Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, May 24, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    - In
Thnrsdsy, May 2t, I BIT
Established 1870
Harvey R. Ling. . .Business Manager i
v. n f ' hnirnF
lH'rv IV. unrr JUJV' j
Lynn Mowat City Editor
Offical City and County Paper
SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' j ese, Cninese, Italians, Germans, Eng-
On Year 12.00 j jlgll Americans, and men of any oth-
8ix Months sSler nationality who are of the desig-
Tbree Months 60, '
Payable in Advance In&KiA ages, must register. Aliens
w m7wI7TT.; ,,. will nt be drafted for war duty, of
No subscription for less than three 1
months. All subscriptions dropped at j course, but a complete record of them
xpiratlon unless renewal Is received, i Is desired.
In ordering changes of the paper 1 Who Is Exempt No male resident
always give the old street address or 1 between the ages of 21 and 30 years,
postofflce as well as the new.
. tHsplay Advertising
Single Insertion, each Inch.. 2 5c
Six months.... " " 20c
' One year " " 17V4o
Heading Notice 5 cents the line
Classified Column 1 cent the word
first Insertion, cent the word
each other insertion. Thirty
words or less one month, f 1.
Cards of Thanks $1.00.
' Obituaries 2 V4 cents the line.
Fraternal Orders and Societies.
Advertising for fraternal orders or
societies charging a regular initiation
lee and dues, no discount. Religious
and benevolent orders will be
aharged for all advertising when an
admission or other charge Is made,
at the regular rates. When no ad
mission is charged, space to the
amount of fifty lines reading will be
allowed without charge. All addi
tional at regular rates.
The Tidings has a greater circula
tion in Ashland and Its trade terri
lory than all other local papers com
bined. Entered at tho Ashland, Oregon,
Postofflce as second-class mall mat
ter. Ashland, Ore., Thursdny, May 24, '17
Among the other economy meas
ures planned in connection with the
war, Is the proposal that dining cars
be left oft railroad trains. It is
planned to reduce pas3enger trains
as much as possible so as not to in
terfere with freight traffic.
To traveling people, who are used
to certain regulation comforts, this
.m .nA T la o vilagaiirA tft Pflt
will. fcv uaiu. v 10 " , - "
In a leisurely fashion In a dining
car while the country goes whirling
by. But people with simple tastes
will not suffer greatly If they have
aubstantlal box lunches.
A few years ago It was considered
bad form and a stingy economy to
eat a picnic lunch on a train. The
high cost of restaurant service has
changed that feeling. Maintaining a
dining room on the railroad train Is
a costly and luxurious plan, and trav
elers have to pay well fop the privil
ege, as well as rewarding the waiters
handsomely. Probably most of these
dining cars are not profitable, and
the railroads would no doubt be glad
cut them off.
Gear shifting, of course, Is outside
.the limits of possibility for him, but
xcept for this operation a big collie,
owned by a Poughkeepsle, N. Y., au
tomobile dealer, Is able to drive a
notor car. Everybody along auto row
Jn New York city, was completely
dumfounded not long ago when the
dog acted as chauffeur for bis mas
ter. While weaving in and out
through Broadway's traffic, however,
owner had an auxiliary control
hand to help the animal out of
tight places and avoid the danger of
a mishap. But on ordinary occasions
irhen congested streets do not have
to be negotiated the collie drives
along ilke a man, turning corners and
avoiding other vehicles with surpris
ing facility. On such rides his mas
ter sits beside him, or in the ton
seau behind. On a track, where the
chance of accident is eliminated the
dog drives alone with nobody In the
car to help him. No special device
la fixed to the steering wheel to as
sist him. From the June popular
Mechanics magazine.
The national forests of Alaska are
elf-snpportlng. For the fiscal year
1916 their receipts were nearly
15,000 greater than the expenditures
necessary to looking after them.
(Cut this out and put It where you
lean find it.)
! War Poneim Tinv Tupsdav. June
, , b PreBldent Wilson In
his official proclamation.
