Monday, May 7, 1017 ASHLAR) TIDINGS PAGE F1VW Ashland . A, P. Lodge f g nd No. 28 V A.M. ABhland Lodge No. 23, A. F. & A. M. Regular communication Thurs day evening, May 10. Visiting breth ren cordially welcome. STUART BAUNDERS, W. M. V. H. DAY,, Sec. tmxmnaanamimmmtamami i LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. E. B' Carey visited in Duns rnulr last week. Miss Pina Benedict was in from pilot Rock Saturday and Sunday. Frank Rlcheson of Pilot Rock was in towa Saturday, looking after busi ness matters. B. F. Willis of Corning. Cal., is visiting at the liome of h!s sister, Mrs. J. B. Icenhower. Mrs. A. True Lundy, Nu-bone cor nets,' will be in Ashland Wednesday morning at Hotel Austin. It Mrs. H. B. Illckcrson and son Ray of Dunsmulr arrived in this city re cently to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Chrlstensen ara packing up their household effects preliminary to removing to Califor nia. Mrs. H. C. Fischer and children of Dunsmuir have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Fischer's mother, Mrs. Will Loomls." Scores of army recruits are pasar Ing through dally, bound from Vaiv couver barracks to California train ing camps. THE CITIZENS BANK 0 FASH LAN I Consultation On Financial Matters Do not hesitate to con suit us freely about any Information or ad vise you desire on finan cial matters we are pleased to lie of service to you. Accounts invited. SAVINGS iON DEPOSITS. VI VUlM tlA KS Uii W fc M- -w Our motto, "The greatest value for ri QnnfViom OrAcrnn Nnf Hosiery Here in every quality. Silk from $1 to $2 a pair, for ladies. Cotton from 18c to 35c, for ladies. Fibre Silk from 35c to 75c, for ladies. Children's hose from 15c to 35c. Boys' hose from 20c to 3c. Men's hose from 10c to 75c pair. I One lot of Ladies' slippers and oxfords, $3-$3.50-$4 values, all now (Qo at J70L A new water pipe is being p'acsd on Mountain avenue, as the former pipe was too small for carrying water to so many residents. Order your suit now at Paulserud & Barrett's and get an extra pair of, trousers FREE. 99-2t Orvlllo Click has gone to Callforr nla to attend to matters relating to a recently acquired tract of 80 acres of the recently opened Tule lake lands. Mrs. J. E. Angwin returned Thurs day from a visit with relatives it Oakland. She stopped over in Duns muir for a brief vllst while en route here. Ladles wishing the Superior skirt marker may call Mrs. Butterfle'd, 284-J. 99-2t Herman Mattern returned on Wed nesday from a business trip to New York. He reports general business activities being worked overtime In the east. Everett Smith, president of the Ashland Epworth League, attended an Epworth rally at Roseburg Sun day, leaving here Saturday evenln? for the Umpqua city. Fire Insurance protects you; life In surance protects your family. Call H. C. Galey, 431-J, agent Western States Life Insurance company. 99-2t Mrs. Bet'e Wright of Corning. Cal , renewed acquaintance of Mayor Lara- ,kln' family early In the week The parties were old time neighbors In northwestern Iowa. In order to keep the Woodburn company's headquarters in Medford, the Elks lodge of that city has of fered th3 use of shower baths in the basement of the Elks temple to the soldier boys. Free Extra pair troiiBerg with hand, tailored suit at Paulserud & Barrett's. Come and let us tell you about it. 99. 2t Miss Hazel Shaver, who Is teach ing at Soda Springs, came in Friday evening to visit her aunt, Mrs. J. P. Maxedon', of B street. Mrs. Maxedon is suffering from a bad condition of one of her hands. J. A. B'sh, who has been teaching at Wlldervllle, closed his school Fri day and will move his family to their home in Ashland for the summer. Mr. B'sh is a son-in-law to A. H. Peachey, of Lincoln street. Mrs. Van Nice, whj resided on the corner of California and Iowa streets, died at her home Saturday morning. She has been ill for many months and is the mother of the Van Nice girls who are well-known school teachers. ; Mrs. Pearl Dodge leaves this week j to spend some time visiting friedns at ! Rexhurg, Idaho. After a trip through Yellowstone park she will go o southern California. Mrs. Dodge ex-. pects to be gone about four months in all. A dollar deposited for life Insur ance is a dollar saved and "a dollar' saved Is a dollar earned". Make money by calling H. C. Galey, 431-J,, agent Western States Life Insurance ; company. 