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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1917)
Thnreday, Starch C9 J91T PAGE SIX ASHLAND TVNHOa KILL This Hud1 JSC I Vf C l y I Kills Your Profitt in ' It's Aphis, and is destroying Apple profits every. I All 111 L where. Already regarded py many growers me mod destructive apple insect. It weakens the trees and in. lures the truit. Tou can control Mpnit, iea Dug, uear Hopper and other soft-bodied, sap-sucking insects with Kills He reports consignments already entered for the show and sale from the Gibson estate, Woodland, Cal.; Frank Brown, Carlton, Ore.; A. D. Dunn, Wapato; A. V. Pradrlck ft Sons, Palouse; J. H. McCroskey & Sons, Flshtrap; Joseph Turner, Mey ers Falls; D. E. Pearson, Boyds; Alex Morrison, Valley, and Ray & Roth rock, Spokano. Manufactured by The Kentucky Tobacco Product Co., In. corporated, Louisville, Ky. Can be used with Lime-Sulphur, Arsenate of Lead, Bordeaux and other sprays at recommended. May be used separately, if desired, and at almost any time. Mixes perfectly with water. Costs about one cent per gallon diluted tor the trees. Kceommend.d by Agricultural Colleges and Llperunent Stations. Guaranteed by us and its manufacturers. Free Spray Chart and Booklets howinc when and how to spray, and how to pro tect trees, vines and vegetables trom insect pests See List of Dealers Below MKUFOItl) Garnett-Corey Hard wan Co. Rogue River Co-op. Fruit Growers' Assn. Producors' Fruit Co. Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn. ASIILAM) Ashland Fruit & Produce Assn. tmmmttnnu ittttntttntitini FRUIT and pARm borthorn Bliow To lie Held at Spo kane Spokane, Wash., March 28 Spo kane has heen selected by the North western Shorthorn Breeders' associ ation . for a spring puro bred live stock show, to bo held in (lie Union tockyards April 4, the day before the annual spring sale of the associa tion at the samo place. The show Is recognized by tho American Short bom Breeders' association, which Is suffering silver cups for c rapotltion In addition to cash prizes The show la the first ot the kind ever held in Spokane. Frank Brown of Carlton, Oregon, vice-pi esldont of the northwestern a-ssociatloii and rep resentative ot tho national, and F. M. Rothrock of Spokaue, are handling the arrangements for the combined (how and salo. Mr. Rothrock is pre paring tho cataloguo. Twelve cash prizes will be awarded in pddltlon to Junior bull calves, senior bull calves, junior yearlings, senior year lings, 2-yoar-old and aged bull. The same divisions will hold Jo: femalees, as w ell. The silver cups are for the best bull at the show and the best female. None but. animals offerod for sale can be exhibited at the thow, and 60 choice pure-bred Shorthorns will be exhibited and sold. They will all be tuberculin tested and their breed ing qualities guaranteed. The Ex change National bank's standing offor of 6 per cent money for pure bred livestock purchases will be ex tended as a special inducement. "This Is tho first sale of the kind ever hold In Spokane," said Mr. Rothrock, "but through It the north western breeders are of feting an op portunity to prospective purchasers throughout the territory contiguous to Spokane to acquire sto.'k from all the sliver cups. The classifications the prominent breeders without tho announced aro as follows: expense of visiting the herds." He used a pebble in his day. to keep his mouth moist- WE use ffl 'Wj Control of Range Bulls William Hlslop of the experiment station at Pullman, Wash., states that the men who are earnestly en deavoring to Improve the grade of theilr cattle are constantly worried with scrub bulls belonging to other men. In this connection he points out that a majority of the states have stallion laws, but slnguarly few have bull laws, and that the passage of a law prohibiting anything except pure bred (registered) bulls of one of the recognized beof breeds from running loose upon the public domain w3uld be particularly beneficial to the In dustry. A bulletin from the state agricul tural experiment station at Pullman gives the comparative breding values of the pure bred and scrub bulls as follows: The calves of tho pura bred sire will have: Thick, low-set type, easy feeding qualities, heavy fleshing ten dencies, uniformity of conformation, uniformity of color, early maturity qualities, a weight of 1000-1100 or more pounds per head at two years old, a value of $45 to $50 per head at two years old. The calves of the scrub sire will have: Upstanding, slab sided type, hard keeping qualities, thin fleshing tendencies, nondescript conforma tion, mixed colors, late maturity, a weight of 1000 to 1100 pounds at three or more years old, a value of $30 to $35 per heud at three or more years old. In addition, the best heifer calves by the pure bred sire can be re tained In the breeding herd, while practically none of the hefers by the scrub sire would be worth re taining at any cost. Sometimes dairy bred bulls are usod on the range. To show that this is not consistent with modern Ideas of beef produc tion the following comparisons are made: As to the difference between the carcasses of steers of various breeds slaughtered at tho Michigan Experi ment station, Davertpqit writes, "Note the excess of rough tallow In Walton fa Holstein steer) as com pared with the others (beef steers). Walton was 'all cow' as the