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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1917)
Thnrwda, March 29, 1917 ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE SEVRf Yard Wide White Wash able Corduroy, yard $1 VAU PEL'S Clubs of City Report Work And Accomplishments of Year At the annual meeting of the City j Civic Improvement C lub. Federation of Clubs the following re-1 The Women's Civic Improvement ports were submitted by the different , Club is all the name implies. They clubs: 'ore a body of women wide p.wake and , Chautauqua Park Club alert on any question of city better- The Chautauqua Park Club is 23 j ment,. During tho past year they years old and its efforts have been ! have incorporated so they may hold confined to the beautifies! ion of the property, and a woman's club house Chautauqua park ground.; which lie is a live question with them. They In the heart of the crfty and to stimu- jnre good boosters fcr tradi at home late Interest In the annual Chautau-. problems, and held a dinner, serving qua session held yeir in July. They have two fine study clubs and a new $25,000 building is being built this year to accommodate the increas ing attendance. Amount of money raised during the past year $639 Expense 601 Balance $ 38 MRS. S. PATTERSON, Pres. MRS. JENNIE GREER, Sec. Sunshine Society. The Sunshine Society of Ashland was organized 12 years ego for tho purpose of a systematic effort to util ize the waste of Ashland and place it where It would be used to bring cheer and happiness. Its activities are not confined to food and clothing, but Includes visits to shut ins assisting in the core of sick, co-operating with state, county and city officials in the protection and care of women and children, find work, In faci anything that will bring sunshine Into the lives of others. Money Is raised by annual dona tions of Masons and Elks, benevolent citizens, society earnings and dues. Report for tht year: Number of visits 432 Number of bouquets 240 Number of garments 576 Large quantities of fruits (canned and fresh , jellies, vegetables, grocer ies, fuel, bedding and literature are given away. ." ' ' Amount of money received. .. .$418 Amount of money paid out 390 Balance $ 28 The national motto, "Good Cheer." Our own motto, "Mako Everyone Happier for Having Known You." MRS. IDA M. GARD, Pres. MRS. LYDIA J. LAMB, Sec. To Build Up After Grippe, Colds Bad Blood Take a blood cleanser and alterative that ctarts the liver and stomach into vigorous action, called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery because of one of its principal ingredients the Golden Seal plaut. ll assists the laxly to manufacture rich red blood which feeds the heart nerves brain and organs of the body. Tlie organs work smoothly like machinery running in oil. You feel clean, strong and strenu ous instead of tired, weak ami faint. Htart to take it to-day and before nnother dav has passed, the impurities of the blood will begin to leave your through the eliminative organs, and' in a few d.ivs you will know that the lad blood 'is passing out, and new, rich, pure blood is filling your veins and arteries. Get Dr. Pierce's Gulden Medical Dis covery to-day from any medicine deal er, in' tablet or liquid form, or send Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, HiiiTalo, N. Y., ten cents for trial package of tablets. What Our Neighbors Say. j Astoria, Oregon. "After having had lue gnp i tumu not regain uiy strength;' my blood was poor, I was nervous and jalso had lien niatism. I tried everything but just could not get a n v relief. .Finally I decided jto take Doctor (Pierce's Golden I Medical Discovery land it cured me. I think it is simply L'reat. I nse the 'Pleasant Pellets' for constipation." G. R. Spicer, 373 Exchange St. Oregon products. They co-operate with the Commercial Club in enter taining visitors and on any public enterprise where their influence is needed. Half a carload of old pr.pers wero gathered, which add a gocd sum to the treasury. The live subject at tho present time is the high cost of living. Pa pers, lectures and demonstrations are being given at each meeting, on the foods of economical value The club gave $10 per month to the band, also 50 a month to a play ground directress fcr three months There Is a good atendance and each meeting Is followed by light refresh ments and a social hour. Amount of money raised $29 Amount of money expenedd. ., . 