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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1917)
Monday,' April g,:lWT page roon White Shoes For Easter New Styles Just Received by Express banquet the winning side Jqna 1. Mrs. P. B. Whltnoy and Mrsc. H. Gillotto, two of Ashland's brightest and most energetic women, are the captains in this interesting campaign. They are taking now members for the half year, to November 1, for 50 cents. Now is the time to come into the club. Every woman In Ashland should be a member. Eight-inch white washable kid lace, white ivory ole ami heel Eight-inch white Reignskin lace, white ivory sole and heel Eight-inch white canvas lace sport hoe, white rubber sole and neel $7.00 $5.00 $3.75 Mr. and Mrs. George Stannard and Mrs. Cclla Ilbby woro dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Morse at Talent, Sunday. All Flexible Welt Soles at Popular Prices at 72? B oot Shop Federation Meeting Postponed. The annual meeting of the First Southern Oregon District Federation of Women's Clubs, composed of seven teen clubs of southern Oregon, which was to have been held at Grants Pass April 12, 13 and 14, has been post poned. All arrangements has been comploted and the progrnm in the hands of the printers, but owing to the numerous cases of measles in the Grants Pass schools, the executive board at a meeting on Friday decided to take this precaution. The convention will be held at Grants Pass at a later date, the same to be announced by the executive board. DAISY W. HELPER, Chairman of Board. In the Social Realm Notice, Honor Guard, The girls' honor guard will meet at the armory tonight at 8 o'clock. All members and those expecting to join the guard will be present. DON SPENCER, Captain. Political Science. The Political Scdonco Study Club meets Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 at the Auxiliary hall club rooms. The subject will be the state measures which are to be voted upon in June. The Phllaptha class of the Baptist church expects to give a social enter tainment and program In thoir church parlors Friday evening. April 6. Lunch will be served for a small con sideration, but the program Is free and everyone is cordially invited. articles of clothing, pieces of furni ture, dhos, fancy work in fact, un told numbers of things that people have grown tired of or have no use for that are just what other people may neod or want. The sale will last three days. There will, be cooked food, homemade candies, a fish pond, a "millinery opening" and many at tractive booths. Watch the papers for further announcements. Pictures. On Tuesday night, April 10, F. T. Porter of Salem, Ore., will show slides of colored pictures at the Christian church. No admittance will be charged, but an offering taken. The subject of his pictures will bo "Bible History of Angels," and the dissolv ing views are used, causing an effect very much like moving pictures. I''loldN-Klorta. Miss Bcrna Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs1. VV. D. Roberts, and Harvey Fields, both of Medford, were married Saturday at Medford. Both Oif the young people have many friends in Ashland. Mr. Fields is the junior partner lu the shoe firm of C. M. Kldd & Co. Fortieth Anniversary. Sunday was the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of Mr. and Mri. Pohland, which was celebrated last night with a sumptuous dinner at which Messrs. and Mesdames, Shep herd, Stock, Kocho and Mrs. Blegel and daughter wore guests The even ing was spent In old reminlscencos and Mrs. Roy Walker rendersing some of her father's old favorite ma lic and Bongs. Christian Church Notice. For nest Sunday the servlcos at the Christian church will be as follows: Bible school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. by Pastor W. L. Mellln ger; subject, "Godliness." Christian Endeavor at 6:15 p. m. Preaching at 7:45; subject, "What Does a Young Man Cost?" At this service the militia boys are invited to attend in a body. Choir practice is conduct ed each Wednesday evening at 7:30 by Howard Ewer, and' everyone is gladly welcomed who can sing or wishes to learn. v Annual Meeting. The Presbyterian churcli enjoyed delightful luncheon prior la their an nual meeting last Wednesday night. After the good things to eit had been disposed of. R. P, Nell took the chair at the annual business meet'ng. Rev. Carnahan being unable to preside ow ing to his recent operation Reports submitted showed a grati fying status as to church activities in various channels. Over 200 is the enrollment In the Sunday school. Ex penditures aggregated $1,839 the past year. Tho budget for the cur rent year Is fixed on