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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1917)
PAGR RIGHT AJSITLAVD TTDIWG8 ThnmUy, March 2, lot? L Every day many customers are finding Footwear mmmmmmmmmammmm Bargains IhatwT 9 Sahem one- yml State Commission In all cases the worst that happened was to delay a train. Automatic 1AfiiMN a am TTUL...... ,lock 8snals work on the principle 1CdlgUdlCd nlgllWdy'of 'When In doubt, take the safest . course.' which in this case is to stop. Irrespective, of whether the state Their ac,lon ls posItlve' a" if any- Only a Few More Days Untii Easter, Come Now and select your garments for Easter. Why put it off when you can now select from such a splendid assortment of clever styles at moderate prices road bonds carry, Oregon will have 1 thing goes wrong they will give a designated system of state roads. 8top ndfcatio"" The designations were made formal- There are almost seven thousand ly by the stato highway commission utomatlc M in uhc on the at its session just held. Tho desig nation was required by the govern ment as a condition to Oregon's par ticipation in the benefits of tho Sbackleford act. The government Representatives wero present with the commission when the designa tions wero made, and concurred In name, subject to formal approval by. the authorities in Washington. - All the roans designated In the pending road bonding act were destg- j nated by the commission and formal ly adopted as part of the system of state highways. In addition to those roads, such other roads were desig nated as were required to make tho ctate system moro complete and fair, eo as to connect all the counties with through linos of travel. Southern Pacific representing an in vestment of about four ana a half million dollars. In 1916 they per formed about sevcnty-OQiv million separate operations. Cereo to drink Instead of coffee, (let It of the Ashland Trading Com pany, phone 123. It SAMS VALLEY TIDINGS. F. Rowes house burned to the I ground on the morning of Monday, March 19. The contents downstairs was saved, but everything was lost 'that was upstairs. Mr. Rcwo was at Med ford at the time. Ho is contem plating building up on th; bill east qf where the old house stood. I Mrs Walsh Is visittag her dauch- Jolnt work by the government and ter, Mrs. John Hoist, the Btate will proceed, even If the s. n. Stonr was In Medford Mon people ,fall to vote the bonds. It la day, the 19th, attending to business pected that In the event of the ror himself, nnd brought out some failure of the state bonds, many of freght for the Table Rock and Sams the counties will vote tneir own valley stores. bonds for the sake of getting the j Mlgg 0pai Centers is helping Mrs. benefit of whatever government and Max gchultz during her children's ill rtate funds may be available. 'ness. The funds available, It Is cstimat-j Miss Mabel Cooper Is at home d, would permit improvement of the 'again after being employed In Cen maln trunk lines In the most popu-'tral Point for a month or six weeks, lous parts of the state Curing the , Grandma Hoist has been quite ill five years. There would not be .the past few days, with tho grip, enough money for any raving on! Mr, Fihsor hoe been heullog hay these. The roads to the remote sec-; for a few days. Feed Is very scarce lions would have to wait indefinitely. ;nt this time of tho year, owing to a They would remain on tht map as delayed spring, designated highways until funds j Mr. Scott, from Debengor Gap, baa were available for their improve-1 been In the vicinity for the last tew ment, which might be mnny years, 'days, circulating a petition for a new except afi tho counties voted thfl ly developed irrigation system for money tor tho principal port of the .Sums valley cost of Improving same. Mr. Fox and wife have been busy Should tho bonds pum the com- packing and shipping their last lot of mission will have money to use on .apples, taking thorn to Medford. every designated road In exery coun- Mr. Strnthren hr.d the misfortune ty. This would mean that every to Ret his hand badly hurt In the designated road In every part of wood saw while ho was helping cut the state would be put ii. a travel- ;wood. -able condition during tht five-year The children that have been sick period, much of it surfaced, and, the last two weeks are in) back In from 500 to 600 miles o.' highway 6chool again. paved, as against no pavi'it. and all Mto Bertha Abbott has been ill for the current funds being expended on the past week, but Is convalescing at the trunk highways to the neglect this writing, of the roads connecting with the) 1 Temoto sections. COATS Distinctively New $7.50-$10-$11.50 Up IVO matter what price or what kind of a 1 coat you want, you will be apt to find it if you come soon, Dozens of coats have already been sold, but we have kept new ones on the way. We believe you will agree as others have who have made comparisons that our styles are superior and our prices more reasonable. Block Signals of S. P. Almost Perfect Tri-State Good Road Meet for Medford The Tri-State- Good Roads Associa tion is to hold a good roads congress In only one case out of 89,000 j In Medford on May 16 and 17. Ac operations Inve tho automatic block t!on setting tho date was taken at a atgnals of tho Southern Pacific on ; mass meeting at Modford Friday, and the average f.Vled to give pioper in-j committees are to be appointed to (iication to tho engineer In the cab. caro for tho details. It was tenta Ry failure Is not that the engineer ' lively agreed to limit the scope of was not warned of danger, but the work of the congress to Benton, Tather that he was held back when Unn, Lane, Douglas. Curry. Jose the track was clear. j phlne. Coos, Klamath and Jackson This remarkable record Is brought C(,untp8 in a report just prepared by Signal Engineer W. 13. Boland of the com-1 You bet it is going to rain some pany, covering a period of one year, more, and we now have a rpeolal sale Roland's report reads "eo faithful! on umbrellas. Ashland Trading Coin Are the nutomotlc block signal