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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1917)
n'lr ii IT intii iin ftni It I -V irtnnfmnnintf r-riin'MHiirtinwnH Monday, June 11, 1017 ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE Timi 8 It a This Paae Is Jackson ket Place For Both Buyer -and Seller. Thirty words one month $1.00. tfia8aaaaBasa$asasa$w8&aa Classified Rates: One cent per word, first Insertion; H cent per word lor each Insertion thereafter; 30 words or less $1 per month. No advertise Hent Inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified adg are cash with order axcept to parties having ledger accounts with tbe office. PItOFFSSIONAT,. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and urgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurlst for S. P. R. R. Offices. M. F. and H. B!dg., opposite postoff'ce, Medford, Ore. Phone 567. il-tf O. B. WATSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Consulting and General Practice. Pioneer Building. Of fice with E. D. Brlggs. Ashland, Ore. DR. ERNEST A. WOOD Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office hours, 10 to II And 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Ore. 73-tf, CHAIR DOCTOR R. H Stanley, ei - pert furniture repairer and up holsterer. Carpets beat, relald and Tepalred, bedsprlngs restretched, chairs wired, rubber tires for baby tuggies, window cleaning, bouse cleaning, and furniture packing done expertly. Call at 886 A street or phone 403-R. 91-tf GEO. T. WATSON, Painter and Pa perhanger. Phone 202-R. 166 Ohio street. 40-tf CONTRACTING AND BUILDING Frank Jordan, general contracting. New and old work; cement walks, cemetery copings, brick, cement, woodwork, lathing and plastering, cobblestone and general building contracts. -tf MISCELLANEOrS BILL POSTER Will Stennett, 116 Factory St. Bill posting and dis tributing. 64"tf CHAUTAUQUA PARK CLUB. Regu lar meetings first and third Fri days of each month at 2:30 p. m. . Mrs S. Patterson. Pres.; Mrs. Jen nie Faucett Greer. Sec. CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB. The regular meeting of the club will be held on the second and '""ft" Tuesdays of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Auxiliary Hall. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE OR TRADE City proper ty on Main street, six blocks from center of town; lot 75 feet front by 342 feet deep; modern nine-room house, barn and sheds; fino garden. Medford, Ore. What have you? For particulars call at Tidings of fice. 83"" FOR SALE OR TRADE $7,500 equity in $13,000 stock ranch con taining 4S0 acres, located ten m es from Klamath Falls and four miles ... ii.. ctrnhnrn railroad rronj me nev -now building. Will sell on easy terms or will trade for unencum bered Rogue River Valley acreage. Address Owner, care Tidings TO EXCHANGE FOR "EXCHANGE, REAL ESTATE FOR GOOD HORSE Hundreds of people have things they don t need. Somebody needs what you have and don't need. A for exchange ad here would be ready by nearly four thousand people every issue Some tody among them would want what you don't need and would W -a fair price for it. A little in vested in an Exchange ad will cash your old Junk that will otherwise rust out. Thirty words one full month. $1. You read this ad Others would have read yours if you had It here. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE, clPOnTstudebak er five-passenger automobile, one 50-gal. gasoline tank, one army saddle, all in good condition. Call at 678 Boulevard, phone .Jb-K. XvOaH1v THE CAR YOU NO LONGER NEED, If st'll valuable, may be made a "liquid asset," quickly convertible Into Its cash value, through classi fied advertising. If your offer is "right" you will find your buyer quickly. FOR SALE Five-passenger touring car In first-class shape; fully equipped with electric generator and storage battery, shock absorb ers, electric lights, etc. $300 buys It If sold at once. E. V. Jones Gar- i7i.n Mntn atreet. o-ll age, ejus". USED CARS FOR SALE Ford, Overland, Cadillac, Auburn, Mich -gan. Overland Garage, G. E. Mill ner, Prop. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Fifty head of ewes Phone 12-F-22, Talent. 2-5t' FOR SALE A well-mated team, In size and color; weight 1.600 each, age between three and four; well broke. L. B. Sander, Nevada street, foot of Helman street, Ash land. 5'8t WANTFD WANTED Infants and children to board, inquire 366 Bstreet. 66-tf WANTED Work by man and team. 143 Garfield street. 