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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1917)
Thursday, June 7, 1P17 ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGH THRJOT United States Super-Dreadnought Florida t This Pane Is .Lirksnn fminfv'c fpif liar a J kct Place For Both Buyer and Seller. I I lmny woras one month $1.00. 'aaaa Classified Rates: One cent per word, first Insertion; H cent per word lor each Insertion thereafter; 30 words or less 1 per month. No advertise, went Inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order xoept to parties having ledger accounts with the office. THE POOP PUDGE OOINSTHEARK.Y. ) COLONEL, PUT HI IN THE t I W Mvl F0UR 1 I THEN, V 00IN4 RNKS OR M1V OTHER OLdI f 0M V- Wo TX WITH C PLACE, BUT SEE THAT WE I L"' CUT TOBACCO THIS tqiMSHTj HAVE PLINTH OF"THE LITTLE FCl ( - PKOFKSSIONATi. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurlet for S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postoff'ce, Medford, Ore. Phone 567. 21-tf C. B. WATSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Consulting and General Practice. Pioneer Building. Of fice with E. D. Brlggs. Ashland, Ore. DR. ERNEST A. WOOD Practice , limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office hours, 10 to 11 and 2 to 5. Swedenburg B'dg., Ashland, Ore. 73-tt CHAIR DOCTOR R. H Stanley, ex pert furniture repairer and up holsterer. Carpets beat, relald and repaired, bedsprlnga restretched, chairs wired, rubber tires for baby buggies, window cleaning, bouse cleaning, and furniture packing done expertly. Call at 886 A street or phone 403-R. l-tf GEO. T. WATSON, Painter and Fa perhanger. Phone 202-R. 166 Ohln street. -" MISCELLANEOUS BILL POSTER Will Btennett, 11 Factory St. Bill posting and dis tributing. 61-U rwAiTTAHOUA PARK CLUB. Regu ur moptlntrn first and third Frl- il.n nf each month at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. S. Patterson, Pres.; Mrs. Jen. nle Faucett Greer. Sec. CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB. The regular meeting of the club will be held on the second ana luu'1" of Aflr.h month at 2:30 p. m., "at the Auxiliary Hall FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE OR TRADE City proper ty on Mam street, en uiuto center of town; lot 75 feet front by 942 feet deep: modern nine-room house, birn and sheds; fine garden ,a,a n What have you! For particulars call at Tidings of- 83-tI 1119. TO EXCHANGE a vm? : " T5T3AL ESTATE FOR FOR GOOD HORSE Hundreds of people have things mey uuu .. Somebody needs what you haw s and don't need. A for exchange ad . .i,i h readv by nearly four thousand people every issue Some body among mem wuu.u what you don't need and would Ji a fair price for it. A 1 tie In vested In an Exchange ad will cash jour old Junk that will otherwise rust out. Thirty words one full month, $1. You read this ad. Others would have read yours If ynn imd It here. Cl7sALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE One 1916 Ford touring car In first class condition; one Twin Indian motorcycle; one Kingsbury piano, good as new. For particulars writs or inquire O. I. WardHpalerre 102L8t FORSALE, CHEAP One Studebak er five-passenger automobile, one BO-gal. gasoline tank one army saddle, all In good condition Call at 678 Boulevard, phone 3-it. THE CAR VOU NO LONGER NEED. If still valuable, may be made a "liquid asset." quickly convertible into its cash value, through classi fied Bdvertislng. If your offer is "right" you will find your buyer quickly, FOR SALE Five passenger touring car in first-class shape; fully equipped with electric &l?T and storage battery, shock absorb L electric lights, etc. $300 buys tt if nnld at once. E. V. Jones Gar age, East Main street 3-tf FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Fifty head Phone 12-F-22, Talent. of ewes. 2-5t FOR SALE A well-mated team, in size and color; weight 1,600 each, age between three and four; well oroke. L. B? Sander Nevada street, foot of Helman street, Ash- 0-81 muu. IOST LOST Black Sailor's tie. ply store. Phone 44. silk handkerchief. Return to depot sup Reasonable reward. 4-2t WANTED WANTED Infants and children to board, inquire 366 B street. 66-tf WANTED Work by man and team 143 Gnrfloldjtreet. 