in , p:uny. It their operations that during last year failures have averaged only one In A Pblladolph'a firm offcit $S40 a tghty-nino thousand and practically ' ton for long Oregon flax fibre. hmmm -a j A Bit of History THE management of thi financial institution is largely made up of mm who fur 32 years have faithfully rendered hanking Keiviieto Itlut-tri h, Household and Individual of thi community. Fiint, through the Hank of Ashland; next the U. S. National Bank, and now the First National Hank. This record of past performance stands as more than i promise for that of tho future THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ASHLAND XT ' OREGON - l C.V.CAartU.MCSIDINT l.m.vauwll.vicipiii S J , W. Mc CO Y CSm i f ft. CLARK BUSM wCW A Glorious Treat Is Ready for You The New "Fitrite" Silk Petticoats Are Here The richest silks, prettiest colors and most beautiful styles ever. Rich, plain and bright changeable Taffetas sport stripes and Persian effects, too, in ei.dless designs of the very newest Crimpings, Tuckings, Scollops, Fine Pleat ing and Tier Ruffles. SUITS Fetching: and Smart $20$25-$27.5Qlo$35 QNE of the best lines of suits ehown in Southern Oregon this spring is to be found at this store. Correet in every style detail, and perfect in fit and makeup, they are unquestionably better values than you will find elsewhere at the same prices. Come and compare before buying. They will stand close inspection. QUITE the prettiest assortment we have ever gathered. See them tomor row. "Fitrite" petticoats, you know, have that patented adjustment feature, free from buckles, hooks and eyes, elastic bands, etc. They're the best to buy. Prices S3 to $6.50. American Lady and Gossard Corsets W.25 to $10.00 Silk Dresses Splendid new styles in Silk Dresses. You cannot buy the goods,' trimmings and the making for any less than you wiil pay for these handsome garments all ready for instant use. We make all necessary alterations on these garments without charge. Ladies' Hose 25c Good supply In while and black, good quality, 25c New Blouses Right from the center of fashion come these chic and charming examples of smart new Blouses of crepe de thine and Georgette crepe, and bought before the rise. Crepe de Chine Blouses $3.50 up Georgette Crepe Blouses $5.00 up Special 28c for Fibre Silk Hose with high spliced heel; white and pink only in etock now 28c Waists $1.00, $1.10. $1.50 Of plain and colored striped voiles, ex cept.ionallyclever styles for solittle money Anti-Bond Men Would Increase Taxes Instead of bonding the state for road construction, the opponents of the bond Issue aro favoring was known as the Pierce bill, pro viding for a millugo tax of -4 mill a year to take the place ot the pres ent quarter mill state highway ta. Representatives of the opposition are act'ng !n concert In praising tliis bill as the correct solution of Ore gon's problem of state road finance The hill was Introduced during the closing days of tho leginlature t.y Senator Walter Pierce of Union coun ty, president of the State Taxpayers' league. It passed the state senate hut was defeated in the house of rep resentatives, on tho ground that an Increase of taxes would bo received with such disfavor by the people that the whole roads program would go down to defeat at the st.eclal elec tion at which it was proposed to sub mit the Increase In connection with tho bond'ng act. Opponents of the bonding act ex press openly their purpose to defeat the act so as to make way for in itiating the direct tax Increase to be voted upon by the people Rt the gen eral election In the fall of 1918. This makes the Issue squarely one of Increased taxes as against a bond ing program wh'ch involves no tax Increase. The tax burden In Oregon is so Intolerably heavy thit it Is be lieved most of the taxpayers will prefer to bond at the expense of the auto license fees, as contemplated In the road bonding act, ruther than vote a big increase of direct taxes to accomplish the same end. The people insist yn having the roads built, and the wholo contro versy is as to methods of .financing direct taxation or bonds bawd on auto license foes. Certificate of Award For Non-Tardy Pupils cates for her pupils may do so by applying to her county school superintendent. Fifty cents will uow buy a $1.25 Aa a reward to those boys and corset in odd sizes. We are overload- The Southern Pacific Company wishes to make improvements to the value of $60. 000 at Corvallis. Fran chise is pending. Forty pounds of ambergris has- girls of Oregon who can establish rec- ed on corsets and must reduce our been found on tho beach near Port prices. Ashland ;Orford Part has been sold at fU oras ot naving been neither absent ; stock at special nor tardy during tho school year, J. j Trading Company. A. Churchill, superintendent of tiuh-i lie instruction, is preparing n beaut!- j fully lithographed certificate of awardf This certificate will be signed ' by the teacher, the county school bu- 1 perlntendent. and the superintendent I of public Instruction. A number of j the county school superintendents ! have expressed a desire fot such cer- j tWcates to present to their pupils, and It is the belief of Superintendent Churchill that tho presenting of theso certificate will do much to stimulate perfect attendance among the boys end girls .of the state. Any teacher who wishes to secure these certlfi- It an ounce. i Give Your Eyes an Easter Present in the sJinpe of a pair of new eye glasses fitted with our expertly se lected lenses and mounted so as tc harmonize with your features. Your eyes aro your most precious posses sion. So in this season of Easter giving don't fail to remember their needs. Why not have us examina tion! today? I ll.LWHITED,? PTTT1T1TTT1 f VTTTTTf FtTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTTTTTTTTtT Big' Musical Treat Rog'ue River -Valley r fori DAMROSCH and ZIMBAUST with the HEW YORK SYMPHO Ninety Musicians BY ORCHESTRA Musical Event of the Season M Medford Natatorium, Tuesday, April j SEATS ON SALE AT THE BOOT SHOP, ASHLAND 'ihihmihi imiiiiii i