4-41 . WANTED Waitresses and kitchen help at Hotel Austin for Roundup week. 4'" WANTED The use of a plane . for the storage. No children. , Address 129 Granite, phone 259-J. o-ti 8 County's Great Mar FOR RENT YOU SEE THIS FOR RENT AD Did It ever occur to you that If you see this, others, would see your ad if it was here, and likely rent your vacant house? It costs thirty words one month, $1. If FOR RENT WELL-FURNISHED FOUR-ROOM MODERN BUNGA LOW. The houso is six rooms and will rent four of them to right party. Bath, pantry, hall, screened porch and large roomy front porch; one bedroom 12x12, with bed, dresBcr and table complete; living room with piano, leather couch, l'brary table, two latest style leath er rockers, and velvet carpet; din ing room 13x17, stove, table, chairs, builti in buffet and Axmlns ter carpet; kitchen, all modern, hot and cold water, best grade bath tub; electric lights in house and porch. Would rather have no chil dren, but would consider one child. All complete for the summer at $20 per month. Inquire at Tid ings office ' 100-tf FOR RENT R!x-room cottage, mod ern conveniences, fruit, close lu. See Minklcr, 240 C street. 102-tf FOR RENT Newly furnished apart ments, close in. Hot and cold wa ter, bath, electric lights and gas. Rent reasonable. 63 North Main. Also a few snaps In residence prop erty. Mrs. S. L. Allen. 104-lmo. WALL Sc D'WITT'8 Reliable, Competent Drivers Trlpi Anywhere TAX Office Phone 148 Res. 166 SERVICE Stand at Cooke & DeWitt's Cigar Store, FOR RENT FOUR-ROOM FUR NISHED HOUSE. Modern, well furnished and close In. Rent $20, Including light and water. Inquire at Tidings office. l-8t DON'T BE STUNNED by the loss of a tenant. Such a loss Is a part of the property owner's risk. It does not often come at a "favorable time." No mishap ever does. Take the sting and most of the money los3 out of the Incident by a quick and effective campaign of classified advertising. FOR RENT Four-room modern fur nished flat. Sleeping porch. Close in. $9.50 per month. Phone 317-J. 5-tf FOR RENT Partly furnished seven room houso with garage. Call Mrs. D. Perozzi, 88 Granite. Phone 420-Y. 5 2t FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing apartment, also garage. 129 Granite street. 5-3t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE RANCHES FOR SALE 19.27 acres, in crop, all tillable, rented at pres ent time; 16.09 acrej of virgin ground, most all tillable, good quality; 21.24 acres, part of which has been tilled, all can be with some work; 6 acres facing a good lane, all tillable; 5 acres, all tilla ble, black land; 10.14 acres select ed from 1.100 acre tract, all tilla ble; 22 acres fenced on three sides, good land on a sloping hill; 19.90 acres, county road at end, black land, some loose stones; 28.74 acres, most all tillable, no trees to move, level ground; 10 acres with county road running through It, 5 acres choicest land; 31.16 acres with two-story house, barn, wood shed, hay scales and 8 acres in al falfa, running water until July. The above tracts are suitable for . farming or fruit raising, and the prices are right, without any Infla tion, by a party who has been In the valley and connected with land values the past fifty years. For prices and display, call on G. 8. Butler, 41 Granite street, Ashland, Ore. 102-lmo. FOR SALeTaT A BARGAIN Will sell at private sale to the highest bidder my Ashland, Ore,, holdings. Eight good lots opposite the East Side school, corner Boulevard and Sherman, in Chumos subdivision, McCall's addition, and a corner lot with two houses at Rock and Nurs ery streets, Coolldge addition. Bids will be received by myself at Hotel Ashland, between June 12 to 14, 1917. Prof. Chumos, 312 Ful ton street, Seattle, Wash. 4-8t YOU NEEDN'T BE A WIZARD at ad vertising in order to be able to change vacant, property Into ten anted and Income earning property. Just to know the A B C of adver tising Is enough to know how to tell your story clearly and fully, and to keep telling It until the right perosn has been reached. FOR SALE A BIG REAL ESTATE SNAP If your advertisement was here somedy else would be reading It, and If the bargain was attrac tive enough would buy that lot yoj wish to sell. It pays to let people know what you have to sell, and ' the cost of advertising Is small. Th'rty words one full month for $1. it Poultry, Pigeons, Birds, Etc. FOR SALE 24 Tancred strain White Leghorn chicks. Phone 291-R. 5-2t FOR SALE FURNITURE FOR SALE Household furniture, rugs, dining room furniture, etc. Address 129 Granite, phone 259-J. 3-2t silent Miss Mae Skeen of Ashland has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Peter Spencer. Mrs. Chester Wolters is visiting with friends and relatives in Ashland this week. Mrs. Reed of Ashland was In Tal ent over Sunday. Mrs. Arthur J. Rose and little son, Courtland, have been visiting her father and brother in Yreka for the past