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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1917)
PAGE SIX ASHLAND TIDINGS Monday, June 11, 191T SOME VOWS. Once upon a time a bride By life name of Florence May Could not, would not bond her pride To pronounce tiie word "obey;" Tet when married, as of old. Did whatever she was told. And another girl named Anne TIiourM the word "obey" was BweM, Blie could only love a man Trampled underneath his feet, Liked to do as the was bid, So she said, but never did. Their two husbands, Will and Dave, ' Did not question, futs or palter; All their world, y goods they gave, Freely, gladly, at the altar. Gladly, for they never meant To give up a tingle cent. -Alice Duer Miller in Detroit Saturday Night. No Spoon Forthcoming, "Waitress, how about a spoon?" "We tire uot allowed to flirt wllb the customers," was the dignified reply. Kansas City Journal. Red Cross Campaign Week June 18-25 At last the war has gotten Into Oregon hearts. "Our all In devotion and sacrifice" Is the spirit overspread ing the state since the northwest Knaattamttimmmttmnttiamamjf Movie Matters Film Brings Recruits. "Womanhood, the Glory of the Na tion," Greater Vltagraph's war pre paredness photoplay, continues on one rotffltWtUIKtttinsmttKmttmamtmffl triumphant march across the country, Shortly after viewing one of Char- obtalnInS hundreds of recruits for the n. m,.,niin-a nw niotnrP!.. Mrv PiMr. armJ'' nttvy aD(l marine corps as it ford and Douglas Fairbanks, the pop ular Artcraft stars, sent a telegram to "mobilization meeting" for the Red ! the well-known fun-maker as follows: rnid In rnrtlnnJ MnnAnv Tl. a nl I "Wo thfl 11 n dfirsl Cned. BUS VOU for venial service of mercy was the pro-1 sore ribs. We saw your new picture .Zlegfel!' Chicag0' has been posal that recruited each of the many , last night. 'Nuf said." goes, according to dally reports re ceived at the headquarters of V. L. S. E. The enthusiasm aroused at the Handicapped. 4 First Hobo Uee! I wlssht I hud au cddlcntlon. Second Hobo Wot good would It do Joubo to have that? First Hobo It would a done me a lot ft' good yesterday. 1 went to the pub lie library to git wurm, un' I got put cut coz I was holdlu' the book I wuz feodln' upside down. Pittsburgh Dis patch. Two 6idet to It "So she refused you." "Yes. It certainly puzzles me." "Oh, well, If she had accepted yon Jho whole world would have been puss-Hed." Natural Eloquence. Oh, lot nie roar and shout things, Nor chide my thoughtless way. If I thought more ubout things 1 might have less to say. Washington Star. prominent men and women from every Oregon community for service until the state has produced Its $G00, 000 quota of the $100,000,000 emer gency Red Cross fund which Presi dent Wilson by proclamation has thrlllingly appealed to the nation to Lou Telleen, Geraldlne Farrar's husband, who lately gave up acting to direct photop'nys, has begun work on his second I.asky production with so great that the army recruiting of ficers have requested that the run be continued. Recruiting officers sta tioned at the theatre from the Navy Department and from the Ilinols Na tional Guard report that the theatre enlistments are of far higher calibre J. P. Dodge & Sons Undertakers Lady Assistant Deputy Courtly Coroner Slate Licensed Embalmer Kathlyn Williams and Wallace Reid ., . , . .. ' ' than those received from any other as co-Slurp, juny iviuisnuii, luc woir raise, known character actor, is another "The stain of shame would Indeli-! member of the cast. bly be Imprinted on Oregon's fair name if by negligence of ours any mother who has given her son and source. On May 1 the First lffinofs Infan try, accompanied by a band of fifty pieces, attended the theatre In a William Russell's divided interests UOdy. ara him much consternation i fru. i 'it, . . . a --- ixiul wiuuu uuuiiea lo Ln raeo an- support as a warrior for his country these days. If It rains, plcture-mak- !plle8 to nll of the large WCBtern cltleB should he nncared for, or if any boy ,!ng ls suspended, therefore Mr. Rus-:In Kansas City the picture opened at at the front, wounded, should lack gen is worried. If it does not rain, a the New Center Theatre in a pouring the hospital care needed to bring him 'iage bean crop on Mr. Russell's ranch