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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1917)
Thursday, Jane 7, 1917 FACE SIT ASHLAND TTOITfGS GETTING FUNNY. Judue (to wife bpntcr) flsty days, hnd I wish that 1 could give you morel Prisoner So do I, Judge. I see tbat you and I are similarly situated at toine.'-riillndcljilila liullettn. Never Answered. Hotel Visitor (coming from bath room) Here. I've been ringing for you lor ages. Clmnibenn.-ild Which bell, sir? Visitor The bell over the buth. Chmnbermuid-Oh, we pay no atten tion to that bell, sir. That's only put there In case any one feels fulnt. Lon flon Punch. He Told Her. Three fifty weighed pretty Hortcnse. She dressed up onu morning to fence. Said she to her beau, "How do I look, Joe?" And Joe inurely answered, "immense!" New Sork World. Chowder Chat "There nre said to be 215 varieties ef clams In existence." "That many account for the different kinds of clam chowder you get around Bt tlio various eating emporiums you go against." Louisville Courier-Jour-Bui. Jutt the Place For Him. "I thought youse was goln' to Join Be army?" "I was, but dry turned me down Vuuse I had water on do knee." "Why don't you try de uuvy?" St. Vouia 1'ost-Disputch. Joy In Trying. Do lot allow yourself to Just drift along through life. Set bei'oro you an aim, game real purpose. Cultivate hope and ftmbltlou to accomplish something. Do not be contented to let things hup nen: make things happen. Whatever your business or occupation aim to ex cel In It. Financial gain is nt all one gets from labor well performed, lour character is elevated and your mind in enlarged, and the satisfaction in hav ing done well is' the most red Joy. Don't be afraid to set your ulm nigh. Gild it Willi your highest ideals. Let the hope of Its uttuinment nerve your every act. Turn incidents and circum stances toward the attainment of your aim. If you have no aim you reach nowhere. A life without a purpose is a dreary thing, without real Joy. Sup pose you fall to reach the heights you have set as your standard; you will have gone higher than If you bad not striven. You will bo more useful; of more worth, than If you had not trior?. Milwaukee Journal. An Expert In Motives, Cousin Henry Is an expert In mo tives. If you were reading off a list of names and overlooked Henry he would understand. He would know exactly the motive that prompted you to do It. If you don't think to Intro duce him to the man who is with you ho can see f.iywgh It. He may have to go back four or five years, but he will make n complete ease against y m n less than an hour lie will know what your motive was. IMglit now he is nngry because bis daughter was not selected as valedictorian of her class. You may think that the oilier girl de served to lie selected, but you don't know nil that Henry knows. It la a ng story, but he Is willing to tell It to y.ou. and after hearing it you will understand the motive you will un-, dot-stand lhat it Is a case of spite work. Claude Callan in Fort Worth Siar- Telegram. How David Garrick Made Hit Foriuhe. If David Carrie!; had had no more than his salary as an actor lie would have had little to leave at his death. He made his fortune as Joint proprie tor, and for a time as sole proprietor, of Drury Lane theater, so that the amount set down to himself as salary was practically nominal. When he re tired from the stage In 1770 be sold half his share In the theater for 35,' 010. Ho was probably the only actor who consistently made Shakespeare pay, and, like Shakespeare, bo was actor, author and proprietor. It may bo recalled that Garrlck, who had no enemies outside his own pro fession, was the grandson of a French man exiled at the revocation of the edict of Nantes and that his father was a captain In the army. London Standard. Here and There Among Our Neighbors Dorrls Times The Dorrls cream ery Is handling a large business this year. About 1800 pounds of butter are weekly sent to wholesale houses. The orders amount to a considerable Lakevelw Examiner L, L. Young of the American Soda Products com pany, left yesterday for Paisley. He has been In Lakevlew for the past week working on the final proof of Her Fault. Visitor What brought you here? Prisoner I owe tny dowufall to a Rroniau. Visitor now was that, my poor uau? Prisoner She yelled for the police. Philadelphia Ixdger. Resemblance. "Tou said