week, and returned horn 3 Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dillard spont Saturday evening In Medford. .Mr. Welborn Beeson of Talent has been In northern California the past week on business. Mr. John Budgeon has been on the sick list the past week. Mr. Elton Beeaon Is lu California on business. John Hopkins, son of Mrs. James Baker, left Sunday morning for Marysville, Cal.. where he will spend the summer. His grandmother, Mrs. Hearing, went as far as Ashland with him. Mr. Henry Pace was In Medford on Sunday. Mr. Orlie Powers of Talent was In Ashland funday afternoon. Mr. Lawrence Crawford was In Ashland on Sunday. Miss Hanscomb of Jacksonville was visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Galhraith, on Sunday. Mr. Levi Stagg has disposed of his Ford and purchased a Saxon Six. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer were visiting in Ashland Sunday afternoon. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE CHEAP One Canton ditcher. Heavy, with mould to throw dirt both ways. For heavy ditch work llko irrigation or pipe ditch. Inqulro at tho Tidings of flce. 94 tf FOR SALE CHEAP One Heavy pick plow, suitable for heavy rock ditch ing. Inqulro at the Tidings office. 94-tf FOR SALE Completed Judgment against Jackson county for $818.33. Draws Interest at tho rate of 6per cent per annum from March 31, 1917. Will tako par for it. Will be paid, first half April, 1918, last half October, 1918. Ashland Print ing Company, at Tidings office. 100-tf OLD PAPERS FOR SALE at the Tid ings office. Twenty-five for 6 cents. 102 tf FOR SALE Dyke's course automo bile, complete with working mod els, $6. Medford house and lot, clear, to trade for Ashland clear. .32 calibre Special Winchester rifle, Lyman peep, $12. 71 North Main, Ashland. 2-8t LEfiAL NOTICES. ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSAL TO CONSTRUCT SEWER ON LIN COLN STREET FROM EAST MAIN TO IOWA STREET Re corder's Office, Ashland, Ore., June 5, 1917. Sealed proposals will be received by the City Council of the City of Ashland. Oregon, until 5:00 p. m. Tuesday, June 19, 1917, at the Re corder's office in tho City Hall, and will be opened and considered by the Council on tho same day at 8:00 p. m., for the construction and Installing a sewer on Lincoln street, and for the furnishing of all material therefor5. Said sewer to begin at the Inter section of Lincoln street, thence south on Lincoln street to the In tersection of Iowa street, and the whole cost Incurred In the con struction and Installation of said sewer and all expenses Incident thereto bo paid by special assess ment and lovy on the property specially benefited thereby in pro portion to the respective benefits thereto, and to be built according to the plans r.nd specifications on file in tho office of the City En gineer. All bids must be addressed to the City Recorder and marked "Proposal to construct Lincoln street sewer," and a certified check for 2 per cent of the amount of the bid must accompany same. Tho Common Council of the City of Ashland, Oregon, reserves the right to reject any r.nd all bids. Date of flret publication, June 7, 1917. JOHN B. WIMER, -5-2t City Recorder. ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSAL TO CONSTRUCT COOLIDGE AD DITION EXTENSION TO SEWER DISTRICT NO. 16. Recorder's Of fice, Ashland, Ore,. June 5, 1917. Sealed proposals will be received by the City Council of the City of Ashland, Oregon, until 6:00 p. m. Tuesday, Juno 19, 1917, at the Recorder's office In the City Hall, and will be opened and considered by the Council on tho same day at 8:00 p. m., for the construction and Installing of a sewer In Cool ldge Addition, and the furnishing of all material therefor. Said sewer to begin at the Inter section of Maplo and North Main streets, thence west on Maple street to the Intersection of Maple and Rock streets, thenco nonth on Rock street to tho middle of Block 36, thence went through the middle of Block 36 to Woolen street, and tho whole cost Incurred In the con struction and inntallation of said sewer and all expenses incident thereto be paid by special assess ment and lovy on the property specially h"pfftd thereby In pro portion to the respective benefits thereto, and to be built according Ridings I Mr. and Mrs. Devore and family of j MeJford were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baker on Sunday. 