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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1917)
Tliurwluy, June 7, lftlT A8ITLAYD TmrVOS PAGE FITS LOCAL AND PERSONAL nimimmmntmiimimmimtmmasm II. S. Sanford, Jr., came over from Treka to register in the war census. J. A. Lemery left Monday for Dor ris, Cal., where he has opened a law office. Benjamin F. Bingham of Ashland has joined the marine corps and went to Portland Monday. Marlon Millor is here from Los Angeles to spend the summer with his father, J. V. Miller. White Keds or tennis shoes for fl, $1.90 and $2.25 a pair, any size, at Mitchell & Whittle's. Order your gooseberries now from O. M. Frost, the Oregonlan man. 4-3t Mrs. L. B. Wlckersham of Portland and Miss Bernlce Umphlette of Glen dale are visiting at the home of their sister,. Mrs. J. B. Wlmcr. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Callahan are the proud parents of a fine baby son vho was born Tuesday, June 5. The boy has been named John Francis. 0. Mcintosh, who lives near Grants Pass, passed through this city the Jlrst of the week, going to California on "business connected with mining. Miss Ora Patrick is home from Los Angels for a visit. She holds a fine position as instructress for the chil dren of a wealthy family of that city. Erlck Carlson, who has been con nected with the Siskiyou Copper Com pany for a long time, came over from Hilt Tuesday to attend to business natters. 9 Vu T?f-' 7 Yinlng Theatre, Saturday Night, June Oth. THE y)CITIZENStk W BANK OF ASH LAND flffer the War Tlie war in Europe may last a long time no one knows. But after the war, will VOL" lw hotter off than you are today? Save your spare money and put it to work at in-U-rest with us. J4-7oVN DEPOSITS Misses Hazel Bruner and Hazel Dalzell, who have been teaching school the past year, are home for the summer. Fred Engle and wife and his mothr er and Mrs. C. F1. Shepherd drove to Wilbur, beyond Roseburg, Sunday and visited his uncle, G. W. Grubb, until Tuesday. George Standard, Jr., is thinning sugar beets down the valley and says it beats all how many dead beets there are In a field when he gets through with it. Born to tho wife of Rev. D. Ed wards on Monday, a ten-pound boy. Mother and child dolns nicely and Papa Edwards 13 looking quite proud of his preacher boy. At the Methodl3t church Wednes day evening Mrs1. Fred Engle gave a report of the state Sunday school con vention recently held at Xewberg, at which she was a delegate Attornev C. C. Page of Long Beach, Cal., formerlv of Ashland, was here cn business tho past week. Years ago he and Hal McN'alr were in the gov ernment employ together at Juneau, Alaska. C. E. Johnson, pastor of the First Brethren church, was ill last week and unable to hold services at the church Sunday, but is now on his feet again and will conduct the services next Sunday. C. S. Smith, who has been working with the Boy Scouts at Pittsburg, Pa., for several years past, passed through Ashlnnd Tuesday en route to California for a trip In the mountains during the summer months. Mrs. J. H. Swaggart, accompanied by her daughter Miss Muriel and son j Hugh, took train 15 for southern Cal- ifornla Monday evening in response to j a telegram, tolling her of the critical illness of her aged father. Miss Susanne Homes leaves Sun day for Corvallis, where she will take i a course in domestic science and art at Oregon Agricultural College. Next fall she will have charge of this de partment In the Phoenix schools. It will pay to lay aside your home tasks long enough to attend the White sewing machine demonstra tions next to Plel's, store this week. Fine embroidery, hemstitching and the short way to sewing success will ha shown. -2t For the June Bride Cut Glass Iland-Paintcd China Sterling Silver Toilet Ware Parisian Ivory All elegant pieces, 35c to $12 each -Get it at- Poleys Drug Store I'oley It-inarc, uruKKum. Ladles' man-tailored sport shirt waists In pink, blue and tan at $1.25, also white with fancy silk collar and pocket, at $2 each. Mitchell & Whit tle. Ladles should not miss the White sewing machine demonstrations next to Plel's store this week. Latest methods of short cut, time-saving sewing demonstrated. 4-2t Albert, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Glendennlng, has gone to Wisconsin to spenathe summer with his grandparents. He has to change cars three times en route, quite a brave undertaking for so young a lad. James Mattingly Is contemplating a move to. a lower altitude. He has been critically ill the past two weeks and doctors consider the move neces sary. Mr. Mattingly is colonel of the Southern Oregn Veteran Association. Amy Stannard and Evelyn Merrill, who have been attending the Califor nia state university at Berkeley, are home for their summer vacation. Miss Merrill expects in about two weekB to return to Berkeley for sum mer school. Mrs. Owen McKcudree and children of Berkeley, Cal., are visiting her mother, Mrs. L. D. Klum, on