99-2t i lerc Are J 1 utllUl li ' Men's-Boys' Underwear At Saving Prices Poroupknit shirts and drawers, the genuine Chalmer's knit, price this year G5c each. Our price in all A Q sizes tOC Boys' Chalmers Poros knit phirts and -f A drawers, each lcC Men's B. F. D. style rCr Union Suits Men's V-neck White Unions in balbriggan knit, f AA here at 1,UV Men's Knit Underwear, sep arate shirts and drwers, 60c quality, special at, JO each HJL Men's Porosknlt Unions at, Bult 50c and $1.00 Boys' Porosknlt Unions at. suit 25c and Sue Ladies' nigh Lace and Button Boots In all the fashionable styles and colors, from $6 to $8 White Canvas High Boots at $4 and $5. White Canvas Pumps $2.75-$3.50 Ladies' Sorosis Ox fords and Pumps All styles: formerly sold atf'l..r.O and4.(X. While they last at OCA pair LitOV Ik Miss Nell Peachey has finished her school work for this spring and Is at home again. B. F. Irvine of Dunsmulr, chief squlrter of oil on troubled waters for the Shasta Division Brotherhood, was a visitor In the city Saturday and brought much interesting inform ation regarding the status of the en glnemen'B controversy with the com pany. The wrecker from the local yards was called to Hornbrook last Thurs day to hoist a caboose and a couple of freight cars back onto the right of way, Somebody forgot to Bt aboard and use the brakes when the ; cars were shot down a side track, and j as a result they lumped the tras't at a derail switch and piled up In the ditch. W. L. Flnley, state blolog'st, who lectured on wild lite at Eagle Point and Talent, left Saturday for Klam ath Falls to film the sage hen and wild fowl of tho desert and lake re gion for future 'lectures. He was accompanied by R. Bruce Horsfall, tlio nrtlfit and naturalist, whose naln'- Ings of Oregon game birds have won him a national reputation. On last Monday night an unsuccess attempt was made to break into the dental offices jpf Dr. W. E. Blake, up stairs in tho First National Bank block. The doors at both entrances were considerably marred up, but witbstood the siege. The burglars gaining pickers and packers next fal were evidently after the gold which ; Leaders of farmers' clubs from ail dentists carry in stock. On Tuesday j over the county met at Medford Sat night the detnal offices of Drs. j urday and planned for a meeting at Ph'pps and Mundy at Medford were ' Medford next Saturday, In which also entered and with better results ! from the cracksmen's standpoint. Evidently a pair of robbers are work ing southern Oregon territory in this particular line. Dunsmulr JCews: Engine 2580 will be turned out from the local shops today after undergoing a pro cess of superheating at a cost of about $4,000. About 200 engines In all will be given this same treatment at Ogden, Sacramento, Los Angeles hag heen accepted at the cavalry of- lne Iim l,me m 1116 ,ocal "O0K and Dunsmuir. Tho one to be turned j fIcerg. 8Chool at Indianapolis and has ! Curi a,,d JPhlne county commun- out today was a trial, evidently for the purpose of ascertaining if the work could be accomplished here. The work was perfectly satisfactory and Dunsmulr will probably get her quota of the 200 engines. The work Is being done here under the super vision of Master Mechanic Charles Bess. Rev. II. J. Vino of the Baptist church will give the memor'al ser mon, probably at the Baptist church on the Sunday previous to Memorial day. Mr. Vine was invited by the , G. A'.i R. and W. R. C. to render this j "nature" work in that cily recently for Medford and Central Point to su servlce that Is abserved' annually In took first prize as to the best ! perlntend the smudging of their re- Ashland. j A number of enthusiastic steelhead ' fishermen of Medford will build a ' club house on Roeue river oonoslte Kelly's island this summer. The club house will consist of a living room crm shown her wont, tier