1"4L WANTED Girl for general house work In small family. Call at Tid ings office. WANTED Several hundred feet of inch concrete drain pipe. Must be In good condition and cheap. . . . a tt nm oo. care oi im- ACliireuB o. 2-2t lngs. and kitchen help at : Hotel Austin for Roundup week. "VhatlicI" you wsntT A Tiding, rant ad tells It to more than two thousand people In a day. Twenty five cents does the business. FOR RENT YOU SEE THIS FOR RENT AD Did It ever occur to you that If you see this, others, would see your ad if It was here, and likely rent your vacant house? It costs thirty words one month, SI. tf FOR RENT WELL-FURNISHED FOUR-ROOM MODERN BUNGA LOW. The houso Is six rooms and will rent four of them to right party. Hath, pantry, hall, screene4 porch and large roomy front porch; one bedroom 12x12, with bed, dresser and table complete; living room with piano, leather couch, l'brary table, two latest style leath er rockers, and velvet carpet; din ing room 13x17, stove, table, chairs, bulU In buffet and Axmins ter carpet; kitchen, all modern, hot and cold water, best grade bath tub; electric lights In house and porch. Would rather have no chil dren, but would consider one child. All complete for the summer at $20 per month. Inquire at Tid ings office 100-tf FOR RENT Sis-room cottage, mod ern conveniences, fruit, close lu. See Minklcr, 240 C street. 102 tf FOR RENT Newly furnished apart ments, close In. Hot and cold wa ter, bath, electric lights and gas. Rent reasonable. 63 North Main. Also a few snaps In residence prop . erty. Mrs. S. L. Allen. 104-lmo. WALL &. D'WITT'S Relli STAM Office Phone 148 Ke. 166 Competent Drivers Trim Anywhere JL SERVICE Stand at Cooke & DeWltt'i Cigar Store. FOR RENT FOUR-ROOM FUR NISHED HOUSE. Modern, well furnished and close in. Rent $20, including light and water. Inquire at Tidings office. l-8t DON'T BE STUNNED by the loss of a tenant. Such a loss Is a part of the property owner's rl&k. It does not often come at a "favorable time." No mishap ever does. Take the sting and most of the money losn out of the incident by a quick and effective campaign of classified advertising. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SIR HOMESEEKER Will sell beau- ; tlful home, new modern buildings, I lino it tf ii 1 ch a rl tr lau n a hnn H anpfl ' choice fruit, good income. Price right; terms to suit. Call or write owner, 715 North Main, Ashland, 0re- 102-lmo' RANCHES FOR SALE 19.27 acres, in crop, all tillable, rented at pres- I r. i,T ,t ,1 '"' f , ground, most all tillable, good quality; 21.24 acres, part of which has been tilled, all can be with some work; 5 acres facing a good lane, all tillable; 5 acres, all tilla- ble. black land; 10.14 acres select- ed from 1,100-acre tract, all tllla- ble; 22 acres fenced on three sides t . : . .a an . - ..1 I .. good land on a Sloping niu; acres, county road at end, black land, some loose stones; 23.74 acres, most all tillable, no trees tn move, level ground; 10 acres with county road running through It, 5 acres choicest land; 31.16 acres with two-story house, barn, wood shed, hay scales and 8 acres In al falfa, running water until July. The above tracts are suitable for farming or fruit raising, and the prices are right, without any Infla tion, by a party who has been in the valley and connected with land values the past fifty years. For prices and display, call on G. S. Butler, 41 Granite street, Ashland, Ore. 102-lmo. FOR SALE The best piece of ground, the best improvements, and the closest In five acres, with five room bungalow and all outbuild ings, plenty of water for Irrigating, that you can find anywhere near Ashland. Fifteen minutes' ' walk from postofflce. Not in city limits. Four acres In alfalfa, balance of ground now planted in garden truck. Price $3,500. Reasonable terms. H. L. Sinclair, Ashland, Ore. 104-tf FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Will sell at private sale to the highest bidder my Ashland, Ore,, holdings, Eight good lots opposite the East Side school, corner Boulevard and Sherman, In Chumos subdivision McCall's addition, and a corner lot with two houses at Rock and Nurs ery streets, Coolldge addition Bids will be received by myself at Hotel Ashland, between June 12 to 14, 1917. Prof. Chumos, 312 Ful ton street, Seattle, Waoh. 4-8t YOU NEEDN'T BE A WIZARD at ad vertising in order to be able to change vacant property Into ten anted and income earning property. Just to know the A B C of adver tising is enough to know how to tell your story clearly and fully, and to keep telling It until the right perosn has been reached. FOR SALE A EIG REAL ESTATE SNAP If your advertisement wa here somedy else would be reading It, and If the bargain was attrac tive enough would buy that lot you wish to sell. It pays to let people know' what you have to sell, and the cost of advertising la Bmall. Thirty words one full month for $lj ; Phone Job orders to the Tidings. Photo by American Press Association. The Florida Is a 21,8'-'j ton battleship, f.21.5 feet long. Phe carries twelve-Inch guns mid him a couipkiiu'iit of 1.014 'Ulcers and men Coos Bay Special Train To Ashland Seems Assured That a special train will bring! a?, least one nunarea residents oi me i nuer tins plan a special train win Coos Bay country to Ashland for t.'iO ; leave the bay July 2 at 10 p. m. Hylu Hebe and Rogue Fiver Round-j'Thls train will carry Pullman sleep up seems to be assured. Urgent in-iers and a dining car. The flat rate vltatlons sent to L. J. Simpson, F. E. Conway and the various organlza, tlons and other individuals of the Coos Bay district and the ready co - operation of Southern Pacific offic ials have aroused a very favorable sentiment in Coos county and North Bend and Marshfleld business men are working hard to get the required number signed up to assure a special train1. It Is generally felt both here and In the sea coast cities that business relations between Coos Pay and the Rogue valley would be materially strengthened be such a 'Fit. It the train comes, stops will be made at Medford and Grants Pat-s. While here the train will he parked on the uptown station spur within two blocks of Llthla park, and In the center of the city. The Coos Bay papers are taking up the matter, the following appear ing: North Rend Coos Rav h wlior WThen John M. Scott, G. P. A. and Vice-President McCormack were here a few weeks ago, they vore guests of L. J. Simpson and C. S W.i'sor part of the time. At that time Mr. Simp son arranged In a preliminary way for a special train to be run to Ash lund In July on account 'if n three ouy celebration at that pl:ic. Mr. jScott made a tentative offer which j will give those who care to make the trip and outing at a very reasonable I price. Mr. Simpson's purpose In advocat ing an excursion to the Rojrue river I valley Is not for the pleasure of the ' ! Junketing trip alone, but for the busi- ness advantage It will offer. n )3 generally conceded that husl- .,,, ... . "relations between this seaport j and the valley are not as congenial as :they should be and the trip out there i - to pneournee a more frlendlv feel- Ing.. Coos Bay believes, we can be of service to the people of the valley and In turn we acknowledge the ne cesslty of service from that quarter, Plan Takes Well In advocating the excursion Mr, Simpson says he Is doing so on the presumption that neither the city of Marshfleld or North Bend will make an effort to celebrate the Fourth of July in any manner and that the peo pie who usually donate towards the expense of these celebrations will this year U3e that money towards sending a representative to Ashland, So far nearly everyone Mr. Simp son has approached has given a fav orable reply to the plan, and many have given their bonaflde answer that they can be counted on. Actual res ervatlon will be listed soon. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE CHEAP Ono Canton ditcher. Hotvy. with mould to throw dirt both ways. For heavy ditch work llko irrigation or pipe ditch. Inquiro at tho Tidings of flee. 94 tf FOR SALE CHEAP One neavy pick plow, suitable for heavy rock ditch ing. Inquiro at the Tidings office. 94-tf FOR SALE Completed Judgment against Jackson county for S818.3 j. Draws Interest at tho rate of 6 per cent per annum from March 31, 1917. Will tako par for It. Will be paid, first half April, 1918, last half October, 1918. Ashland Print ing Company, at Tidings office. 100-tf OLD PAPERS FOR SALE at the Tid ings office. Twenty-five for 6 cents. 102-tf FOR SALE Dyke's course automo bile, complete with working mod els, $6. Medford house and lot, clear, to trade for Ashlnnd clear. .32 calibre Special Winchester rifle, Lyman peep, $12. 