220 Balance $ 57 MRS. W. M. BARBER. Pres MRS. F, L. PUTNAM, Sec. Ladies' Auxiliary flub. The Ladies' Auxiliary Club of the Women's Civic Improvement Club Is composed of young women who or ganlzed to emphasize social life of Ashland. They havo finely equipped rooms at an expense of $400 which they generously donate the use of when needed. During the last year they have taken up sewing and physi cal culture for their members, and at each meeting have a literary pro gram, light refreshments end a so cial. They donate money to the band, playground and t charity. Their meetings are held In the even- lag and make a good club home for young women desiring social life Amount raised during the past year $350 Expenditures 238 ifilJI Balance on hand $134 MRS. A. W. BOSLOUGH, Pres. MRS. MAE S. ALNUTT. Sec. Parent-Teacher Circles. There are two Parent-Teacher Or cles in Ashland. One meets on the t'.rst Monday and the other the third Tuesday in month. The work of both is largely co-operrtive with the school faculty in equipping school houses and playgrounds, and they now have under way a sweet pea show for school children. Prizes are to be awarded, and the show bids fair to be a great r.uccess. Also plans are being l.Vd for a pageant of a Grecian myth, under the supervision of the physical training teacher, Miss Mof- fit, and th? musical director of the schools, Miss Anderson. The of meeting? consist of muuic and papers, and addresses on topics of mutual interest to parent and teacher. Refreshments and so cial half hour close tho afternoon They hold joint meetings at the high school :nd an occasional even ing one at which there io a good at tendance of the fathers. More and more Interest is manifest in the work which Is destined to rev olutionize child life. MRS. W. W. USSIIER, President of West Side. MRS. T. H. WALKER, President of East Side. Political Science Study dub. The City Federation of Women's Clubs organized a Political Science Study Class for the purpose of study ing all questions pertaining to tho state and national laws and the meas ures that are submitted to the people from time to time. They aro open to Pure fliik Pure Cream Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, TELEPHONE Proprietor 444R Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser vice to Any Part of Town RprPTIT IlTinnrrOnr I Property from tho date that the as- ftGWUlL lUipUlldlll sossment, Is mado, and chapter 406 TY T Pfffctat IAH def'n6 the Procedure for collecting I OA LiCgUldllUiJ them. Under the present law taxes are not a Hen on persona property, Probably the most Important taxa- and, because of this, assessors have tlon measures passed by the recent often encountered much difficulty In legislature are chapters 150, 406 and 1 collecting them. 407. The first provides the machin- j Another Important law passed prc ery for holding elections when It is j vldes that tax levies shall bo in dol necessary to incroaso tax levies be; lars and cents Instead of mills. Tho yond the 6 per cent tax limitation 1 object of this measure Is to put an amendment, and the other two create j end to the practice pursued in cer a lien on personal property and do-; tain districts of levying the same rate fine a procedure for its collection, j In mills each year, regardless of an Under chapter 150 it Is provided increased valuation, that elections may be held on the i Chapter 227 reduces the Interest first Tuesday after the fjrut Monday j on certificates of delinquency from ' In November of each year to vote on ,15 to 12 per cent, .and chapter 231 j the question of increasing either ; increased the time within which petl-1 state, county, municipal, district orations for reductions may be filed' port taxes in excess of the amount with boards of equalization from one ' prescribed by the 6 per cent amend-week to 15 days. A law was also ment. Provision is mado that before 'passed leaving It discretionary with i an election can be called, the tax- county courts when lands acquired by ; levying body shall certify that a ne-a county shall be sold. Under the I cesslty exists for an increase. This i present law such lands must be sold chapter also repeals the Bingham J each year whether the market Is good law, for, with tho 6 per cent amend- or bad, ment In operation, there is no further need of 1t. Chapter 407 provides that taxes shall constitute a lien on all personal Save Money on Cars We Dave for Sale 1 New Willys-Knight a bargain 1 1916 used Dodge $G50.00 1 Overland Roadster, electric starter and lights, $325.00 1 1911 Cadillac Touring $400 00 Bernard Motor Co. 130 N. Front St. Medlord, Oregon the public, every citizen ia Invited, and have for a leader Miss Marian Towne. Federation Officers. Officers elected ,for tho following yeai: Mrs. C. B. Lamkln, president; Mrs. John Dill, secretary. Herb G. McCarthy has been ap pointed yardmaster of the Southern Pacific at Klamath FallB. He is a former Ashland boy, son ot the late D. McCarthy, pioneer engineer on the system who is credited with having brought the first passenger train with Rules Outlined For Farm Loans The state land board hr prepared and laid down a set of rules to clover railroad notables Into Ashland. The the administration of the rural cred- appolntment has just been announced by Trainmaster Kirkland of Duns- muir1.! EvtH $k4 word bltnd Each signal for an Omar is a signal for aroma delightful aroma, full of smoothness and aroma-thrill I Aroma makes a cigarette they've told you that for years. And Omar it aroma. It is the perfect Turkish blend the triumph of rich Turk ish, and ripe accentuating leaves. Also Omar omar spells aroma. Even the words blend. CIGARETTES Smoke Omar for Aroma no HCmts Jm (UADAirrni its fund. Some of these rules al ready are comprehended in the terms of the rural credits amendment Itself or In the supplementary legislation of the last session of th. legislature, but a large number of tbem ar. rules prepared by th. board Itself. These rules, which wBl apply to all loans made undtr th. fund, are as .follows: ' 1. Loans can be mad r.nly to In dividuals who owe, operr.te and oc cupy the farms offored for security, and the funds may be used only for the following purposes: (a) Th. pay ment for lands purchased, (b) the purchase of livestock and other equip ment and making improvements, and (c) for the satisfaction of Incum brances upon such lands which were incurred or assumed by applicant for th. .aforesaid purposes. 