Thursday, May 8, 1011 TIT I tf tttttttt-H I I I H 1 i ii Ml''' iwM i 3!illiiilti ASHXAYT) TIDINGS But It seems to be A war Necessity. Just Imagine Sixty Honor Guard Girls Times One hundred militiamen Equals Six thousand kisses. Do you blame us? Heard and Overheard (By Lynn D. Mowat.) We view with alarm The tendency Evidenced by The Girls' Honor Guards Coal and -Suit Sale American Lady Corsets Gossard Front Lace Corsets Throughout the State Toward Indiscriminate Kissing of Departing recruits. ' The War Department Allows married men. To belong to The Coast Artillery Only If ' Their wives Are willing, And unless the Honor Guard calls off This kissing The First company Will lose Lieutenant Spencer And Sergeant Detbert And Sergeant Butterfleld And Sergeant Porter And Corporal Grubb And Corporal MoNalr And probably Several others 1 i Who have wives. We don't know about When the tlmo comes i 1 i For departure j And the attendant marks Of affection from The Honor Guard. The only avenue Of escape Is to grow Mustaches Like Howard Barrett's Is And mine Is going to be When It gets Its growth. We dislike Mustaches. Local and Personal The Albany roundup has selected the dates of July 2,3 and 4. The Plaza moat, market has gone out of business. There remain thr,ee meat shops In the city. Engage your tomato plants now, as they will be scarce later. Holmes Grocery has fine stocky plants. It Mrs. W, N. Wright returned Sun day from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wendoll Wright at Roseburg. For your ground cherryrpepper, tomato and egg plants go to Holmes Grocery. It Herbert Alford, who has been em ployed in a San Francisco bank, has returned to his home In Medford. William Pracht has returned from a two week's stay at Sawtelle, Cal., whero his father, Max Pracht, is In a hospital.. Ice cream, cake and coffee for 25c at the refreshment booth at the May ball Friday night. 1 It Frank Blovins has gone to Hilt where he has secured a position as blacksmith with the Hilt Lumber company. Elmer Smith has gone to Grenada, California, where he will be employed by the California-Oregon Power com pany in construction work. N. W. McGee was a visitor at the home of his nephew, J. H. McGee, last week, stopping off while enroute from a California visit to his home at Pullman, Washington. Auxiliary May ball Friday. Tlck etc $1. Spectators or extra ladies 25c. It Teddy Provost, who is employed by the Southern Pacific as a painter, visited over Monday with his folks In the city. He Is at present employed in the vlc'nlty of Dunsmulr. Mrs. M. E. Wilson, of Dunsmulr, California, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. M. Rouse,. She is accompanied by her little grandson, Master Paul Sousa. A recent real estate transfer re corded at Jacksonville was the sale of a tract In the R. R. addition by R. J, Edwards to B. R. Stevens, the price being given as $60. Carnation day at the White House Grocery. Carnations free to all cus tomers Saturday. It Numerous fishing parties are bring ing back fair sized catches from Rogue river. Jack Mattern. Jack j Bailey, Cbauncey. Stoddard and Carl Hllty brought home some fine steel heads last Thursday. Attorney Blackford, of L'bby, Mon tana, Is spending this week In Ash land and the valley and Is looking over the lay of the land with a view to possible Investments. He may de cide to locate In Southern Oregon. ! The Coats and Suits that arc lctt will be ottered to you now tor less money. Naturally enough alter sizes are broken and the selection smallest, the chances for pleasing you grow less. This is why we are going to tempt you to come now tempt you with a chance to buy better gar ments for less money. Every garment would sell readi ly enough at regular prices, perhaps, but for suits and coats we now prefer quick sales and an early clean-out. it 4 "Novelty Silks" The insistent demand from smart dressers for novel designs' and fanci ful colorings in Spring and Summer Silks has led to a wonderfully wide and largely increased range of styles which such strong inspiration pre sents. The newest and best examples are ready for your choosing here ready for dress and sports. Very new patterns in sport, patterns, Domestic Pongee, 36 inch, yd. . .75c Printed Shantung Pongee, 33 inches wide, special Stripe and plaid patterns In Silks for skirts and dresses, very popular now, yard $1.."0 to $2.00 Washable Jap Satin for waists and underwear, 36 Inch, yard l.i!5 Suits at $19.50 and $25.00 It will be a long time before you will be able to buy as good a suit for the money as you can buy now. We do not expect to make a further reduction on these gar ments this season, so there is no reason to wait for a bigger cut except It m4ght be on an extreme style. Jersey Cults $10.50 One gold colored Poplin Suit Lots of good Btaple styles 19.5!) Splendid Novelty Suits worth up to $35. now $25. All in this lot at $25 are worth $27.50 to $35 this spring and would be higher by fall. Coats at $6.75, $13.50, $16.75 To $19.50 Several dozen coats left to go into this clean-up sale, after the biggest spring coat business we have ever done. Not all the pretty coats have gone out, as you will see, but the setting time Is now short and the rest must go quickly. Hosiery and Underwear For Spring You should not hesitate to buy liberally, as we did for our store, all your hosiery needs fofiome time to come. The mercerized hose for ladles which last season was 25c Is now selling most everywhere at 35c, and our next orders will be on that price basis. We have them now in goodly quantity at 30c. , We have other good hose at 25c, and lots of them, In both black and wh'te. Underwear Is a fourth to one-half higher now than we own this spring's stock at. You wiU find both the Kaiysor and El Real garments reasonably priced here under present market prices wholesale in some instances. Spring's Newest Petticoat Fashions Fresh from the factory most charm ing cre'iS'ons that are copies of Paris ian and New York's chief des'gners' models. Of course the labels identify them as Fitrite Petticoats for in these "new every month" styles are effects six to ten weeks ahead of all others. Style, material and fit were never better combined. Bright, crisp TAF FETAS ranging from simple, plain blues and blacks to gorgeous Persian effects novelty changeable, too, in new Ideas of variations. And every "Fitrite" is made with that patented adjustment feature, so simple in operation, that insures per fect fit without bothersome buck les, hooks and eyes, elastic tapes, etc. PRICES $3.00 TO $6.50 4t 4 SWIMMING! Helman's White Sulphur Plunge and Tub BATHS Hours 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Open For The Season SATURDAY May 5th Charley Howard, of the Howard Auto company, leaves today in an at tempt to make his first trip of the Season to Klamath Falls. He goes by way of the Slsklyous and Horn- brook. Mrs. Chris Boyle, of San Francisco, arrives this week to visit her sister, Mrs. Hugh Gillette, and attend the : graduation of her niece, M'bs Louise Gillette, who is a member of the local high school class of 1917. i George Watson and Dutch Emery have returned from a six weeks' stay at Hilt where they completed a paint ing contract for the Hilt Lumber company. The spring paintup cam paign Is keeping them busy in Ash land. County Commissioner Frank Mad den and wife have gone to Seattle to spend the summer1. Mrs. Ed Hanley is also .in Seattle. The Hanleys and Maddens are Interested In an Alaska canning company which has its head quarters in Seattle. The firm of Groves & Benard, junk dealers, who conducted a place of business on Fouth street, has disolved partnership and Mr. Groves will con tinue the business alone. Mr. Benr ard's plans are not definitely settled as yet. He is still in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burns of Portland are visiting in the city. Mrs. Burns was Miss Daisy McDonald, of this city until a few weeks ago, and was employed as bookkeeper by the j Ashland Creamery prior to her mar- Hnirn Mr. Burns is an express mes-i scnger on the Southern Paclf'c with a run between this city and Portland. Leonard Hlnton, who did some spe cial writing for the Ashland Tidings whll9 in this city last year and made a number of friends during his stay of three months hero, was employed In the famous Treadwcll m'ne at Jun eau, Alaska, which was recently flooded Hinton is in tho Far North gathering material for literary work. Mrs. J. B Weeden and her mother, Mrs. I. D. Fisher of Central Point, visited Mrs. Ida M. Gard on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Volpe are the parents of a baby girl, who will re ceive birthday present on April 26th. John Wells, pioneer resident, and well known all ov,er Jackson and Klamath counties has been indis posed cf late and confined to his home on Greshara street, many miss ing his familiar presence about