rrienns and a large sleep'ng porch providing be Pleased to learn of her great accommodations for a score of fisher- sllcceS3 ,n thls line of work men. Stevenson Studio for portraits. iw -v - - w $J fJ the lowest price," makes this store from day to day the shopping center fli cnpn'ni virip- itpms here and huv vour wants now. biiv w?svisitx 111 Boys' Shoes Made of the very best workmanship and materials; can be had herein sizes 9 to 13 at pair $1.85 to $2.25 These are special. One lot of Boy's Oxfords "Holland" make, the finest leather and workmanship: all 2.25, $2 50, $2.75, 1 OC $3, and $3.50, sizes 9 to 5 big boys' sizes, all lOJ Mr. and Mrs. Lee Port were visitors from Jacksonville Saturday evening J. Morr'son transacted business at Happy Camp and other Klamath river points last week. Miss Corenlia Larson, who is teaching in the Cove district, was 'n town last Saturday. WJid and tame flowers are bloom ing In the park at present. Pansy beds arc especially fine this year. Jess Smith, brother of Mark W. Smith of H street, has returned t'J Ashland after quite a long absence. Mrs. Clara Hartley was In town ' Batur(lay f rom her i,0mo noar Plioo - nix. Her small son accompanied her. ' tond tne fulUiral ot sister,. Mrs. t v f i M,IlEme,y- , Estes family at Talent Friday last 'Mr. and Mrs. Ustes are old friends of j the Wrights. j Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dickson re turned Thursday from Corvallls, ; where they have been visiting for some t'me past. j Chester Smith of Portland was in, Ashland Sunday. Mr. Smith was a former resident of 'Ashland and has many friends here. Horace V. Mitchell and wife leave Ashland soon for M'amath Falh, where they expect to reside. The best wishes of friends go with them. It Is already conceded by fruit rais, ers of th Ib valley that they will en counter some embarrassment in ob- farmers from the county will particl. pate. G. S. Rand, chief clerk of the rail way mail service, on Thursday gave an examination on the Oregon scheme of pos'.offices to four employes of the local postolfice. All passed suc cessful'. "Billy" Brlggs, son of Mr. and Mrs E. D. Brlees of this cltv. who has been attending Valnaraiso college. ! hMn nrrWort tn rpnnrr fnr rhfl thren months' training. O. C. Purkeypllo, formerly of Ash land and who has been employed by the Southern Paclf'c at Medford for several years, has been promoted to lne Pn 01 a. r.. agem ai momma, Ore.- Mrs. Purkeypile and daughter Grace Joined him there last week. Miss Etta Johnson, who used to be ; Cross chapter!, secretary of the Patrl a teacher in Jackson county and in otic Service League, local correspond- the city schooln of Ash'and. has been in Los Angeles for several years. Her; equipped "nature room ' and the most an(i ,)est general work done by .teach-' er and Pp''- Msi Johnson is 1 j ver' faithful, efficient and conscien- j tlous worker and richly deserves tho I o White Goods In Voiles, yard . . 30c and 40c In Gaberdine Skirt- lngs, yard wide, yd. . . OUC Cotton Corduroys, yd. OC wide, yard "WC White Piques, yard wide, yard 33c and 50c Wash Voiles In all the color effects that are new, yard OoC Shantung Silks In 1 Op sport colors, yard... I" Pongee Silks In plain and fancyl yard. . . .75c to $1.50 Wool Plaids now selling at, yard, from .... 75c to $2.75 Silk Taffetas, yard wide, yard. . . .$1.50, $1.75, $2.00 Fancy Linings and a Foulards, yard t)UC Plain colored Voiles, OCn yard wide, yard uv. Tin 7M 1 mm KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED .a ft J Stevenson. 