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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1917)
Monday. AprO ,.llt WOK tTVW AahUnd No. S3 A. P. and A.M. Special communication of Ashland Lodge No. 23, A. F. & A. M , Thurs day evening, April 5, 1917, for wort on Second degre. Visiting brethren cordially welcome. J. A. GRAHAM W. M. W. H. DAY, Sec'y. mxmmtmrnamt 3. M. Beaver and family moved last week from the east part of town to the north, locating on WImer street. Mrs. C. R. Clark and Miss Gertrude Clark rcturnod last, week from several weeks' visit at Grldloy and Anderson, Cal, Mrs. S. G. MacCracken of North Main street la enjoying a visit from her .brother, who recently arrived from Chicago. Lou Gartner, local Junk dealer, re turned the last of the week from Klamath Falls, where he transacted LOCAL AND PERSONAL nTIIIIIIH?"ill.lllllllll'li:il!llllllllllltlltt considerable business. Fireman W. J. Stevenson is back on the helper job, running out of Ashland, after two weeks in the hOB- Ordcr your hot cross buns early at the Vleban bakery. It Mrs1 Pearl Kearney left yesterday for Portland, whore she will vilat for a. week or ten' days. .., . . . . . 'pltal at San Francisco, W. ArCooper, accompanied by his i sons and Calvin McClelland, motored Hot cr0M UDa wlth other ood down to Jacksonville Saturday, things at the Viennr. bakery. It Beulah Caldwoll Newman was up ' M,ss Mam,e 0rr. wltl her nephews, from Medford Sunday visiting rela-, w,11Iam and Harry Hunt- were n" Uves and greeting old friends. iner SUPRtB at tne Grower home on A. E. McFarland has returned from jNorth Ma!n 8trect' Saturday SprlngKeld, wnere ho has been In at-1 c- R- clark returned from the tendance at his sister's funeral. .Southern Pacific hospital at San Francisco. Mr. Clark Is not well, but la somewhat improved in health. Frank Porter and wife are estab- lished in their cozy new home on the corner of C and Fourth streets, hav ing finished noVIng this last week. Mrs. Cora E. Burns of Harrison street Is rejoicing because her father, Mr. Leslie, has sold his ranch east of town and expects to move into Ash land. The ladles of the Christian church will hold an Easter market April 7 at Elks Tomplo, from 10 to 4 o'clock. 89-3t Mr. and Mrs. 3. N. McCune have returned homo after several months' stay at Medford. The McCunes ex pect to remain In Ashland during the summer. S. C. Williamson, manager of the Tnterurhan automobile line, who re sides in this city, received word last night of the death of his only brother la Portland. For 8ale Team, wagon and har ness. A bargain. 115 Granite St. 82 tf I F. D. Swingle Is going on a crutch I again, having received a rather sert Ous injury to his leg In an auto m!x (np where someone who was driving carelessly ran against him. j Mrs. Phoebe Wright of Lincoln 'street had the misfortune to get her arm caught in tbo door recently and (waa quite badly hurt. Mrs. Wright is T. M. Lynch's mother. llciTIZENSfj W BANK SO FASH LAN Dj i Foundation Of Thrift An account with The Citizens Bank ot Ashland is the right Incentive upon which to build a thrifty career. Do not de lay. Start today. AOtnu SAVINGS tt0x'" DEPOSITS, Harvey Cliff, who has been em ployed at the Park garage, has ac cepted a position as assistant store keeper for the Soutborn Pacific Com pany here. Lynn Baughman Is also working in the S. P. store. Miss Carol aVn Nice, who has been teaching school In Pasadena, Is home for her spring vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Van Nice. Miss Mabel Van Nice Is also here from Seattle, where she teaches. Orres $1 profit sale has been a great success. He needs a few more to make up the 200. Get in on It. The White House grocery has a novel window display which Is at tracting a groat deal of attention. The display features a mechanical figure of an old miner who holds In his hand a frying pan over a. little fire. In a realistic manner he shifts a cake In the pan and flips It over In the air, catching it again. Good woolens will be high next fall. Order your suit now at Orres'. Mr. and Mrs, Georgo Monroe ex pect to go to San Francisco this week, where Mr. Monroe will undergo an operation at the Southern Pacific hos pital. Reports' that a Hindu who had run amuck and killed a man somewhere down in California had started north and left the railroad at Stelnman were brought to Ashland, and result ed in much activity in county police circles. The sheriff got busy on the rumor and finally learned that the Hindu who got o'f at Stelnman was another man. The Hindu murderer was shot and killed by a posse down In California. Master Fred Jones, on Mountain avenue, Is quito a wagon builder. Last week there was a good lot of pounding around the Jones residence at an early hour when small boys should be in bed. However, the re sults are very satisfactory and Fred now rides around town in his own ban! made wagon, drawn by two Shetland ponies. Not many boys of his age could 'make a respectable hand wagon, to say nothing ot a two horse rig fit for service and utility. Judge Moore and Mrs. Bingham have set the town agog. It .is no less than a sensation. Each of them has removed the old barn and dilapidated outbuildings from their premises and put their places in shape to charm the thousands of visitors who will visit Ashalnd this summer. More sensations of the kind should be Studio Ashland Closes For the Summer April 15th FOURTEEN MORE DAYS If you want more pictures from your old negatives If you want new pictures made DO It Now Any framed or sample picture that 1 have firTfched will be sold at a big discount. I will reopen in a new location November first Bert H. Hinthorne