rallli breaking all attendance records back to that mother." near Fresno Is in danger of being lost, : notwithstanding the weather. Two These words, tittered by one of the , and surely this is cause for Mr. Rus-1 navy recruits signed the very first spenkers nt the great flea Cross con- sell to worry again. And when It is night. ference of leaders from Washington, dark and cloudy, with neither rain Idaho, Montana, Utah and Oregon, were the wordfl needed to bring home thp nature of Red Cross work and to make the spirit of giving and of sacri fice burn clear and high In every heart. It did not need to be said that the amount asked of Oregon Is less than a dollar for each member of ; f ; ' jm i urn' nammtm i yw.,' jwi rr PL tiJrl fummm ipf If I, r f i - z A Repaired Top can be made to look just as well aa the original. U is our boast that when we have repaired a top for you, no one but yourself can tell It. Com In and see some of our work. Medford Auto Top Factory L. E. ACKLEY, Proprietor. 118 South Central. Second Series of The Ashland theatregoers had the nor sun in prospect, the plot thickens opportunity of seeing thli great pic- and he is worried both ways. Charlie Chaplin ls a vegetarian and his favorite vegetable ls pieplant. j people who attended the picture on Henry B. Walthall, star In "The the two nights of its appearance Birth of a Nation" and who has been showed the unappreclation of the gen- the state's population, whereas Can-! connected wKh Essanay masterpieces eral public for really masterful pic- during the past year, has left the Es-.Hires. Toledo Work of diking and put ting in dam with flood gates, for pur- TrininfY fomnc p0B9 rac'iimlng hundreds of acres , 1 Idllilllg Ldllipij of fertile bottom and tide lands lying I along the Olalla, commenced. A second series of officers' train-! " " tr. nmn. f.ncf .vM.,n,. . ... lnS camP9 " held between Aug- Pendleton Work started on Dry ... w .... U8' and November 26 in eight lo- creek fill. O.-W. R. & N. has crew jture Wednesday and Thursday nights. ; Manager Mrs. Bergner got this pic cations to develop officers for the sec- men engaged. Will take five ond increment of 500,000 men to be months to complete, at cost of $50, ! called into service by the selective j 00('' draft. In general, qualifications for Got the Best of It. A?nes I hear (lint you and your Biuicco bud a tight. How did It come eut V Edith (Hashing her solitaire) You Will notice that I am still in the ring. Her Prerogative. admission to these camps will be the same as for the first series, but a ada's contribution to war relief now totals more than $17 for each man woman and child of that country. It was only necessary to outline the plan of campaign, which was done clearly and tersely by Lyman L. Pierce, western secretary; H. L. Cor bett, state chairman, and L. G. Nich ols, state campaign manager, In' or der to add definlteness to every state committee member's determination that Oregon shall exceed rather than fall tinder Its quota. The campaign week ls June 18-25. Each community will have as chalrr man of the local committee the big gest man In heart, patriotism and ex ecutive ability of that community. Teams will be organized In accord ance with the size of the community. Committers on publicity, headquar- ers and meetings and office adminis tration will be created. All prelimi nary work will be done systematical ly; nil possible Information will he l ,... ui luc iiL-wiiiH. put . mllllnnnlro nhlnh roironla Wnalilnn-tnn When committees call there should jNew York-g fastest ge( at ther merrj. I be but one thing left, have the money egt Portland-Fourteen '' A phase of "The Auction Block" ernment ships contracted for at Port- The individual apportionments of which will cause unusual interest is land. The G. M. Standlfer Construc Oregon communities are as follows: Ithat a number of characters are 'tlon Corporation to build ten and $200,000, Albany $1 5,000, , founded on famous Broadway fltruresJ Peninsula Shlnbulldins Comnanv For Instance, the theatrical manager four. In the picture is a-thinly disguised) Impersonation of Flo Ziegfleld. while I Hood River T. & L. Co. awarded and probably Fort Logan H. Roots, another character Is modled after the , $6,500 contract for road work Portland Astoria $30,000, Ashland $5,000, P.aker $20,000, Bandon $3,000, Bend $15,000, Burns $7,500, Condon $3, 5001, Coqullle $2,500, Corvallls $10, 000, Cottage Grove $5,000, Dallas $7,500, Elgin $1,500, Enterprise $6, 000, Eugene $10,000, Falls City $2,- 000, Forest Grove $5,000, Grants for ns Broadway escapades Pass ?l n.oon, Hillsboro $6,000, Hood sanay", together with his leading lady, ' Mary Charleson, He haa made no j From the Antipodes" comes an ap Aatlnta ntona a a s Vita f titurA armlr nnAilnrlnn fv A tr- uu i - - - - vuCJl ivey- numl)er admitted to training will be . j stone comedian. A correspondent Bmaer tban ,n thfl egent cam "The Anction Block" Comin. from Perth, Western Australia, telfe : AppICations must be sent to the With the taking of a big gambling Conklln he has taken the town by ( commanding generals of the depart house raid, the final studio scenes of storm. . j ment ,n whch the appcant ,Ives be. "The Auction Block," the second pro- tween June 1 5 and July 15. Citizens duction of the Rex Beach Pictures' William N. Scllg has instructed between the ages of 20 years and nine Company was completed and ther6 that every film released under the months and 44 years are eligible, remains only a steel mill scene which j "Diamond S" trademark carry an; Some of the present 16 officers' will betaken in Pittsburg within the ending presenting a direct appeal to training camps will be abandoned in next few days. When this has been patriotism. This ending 13 a pictorial the second series, and ail selected for done, Director Trimble will start at in plastic art In which the soldiers ' the second training courses are lo once on his task of. cutting and title-: in the trenches are shown and anjeated in the southern part of the ing the picture, which will be ready : American flag is seen floating. Fad- country, where the weather will be for exhibitors September 1. j Ing in comes the patriotic admoni-1 good through the fall. The camp, "The Auction Block" has a ntim- tlon: "Do your bit. Buy a liberty j sites chosen and the areas from which ber of big sensational scenes, includ-, bond!" Ultimately thia appeal will applicants will be assigned Include: : Ing an exact reproduction of the fam- reach millions of people through the j Fort Leon Springs, Texas Illinois, j ous Zlegfield Midnight Frolic with medium of moving pictures. A nho- Texas. Arizona. New Mexico and Ok-' I the show going on and the audience tograph of the pictorial work and an lahoma. present. Another sensattonl scene I outline of the Idea has been furnished Fort Riley, Kansas Minnesota, is the chorus girl dinner given by a Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo In North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebras- ga. Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Colorado. wooden gov- The Presidio. San Francisco Utah. Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and California. Other camps will be held at Fort Myers, Virginia; Fort McPherson, Georgia; Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia; Fort Benjamin Harrison. Indiana, IXTERURBAX AUTOCAR CO. strong effort will be made to obtain ' Leave Ashland for Medford, Talent men above 31 years of age. and the! and Phoenix daily except Sunday hi o.vv a. m. ana i:uu, 4:uu ana 5:15 p m. Also on Saturday night at 6:30. Sundays leave at 9.00 and 10:30 a. m., 1:00, 4:30, 6:30 and 10:30 p. m. Leave Medford for Ashland daily ex cept Sunday at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Sat urday night at 1 0 : 1 5. On Sundayi at 8:00 and 10:30 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 5:30 and 9:30 p. m. Fare lx'tween Medford and Ash land, 20 cents. Round trip, 33 cents. I Arkansas. Ashland Transfer ii & Storage Co. I ; ; C. F. Hates, Proprietor t Wood, "Peacock" I and Rock Springs loal and Cement phone 117 Office 99 Oak Sfreet, Ware house on track near depot. Ashland, Oregon ! 