71 North Main, Ashland. 2-8t FOR SALE THIS WEEK Small gas range, heating stove, two lawn mowers, washboller, tub, small dresser, Mason Jars, carpet sweep er. 670 Boulevard, phone 404-J. 4-lt ten Special Train AH the Way of Includes all services, railroad - 1 fare, sleeper and meals for the en- ( tire trip, the party to live on the ; train. The party will make Its fist stop at Rosehurg early the next morn Ing. Later In the day a stop will be made at Grants Pass, then Medford and Ashland. The party will visit the various business houses of these cities and endeavor to enlist a better business feeling towards Coos Bay". The special train as tentatively planned will return, arriving here at 10 p. m. July Sth. Marshfleld And North Rend Under the plan undertaken by Mr. Simpson the party Is supposed to be North Bend and Marshfleld business men. He at first believed the party should represent Coos county but found tlila would be too hard a prob lem to handle and finally decided to make It a strictly Coos Bay project. He states that there will be no trou ble to secure the allotted number to guarantee the train which Is plac ed at a minimum of 100. Conwny Asked to Help Residents of Ashland had heard of Mr. Simpson's effort to obtain a spe cial train and have written to F. E. Conway of Marshfleld urging him to assist Mr. Simpson In every way pos sible. Mr. Conway Is a former resi dent of Ashland. MurslifioM Record The talk about the business men's visit to Ashland and other cities in southern Orei'on is merging Into al most a certnlnty the trip will be taken. The plan Is to take a spe cial train for the occasion and ac- cupy three days on the Journey. L. J Simpson has practically completed u"u U,K"1 if'waim servire, eiupioy the arrangements with the Southern j lnS three operators, each on an elght- Pacific and a stated price of $35 has been secured for fare, lodgings and meals, making this the totfil cost of the trip. The train will be made up of sleepers and diners and the dele gation will make their home on the train until the return. Other Towns Invite Us Urgent Invitations are coming In from all the towns on the main line including Grants Pass, Rosehurg and Medford. The principal point to visit will be Ashland where the people are having a three-day Roundup program. Mr. Simpson believes that Coos Bay can easily turn out 100 people for the excursion and expects to an nounce the final arrangements within a few days. The trip Is being ar ranged for the purpose of establish ing closer business and social rela tions with the Southern Oregon towns. Juvenile Orchestra Vocal Club Formed The plan of organizing the Juven ile Musical Club, a new club to be composed of the young musicians of Ashland, germinated In the mind of Master Harvey Woods. He Invited his young friends who are musically Inclined to co-operate with him In giving his first program Friday even ing at the home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Woods. Only choice compositions were rendered and It was creditable In tho extreme. The proceeds will be used to purchase bi ographies of the great masters for the public library. For Sale nt a Rnrgnln. One McCormlck Big Four mower with extras. One Little Giant fence loom. One set single buggy harness. Apply to O. S. Rutler, 41 Granite street, Ashland, Ore. 2-4t F. C. and C. E. Smith enme up from Grants Pass Sunday en route to California to do some prospecting. WHEN men are drawn together in the army, you find out a lot about their likes end dislikes. It's always been a great place for the spread of W-B CUT popularity. They show each other why you shouldn't take more than a little chew of W-B CUT. Every shred is chock full of sap; a big chew is too rich. They take to W-B CUT, strong; nothing is too good for our soldiers. M.Je fcy WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 1107 Broadway, Ntw York City Gold Hill Notes a:uaa:aa:mtttaa:jaa::a:mtm: Mrs. John Camoron and two chil - dren, formerly of this city, now of Cottage Grove arrived here Sunday for a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dungey, and other relatives of Gold Hill. Mr. Cameron is employed in the timber camps near Cottage Grave. He and his brother, Roy Cameron of Gold III11, are employed