the Boulevard. They will spend the sm- mpr in enatprn Oregon with Mr. Ma Leslie Harris employed as clerk In McNalr's drug store. Jim Potter has gone to Portland for an Indefinite stay. Ed Nolan and John Potter of Yreka are visiting In this city. Mrs. Frank Mee left Sunday for Newport where she will visit her sister. Mrs. Jack Lilly of Weed, was In Ashland last week to receive medi cal treatment. .1. V. Wright and family and J. A. Bish and wife were Grants Pass visi tors Monday. Heal good grade of blue serge three-piece suits for men at $15, $20 and $.'2.50 at Mitchell & Whittle's. Miss Prlcllla Carnahan expects to tench this winter In the Pilot Rock district east of town. W. A. Cooper went to Dead Indian the first of the week to inspect their camping place for the summer. Miss Waive Jacobs of Klamath Falls Is here for a visit of indefinite leneth with Mrs. H. G. Enders, Jr. Kxtra pood grade of the olive drab or khaki whipcord two-piece suits for TTTTTtTtT Why Not Give the Family the Assurance That they will be cared for bevond all doubt in case t t the M. ..... you were taken, by having your life insured today? Isn't your ability to earn money worth insuring? That is by far your most valuable asset. A policy in ! ; Mutual Lile of New York 1 will enable you to protect that asset as you protect all ; ; other property. Nothing better in life insurance. ; ', Billings Agency Phone 211 41 East Main Street : ; All Kinds of Good Insurance : : Chester Hasklns, with his wife and daughter, motored over from Merrill in a new auto recently, returning Monday, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. J. W. Hasklns, and Miss Alta Morton. Miss Morton will visit her sister, Mrs. Luther Hasklns, of Mer- ! rill. Clem Summers, a graduate of the local high school class of 1916, and who has Just completed a successful semester at the Oregon Agricultural College, returned home last week. He will spend a few weeks' visit at home prior to entering some department of military work. Miss Jes3io Hathaway leaves this week for Salem to take up rescue mission work for girls. Miss Hatha way is a trained nurse and has done a great deal of homo missionary work In Ashland and nlad for the Salvation Army In San Francisco. She will be a power for good In her new field of labor. Clyde C.' Brlggs. formerly of Ash land, has traded for a stock of stoves, hardware, furniture and household goods in Bend and Is entering busi ness there. He has been located on a homestead ranch near Fleetwood, In mon and young men at $5 a suit. Mitchell & Whittle. Robert Peachey has finished his school work at Jacksonville and was In this city recently visiting his par ents on Lincoln street. Miss Margaret Hodgson Is home from Oregon Agricultural college, and Is clerking In McGee's store dur ing the summer vacation. Mrs. Frank Porter went to Duns mulr Monday to visit her husband whose railroad work keeps him in ; California most of the time. j The familiar figures of the Martin ! brothers. Ed and John, are again In evidence here, they having return ed from a month's stay In Portland. Prof, and Mrs. A. C. Crews have arrived from Hood River where Mr. , Crews held a position with the city , schools the past year. Mr. Crews will Lake county, for several years and attend summer school at Eugene, the retains possession of the ranch, family remaining here. I garl Fraley returned home from Harry Grubb, whose first enlist- Taft, California, Sunday, where he ment In the Ashland National Guard has been teaching in the high school, company dates back ten years, rein- and is vlnltlng his parents, Mr. and listed Monday evening. Larkln Mrs. C. W'. Fraley of Mountain av r.rnhii received his discharge on ac-'enue at present. Mr. Fraley Intends count of having dependants. Dorris Times J. A. Lemery, the mer iu easieiu uns " - . , . . t.0 j attorney of Dorris. went 10 Asnianu . inur week to trv a case In the courts herds there. CQuntyi and t0 pack h(8 i,.-ren and family morrow evening for a ten days' trip I teaching In California next year, hav ing won many friends at Taft where W. L. Melllnger passed through Ashland Monday en route to Grants Pass where he spoke Monday after noon and evening. Mr. Melllnger), stopped a few hours at his home la Ashland and was accompanied to Grants Pass by his family and some Ashland friends who enjoyed the day together with him. Mrs. Fred Engle, Ashland dele gate to the recent State Sunday School convention at Newburg, re ports one of the most successful gath erings of the organization, with a comprehensive program, replete with, live topics In every phase of activity In which the great Sunday school movement is Identified. Engineer Ed Wolters visited his family on Mountain avenue Monday. Mr. Wolters reports a rushing busi ness among the railroad men at pres ent. Grant Neeley of Seventh street had one eye quite badly hurt recently while cutting wood. Cllf Payne make3 hammock racks. The Grant3 Pnss Boy Scouts will camp