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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1917)
tU:i mi.i-'V " HV. .... . Mnlay, June 11, 1017 ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE FTVB HllllllllIIIHIlt I LOCAL AND PERSONAL g The Grants Pass Chautauqua closed Tuesday after a very successful ses sion. Order your gooseberries now from G. M. Frost, the Oregonlan man. 4-3t The Siskiyou county board of su pervlsors has ordered a new jail built at Weed. The Rogue River Argus of Rogue River, Jackson county, has suspended publication. Lee Port and wife were up from Copper, Cal., last week visiting for a short time. Miss Plna Benedict visited Mrs. Frank of Hendricks Springs on Satur day and Sunday, Mrs. Bob Curvellier returned Fri day from Dunsmuir, where she visited her husband and friends. Miss L. Fowler returned Thursday from a stay at Grants Pass, where ehe was employed as a nurse In a hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ford and Mrs. Rowe and daughter of Ager consti tuted an automobile party which vis ited Ashland Friday. H. D. Olsen, traveling freight agent for the Southern Pacific with head quarters at Portland, was a business visitor In the city Thursday. The ladie3 of the Congregational church will give a cooked food and apron sale next Saturday at V. 0. Dlckereon's store. 6 2t Walter Bowne of Medford left Sat urday for New York, where he will serve as assistant engineer on one of the new submarine chasers which has recently been built. Bert Peachey and wife came down from the Fish Lake country recently. They report much high water on ac count of the melting snow caused by the warm weather. George H. Johnstone; a hydro pathic doctor from Portland, Is in the city and Is greatly pleased with Ash land. He has decided to locate here and will open offices In about "two months. Mr. Levi Johnson came up from Yoncalla last week and secured work In the vicinity of Ashland. Mr. John son plans to move his family to Ash land later If this climate agrees with his health. M. W. Wheeler of Ashland went to Granta Pass the last of the week to spend a few days on business. Mrs. Ben Hunt has returned to her home in Portland after a visit with relatives In tho Will Dodge family. Lawson Riley, former Ashland boy, now employed In Texas, has written for his enlistment la tho local com pany, Miss Thelaia Throno Is spending her vacation at homo, having recently finished her school in the Lithia Springs district. A. H. Peacltey of Lincoln street re ceived a telegram Sunday announc ing the death of his only sister at her home In Arkansas. A. E. McFarland, who has been at the Granite City Hospital for several Get your Fourth of July suit made j weeks for treatments since his oper ation, Is row able to be out again. Ross Gulley of Sunnynlde, Wash., expects to spend the Fourth of July In Ashland and will visit old friends In the meantime aside from celebrat ing. Fred Schuerman Is new employed at Orrcs' Tailor Shop, M. E. Briggs, Tracy Lane, Ray Murphy caused quite a sensation at the patriotic carnival at Medford Thursday night when they rode around the Ferris wheel and sang the official roundup song. CITIZENS BANK O FASH LAND I After the War The war in Europe may last a long time no .one knows, Rut after the war, will YOU be better off than you are today? Save your spare money and put it to work at in terest with us. Klamath Herald: Mr. and Mrs. in tho drue department of the Mc- Frank Swingle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cloud Lumber Company's store in Mc Loder and Mrs. Holly Swingle and! Cloud. "Fritz" held thl3 same posl daughter arrived here last night from lon last summer. Ashland, and leave today for their j Harold Merrill, one of the members homes. Mrs. Holly Swingle recently of the local company. Coast Artillery, underwent an operation at Ashland. jwho has ,,een Bpendlng the past year They live in the vicinity of Fort Rock. Jat the Unlversity ot California, is ex- The total wax registrattions