the basis of $2,500. Valuation of church and manse properties Is $10,000. .Among officers elected, Louis Worth, W. K. Smith and G. E. Carpenter were chos en as olders. The trustees are J. L. Harner and Mrs. O. Winter Frank J. Shinn is treasurer and W. W. Cald well clerk. Miss Gladys Carnahan is secretary-treasurer of benevolences. O. Cj Tiffany Is the efficient canvass er iin behalf of church finances. The position of Sunday school superin tendent will be filled by a vote of the school membership later on. Royal Hawaiians At Vining Theatre There Is something about Hawaiian music which seems to reach out and grasp one's Innermost soul. One al most detects the fragrance of flowers as one listens to the dreamy melodies, imagination reaches glorious heights, one is transported far out and away from tho prosaic work a-day realm to the beautiful bElmy shores of Wai klki, with the onchantlg strains of the swoct Hawaiian music sounding on the still night air, the strumming of ukuleles, tho nntlve dancers, the quiet moonlit beach all combining Into a beautiful enchanttng dream. Tonight and tomorrow night. In addition to the regular picture pro grams, the Hoyal Hawaiian Song Birds, one of the best Hawiian troupes in this country, will appear at the Vlnlng theatre. They will present a program of Hawaiian musical features, quartet, steel guitar and the native dances, which Is bound 10 piease. Monday s plcturo is a filmlzation of the Saturday Evening Post story, "Jeffcry." Tuesday night the picture attraction will be Cleo Rldgley and Wallace Reld In "The Yellow Pawn," which Is a thrilling story of the part a Chinese servant played in the lovo affair of z famous painter and the wifo of a district at torney in Now York. iMMMIMHIIHHMMHMHIMHMMMIMMHM Civic Club to Put On An Economy Sale. About the first of May the Civic Improvement Club will put on an "Economy Sale" something similar to a rummago sale, but broader In ncopd., Every (family and business house in Ashlmd will be called upon for donations. Everything under tho nun will be acceptable. There are At Manse The Women's Missionary Society of tho Congregational church will hold an Eaater thank offering at the manse Wednesday. Supper will be served in tho Sunday school room from 5 o'clock ,on. Mrs. L. E. Sten nett will bo tho leader. After ew Members. The membership campaign of the Civic Club is on, and much Interest Is beilng manifested. Every member of the club should learn, if she does not already know, upon whose side her lot Is cast. The1 losing side will Merley Circle Meets. The Merley Circle of tbe Baptist church met last week on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. T. Payne on the Boulevard. The host esses for the afternoon were Mes dames R. C. Porter, S. A. Peters, O. F. Carson and C. T. Payne Refresh ments were served to quite a good crowd of ladies. The afternoon was spent in- fancy work and ppmes. A guessing gamo was played, "Guessing on things in my pantry," and. as could well be Imagined, the women enjoyed this game very much. Mes dames Maxcdon and Harvey received the prizes. Those present were as follows: Mesdames A. N. Miller, O. H. Butter field, A. E. Throne, H. J. Boyd, Geo. Anderson, Jj R. Maxedon, Barrett, Satterfleld, Connlno, Heard, Denton, Hawks, Vine, Hall, Christie, Harvoy,' Mattingly, R. C. Porter, C. T. Payne, O. F. Carson and S. A. Peters, and Miss Hampton. The ladles who were in attendance at this Circle meeting report a very enjoyable time. Urges Prudence In Criticising Governor Withycombe has Issued an appeal to the citizens of Oregon to be careful how they discuss the present national situation and es pecially with regard to the opinions of others. He urges especial pru dence in criticising the actkns of oth ers. "I do most earnestly Implore the people of Oregon to refrain from the discussion of the loyalty of any of our citizens. Unfounded rumors in these strenuous times may prove ex tremely disastrous to tho best inter ests of any community. This Is a time for sober thought and guarded words. Impugn no man's patriotism until you are positive that be Is not conducting himscll as a loyal Ameri can citizen. , "Every heart should bo fervent In prayer to Almighty God that this im pending crisis may be averted, but if it must come we must meet it as pa triotic American citizens." Z T7t- K0V VINING THEATRE Monday and Tuesday Big 2 1-2 Hour Show 00 ii imwaiaii t A delightful blending of native Hawaiian and Amer- t T nnnnlar mnRiV Tha JinmA nf mnsirnl curpptrmtia .Monday Night "JaiW Starring C. Aubery Smith and Elenor Woodruff Wonderful five-reel drama. A show that is sure to please you Tuesday Popular Paramount