saying goes, and tho fat about his kidnoys was astonishing." Tho beef breeds place more of the fat between the muscle fibers while the steers of dairy breeds deposit more fat about the kidneys and in testines. Such storage is beat for milk producing animals but against them for bea? making. Fat inter mingles with the lean meat fillers renders such meat tender, juicy and palatable. Whereas meat without marbling Is tough and unattractive. Again, it can bo said that the well finished steer of tho beef type will cut out a higher per cent of loin and ribs (valuable cuts) and less of the plate (a cheap cut) than a dairy steer1, As for tho difference In quality of meat between the two types of steers the beef . bred steer is unques tionably hotter, and finally in beef production it should bo remembered that "blood tolls" whether on the tange, In feeding lot or an the table. Heard and Overheard rfrttntttttttrttTfttnttttttttttttrttrtfttttttnttti (By Lynn D. Mowat.) Let I s Tell Von Our Troubles. Rov. P. K. Hammond Is observing Lent and Is awful busy so he says or else ho would judge our limerick contest for us bo he says. Some malicious person poisoned the mind of a candidate for our judgeship or wo would have the llm ericks all judged by this time and a great load off our mind. It was this way: We found a lady who had not read the Tidings for the past three isBues, not being a subscriber herself and having moved Into a new neigh borhood and not got well enough ac qualntcd to borrow things as yet. She was willing to do the Judging for us tho first time she came down town, but before she had the oppor tunity some malicious person, as we said before, told her that people who write verses were usually scatter brained and were liable to do any thing if slurs were cast on their work. She called up and informed us that the eye specialist lr-id advised her against reading tor a few months. (We are glad she used this pretext. She has no comeback for this, as she can't admit reading it.) Anyhow, we are up against it and are going to make an offer of a free three' mohths' subscription to the Tidings to anyone who will judge our contest, providing that such judge must have a recommendation as a competent person from two minis ters, two teachers or slxteeii lawyers. This Is a bone-fido offer and we stand behind it with our unlimited credit (At least a merchant said he would give us credit for unlimited nerve, which ought to pass.) All this bunk about unwillingness to serve as a Judge is discouraging. We will try to brighten up the possi bilities by telling the following story: Onco upon a TIME there was an ASPIRING POLITICIAN who went to a PROMINENT CITIZEN of a small but FLOURISHING town told him that ho FELT THE CALL of tho DEAR PEOPLE and was making the RACE for MAYOR and wanted HIS SUPPORT. Tho P. C. replied that he HAD no INFLUENCE. "WHY?" asked tho A." P. "BECAUSE," sadly stated the P. C. "in a MOMENT OF WEAKNESS I once acted as JUDGE at a BABY SHOW, and since tho women whoso OFFSPRING won moved away from TOWN, t have not got a SOLITARY FRIEND." MORAL By acting as judge one can keep out of politics. vr One Iol Boys' 25c and Waists at 7 fik- Vaupels I. gajaaaaaaaMSjaaaaaiaaaajaiM willing to act as the German army can sign up at Grleve'e. cigar tsore. R. T. "What did your horse die from?" W. G. "About two blocks from the Wost Side school." Bill's joined tho aviation corps, And John the tenth marines, But George don't want to go to war, And shies from army beans. But still he wants the world to think His courage up to par; He's got his application In To join the G. A. R. Civic Improvement Note. We've got a whlstlo run with gas. I guess perhaps that ain't some class! Huh? We know a lady who is so proper that she refers to "bootlegging" as "bootllmblng." Pnrified Poetry. How moRt unusual it would be To see a small boy climb i tree And come to earth by harpy chance Without a hole In his ahom trous ers. Although we've askod most every fan, We can't see how a football man Escapes transition Into Jelly When six men jump upon his er stomach. VRIGLEY5 gives us a wholesome, antiseptic, refreshing confection to take the place of the cave man's pebble. We help teeth, breath, appetite, digestion and deliciously soothe mouth and throat with tills welcome sweetmeat. The Wrlgley Spearmen want to send you their Book of Gum-ption. Send a postal for it today. Win. Wrigley Jr. Co., 1732 Kesner Building, Chicago. The Flavor Lasts! 732 w Tir-1' " 'A The percentage of alfalfa seed that will grow can be easily determined by means of a simple tester. The seod should be thoroughly mixed, after which 100 or 200 seeds should be counted out. The seeds should be placed between two pieces of blotting paper or two folds of a piece of flan nel cloth, caro boing taken that the seeds do not touch ono another. The seed container should then be put on a plate, well malstono'd without satur ating, covered with another plate In verted, and tho tostor than placed where the temperature can be kept at about 70 degrees After about three days tho sprouted seed should be counted and removed each day un til about tho sixth, when most of the good seeds will have sprouted and the percentage that will grow can be de termined. Some hard seel are occa sionally present In a sample. These may be ajivo, but they require addi tional time for germination. In the case of Grimm