of Jo- ipected to return home this week, sephlne coun'y were 580. of which j Mp and Mrg E A, Egteg ana 239 were In Grants Pass and the pre- (laughtera Helen and Ruth returned clncts of Granite Hill, Frultdale and Simday from Los Angeles, where they Dimlck. There were two colored I Bpont tIjC winter. Mr. Estes has just men, three neutral aliens and four returned from an .eastera trip, citizens of enemy countries registered I The trIM of c B county Ju. a m nnm tha tntnl rut m Kaw I ivenile officer and former police Judge, Sport coats and light trousers are on tno charg3 of contributing to the all tho rage. See them at Orres'. j delinquency of a minor, will begin The Astor Wine Company at Horn- n the circuit court next Thursday, brook, one of the mail-order houses j Cnandbr Egarti f0rmer national which did a flourishing business prior 'golf champlon now resdlng in Med io the passage of the bone-dry bill In ford ,8 one of thc entrie3 for the Pa. Oregon, has been granted a license jc)flc northwcst championship golf to sell liquor at retail in Hornbrook.jtournament wn,ch ,., be held ,n The house was not allowed to do any- Portland June 25-30. thing but out-of-town business here- A much needed improvement has been made in Chautauqua park In the shape of a gravel walk which leads from the lower to the upper park. The new walk Is well graded and wide and shortens the distance to the main park attractions. Clif Payne makes window screens. C. B. Haney and wlfo came up from Douglas county last week In their enr and are now located at their i folder calling attention to the merit new home near Taknt. Mr. Haney's ot tne waters. The frontispiece Is the "Business As Usual" The dollar turning over makes prosperily. The nation's industries and the business subsidiaries of in dustries are vital arteries ol the nation's prosperity. To keep the pulse oi the nation's business normal every thing must go on normally. Already the country is prov ing that it can stand the shock, easily and is going to. Pursue your alfairs as usual -buy what you need save as you always have don't waste, and yOU Will be a regular in the local 1st company. Coast Artillery, ' the Nation's Army oi Service. firemen to engineers. The examlnar tion was held before Road Foreman of Engines Bob Curvellier, and was satisfactory. It is expected tire men will qualify and be promoted to en-' gineers. The Le'and Drug Company of Port land, distributor for the Ashland lithia waler bottled here, in Portland, has got out a neat little four-page father, Robert Haney, of Elkton, Ore., will arrive soon to make his home with his son's family. Bert Freeman's chicken" roost is about depleted. The coyote which j has been paying It visits lately hit It j famous -Ashland lithia glass. The folder contains an analysis of the wa ter, calls attention to it3 medicinal value and its palatable qualities. A list of the Portland concerns which sell the water at their fountains is aeain early Sunday morning and U,BU """ wun me recommenna- caught a chicken right at the kitchen Mon that tne re!l(ler tT? a slass f door. Bort's father saw the coyote ,"tn'a' with the chicken in his mouth. 1 ' n , , Kids Wanted for Exhibit Building. "iiuh uui iv(iiiiuft unit it-iiiwuui- (. gnfllod ling to teres Tauor Shop, where it can lie done by an experienced tailor. Robert Wagner returned home last week after spending a successful year at tho Davis Agricultural College at Davis, Cnl. "Bob" Is p. member of bids for the sale of the ex hibit building will be accepted by th Commercial Club up to June 17. Th club reserves the right to reject all bids. H. O. FROIinACH. 