once 1 was like a flower," Quoth she, Inclined to weep. 1 Bay so Bt II I." her hub replied. "Flowers eliut up when they Bleep." -Exchange. Another Viewpoint. Clora I overheard Mr. Ulniberly say to a friend the other cveulug Uiut 1 !rns n pretty young lady. Maude Well, you are pretty young, but, of course, you are growing older neb day. Chicago News. Proper Method. Belle 1 don't believe he even thinks Of proposing. Peas Drlbe bis valet ne thinks of nothing unless Jacques suggests It Exchange. Eaey. Visitor What do you do with a sto ry that the editors reject us too Im probable? ' Dasher I turn It Into a scenario, add a few more Improbabilities and sell It to the niovies.--ruck. Gosh! A eallor returned from a cruise Was completely upset by the nulse That his wife did elojw With a iwddler of sope, And It somewhat unsettled his vulse. -Sprmtileld Union In the Vernacular. "This vaudeville performer actually walks on his ear.' " "Ilcmarkable! I didn't see anything bout his feat In the criticism of the how In today's paper." "Yes- And he got on h! ear about Uiaf-BInulughain Age UuroJd Woll Balanced Diet. One of the most common faults of H the diet Is the oatin of too much pro tein foods. In excess this is hard for the budy to excrete and is likely to de compile in the intestines with too formal Ion of poisonous waste prodifts. Green vegetables and raw fruit, ure luipcilant elements of the diet. There is little energy In these foods, but they supply mineral salts wli! h the budy needs and curious substances called vitamins, which are easily destroyed by cocking. One food expert has suggested a rale for securing n well balnm-cd diet. It Is: An ordinary family should spend about ns much for, tiillli, vegetables and-fruits as for meats, hVh mid eggs and as much for milk and eggs us for meat and fish. Follies of Science. The history of science has seven problems which men In nil ages more or less have tried to solve, but which have finally been given up by nil. To day they ure called follies. The usual list comprises the follow ing: First, sipiarlng the circle: second, duplication of the cube; third, trlsec tlon of an angle; fourth, perpetuul mo tion; fifth, transmutation of metal?; sixth, fixation of mercury; seventh, elixir of life. Some lists put the phi losopher's stone for the last three and then add astrology and magic to make the se.ven. Too Much For Him. "I thought be was going to marry that girl?" "Well, he did think of It. Hut It seems when he palled the other nijht she threw him down." "Well, If she's ns good as that nt wrestling I don't blame him for quit tliiK." St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Not That QUI. "I can't ted n canvasback duck from a barnyard specimen." 'Experts say you can tell by the bill." "How so? The bill for one Is al ways us high as t lie bill for tho other. That's what I'm kicking about" Louisville Courier-Journal. Just a Change In Words. Young Clerk Do you like to stniuV In front of the store and see the crowds go by? Old Mcichaut-Xo. but I like to stand In the back of our store and see the crowds coiue buy. Exchange. A Stic'ter. Ilowell Iiowell Is a man of tenacity. Powell Yes. If he were a dog and got a grip u your trmisers you would be perfectly safe in ordering a new pair. Pistols. Tlstols were invented at PistoJa. Italy, and were first used by English ravulrymen In Vii. Gold, like the sun. which melts wax and lic.idc is I;.. . i v grt .-t s.n.I and coiitia. a Lad huaiu.- Ilivuiol. more man mis nuraner dui me rarm- the claims of the company. There Is ers are unable to supply more cream, a total of 42 claims embracing C240 1 acres of land. Coos Bay Harbor Coos Bay lum- her companies are now paying Jhe An effort Is again being made to highest minimum wage on the Pacific recruit amachlne gun company at Coast. In fact, It Is the highest that Yrekn1. rninvM-nia nftfQ,i haB been paid in this part of the by the war department to Increase country. The minimum is now f 3.18 Its units In the national guard for a day. During the week a raise In federal service and this again opens wages was announced -by the North the opportunity for a company In Bend Mill & Lumber company, the this county. If a sufficient number Buehner Lumber company, and the 'of recruits can be secured the com Park Lumber company, of North pany will be mustered Into service Bend, and the C. A. Smith Lumber and