Who Must Register Every male
resident between the ages of 21 and
30 years, inclusive. This Includes
I aliens as well as Americans. Japan-
inclusive, is exempt from registering,
'those to be exempted from military
service will be determined later, but
first all must register.
Where to Register Registration
must be made in the home precinct of
the man registering. Register at
your regular voting place.
Hours for Registration Booths at
regular voting places in each precinct
will be open on War Census Day from
7 o'clock a. m. to 9 o'clock p. m.
Don't wait until the last moment.
Register early.
Registration of Absentees If you
find you will be unavoidably absent
from your home precinct on War Cen
sus Day, you should apply at the
earliest possible date to the county
clerk of the county in which you may
be at the time, whether in Oregon or
elsewhere, who will fill out your reg
istration card. He will then give you
the card, which you must mail to the
registrar of your home precinct, In
care of the sheriff of your home coun
ty, in time to reach the registrar by
War Census Day. If you live in Port
land, or a city of over 300,000 popu
lation In another state, mall the card
to the registrar in care of the mayor. (
But remember, the burden of hav
ing your card reach the registrar of
your home precinct by War Census
Day Is on YOU.
Registration of the Sick Men of
military age who are too ill to go to
the vfltlng booth to register must
send-a competent person before War
Census Day to the county clerk to ex
plain tne ciroumsiauueB, uuu ociiuio
lngtructlong from the federat regula-
. . ...
plain the circumstances, and secure
Hons which these officials will re
ceive from the government.
Penalties The penalty for falling
to appear to reglstei, or for giving
false, misleading or Incorrect ao-
Rwnrs. Is IMPRSONMENT. There is
no alternative of a fine.
Big Crew Busy
On Forest Phones
Twenty men in - the government
forest service are at work putting the
trails and telephones in shape for the
coming season. There are 890 miles
In trails and 300 miles in telephone
lines in the Crater lake forests. The
forest service has a special insulator
on their telephone lines which allows
the line to fall to the ground without
breaking when trees over-weighted
by snow crash into it. Three miles
are down now on the line to Odessa,
but telephone service Is still main
tained by calling In at certain hours
during the day. The line is ground
ed in so many places that the bells
will not ring, but the voice is trans
mitted perfectly.
While the person who writes the
woman's page in the newspapers Is
frequently a black browed man
smoking a clay pipe, the one who
writes the garden hints Is probably
a lily faced girl who knows all about
embroidery but never touched a hoe.
Phone news items to the Tidings.
"Contour "aim
F O R M - F IT
ClPlTT,HAOPy hr CQ.IM. JMakrrf
1 1 I I I 1 1 I M I I t M M 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I t I t t f t t t ' '
I Here and There Among Our Neighbors j
To Twohy Bros, of Portland has
been awarded a contract for Immedi
ate construction of 300 freight cars
for the Southern Pacific.
Grants Pasa Courier; Twelve re
cruits from Brookings left last night
for Portland, having enlisted In the
government service. They were John
W. Judy, Everett E. Daniel, Harold
C. Welch,, Edward Wigney, Carl
Jones, William Chllders, Samuel Mor
rill, John Irvln, Herbert Kentner, Jr.,
William P. Stwart, Walter L. White
and Homer L. Davis..
Albany Democrat: A new sawmill
started operations Friday In Benton
county at Galloway station, nine miles
northeast of Albany. The mill Is
owned by the J. Al Pattlson company
of Portland and is employed In cut
ting hardwood lumber. Oak is being
worked on at present. A logging
crew had been busy for three weeks
prior to the opening of the mill.
The Philomath Roundup Associa
tion, alive to the spirit of the hour,
has determined that 10 per cent of
the' gate receipts at the great three
day tournament shall go to the Red
Cross Association. As the receipts
last year reached about $25,000, this
concession to patriotism means con
siderable and is characteristic of the
free-hearted men who are managing
the big show.
Astorlan. Through a deal consum
mated this week, Franz Kankkonen
has purchased through the Astoria
Land Company 150 feet of water
frontage in Taylor's Astoria, just
south of the tannery, upon which will
be erected an up-to-date building
which will be used for the manufac
ture of rubber cement, for which
there Is a steadily increasing demand
in this country.