Team Wallace Reid and Cleo Ridgely in Portland A federal commission is to investigate a power site on the Columbia rivor for a government ni trate plant. Classified Advertisements TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Card of Thanks, We wish to thank tho many kind friends who by their kindly acts and words of sympathy made out recent bereavement more easy to bear. JOHN R, CLUTE. S. W. CLUTE AND FAMILY. LOST Pocketbook, left In postofflce Frldiy. Return to Mrs. Susie Allen. Reward. It FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN One IVi H. P. electnic motor and one Keogh centrifugal pump with suc tion pipe, belt, etc. Call on or ad dress L. A. Martin, R. 1, Rogue River, Ore.i 90-2t "The Yellow Pawn" A stirring photo-drama which relentlessly exposes the merciless methods of the third degree, combined with a sweet and tender love story Hawaiian Program Changed Each Night A Rare Treat for all at Popular Prices j: Adults Lower Floor and Front Balcony 35c; Upper Bal- cony lie. ah imiaren occupying seats 15c No Seats Reserved. Pictures 7:30-10:15 " RENEWED TKSTDIONY. Local Chinese Feared Tongmen The local Chinese colony, after Hy ing In fear of tong troubles for two weeks, has about resumed normal FOR SALE A good six-hole range and other household furniture. H. Easterly, 627 Terrace. 90-2t WANTED Girl for general work. Phone 120. house-90-3t WANT TO BUY Good second-hand car. I will consider any good car from 1911 to 1917. Will also con sider light truck. Glvo price and description in first letter, S. J. Taylort Grants Pass, Ore. It FOR SALE Small safe, tablos, shelv- ing and show coses. Ashland Art Shop. 90-3t FOR SALE OR TRADE Good sur rey. Inquire at Plaza grocery. It FOR SALE 1,000-pound mare, cheap. Patterson Orchard Co.. phono 304-J. 89- 4t No one in Ashland who suffers backache, headaches, or distressing urinary ills can afford, to Ignore this I Ashland man's twice-told story. It I is confirmed testimony that no Ash land resident can doubt. Festus Butts, retired farmer, 172 was annoyed for quite a while by ;Pur8Ults- an Chung, tho boss of kidney and bladder trouble. Nothing . the local Chinese world, la said to seemed to reach it until I began us-1 have been In hiding for two weeks ing Doan's Kidney Pills. They acted iBa th. ., ri. . ,, ... on my system from the first and soon ! f,8 the result of rePrt the inten stopped the too frequent action of tloD 01 tongjnen to kill h,lm. Now my kidneys and cleared up the kidney that the Portland tongs have come to -secretions." j an understanding, the tong killings icS i27i9innd vxizl:rei trequent of March three years later, Mr. Butts said: "I am ready to back up my former state ment regarding my oxperience with Doan's Kidney Pills. It has been several years since I was cured of my former trouble by this medicine and today I am enjoying first-class health." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Butts has twice publicly recom mended. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. J Ivan Culberson and family expect soon to move .Into the Miller house on Mountain avenuo, thus becoming near neighbors to Mrs. Culberson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Yeo. late will probably stop. Cllf Payne makes lawn seats. The Loveland School for Dancing' All the Latest Modern Ballroom Dances Class and Private In struction Memorial Hall Phone 170 The rloosier's unrivaled convenience won the Gold Medal at the Panama-Pacific Exposition at San Francisco Every Woman Has a Right to a Hoosier t All the Convenience Modern Science has devised for systematic kitchen work is in your kitchen when you have a X Hoosier Cabinet. Domestic science experts have designed and located every Hoosier convenience exactly at your finger's end. Skilled mechanics and workers have perfected all. the features. Nothing has been overlooked that would improve its con- Svenience or add to your comfort. Tha: is why a million women ufb and praise the Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet for the- hours of time and the miles of steps it paves them. No kit'hen equipment compares with it. No matter how large or how small your kitchen, whether new or old, whether you !live on a iarm or in town, you will find a Hoosier that is.a wonderful value that will fit your space and needs at the price you want to pay. You can have a Hoosier at once and pay fir it on the club terms, $1.00 down and $1.00 Weekly. No need of waiting a day lunger, as you can get your money back unless yon are delighted with the Hoosier you select. J. P. Bodg'e Sons HIIMHHIIIHIIiHIIHIIIIUIUHtHIIHItMl KHHHHttfHI H 1 4 Hi H-H--mM Tb FmoU8 I!oU I)oor "Hoosier Beauty