1 Mrs Zldor and little daughter .spent Sunday In Ashland. Miss Belle French was in Talent j Sunday fi-om Phoenix, j Mr. Connie Clark spent, the day In j Ashland on (Sunday. I Mr and Mrs. Edward Pierce, Med j ford florists, were in Talent on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Dennis were In Ash land Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Glelm and son Harry were n Ashland Sunday. Mr. Ava Holt spent the evening in Ashland Sunday. Mr. Henry Pace was In Ashland Sunday evening. Mr. George Ross, Jr., spent Monday morning In Ashland. Mr. Adamson was In Medford Mon day afternoon on business. Mr. Arthur J. Rose was attending to business in Medford Monday after noon. Mrs. Frank Dillard was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Manning, Sunday. Mr. Frank Dillard and Mr. Robin son made a trip to Hyatt Prairie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pellett of Ash land spent the day in Talent on Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. John Beeson and fam ily spent the day In Ashland, Sunday. Mrs. Zlders and little daughter were shopping In Ashland on Tues day nwrnlng. Mr. Barnes was In Mpdford on business Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Herman Powell was In Talent Wednesday on business. Miss Hanscomb of Jacksonville has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. George Galhraith, for a few days. Mr. Ava Holt spent Wednesday evening In Medford. Miss Alice Vandersluis, who has been attending school In Eugene. Is spedlng a few days with friends in Medford and Talent. Mr. Orlie Powers was In Medford on business Wednesday morning. Mr. Chester Wolters was in Med ford on business Wednesday morning. Mrs. Frank Rose and children were visiting In Ashland on Wednesday. Tha . Yeoman lodge entertained with a supper and dance Tuesday evening. Thirty Yeomen came up from Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Vandersluis of Gren ada are expecting to visit with friends In Medford and Talent next Sunday. Mrs. Lewis Brown and children spent Wednesday afternoon In Med ford. Mr. Marlon Tryer was a business caller In Medford on Wednesday. Mr Carter of Ashland is visiting his son, Georee Carter, and family. Mrs. E. B. Adamson and sister were shopping In Ashland on Wednesday. to the plana and specifications on file In the office of the City En gineer1. All bids must be addressed to the City Recorder, and marked "Proposal to construct Coolldge Addition extension to Sewer Dis trict No. 16," and a certified check for 2 por cent of the amount of the bid muit accompany same. The Common Council of the City of Ashland, Oregon, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dato of first publication, June 7, 1917. JOHN B. WIMER, 5-2t City Recorder. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of Oregon, in and for Jackson County. Jennie L. Logan, Plaintiff, vs. Wil liam J. Logan, Defendant, suit for divorce. To William J. Logan, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff In the above entitled court, now on file with the clerk of the said court, within ton days from the date of the service of this summons upon you, if served in Jackson County, Oregon; but If served In any other county of the State of Oregon, then within twen ty days from the date of the serv ice of the summons upon you; or if personally served upon you out of tho State of Oregon, then with in six weeks after the date of such service; and If served by publica tion thoreof, then within six weeks from the dat of the first publica tion; and you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and an swer said complaint, as hereby re quired, the plaintiff will apply to the court; for the relief prayed for In said complaint, to-wit: For a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and said plaintiff. Under and by virtue of an order made by the Hon. F. M. Calkins, a Judge of said court, dated the 2nd day of June, A. D 1917, this summons is served on the defend: ant by publication thereof for six weeks In the Ashland Tidings, a weekly newspaper printed and pub lished at Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, and the defendant by said order Is required to appear and an swer within six weeks from the date of tho first publication there of. Date of first publication, June 4,1917. C. B. WATSON, 4-7t-Mon, Attorney for Plaintiff. PC Talent Box & Lumber Go. Box Shook of all kind to order. llllllll iftlVi'ij Mrs. Marlon Tryer was an Ashland caller on Thursday. Mrs. Burgan was visiting In Ash land Thursday afternoon. Mr. Earl Beeson was In Medford Wednesday evening. Mr. Charles Brown of the Talent Drug Company was In Medford Wed nesday. Barney Selman and Lloyd Lamb at tended the carnival In Medford Wed nesday night. Mr. Powers and family attended the cnrnlval in Medford Wednesdny night. Mrs. Frank Dillard and Mrs. Arthur Rose spent Wednesday evening In Medford. Mrs. Elizabeth Beeson wns visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oatman of Medford