forthcoming before the spring weath er sets in. This year the Ashland citizen who contributes to the beauti fication of tho olty by removing dilap idated buildings and planting beauti ful flowers will proxe a rel benefac tor. One hundred thousand people will visit Ashland on the 3rd, 4th and '5th of July and tho city should be a blaze of beauty by that date. School Annual Will BeFine Book The high school annual which the students of the school are planning to Issue this year Is well under way and promises to be by tar the most ar tistic and original yet produced here. The book will have a greater number of pages than any yet Isnued and will be free from advertising. The Com mercial Club has appropriated $12 to be used In the purchase of enough photographs of a local sconlc point to supply the edition. The cover will be artistically embossed, with an oval opening through which the pictures may be seen. The cost of produoing the annuals is much greater than the price of 50 cents for which they will be sold, and it is necessary to figure very closely on the size of the edition. Hence everyone who desires an annual Is required to s'gn up for one at either Butler's or Rose Brcs. Thrown From Horse And Badly Injured Mrs. Catherine E. Addis was thrown irom her horse while riding yesterday and suffered Injuries which may prove to be very serious. While no bones wero broken, Mrs. Addis was badly bruised, and It Is feared that internal Injuries may have been bub talned. Sho was reportod as being worse this morning. Mortgage Sale Dowden Spud Planter (Good as New) 1 Work Horse, Wagons, Harness, Cultivators and Plows. 115 GRANITE ST. MnniiiniiiiiiiiMttnmmmtimHtumM THESE FOR TEN DAYS Green IlidesUOc lb andjup Dry Hides 28c lb and up Magazines 65c per 100 lbs Newspaper 65c per 100 lbs Rubber boots and shoes 5c lb Rubber caslngs.3c lb Ragslc per lb Do not be misled by others, the original Ashland Junk Dealers have moved T from 253 Fourth Street ad are now located at 135 Pioneer Avenue, two doors below Ford Garage. We want your goods and are willing to pay I best possible prices for it. 70 Ashland Junk Dealers f I If IOC PlnnoDK lkrt Doom Below Phone and we ...:n r f C oer nin A m Will UUII Wl t lUHlli nvc, rordCui(( aster. Week at the Store ATHENA UNDERWEAR FOB WOMEN AND CHILDREN The perfect fit, the daintiness and the com fort of ATHENA Underwear make it superior to any other underwear that has" ever been produced. It is tailored to fit exactly, without being stretched into shape. All ATHENA Garments arc made full over, bod and narrow across the back Las mc dtmkm an strap rnnnotalip down "front cut lower than back Patent Kurd teat -pockrl-lik con ttruclitiH on cither icl-lb garment lav closed There is no wrinkline or wadding at any point. The shoulder straps stay in place. The patented seat and non strain Russet found only in ATHENA Underwear, pro vide ease and comfort. ATHENA Underwear ii sheer, cool and dainty. All izes and qualities at the prices you nave been accustomed to pay. New Paiseley Silks and Silk Poplins from $1.50 to $2.50 yard Voiles Pretty striped and checked Voile'-', as well as any plain shade; all marked here at a better value than elsewhere Skirtings Beautiful Skirtings just re ceived, priced at yard $1.00 lo $1.75 Easter Ribbons In many handsome designs; a large and complete assort ment. Easter Hosiery Either in cotton, fibre silk or silk, at prices that save from 10c to 25c a pair. j White Goods I Headquarters That Will Serve Your Needs Better. In fact, -we know our prices mean a decided saving. The increase of patronage speaks for itself. That's why we want you to make this store your store pays to trade herel Colored Cotton Corduroy or Piques, 27 inches wide, in pink, blue, deep cream and gray. Sold formerly l f at 25c, 35c and 40c. Special per Jj Jjfi yard 100 Pair Of ladies' black and tan low shoes and slippers, formerly sold at $2.50, $3 00. $3.50 and $4.00, special to clean up 98c a pair 100 Pair of ladies' regular height high shoes in black lace only, in patent, vici and gun metal, formerly $3.50 and $4.00 a pair, special per pair .... .... $1.98 ttsst Pongees Imported Pongees and Amer ican printed Pongees in fash ion's newest effects. Priced here from, yard 75c lo $1.50 Umbrellas! All long and short handle umbrellas for ladies and men at a special discount of 0 o Silks in the new Paisley spot designs. Priced at per Beautiful Tub Silks Another shipment of beautiful Tub Silks $1.25 just received. Priced while thev last :m;iii;ninBt Men's Underwear Men's Summer Underwear of fine Balbriggan and Porosknit in qualities that today are worth 65e. Special at, each . yl O for Shirt or Drawers. nt)L Jap Crepe, Special at lie In plain and stripes, fa?t color. Tub and sun proof. fll''K'"fflrrcrft?tirMtifltiifl VAUPEL'S The Store That Gives Better Values ttttlfflttttl Do not forget that all Embroideries are at a discount of 20 per cent Ladies' Hosiery While there is a general ad vance on all Hosiery, an early contract enables us to offer many numbers in Ladies hos iery at, per or pair adJL that 35c is being a?ked for elsewhere. MEN'S OXFORDS One lot of Men's Oxford, sold at high as $4.00, all go in one lot, spe- 1 or Cial la)J Another Lol at $2.50 pr. mm m mm Xyi7"E'VE an Arrow Shirt for every function and for every cport made in the good Arrow way of fabrics that wear and colors that will not fade The Arrow label on a shirt stands for service and satisfaction. $I.JO and $2J)0 Arrow SHIRTS 150 Pair of Ladies Shoes In black, lace and button, white Suedes and canvas but ton also tan 1-ice shoes, reg ular height. Nearly all sizes formerly sold at $3.50 and $4.00 pair, special a pair 2.50