6-2t Secretary. Above is circular sent out by Re tail Meicliunts Bureau ot Portland and we believe it is good sound advice. Lumber is only a little higher than a year ago. What you need will cost you only a few dollars or cents more. tofcrre. ' If your Income will not pay living exnenses and for life Insurance too, jne ipnowing marriage licenses what ,9 your famiy goIng t0 do were granted at jacKsonvuie last week: William C. Hooker and Caro lyn Hanson; Jefferson D. Kendall and should your earning capacity cease altogether? Consult H. C. Galey, agent Western States Life Ins. Co., 43W. 6-2t Mrs. A. F. Abbott and daughter Etha left this morning for a short j visit to Mrs. Abbott's sister, Mrs A. R. Mount, at Dunsmuir. Cal. Miss Etha will have a minor operation per formed during their absence. Robert Throne who grnduated last Alice F. Hanly; Isaac Peterman and Alma Wyland; R. C. Yost and Irene A. Denzer; James G. Perdue and Grace Ruth Boardman; Thorlief L. Anderson and Effie V. Ossman. Professor G. W. Milam received a postal card from his son, Vernon, who is stationed on the cruiser Pueblo, at the N'ew York station. His message is on the new war card with printed I Monday from 0. A. C. goes to Den messages, and is to the effect that he ! ver. Colo., soon, where he will take Is alive and well. Professor Milam ; special work In a business colleee. reports that his son Vernon has Jack i Mr. Throne is ot present visiting bis Fllppin and Charles Brad of Ashland mother, Mrs. A. E. Throne, on Fourth no ulilnmntpQ with him on the United , Street 4on SAVINGS DEPOSITS, States cruiser Pueblo at New York city. Albert Jensen of Oak Bar, Cal., was in town Saturday on business, motoring out in the afternoon. Miss Ella Dews arrived yesterday from Eugene, where she has been at tending the university, and will spend a few days with her brother (Edmund in this city. A bushel of wheat will today buy nearly twice as much lum ber as it did a few years ago. Now is the logical time to preserve and keep safe your home and other buildings. No thing does this like a coat of good paint. "Paints and Varnishes will preserve and save property from Waste" Our line is complete Sherwin-Williams Also we have quite a lot of slock on hand which we are selling at the old prices. and will remain in the vicinity until the company is called for mobiliza tion. Cleaning and pressing at Orres'. J. G. Chumos has arrived In Ash land and will remain during the week to drink lithia water. Mr. Chumos says t hat while he is in business in Seattle, be 13 a booster for Ashland first, last and all tho time and has a warm spot In his heart for this city which nothing can efface. A large number of local people vis ited Medford to attend the final nlnht of tho street carnival held In that city for the past week. The carnival was held under the auspices of the Medford Coast Artillery company, Details of Storey Suicide at Dunsmuir Mrs. L. M. Storey committed sui cide here Tuesday morning some time between 8 and 9 o'clock by jumpin? Into the Sacramento river near the Herman Scherrer property south of town. The body was noticed floating; down the river and was taken out Just over the line In Shnsta county, near Frank Rousch's vegetable gar den. Coroner John Larkin of Redding; was notified and arrived at the scene on the evening local holding an In quest over the remains about 10 and from all Indications It was a big o'clock that night. Testimoney ad success both financially and other- j duced at the Inquest Bhowed that de wise, jspondency was probably the cause of "Jacksonville In Its Palmy Days". the raih net. Two Italians living on is to be staged by the Portland Press j Butterfly avenue testified that they Club on the three nights of the Rose saw her sitting on the opposite bank Festival. A replica of the famous 'of the river with her feet In the wa- southern Oregon mining town In its days of free living, gold digging and prosperity will be given. The gaming halls, .etc., will be duplicated, and minus, of course, the hard liquor a ' ter and her face in her hands. Their 'nttentlon was momentarily directed elsewhere, and when they again looked she had disappeared. It Is presumed that during the Interval of Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. touch of Jacksonville life ns it once their looking away she threw herself was will be staged. jlnt0 tne