4 l t4f late "Diamond Jim" Brady. Another prominent charter is founded on a Pittsburg millionaire who is notorious ! Mrs. Longwed - I was astonished wben I heard that you, a strong mind ed womuu, bud promised to obey lu your niurrluKe service. Mrs. Justwed-Of course I promised. If I hadn't where would 1 be when I changed my mind? Chlcugo News. A Good Guest. "What arc all those statistics about?" "I don't know, but I think the orator b making a dry speech." Detroit Free Press. Why, Indeed! A wis old owl lived In an 0:1k, The more he now. the less ho ppnke; The U'SH he upuke, the more he henrd Why cun t ne be like thut old bird? -Unidentified. Only a Goat Could Do It. First (iont-Ilow did you get rich? Serond ioiit SHvlnt; hat checks by wting my huU New Vork Sun. Got Him Both Waye. ould never let my a niuu thut smokes Mrs. Biff e-1 laughter marry cigarettes. Arthur-Hut I only smoke cigars. Mrs. Biffe-WelL, 1 wouldn't let her murry a man tbat'll waste money on rif:nra when cigarettes are bo much rheair and healthier. - Pittsburgh Cbiubkle-TelcgtuplL River $4,000, Independence $4,000, Klamath Falls $11,000, La Grande $15,0n0, Lnknview $3,600, Lebanon $5,000. McMlnnvllle $7,500, Marsh field $6,000', Medford $10,000, New berg $7,500, North Bend $3,000. Onr tario $5,000, Oregon City $10,000, Pendleton $30,000, Prlnevllle $5,000, Rainier $1,000, St. Helens i $1,500, Roseburg $7,500 Salem 35,000. Sea side $1,000, Sheridan $2,500, Silver ton $4,000, Springfield $4,000, The Dalles $1 5,000, Tillamook $5,000, Union $1,500, Vale $2,500, Wood burn $4,000. Each community organization will Include canvas of nearby smaller towns. Light Stringers On for First Time The new city-owned light stringers in the Plaza district were turned on for the first time Wednesday even ing, and the effect was highly gratify ing. The streets are flooded with light when the current ls on. The bulbs have not all arrived, but will be installed ai) soon as they get here, In the other stringers. Last Thursday A. L. Strickland and John Volpe erected a flagpole above the tree In the center of the Plaza, and from it waves a big flag which will be Illuminated at night with a flood of light from searchlights. The decorative lights will be on on evenings all summer. Yale Boss ls coming back. That will be great news to a large army of film enthusiasts who have been long ing for the return of this popular boy actor. Yale has outgrown the boy roles which made him famous all over the world and he will now be featured in a series of stories especially writ ten for him. The first of these will be the "The Halfback," made by the Edison Company, and it ls soon to be released by the General Film Company. William Fox has a live-wire public ity man on the other side of the wa ter. When "A Daughter of the Cods" began its run In Sydney Australia, the William Fox Corporation labeled about two thousand empty soda water bottles with an announcement of An nette Kellermann's appearance, film atively speaking, and cast them into the ocean so that gradually the bot tles drifted onto the beaches where thousands of holiday makers were enjoying themselves a la Annette. Linrior Films Suspended. Owing to the illness of Max Llnder, the announcement Is made by George K. Spoor, president of Essanay, that further releases of the famous Euro pean comedian's pictures have been Indefinitely postponed. Complications have nrlsen from a wound suffered by Mr. Llnder In the war, and the foremost physicians of the Pacific coast have ordered him to abandon for the time the rigorous program to which he subjected himself In the filming of his comedies. The first threo pictures made by Mr. Llnder In America "Max Comes Across," "Max Want3 a Divoice" and "Max In a Taxi" have enjoyed wide popularity. Mr. Linker's first comedy, "Max Comes Across," was a part of the headline program of the Vinlng Thea, tre Wednesday and Thursday even Ines In . connection with "Woman-hoed." n 1 "The Siamhid Qilrtfafar Cars ASPHALT BASE-THE CHOICE OF.EXPERTS Factory experts, and leading coast distributors for all makes of cars, testify that Zerolene, correctly refined from California asphalt-base crude, gives perfect lubrication with least carbon deposit. Less wear and .more power because Zerolene keeps its lubricating body at cylinder heat. Less carbon because, being made from asphalt base crude, it burns clean and goes out on exhaust Zerolene is the oil for your car-whatever the make-the oil for all types of automobile engines. For correct grade get our lubrica tion chart covering your car At dealera everywhere end Standard Service Stationt STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALIFORNIA'