
mestic scienco teacher in the Junior
high school here the past term.
George E. Hart, of the lumber com-
Mlss Helen Biede has received a P8"? whlch took over" the Neil creek
state diploma as licensed embalmer, sawmill and box factory, is back from
being the flrrst lady in southern Ore-'Lo8 Angeles, where he went to -pur-gon
authorized under the state laws!chase a C0UPle of aut0 tiuck9 for U89
to practice this profession. She is i ln hauling lumber' from the mill to
associated with H. C. Stock aa lady . the factory, and box shook from the
assistant. factory to the orchards of the valley.
',.,,. . . . 'Mr. Hart left Tuesday for Portland
Considerable damage to potatoes, i . ,
i a a a . ' on business,
beans and tomatoes was done by a i
frost Tuesday morning. The frost j Attorney W. J. Moore returned
hit in spot, as is usual in tnls part i Sunday from Lakeview, where he had
of the valley. The totai loss will not been for two weeks looking after the
exceed 10 per cent, in the opinion of j estate of the late S. P. Moss, his
cannerymcn. wife's father, of which he Is executor.
Roy Anderson and wife are moving The e9tate con3lsts of 5-500 ac79 of
back to Ashland from near Merrill, land' bank 8t0ck and town Vrty.
where' he has been in charge of a 200 head of "looded shceP- a 9ma11
ranch. The climate did not agree
band of cattle and about fifty head
with Mrs. Anderson. Mr. Anderson
will join the clerking forces at the
White House grocery.
Stevenson will dovelop your films.
of horses. It Is appraised at $166,
000. There are eight heirs, all to
share alike Mr. Moore states that
i the season is much farther behind In
I pastern . Oeenn than It Is In the
Elmer Smith. B. R. Greer and L. j Rogue valley. When he first went
F. Ferguson distributed advertising over about Mav 2i, the leaves on the
for the roundup all over the valley tree8 had not be(fun t0 pome out xhe
Wednesday. They covered the terrl-j fruit tree3 were ln blossom when he
tory between here and Gold Hill, i eft Mr Moore says he nearly froze
Sams valley and the upper Rogue val- to fleath cn the way from Lakeview
to Bly, their automobile running into
For the
June Bride
Cut Glass
Hand-Painted China
Sterling Silver Toilet
Parisian Ivory
All elegant pieces, 35c to
$12 each
Ashland and Medford
Get it at-
Polcys Drug Store
I'olejr & Klbart. UruggiNtg.
After the
The war In Europe
may last a long time no
one knows.
But after the war, will
YOU be better off than
yon are today?
Save your spare money
and put It to work at in
terest with us.
yftfvu SAVINGS
ley to Brownsboro.
Harvey Beckwlth, chairman of the
State Industrial Accident Commis
sion, was down from Salm Tuesday
on business connected with his office.
He incidentally looked over the Chau
tauqua building, where more than a
hundred men were at work.
J. H. Hardy has traded a place on
Trade street In Salem for the James
Mattlngly plare on Strawberry Lane.
Mr. Mattlngly is critically 111 and will
move to sea level on doctor's orders.
H. J. Neville will look after the Mat
tlngly place for Mr. Hardy.
C. F. Stalcy and daughter, Miss
Georgia, stopped In the city Tuesday
en route from Baker to Los Angeles.
Miss Staiey Is employed to teach In
the second grade of the West school
next year. They will return to Ash
land In a month and establish a home
Fred Tien, deputy sheriff from
Weiser. Idaho, stopped here Satur
dav nleht en route home from Reno
a hailstorm.
A splendid little Sunday school Is
being conducted at the Xeli Creek
school house by H. S. Palmerlee of
Ashland. Members of the Sunday
school report good attendance and
C. F. Cyester Is operating the Icen
hower second-hand store while Mr.
Icenhower Is laid up with a lame foot.
Miss Mamie Icenhower is here from
Chiloquln, where she ha3 been visltr
lng her brother, to care for her
Rev. Edwerds of the Nazarene
church left Monday evening for Spo
kane, Wash., where he will -attend
the Nazarene conference. He will
be away over Sunday and Mr. Ash
craft will fill his pulpit next Sunday
Paul Bachtell, who formerly lived
in Ashland, on Mountain avenue,' but
Is now at work in Utah, Is at prenent
In Ashland vbiting his father, H. H.
Mrs. Harriet Chalmerj Adams of
Washington, D. C, a noted traveler
and writer who recently returned
i from tin battle front in France,
passed through Ashland last week.
She came in on the auto stage from
j Klamath Falls, having spent some
i time on the Indian reservation of
j Klamath county, studying conditions.
I She is making a tour of the country
; visiting the Indian reservations and
i gathering material for a book on the
conditions found.
A new record for auto traveling
from Medford to San Francisco has
been made by W. V. B. Campbell,
who left Medford Saturday morning
with Walter Bowne In the former's
Mercer roadster. Leaving at 5 o'clock
in the morning, they arrived at Ben
icla ferry at 7.40 o'flock that evening
and at the Oakland ferry at 9:40
o'clock, and at the Palace Hotel at
10:30 o'clock. The running time to
Oakland ferry was 14 hours and 20
minutes for the 416 miles. Medford
Qinrrorc nrttrl A
In a Joint
' 'I
with W. J. Doyle, a forger. At Hub- j Bachtell, and his sisters. Mrs. Percy
bard. Ore., Monday nleht Doyle J Stratton and Mrs. Thornton Wiley,
leaned from a car window, hand-, of this city.
cuffed and with the train going fif- Mrs. Mary C. Wenner of Los An
teen miles an hour, and escaped. geles, who has been visiting relatives
Miss Josephine Saunders returned in Ashland and vicinity for the past
home Tuesday morning from Port- month during the absence of her hus-
land, where she graduated from Reed band Ii British Columbia, was Joined
College with ihe 1917 class. Mr. and, by him Sunday and returned to her
Mrs. Saunders attended the gradua
tion exercises. They will remain In
Portland -until after the Masonic
Grand Lodge session which closes
Friday. " '
' Miss Emma Jenkins, who has been
enjoying her vacation from the grind
southern California home.
Mr. FInley, from Grants Pass, was
in town Tuesday looking after his
business of piano tuning. Mr. Find
ley says he's busy helping to put up
buildings seven miles out of Grants
Pass for an orphans's home that is
Auto-Camp Store
Entered By Thieves
The store at the entrance to the
auto camp was entered by thieves
some time last week and a quantity
of candy and eighteen bottles of
grape' Jhlce, loganberry juice and
other drinkables taken. This is the
second time this store has been
robbed. Enhance was made by pry
ing up a window.
The stcre has been leased to J. Q
A. Farthing of Santa Barbara, Cal.,
and he Is now here with his wife In
charge of the establishment. Mr. i
Farthing has had extensive 'experi
ence in conducting a tourist supply
store in southern California.,
At the Page Theatre, Medford, June 15 if
PRICES 35c, 50c and 75c
We overhaul Ford Engines complete, for $15.00
n a f . . aiaa
Hear Axies ana uinerenuais h.uu
t See U9 about your repair work. Our prices are right t
aim we guarantee every joo turned out. 4,
Guard's Assailant
Committed to Asylum
Charles MacClellan, the tramp who
pushed a soldier, a member of the
state militia, off the bridge at Graves
creek about three weeks ago. was
Tuesday adjudged Insane and com
mitted to the Insane asylum at Salem
from Josephine county.
of "Number, please," at the local tel-,to be located at that place.
Phone news items ta the Tiding
Little Girls Wanted
To Spread Big Flag
The largest flag ln Oregon has ar
rived in Ashland. The immense flag,
which weights more thau one hun
dred pounds, is to be unfurled from
a cable stretched two hundred feet j
above the lower park on the Fourth !
of July.