Astorlan: Monday the first car
load of machinery for the new paper
mill now under course of construc
tion on Youngs Ray was received at
the port docks and Is being trans
ferred to a barge on which It will
be conveyed to the site of the plant
near the McEachern shipyards. The
machinery which has been expected
here for several months, and which
when intsalled at the plant of the
Astoria Flouring Mill Company will
give that establishment double Us
present dally capacity of 600 barrels,
has arrived. The work of installing
it Is now in progress.
New Hand Laundry
A St., next to Wah Chung.
Wa Lee, Prop. Phone 334-R.
We do all kinds of laundry work.
Reasonablo prices
Work called for and delivered.
"Nearest to
Powell St., atO'Farrell
San Francisco
In the heart of the
business, shopping
and theatre district.
Running distilled ice
water in every room.
lobby,fineservice,and j
iiomeiiKB restaurant
will attract you.
European Plan rates
$1.00 up.
imH"-H'mf 1 1
t (
m Management
p W.B. James K V5)
i A Six-Weeks' Teachers' Training and
I Preparatory to taking the
T nn nA
be conducted by
Mrs. Evelyn L Walker
I Superintendent of the Teachers' Training and Methods department of the
Central Point High School, at the
Medford Commercial lollege
T 31 North Grape street, Medford, Oregon, from Monday! May 28, includ
X ing Saturdays to June 30, 1917. Tuition for course f 10, or $2 a week.
For further details, phone 15-L, write or call at the office of the
Medford Commercial College
Ten thousand certificates of award
for punctuality in attending school,
in neither being absent or tardy dur
ing the year, are being sent out by
State Superintendent of Public In.
structlon Churchill to the various
county school superintendents. The
certificates of award are signed by
Superintendent Churchill, and are to
be signed by the county school super
intendent and the teacher of the
school where the award Is given.
Medford Sun: Mark Austin, gen
eral field superintendent for the 13
sugar mills of the Utah-Idaho Sugar
Company, who left last night for Salt
Lake City, after a careful examina
tion of the beets In this territory, said
that the beets look better, further
advanced and more thrifty here than
in any of the fields of the company
at that time. lie Is Immensely pleased
with the southern Oregon country as
a sugar beet district.
Marshfield Record: The bankers'
convention to be held In Marshfield
on the 8th and 9th of June is already
declared to be so well in hand it will
be a big feature of the summer on
Coos Bay. The local committee of
bankers who sent out the Inquiries
about how many are coming have re
ceived to this date acceptances from
about one third of the membership,
and 70 notifications have reached
here that the bankers are coming.
Lake County Examiner: Hay sold
for $6 per ton near Connley last week
and this valley is perhaps the best
supplied with forage of any section
of Oregon. That the men who run
stock in Lake and Crook counties
from now on can figure northern
Lake county and "The Desert" as
their best bet when the other portions
of the county are short of hay goes
without saying. Low priced hay
means much when the snow is deep
and one is far from a haystack out
on tho range and a big loss staring
him in the face.
Eugene Register: There will be
a good majority for the $6,000,000
road bonds when the ballots are
counted on the night of June 4, Is
the opinion of E. J. Adams, state
highway commissioner, who was in
Eugene yesterday for a short time,
after a trip through the state. He
was on his way to Creswell for a
joint debate with C. E. Ppence, state
grange masted, on the bond question.
Mr1.. Adams excepts Lane, Baker, Linn
and Curry counties when he makes
the statement that every county In
the state Is expected to give the bonds
a majority vote, although he predicts
than In some of the other counties the
vote will be exceedingly close.
Marshfield, Ore. The Oregon &
California Lumber Company of
Brookings has shipped the first car
eo of lumber for 1917, amounting to
about 400,000 feet. The consignment
was transported by the steam schoon
er Quinault, which loaded with the
cable apparatus with which all sup
plies have been landed at Brookings.