attached to the California cav company of Marshfleld. This Is the airy. Each man enlisting will be re second raise In wages during the past ( quired to take the federal oath, few weeks. i . ' ' I The bungalow constructed byar- Dorris Times The county high ber & Co. on the Milne mine, near the school committee will soon visit Dor- mouth of Scott river, has excited the rls and select a location for the new 'wonder and admiration of everyone Junior high school building that an 'who has seen It. We understand that appropriation of $5,000 has been it will cost In the neighborhood of made for. The structure will be of $15,000, the architecture and work- concrete and will be an addition to manshlp being of the verv best. Sltu- the new buildings erected last year. jated on an elevation adjoining the county highway, It Is one of the pic Salera Journal Construction on turesque sights to strike the eve of the $00,000 wing to the receiving the wayfarer In that section, who at ward at the Oregon state hospital, flrst glance might Imagine himself the enlargement of the amusement jn some fabulous wonderland. It Is hall and dining room of the main said this company's placer holdings building was begun yesterday at the even with extensive operations, will hospital., A building for tubercular require 20 years to exhaust. Slskl patlents will be constructed at the y0u Standard, rear of the Infirmary which will be j 125 feet In length. Medford Sun One hundred thous and fruit cans were received yesten-) day by the RogueHIver Valley Can-j nlng company In one carload lot, cost ing more than $3000, or at a rate of more than three cents apiece. The 5 company Mail Clerk Is Charged With Theft A San Francisco dispatch of June says: "Elton D. Hocker, railway was fortunate In having mall clerk on the run between San filed the order early, otherwise It Francisco and Ashland, was arrested might not have been able to obtain here today by United States postal any cans for this season's fruits and Inspectors. A search of his room re vegetables, jvealed several thousand dollars' worth of Jewelry, according to Tnspec- Renewed activity by the Southern tor Stephen M. Morse, who said that Pacific In the proposed line down Hocker had been under surveillance the coast from Coos Bay to Hum- for some time." holt, California, is reported. People ' Mr. Hocker is a bright and capable coming up from Port Orford talk young man, known to a number ofi about the engineers being at work people of Ashland, having run Into In that vicinity, while we If am that the city for several years. He was Commissioner G; J. Armstrong and one of the eight selected for the new other Bandon people have been re- Ashland-Gerber route and was to celving payment for right--cf -way have taken up his residence In this through their lots In that city. The city the 15th of this month, route talked of now Is frcm Beaver ! ' ' Quick Acceleration That's the medium boiling points in Red Crown the middle links of the continuous chain low boiling points for easy starting, medium boiling points for quick and smooth acceleration, high boiling points for power and mileage. RID CROWN ie Gasoline of Qualify fs a product of straight distillation, a real refinery gasoline not a mixture having the correct boiling points in a continuous unbroken chain. Be sure and get Red Crown. At dealers everywhere and Standard Service Stations. STANDARD OIL COMPANY High Bc-indrrlf fer power r U II r cdru ?(M f i lor ouick and smooth I Acceleration. ! 'CALIFORNIA, ci I low Doling for easy stani Poinfr "6" nmns-mmtiffim Hill Junction across to F.een Mile creek, down the Bullard.t tnd then across the Coqnllle to a depo; op the old woolen mill site at Banooti. Co quille Sentinel. The preliminary survey for the 1m- May Close State Farm Loan Office On account of the fact that many of the leading banks of the state provement of Myrtle Polnt-Roseburg have refused t0 take out farm ,oan road, mnd.e by the state highway com- j bonda offored by the gtate ,and 1)0ard mission under the direction of En-, and aa a resul1. of tne offer of tn9 gineer Kelley, has been completed, ' gtate bankfJ t0 take up the loan8 only and practically an entire new road , ,1BOi000 worth of bonds have been has been located, according to the(taken by nlne bankg lt ,a probable Roseburg Review. that tho state land board wlll close I up the farm land loan