on Wednesday. Mr. Arthur J. Rose was In Medford on Thursday. Mr. George Ross has purchased a Ford car. ' Mrs. Anderson was shopping In Ashland on Friday. Mrs. George Morse was visiting her mother In Ashland on Friday. Mr. Edwin Keith has been suffer ing from an attack of rheumatism for several days, but Is able to get around now. Misses Helen and Marjory Ander son spent Friday afternoon in Med ford. Mr. R. J. Luke of Frederick was In Talent on Friday. Miss Alice Vandersluis came up' from Medford Friday and spent tho day with Mrs. Burgan. Chester Wolters has purchased a Ford car. Mrs. E. B. Adamson was In Med ford on business Friday. Mrs. Frame was shopping in Med ford on Friday. Miss Andree was shopping In Med ford Friday morning. Mr. Herman Powell was In from the ranch Friday. Miss Constance Ames came up from Medford Thursday evening. Mr. D. Hale was In from his ranch Friday, attending to business. Mrs. Hold-ldge was shopping In Ashland on Friday. Mrs. King of Frederick was In town on Thursday. Mrs. Frank Rose was shopping In Medford, Friday. Mrs. J. J. Fuller was visiting friends in Ashland on Friday. WHY IT SUCCEEDS. Because It's For One Thing Only, and ANliliind IVopIo Appreciate This. Nothing can be good for everything. Doing one thing well brings suc cess. Doan's Kidney Tills are for one thing only. For weak or disordered kidneys. Here Is Ashland evidence to prove their worth. Mrs". J. Galhraith, 136 Sherman street, Ashland, says: "Five years ago my kidneys were In a had way. My back felt weak and lame and I was tired and languid all the time. Finally I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills and they helped me wonderfully. They regulated my kidneys and since then I have always used Doan's Kld nov Ptlla u-lien I have felt mv kldnevs needed attention. They have always done me good." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Donn's Kidney rills the same that Mrs. Galhraith uses. Foster Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Phone news Items to Vie Tiding! Cleanliness, Personal Attention and Courtesy Combined lo Make the Eagle Meat Market Popular INSPECT ourmarHel and your confi dence will be behind the pleasure of eating' our meats. The Knowledge of cleanliness and a sanitary work L. Schwcin Pure flilk Pure Cream Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, Proprietor Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser vice to Any Part of Town 3D Patronize home industry, y 3d I Forest Service Buys New Lookout Houses District Forestor George II. Cecil of Portland has Just placed an orderi with the Mill Made Construction Com pany of Portland for ready-cut ma terial for three standard lookout houses to be erected at the summits of Mt. McLoughlln, Diamond Peak and Rustler peak on the Crater na tional forest, In July. These houses are twelve feet squaro with a cupola six feet square. Both, cupola and main part of the building have windows running all the way around. Tho lower part of the houso Is the lookout man's living quarters, while the cupola contains the Osborne fire finder, maps and other lookout equipment. The success In quickly discovering forest fires from lookouts stationed on Mount Hood and other high peaks has turned the attention of foresters to this form of fire protection work. Besides the three houses to ba erected on the Crater forest this sea son, lookout houses will also be placed on several other prominent peaks in Oregon and Washington. Material for a house on St. Helens on the Columbia national forest was tak en nearly to the summtl last fall, and will he set up as soon as it Is possible! to use tho Spirit Lake road. Mt. Adams, also on the Columbia forest, will have a lookout station on its summit this summer, as the ma terial Is all ready to bo transported up the mountain. This station will be nbout one thousand feet higher than the one on Mt. Hood, and will give protection to a large area of val uable timber. Bandon Cleaning and grading of the last six miles of the Bandon-Curry county eoaat road wns begun at an estimated cost of $40,000. Astoria Standard Oil Company to establish a distributing station cost- ng $150,000. Corvallls Contract let for a new college library, to cost $83,300. HOTEL MANX Powell St., at O'farrell San Francisco In the heart of the business, shopping and theatre district. r .i::ii..j tr-n tvatpr in pvprv room. RiJiJl ... , - ur commodious 4t lobby ,fineservice,and Homelike restaurant will attract vou. a m If hnj European Plan rates $I.C0 up. Managrnent W. D. J.imes fit' lhTVTrr.rr(rTr(:?tm ipt?.!,M,,,!!??1 Iff "$4'iSut3 "Nearest to lW. tifl? Everything" jj shop will aid your digestion. 81 N. Main Phone 107 TELEPHONE 444-R I