In the same camp. It will be well for mine locators In this district who are enlisting In the army and navy to protect their Interests In such claims before going to the front. Assessment work on mining claims, held ns locators or as part owners by officers and enlisted men In the army and navy will' not be required until six months after they have been mustered out of the service. This Is In accordance with a resolution passed by the senate, which unquestionably will be con firmed by the house of representa tives. This exemption applies to the heirs of such a clalmowner for a like period after his death. To enjoy this relief from the required annual work tho owner must file In the office In which the original location was re corded a notice of his nniHter Into th,e service of the United States, and of his desire to hold the mining claim under this resolution. Mrs. G. W. Milan of this city left Saturday for Charles City, Iowa, on an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Victor Flint at that place. The Flints were formerly of this city, he was one of the teachers In the Gold Hill high school, two years ago. The Southern Pacific has Inaugu rated a new system of service at the local derot. It consists of a day I .... J l t. i i l 1. i hour shift. This dispenses with all other employes In the depot service, ench operator handling all the busi ness during his shift. Mr. Jones, the agent, is employed on the shift from 8 a. m, to 4 p. m., and G, C. Lor enz and J. W. Pcntney of Portland arrived here Saturday assuming the other two shifts. The change has been made, we are assuming prin cipally on account of the night swit ching of passing trains In the yards, the Shasta Limited meets at Gold III11, and pll the freight trains pass and switch here during tho night. William Kolsey of Portland, who has been visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Kelsey of this city the past week out of his annual vaca tion, returned home last Saturday evening. Mrs. James Yokum of Fairfield street accompanied her husband to Yreka Friday and enjoyed a few days' visit. I Cleanliness, Personal Attention and Courtesy Combined to Make the Eagle Meat Market Popular L. Schwein 84 Pureflilk Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, TELEPHONE Proprietor 444-R v Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser vice to Any Part of Town Vining Makes War Talk at Grants Pass 1 Prof. Irving Vlnlng of this city, ' who recently returned from a winter ' spent lecturing In New York city and vicinity, spoke before the Grants Pass Commercial club at their luncheon last Monday. Mr. Vlnlng took for his subject, "Our War", and according to the Grants Pass papers, delivered one of the most elooquent and forceful ad dresses ever listened to by a Granti Pass audience. Mr. Vlnlng made s careful study of war conditions la the east and brought back with him a comprehensive understanding of phases and problems of the great war which the far west has In a measure failed to grap as yet. The Misses Frlscllla Carnahan, Marjorle Douglass, Maria Caldwell and Dorothy Carnahan enjoyed a few days as the guests of Edith Herrin on the Herrin ranch across Bear creek last week. Miss Marjorle Douglass had the misfortune of stopping on a rusty nail which came near to develr oping Into a serious wound while on the trip. She Is now walking on crutches but the wound Is progress ing nicely. We hnve some good alfalfa hay for sale Carson-Fowler Lbr Co. 4-2t Tho In comparable li.iliy rood. leallhy babie$ KetL AWelt to Mothert' Milk WIDEM AN N'S, PUNI, UNfWIITSNIO, IVAfOStATIO GOAT - MILK A I'vrfeci Food alto for Invalids AT LEADING DRUO0lTt ll-ui. Tint, IV 1 0 EM A N N G OAT- MILK CO. for CRACKED and CHAPPED HANDS Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment AT ALL DBUQ 8T0RIS -J tubes 25c jars eoc jmi::nmtttmttt::::::m:?::::::mj:it ASK Ihe grocer for Cali fornia Washing Powder It is the washing pow der thai makes your wash ing easier and your clothes white as snow. Manufactured in Ashland at 411 It Street, Ashlnnd, Oregon itmatmnuiitmtmmtimtttattttnamiu (Si) INSPECT oar marKet and your confl- dence will be behind the pleasure of eating' our meats. The Knowledge of cleanliness and a sanitary work shop will aid your digestion. N. Main Phone 107 Pure Cream