in Ashland during the celebra tion July 3, 4 and 5, Scoutmaster Beit Sheldon of that city having opened negotiations for a camping place for the boys. They will probably he es tablished In the lower park. Athletlo events, ball games, etc., will be ar ranged between the Pass scouts and the local scouts. Henry Enders Is planning to move Into the Roy Walker house on the Boulevara. A. B. Cornell of Grants Fass was a visitor In the city today. his services are desired again. Montague Messenger- II. B. War- and C. E. Sams and WANTED! I desire to take in a partner i Mr. ano airs. r. n. inomimuii. hid, JD 'entire party had a picnic dinner along in the Ashland-hogue Kiver The Ashland Grand Army and Ke- fternoon Mr. Round-Uti movinc picture?. If hrarv and office, preparatory to re- 'family, all of Ashland, spent Wednes- morrow evening for a ten flays trip permanent- day at Montague, as the guests of to Calgary, Canada, with a party of ,M nnd Mrs F IT Thompson. The i j 1. . ir..A.Jnw M. TVinrntftTl " tha Prirtlnnd renresentatlve of the Canadian Pacific Tailroad, was in , Hut corps went to Talent on Sunday Ashland on business. morning ,cr the r'Pr them as far as Hornbrook on their Central Point, or leave VOUr Royal Cambers left last week fori a memorial serves .with he ete an homereturnng Rlong the Pa-:mfl fl. m j,,.. Odessa, where he is stationed as , organizations oi " ranger In the forest service:. He purr Methodist c"rch- the address being -u a - .a -,.t fmm Howard delivered by Rev. M. C. Keea. nunc ij i'iv'uv o . Shasta river and In the afternoon Mr. Round-Up PlOVing picture?. Jf and -Mrs. Thompson accompanied interested, address or call at clfic highway The J. E. Cribble of the forest service . . . , i ... i , i n... ... 1 I niKAQ ll'nil'll Willi IIHil III! Hill ItM a CT L 1,11111... ,,,.. name at niv Ashland olllce, phone 54, and I will call at my earliest convenience. FRANK H. HULL, The Movie Man. No Better Valwes AnywheresOur Increased sales show that the people in Ashland and surrounding towns are realizing from-day to day that increasea saies snow t f,f'mMfl uvinm. Oualitv is not saenficed-but prices are. uv-vu-u O ' t J this store offers values that mean UNDERWEAR SPECIALS Ladies' Athena Union Suits of finest yarns, -l AA in any style; none better, at 1 UU Fine Gauze Union Suits for ladies Men's 50c Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, at, each ' (Price today would be 65c) Boys' Poros and Balbriggan Shirts and - Drawers, now (Price today would be 35c) 35c-50c-60c 43c 15 c Beautiful quality Dress Satins just received, in all colors, 36 inches wide; while they last, yard I See our window for the fashionable and popular Skirtings and Coating, priced at yard Customers concede that our 36-inch Pine Tree Taf fetas, in all shades, are the best offered anywhere, at Georgette Crepe, in all shades, priced everwhere at $2.00 yard, special here at yard Men's Fine Cambric Night Shirts "Monarch" Shirt brand, here at each The new Sport Colored Handbags of fine silk pop lin, here at, each $2.00 $2.75 $1.50 $1.69 $1.25 $1.25 VAU PEL'S - IT 1. The Store That Leads in yaaiity ano i-argesi Low Shoes of Quality That cannot be duplicated now for less than $6.00 to $8.00 can be bought for ladies in nearly all styles and sizes in Sorosis make and workmanship at, O A pair fcieclv Ladies' $3.00 and $3.50 Utz & Dunn low Ox- a AA fords and-Slippers at pair UU One table of Ladies' Oxfords, sizes now up to QO 5, values up to $3.50, pair .vOC Men's $6.00 Oxfords low $3.00. Men's $5.00 Ox fords now $2.50. Men's $4.00 Oxfords now $2.00 Boys' Oxfords in finest qualities of leather, j Of sizes 9 to 5; were up to $3.25, now 1 .0 O All Children's Leather Oxfords at Cost $1.00 Slippers 75c, $1.25 Slippers 00c, $150 Slip pers now $1.10, $1.85 Slippers now $1.25, $2.25 Slip pers now $1.50 and $1.60 all sizes. Ladies' 50c Colored Silk Gloves, now pair 39c Ladies' 75c Colored and long Silk Gloves, pair ... 59c Ladies' $1.00 Colorod and long Silk Gloves, pair..79c Holeproof black and white Silk Gloves, pair 75c Boys' Waists 250cwh""1 15c r ...... T I ruy a L,ioeriy nunu i Ladies' Muslin Underwear Can be purchased in better workmanship and material here than it is now possible to buy within double the former price, and for spe cial inducement we offer a special discount of 25 per cent off former prices. Boys' and Men's Knit Underwear at Special Saving Prices Here All 50c two-piece Shirts and Drawers in Poros- JO knit and Balbriggan weave, each t JL Men's fine Balbriggan Union Suits in white or ecru, short or long sleeve Coopers & dial- 1 AA 15c A A it TTninns. Pflnuine tOC injya x i o Boys' Porosknit Unions, imitations 25c Men's 50c colored Silk Hose, special for 35c Lad'es' Hose now selling everywhere at 35c, can be had hero at pair 30c VAU PEL' . 4 V 4, it Leaders In Lowest Prices and Best iawies mers knit, here at suit Boys' separate Shirts and Drawers in Bal bricaan or Porosknit weaves; 25c quality... oeiecuuu 1