On Sunday afternoon next at 2:30
o'clock the flag Is to be displayed in
the upper Llthia park and pictures i
taken for publicity purposes. Onej
hundred girls between the ages of
10 and 16 are wanted to hold the flag
while pictures are being taken. Par
ents are urged to bring or send their
girls to the playground ln Llthia park
next Sunday afternoon. The girls
must be dressed all ln white.
About 615,000 acres in Oregon are
open to homestead entry.
Roseburg Oregon Fruit Company
may build cleaning, grading and pol
ishing plant here.
Private Sale By
Owner To The
Highest Bidder
I A corner lot with two houses, on
Rock and .Nursery streotii, and eight
best lots close in, corner Boulevard
and Sherman, suitable for fine apart
ment or other buildings, ln the heart
of Ashland, will be sold privately to
the 111 oil est bidder by the owner, Jas.
G. Chumos, at Hotel Ashland until
June 16, 8 p. m. It
Greater Bargains Than Ever All Over Our Store
Many lines are. of finer material than can be bought again. Notice the specials
oh Shoes of the finest make and up-to-the-minute styles
25 Pair of Ladies' High
Button Boots
Of white washable kid. This quality is selling in the
cities at $12.50 a pair. Our former price $8.50. Sizes
3J to 6$; while they last they go
36-inch Georgette Crepe, here at 1.69
36-inch All-wool Plaids, fast color, yard 75c
Athena Union Suits, lisle thread, each 1.00
Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, each ..43c
Men's Dreadnaught Work Shirts, each 75c
Irish Poplins, fine-fmifh, fast color, yard 40c
White Wool Suitings and Skirtings, yard ..1.25 to 1.75
One Special Lot on Tabic of Ladies' White
Comprising Corset Covers, Skirts, Night Gowns,
Combination Suits, including articles regularly pric
ed from 85c to 1.25. Specially priced this fl
week vwt
Galatea, best grade, fast color, yard ..25c
Sorosis medfum height high shoes, pair 4.50
Sorosis Ladies' Oxfords and Pumps, special 2.50
Knox Knit Ladies' and Men's Hose, white or blk pr 30c
Moneyback Silk Taffeta, guaranteed, yard 2.00
Embroideries here at ...-25 per cent discount
$3.00 Umbrellas here at spe.cial price 2.25
25 pairs of 8-ioch High Button Boots for ladies
White kid top with black kid lowers; regular price
$0.50. bpecial while they last, '
16 pairs of 8-inch High Button Boots, white wash
able kid top with black patent leather lowers; value
now $12.00 a pair. Special price while A A
they last, pair tbOeUU
Crown Jewel 1-lb clean white Cotton 35c
Men's Work Sox of good grade, pair 10c
Ladies' black and white Silk Gloves, pair 75c
$1.00 Umbrellas here an special price 75c
Beautiful all-linen Table Linen, yard ..; 2.00
All-linen 72-inch Table Linen, yard 1.50
LOT, No. 2
Of Ladies' Undermuslins in finest material made up
in Corset Covert", Underskirts, Night Gowns, Com
bination Suits; including articles regularly priced
from 1.25 to 1.65. Specially priced this A Q
week "DC
Men's Porosknit Union Suits, here at 60c
Men's B.V.D. style Union Suits, all sizes, at 65c
Ladies' Tan Oxfords, sizes 2J to 4 J, price 98c
Ladies' La France Hone, nearly all colors 1.25
Men's short and long sleeve Chalmers Union Suits 1.00
Beautiful quality Meadowbrook White Goods, yd..... 50c
All-wool Gray, Red, Tan Wool Flannels, yard 75c
16 pairs of Ladies' White Nubuck 8-inch Button
Boots Button Boot9 are all the go back east. Form
er price $0.00; spec'al price while they aa
last, pair J)t)UU
Oar Nature Arch Shoe has many superior points
over the Ground Hripper shoe which cottts $8.01);
our price fur a better shoe
Subscribe lo the spe
cial Delineatorof fering
for a few days a!
95 cents a year
The Stote of
The Stoe of
The New Butter
ick Fashions for
July are Now on