town. , Fifty cavalry recruits from Wash ington passed through bound for Ft. McDow.ell at San Francisco last Mon day, i D. M. Lowe of Ashland has been elected a director of the Jackson County fair, which this year will ex ceed all past attempts in every de tail. Medford is organizing a branch of the Girls Honor Guard. The young ladles of the neighboring city are tak ing a lively interest in the honor guard. O. P. Calef of this city, represent ing the Knight Packing company, is canvassing various portions of the valley In behalf of securing a wide extent of tomato arceage. Mrs. T. M, Lynch, son Gail and mother, Mrs. Wr'ght, returned Tues day morning from a visit in Willam ette valleyi, where they had an en joyable time visiting old friends and relations and renewing acquaintances. L'ttle Gall took a Bevcre cold the last day they were dn -Portland and re turned home quite llf, but this morn ing is somewhat improved. George Von dor Hellen, the well known merchant of Eagle Po'nt, and son of Senator H. Von der Hellen, has received orders to report for duty at the officers' reserve training camp in San Francisco the second week in May. Mr. Von der Hellen re cently took the examination to qual ify for instruction In the officers' re serve and passed with high rating. M. G. Wamlnk of Medford and M. A. Carter of Ashland have returned from a visit to their silver, lead and gold mine near Cole station on the Oregon-California line. They assert that the property will be under op tion In a few days to California men. 'Will Henry of Gazelle visited Life Harris In Ashland th's week. Mr. Henry recently solid his ranch at a good figure to A. L. Harlow and with his wife and fivo children will make an extended auto tpur of the east. He will return to Ashland with his fam ily next fall to place the children In the schools. Charley Hargadinef,' who transports the mall from the postoffice to the Southern Pacific station, has made a new contract with the ra'lroad com pany with an Increased compensation and will soon replace his one horse mall r!g with a Ford car with a trail er constructed from the ruins of the present equipage. ,. The place at the corner of Fox and Eddjlngs streets, West Ashland, for merly owned by Rev. Robert Tweed of Okanagani Wash., is now the prop erty of Mrs. Geneva Allen, having been recently purchased by her through the Billings realty agency. The place comprises four acres, on which there is a fine dwelling and other improvements. Mrs Allen is In possession and wfi'l soon move io the now home from Bush street, where she has res'ded for several years. Ashland peoplo who partlc'pated In the meetings of the Rogue River Valley Baptist association which met In Medford recently Included Rev. H. J. Vino", pastor of the local baptist church, who led the discussion con cerning "Tho Relation of Young Peo ple's Socities to the Church," also occupying the pulpit of the Methodist church, South, at Medford, on Sun day. A conference was conducted by V. O. N. Smith, prominent In local Baptist councils. Preparation for young people's devotional service was: outlined by Dr. Lillian Fowler, and H. O. Butterfield urgently set forth "Th Need for Training." Curry Bucks at Calling Election The county officials of Curry coun ty hav,e not evidenced any intention of calling a special election on Junet 4, when tho rest of the state will vote on the various state measures Curry county Is opposed to the ex pense of the eUction and is taking the rather highhanded method of re fusing to hold an election to make? plain the county disapproval. Senti ment against the election is said t lie in the fact that Curry county was left out of the state highway pro gram and would receive no direct benefits sho'ulld the road bonds carry. Governor Wlthycombe has wire Curry officials asking if they intend to obey the law in regard to calling: the election and should tliey disre gard it, tho governor will take the matter to the supreme court for mandamus proceedings to compel the; calling of tho election. S. F. Man Buys Valley Ranch F. J. McCarthy, of San Francisco, has purchased the Tony Oleson ranch on 'Evans creek, 12 miles from Gold Hill, paying a price said to have been $20,000. Mr. McCarthy, who has had ex tensive experience in business and stock raising, and who will reside on his new possession, plans to make a specialty of raising hogs and will put practically the entire acreage la alfalfa, grain and hay.