2. Purpose for which loan is de sired must b. clearly stated. 3. Repayment of the loan will be required, on six months' notice, If moneys borrowed arc app'.led to pur poses other than those above stated, or if the lauds mortgaged are l.ascd or sold to any person not fulfilling tho conditions and purposes provided for In the contract with the state. ments on loans In thoir counties, without costs to the state. 12. In event mortgagors wish to to deed their lands to the state in or der to satisfy th. debt and thereby avoid .foreclosure proceedings, such, deed will be accepted by the board when it appears that the lands aro free from all other incumbrance and. in its judgment, ot sufficient value, if sold, to satisfy all claims of tho state. In such cases tho board will allow such a sum for fee? and ex penses as in Its judgment, appears reasonable. . 13. In the matter of cost bills In foreclosure proceedings, attorneys ar required to submit an Itemized bill for each particular suit, and, upon, approval by the board, th. clerk shall be authorized to draw hit warrant for the sum so approved. 14. Iu foreclosure suita, the attor ney for the board Bhall bo entitled to 150, payable when judgment sale haa been mad. and sale confirmed by th. court; provided, however, when the property foreclosed is bid lit by tba state and afterwords sold, within ona year from the date qf confirmation of sale, and the rum realized equals or exceeds the judgment and costs ren dered, then the attorney shall be on tltled to the full amount of th. f. ojlowed, by tho court In which judg ment is taken, ler.s the sum previous ly paid by the board. 1". Attorneys for the board musk notify the clerk ot the board of the death of or assignment by any of th. state's mortgagors In order that th. 4. Xo loan for a less sum than $200 nor or a greater sum thon of tDt B"tc mu Protected, $5,000 will be made, and la no .vent Leave Ashland for Med ford, and Phoeulx dally except Sunday at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00, 1:00, 4:00 and 6:1b p. m. Also on Saturday night at 6:30. Sundays leav. at 9:00 and 1:00, 6:00 and 16:19 p. m. Leave Medford for Ashland dally ex cept Sunday at 8:00 a. m., 1:00, 8:00, 4:00 and 5:16 p. m. Also on Saturday 81,10:16. On Sundays at 10.30 a. in,, and 2:00, 6:00 and 9:30 p. m. Far. between Medford and Amtu A fee equal In ono per cent of j l(ndt Roud trip. M omit, for a greater sum than one-half of the value of the land (exclusive of Improvements) offered for security, nor for mere than $r0 per acre. 5. But one loan shall be made to one person. When a person has a loan and desires another on other land, the old loan must b.s included in the new application and one mort- jgnge executed covering tho entire se curity. 6. Applicants for loan must fur nish abstract of title, nnd the same j shall be kept in the office of the at- j torney for the board, or hi" successor, ond returned to the borrower when the loan Is puld. 7 the amount of the loan applied fir I must be transmitted to the board with the application; provided, how ever, no fee shall be loss than $10. j Attorneys will not bp permitted to ( charge comm'ssions upon a loan ap plied for or granted. ' J 8. Loans shall ho repaid with In-: torest accruing In annual installments hn the r.mortizntion plan, inch Install ments bring fixed at such mini ns will cover the interest rate nnd will liqui date the debt within the porlod of the ; loan. 9. No loan will be mnrte for a 1 period of less than ten yell's or more ' than 36 years; however, any debtor; may liquidate any part or all of his indebtedness In amounts of $'i0 or multiples thereof upon any amortiza tion dale. 10. Th board will require the re payment of a lor.n upon six months' notice, If th borrower oi his as signee shall violate his contract by applying the moneys borrowed to pur poses other than tlnse stated In his application. 1 1. Attorneys for the board, when so requested, will be expected to as sist in the mutter of collecting Install- A $22,500 hospital Is to be erected ut KoBeburg. INTERritBAN AUTOCAR OO. ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY Dealers In LUMBER Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors. Roofing Papers. Cordtvood, factory Block Wood . Safety First Duy Home Product California Washing Powdor Is especially fine in cold, hard, warm or hot water. Mnkes th. washing easy. For sale at your grocer's. Government test 94, 04 4. Homo product. Cleanliness, Personal Allenlion and Courtesy Combined to Make the Eanle Meat Market Popular INSPECT oar market and your confl will b. behind th. pl.asur. of .attarf our meat. Th. hnowl.dg. of cl.anlin.ts and a unitary work- shop will aid your digestion. L SCnWein 84 N. Main Phone 107 A