proposition Klamath Herald The elk obtain-'jor a jjme ed for Klamath county last February i M by the Klamath Falls Sportsmen league were to be turned Into the new 50 or 60 acre range secured from the government by local sport men today. Ashland Favored By Rain Clouds Ashland rainfall during the month of May exceeded that of any other part of the valley, according to the records compiled by the county's pathologist, C. C. Cate. The rainfall record at various points was as fol lows: Inches. Holloway orchard 1.31 Hlllcrest orchard 1.35 Modoc orchard 1.09 Foothills orchard 1.17 Experiment station 1.65 Hall 1.24 Aloha ranch 1.17 Gardner's ranch 1.3 Newhall orchard . . . . 1.18 Ashland , 2.31 Jacksonville 1.09 Orchard Home 0.94 Medford 1.01 On account of the fact that the law provides that the chairman ot the state lime board shall be one of the appointed members, the selec tion of Warden Murphy at the recent meeting of that board Is void as he Is only an ex-officlo member. At the meeting of the hoard at Gold Hill a new chairman wlll be selected. The board meets at Gold Hill this week to examine the lime deposits on the Beeman property. Benton Bowers of Ashland Is an appointed member of the board. 8 I Phone news Items to the Tidings. OUR LUNGS Ml DELIGA TE Overwork, lack of fresh air, mental strain or any sickness disturbs their functions. Stubborn coughs tear and wear the sensitive lung tissues. y should be taken promptly for hard coughs, unyielding colds, or when strength is lowered from any cause. Its high nutritive value creates resistive force to ward off sick ness. The rich cod liver oil improves the quality of the blood to relieve the cold and the glycerine is soothing and healing to the lung tissues. Refuse Alcoholic Substitutes Which Exclude the Oil. f 3 Dackacho Just Like a Toothache ! Dear Mr. Editor Sometime ago I hnd backache very bad ; it would ache just like a toothache. 1 tried a new discovery of Doctor Pierce's, called "Anuric." This is for kidneva and backache. I soon felt relieved of all backache and had no more pain, and I hope others troubled in the same way will try this wonderful new remedy. Yours sincerely, Mrs. Lincoln Stearns. Note: It is now asserted with con fidence that those painful effects due to Uric acid In tho system aro entirely eradi cated. A now remedy, called "Anuric," has bean dlxvered by Dr. Pierre, and is the causa of a drntnaijo outward of the uric acid with which it comes In contact within tho body. It will ward oil back Echo, headache, nd tho darting pains and achos of articular or muscular rheuma tismof thoso diseases which are caused by too much uric acid, such as gout, asthma, sciatica, ronal calculus. "An uric" prolongs life because old peoplo usu ally suller from hardening and thickening of tho walls of tho arteries, due to tho ex cess of uric acid in the blood and tissues. l'r. Pierce, who is director and chief ghysician at the Invalids' Hotel and urgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has boon testing this wonderful medicine for the rolief. f over-worked and weakened kidneys. Tho relief obtained by sufferers has been so satisfactory that he deter mined to place "Anuric" with theprin clpal druggists In town whoro people could r;ot this roady-to-uso medicine. "Anuric" Is not harmful or poisonous, but aids nature In throwing off those poisons within the body which cause so much suffering, pain and misery. Scien tists assert tliis remedy Is 37 times more potent than lithla. t or uiauoies ana isrignt's Disease this ; remedy Is building up a reputation as good as Dr. Pierce's other well-known medicines which have boen proven rell- able during nearly lifty years, such as Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription ! for the Ills of women, Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, tho liver regulator, and Doctor Ilerco's Uoldcu Modlwil Discovery lot red blood, 3 ) Pa ebra tio Eleventh Annual iose r esnva and triotk Ce at Portland, Oregon June 15, 14, 15, '17 This annual event will be one of the greatest patriotic celebrations ever held iu the Pacific Northwest. Come, jon in and return home a happier and truer American Low Round Trip Fares On Sale June 12, 13, 14. ' Relurn Limit June 18lh Ask your local agent for information John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. Southern Pacific Lines Have you bought your Liberty Bonds?