alfalfa as much as 35 per cent of the oeod is frequently hard. Jack Bailey hes Invented an in strument of destruct'on which, when turned loose on a few regiments of the enemy, will mow them down with a hall of bullets. The machine will be run by three men, none of whom can possibly get hurt, accord ing to Jack. It will bo something like an automobile with armor all over and a machlno gun to shoot tho enemy. The driver will see out by a system of mirrors and will signal the gun pointer by waving a flag (It being presumed that the cars will have Fold engines and evert loud yelling could not be heard while the car is in motion.) When one of the mirrors Is broken it falls out In pieces and tho release of weight al lows another to fly up into place. As the mirror will probably shine in the enemy's eyes, Jack figures It will make shooting difficult and that it will not be broken often Jack fig pres that ordinary bullets would fly off the armor like water eft a fish's back and that one machine could lick a regiment, and seventy-five ma chines the whole German army. Tho wisest provision Jack makes is that the machine will run Just as ifast backward as forward. He is nego-: tlatlng with Fred Herrln to secure) Fred's Ford to try out tho Idea, and If successful will give a demonstra tion at the roundup on July 4. Those "Where were you vaccinated, dear, see your arms are smooth and clear?" (.Now you who read, blush not, I beg.) She answered me, "Why ah in Grants Pass." Jackson County Registration The following is a complete list of registrations, showing the number registered In the various parties up to close of registration on March 17, 1917: Republican Male 3,206, female 2.407, total 5,613. Democrat Malo 1,862, female 1,370, total 3,232. Progressive Malo 27, female 7, total 34. Prohibition Malo 55, female 164, total 219. Socialist MaJo 208, female 93, to tal 301. Miscellaneous Male 212, female 168, total 380. Totals Malo 5,570, female 4,209, total 9,779. i The In- comparable Baby rood. Miiki dtllcau babifg hfalihri fcpl hmtthy babUt wwlL 'Nurmt to MoiW Mitt WIDEMANN'Sj PUM. UHIWIITINIO, IV APO RATIO GOAT MILK A Peract Food alio far Invalid. AT liaoino DnuaaisTS lt " r'at- WIDEMANN GOAT MILK CO. Phy,c.n Big. J' Sen r.ancK.Cal Worth Looking At Real Estate That Has Real Value If you do not own your own home, let us show you one of these: Three acres of choice land, well lo cated, close to the heart of town, good six -room house; $2,700. Terms. Two good hard-finished dwellings on B street, good sized lots, at a bar gain. Will sell one or both. As sessments paid. Established 1883 Billing's Agency Real Estate and Real Insurance 41 but Mala PboM Ml Use "Gets-It," Lift Corn night OB 8hrivels loosens-and It's Gone! "Just like taking the lid off thaf I how easy you can lift a corn oil your toa after it has been treated with tha wonderful discovery, Oeti-It." Hunt the wide world over and you'll find nothing so . magic simple and easy aa "Gets-It." You (oik wb "0-o-r End Cera and Stop Paia Quickly With Gets-lt" Llnnton Contract has been let for $180,923 to finish highway to the Columbia county lino in bitulfthlc. Hood river has a movement for a public market. have wrapped your toes In bandaget to look like bundles, who have used salves that turned your.toes raw and sore, and used plasters that would shift from their place and never "get" the corn, and who have dug: and picked at your corns with knives and scissors and perhaps made them bleed just quit these old and painful ways and try "Gets-It" just once. Tou put 2 or 3 drops on, and it dries at once. There's noth ing to stick. You can put your shoe and stocking right on again. The pain is all gone. Then the corn dies a painless, shriveling death, it loosens from your toe, and off It comes. "Gets-It" is the biggest sell inn corn remedy In the world today. There's none other as good. "Gets-It" is sold by druggists everywhere, 25c a bottle, or sent on receipt of price by E. Lawrence & Co Chicago, 111. Sold In Ashland and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by J. J. McNalr, McNalr Bros. Honrs wrnsma Funeral services of tho late John F. Fairchild, for years the assessor of Siskiyou county, wen held at Yreka last Thursday, conducted by the Masonic fratern'ty. He was a bother of James D. FairchUa, Yreka attorney, and well known throughout Northern California and Southern Oregon. OF NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL usually stops a N stubborn cough or chest cold when ordinary specifics fail. It helps strengthen the lungs and throat adds energy to the blood and gives the system the force to help resist disease. Use SCOTT'S Refuse Substitutes Now is the Time to Visit California Here beauty, her brilliant city life, her joyous sunshine, her fascinating haze of history all draw you on. People never tire of rediscoveriug Cali fornia and never will. She is an old, old land, yet ever youug. Go there. Refresh mind and body. See that your tickets read ShastaRoute Ashland to San Francisco California Express Shasta Limited San Francisco Express This route offers a remarkable service of comfort and enjoyment. Steel cars, rock-ballasted road-bed. Past Mt. Shas ta, Shasta Springs and other wonders. Ask for Booklets. Helpful and Instructive JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent Portland SOUTHjERN PACIFIC LINES ficott & Bowne, Bloom Bel d, N. J.