The dock being constructed at Brook
ings is under way and will be finished
within the enxt two months, it is
stated. The company's new vessel
has not received its engines, which
were shipped from Norway some
time since, and therefore will not be
In commission for some time.
Pendleton. Ore. The herd of 16
goats bought last year by the Pendla
ton Roundup as a possible attraction
has proved to be a profitable invest
ment, regardless of the fact that they
were dropped from the program of
the show last year. They were to be
featured in a goat-roping act, but It
was found that the act would be too
slow to fit In well. The herd was
kept, however, and has been brows
ing all winter on the Rounaup
grounds. They were sheared this
'! HI'
Teachers I
H 1 1 1
Examinations for Primary,
.man sartifisntaa will
IT may be . Military, Agriculture, Munitions,
Supplies, or Finances. BUT, in addition to
these, IT SHOULD be THRIFT the prac-,
tice of Thoughtful Buying, Practical Using and
Carelul Saving. No matter who you are, you
want Peace, Propperity and Happiness. Then do
your share for mankind.
The banK account systematizes spending
and regulates saving. Open a Thrift Ac
count NOW.
week and each yielded a fine fleece.
Since mohair is worth 60 cents a
pound, the Roundup directors are
well pleased.
Roseburg Review The members
of the camp ground committee of
the Roseburg Merchants' association
today connected up the electric plates
and made other- arrangements pre
paratory to opening the grounds for
the season of 1917. Reports receiv
ed from San Francisco and other
California cities indicate that more
tourists will visit Roseburg during
the coming summer than ever be
fore. The camp grounds have been
put in the best of condition and will
probably be patronized by hundreds
of tourists during the season. Last
year the merchants found that the
grounds were a great success and
brought considerable transient money
Into the city.
Twelve Ships To' Be
Built in Oregon
Contracts for 14 wooden ships to
cost in the neighborhood of f 300,,000
each were let on the Pacific coast
last Thursday, 12 of them going to
Oregon yards and Involving an ex
penditure of about 16,000,000 in Ore
gon alone.
Six will be built by the Peninsula
Shipbuilding Company of Portland,
four by the Coast Shiubullding Com
pany of Portland, two by the C. A.
Smith Lumber Company of Coos Bay,
and two by the Sandstrom Company
of Seattle.
S. P. Moss died at Us home in
Lakeview last Thursday, aged 77
years. He was a native of Illinois
and a pioneer of Lake county. His
funeral was held on Saturday, Inter
ment being In the Odd Fe'lows' ceme
tery at Lakeview. The deceased was
a banker and landowner, his holdings
of realty in the Chewaucan valley be
ign 5,000 acres. His daughter, the
wife of City Attorney W. J. Moore of
Ashland, is in Lakeview, and Mr.
Moore left for that vicinity on Satur
day night, going by the way of Sac
ramento and Reno. Mr. Moss leaves
a widow and seven children. .
Phone news items to the Tidings
is the time
There is a steady upward trend of the lumber market. The
mills are running day and night and cannot keep up with their or
ders. The wooden ships which the U. S. is building will take mil
lions of feet. There are many indications that lumber will go high
er and that it will remain so. We believe that lumber is cheaper ;a
Ashland today than it will be for several years.
Labor Is getting scarcer from day to day. You will save money
both on material and on labor by building now rather than in the
We have on hand about half a car of 24 s
suitable for general rough work, which
we will close ont at
$10 per M
Carson-Fowler Lhr. Co.
"In the Heart of Town"
Your "Bit'
Bend The Brooks Scanlon Lum
ber Company Is to seed many acres.
Development of logged-off lands may
result In big aid to stock-carrying for
owners. Practically all land cut over
by the company in its operations last
year-, amounting to 2,000 acres, i3
being fenced, and experiments with
grass seeds recommended by County
Agriculturalist Blanchard made on
a selected section.
all the way
Cclurahia River Route
Parallels America's
Great Highway
Joint Wnt and East wKh Boukranl of Steel
Wm. McMtmajr, G. P. A., Portland
-J,tJdt,lij. Mi.,,;.Ma