river. j She and her son Lester came here la short time ago from Oregon, and the young man went to braking for the Southern Pacific Company. A short time ago he lost his position, j and up to the present time he could j not be located, although it Is pre sumed he went north. Have a fit at Orres. Dunsmuir News: O. Booth, F. L. Foster, W. L. James, ,G. T. Weedon, E. Jones, A. McCann, I. R. Bateman and C. L. Carter, being the oldest firemen on the senorlty list of the Southern Pacific Company, were called In the first of the week to take the examination for promotion from Stevenson Studio for portraits. R P. Cornelius is over from Klam ath county, where he is in the employ of the Algomn Lumber Company. He has been laid up In a Klamath Falls hospital for some time, but Is now back on his fret. He will return to Algoma tomorrow. The remains were laid away Wed nesday afternoon In the I. O. 0. F. cemetery, the funeral being private. She was about 40 years of age. Her father, W. R. Culton, and sis ter, Mrs. R. L. Darilng, of Tolo. Ore., came to nttend the futieral, and they wish to thank all for the aid rendered them In their sad bereavement. ! Dunsmuir News. 0 ur Counters and Shelves Are Fu dise priced at figures that surely mean a great saving. Very few items in cot ton material have advanced less than 80 per cent, while wool materials have advanced 100 to 150 per cent, and still we offer you the op portunity to buy here at the old prices. Notice Here the Savings Listed for This Week 8s8s8s8s8s8$8'S8s8$8?8&8888s8$8t 1 One Special Lot on Table ol Ladies' White 2 Undermuslins Comprising Corset Covers, Skirts, Night Gowns, s J Combination Suits, including articles regularly pric- J a ed from 85c to 1.25. Specially priced this ft a week OiC "8&&8$88s8s8s8t8$8&8s8&8i88888 Embroideries here at 25 per cent discount Crown Jewel 1 -lb clean white Cotton 35c Men's Work Sox of good grade, pair 10c Ladies' black and while Silk Gloves, pair 75c $1.00 Umbrellas here an special price 75c Beautiful all-linen Table Linen, yard 2.00 All-linen 72-inch Table Linen, yard 1.50 $3.00 Umbrellas here at special price 2.25 Men's Porosknit Union Suits, here at 60c Men's B.V.D. style Union Suits, all sizes, at 65c Ladies' Tan Oxfords, sizes 2 to A, price 98c Ladies' La France Ho.e, nearly all colors 1.25 Men's short and long sleeve Chalmers Union Suits 1.00 Beautiful quality Meadowbrook White Goods, yd 50c All-wool Gray, Red, Tan Wool Flannels, yard 75c White Wool Suitings and Skirtings, yard ..1.25 to 1.75 All widths in Linens at former old prices. g8$8$8$8$88$8$8S88$88&8S8S838: Our Shoe Department Offers a saving in price and better quality to every woman, man, boy and child. Your money will earn from 100 to 200 per cent by buying an extra pair now -8 38388S8&8&88$8$8$8S8&8$8S88$U Dress Ginghams of beet quality, yard 15c and 18c Yard-wide fast color Belmont Percales, yard 15c Boy's Porosknit Union Suits, here at each 25c One table odds and ends of Ladies' Shoes, pair 2.50 Splendid quality Bed Spreads.. 3.50 to 5.00 30-inch Georgette Crepe, here at 1.69 30-inch All-wool Plaids, fast color, yaid 75c Athena Union Suits, lisle thread, each 1.00 Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, each 43c Men's Dreadnaught Work Shirts, each .75c Irish Poplins, fine finish, fast color, yard 40c Galatea, best grade, fast color, yard 25c Sorosis medium height high shoes, pair 4.50 Sorosis Ladies' Oxfords and Pumps, special 2.50 Knox Knit Ladies' and Men's Hose, white or blk pr 30c Moneyback Silk Taffeta, guaranteed, yard 2.00 858888884888f LOT No. 2- I Of Ladies' Undermuslins in finest material made up a in Corset Covers, Underskirts, Night Gowns, Com a bination Suits; including articles regularly priced from 1 25 to 1.05. Specially priced this (Qn 8 J week UOC J 888888g88888888$888 8&88$8?8$8$8 8 H Hm8tttRtt8tsnn.n:t8m88888! Buy a Liberty Bond. Help Make the Issue a Success The Store of Quality VMJPEL9 The Store ol Qaality The New Butter ick Fashions for July are Now on Sale i