177 East Main Street " Never Sleep" Charles Blake rode in from his ' Head Indian ranch Saturday to Mr. and ' Mrs. Oscar Shlve of Klamath FaKs are house cuest a", the home of Mrs. U.i Walker this week. Ernest G. Chllders nu I i:trett C. Chllders of Yreka enlisted 1l tho navy this morning through Postmas ter E. J. Kaiser 'here. They will leave tonight for Portland. The young men are twins. Whlb in Ibis city they were guests at the J N. Dennis home. An opportunity will be given all high school students of the state this spr'ng to compete In a gold medal peace essay contest, to be held under the direction of the American School Peace League, of which Wil liam H. Taft is president. Ben H. Williams, secretary of the social wel fare department of the university ex tension division, will handle the de tails of the peace essary contest In Oregon. "The Influence of the I'nlted States In a Tlan for Perma nent Peace" is the subject selected for this year. The new telephone directories are out, and, at the risk of being jailed for giving space to liquor advertis ing, we call attention to the fact that a saloon Is listed In tho book. The saloon is in Crescent City, which, with a number of other Del Norte coimty mmmunltlcs, l "sted for U1CB U1BU '' "1"" During the temporary absence from Grants Pass of Bon Sheldon the other day, one of the cub editors of the Courier played a little horse with tho new editor, as witness the follow ing published in Wednesday's Cour ier: "The manager of the Chamber of Commerce, the scoutmaster of the Boy Scouts, secretary of the Red jent of the Oregonlan and editor of the Courier, toon last nignts train spectlve orchards. The drop in tem- perature was not as severe as expect ed and the Grants Pass delegation re turned on the forenoon train." The delegation referred to consisted of Hen Sheldon. Eugene Register: Plans for at least two trips to southern Oregon this summer were discussed by the J j Knit Underveat Can be purchased here from 2.5c to 75o less on i . . i ft If a eaen garnieni man pre vailing prices elsewhere. ATHENA Underwear for women and children' is built to the body lines. The qual ities offered at $1.00 per garment here are an exceptional good buy. We advise early purchases. Then, too, we offer at 50c, 60c and 75c ladies unions that cannot be equalled for the price. Ladies' Vests in every style possible, from 10c to $1. Children's Unions vests, pauts all at a decided sav ing here. ROYAL WORCIIESTER CORSETS Made to give you ease and comfort, especially onr athletic number, priced at $1.00. Other styles Radiator Boys' Drum Corps at lis at-'meeting last night, at which time election of officers was held. The tr'P t0 Roseburg May 19, which is j Eugene day at the big Strawberry- Carnival, Is assured, and If that trip Is a success the boys are prpmlsed a trip to Ashland for the Fourth of July celebration and roundup. J. N. Dennis and family and Tom Wright motored to Evans creek yes terday and spent the day picnicking and fishing Epworth League To Convene Here The' Epworth League of the Klam ath district will hold its ninth annual convention In Ashland May 18-20. The terltory Is large and Includes Jackson, Josephine,. Klamath, Lake and Douglas counties. Everett O. Smith is pres'dent and Miss Gertrude Barber secretary, both of this city. Nora Llndley of Medford Is among the ilist of vice presidents; Mrs M. L. Wire of Grants Pass, Junior League superintendent; Lawrence Hercher of Dlllard, treasurer. Over 200 dele gates are expected to be present. Elaborate placards Just out Incorpor ate all details as to program. These announcements are also lllustratei with a representation of Ashland creek falls as a centerpiece), In addl toin to portraits of Rev. If, J. Van Fosson, district superintendent, and Pan P. Brummltt of Chicago, editor of the Epworth Herald, who will be among the visitors. Convention ses sions wi' be held In the Methodist church, and the Ashland league is perfecting arrangements to make this gathering the biggest and best of any Epworth demonstration ever held In southern Oregon, if not In the entire state. An annual summarizing the woik of the league and Illustrated with well-chosen cuts will be ready for dis tribution at the league convention. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank the friends and neighbors who by their words of sympathy and acts of kindness light ened our load of sorrow following the death of our wife and mother. G. W. Crews, O. R. Crews, A. C. Crews. Mr. and Mrs. If.. H. Wardrlp, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McGco. Cllf Payne makes sw'nglng settles. from $1.00 to $2.50. Leaders in Low Prices and the Best in Merchandise