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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1917)
Thnrwday. March W, H17 ASTTLABTD TIDINGS PAGE FIVB We Pay Highest Market Prices J Fof Your 'Junk I Hides and Pelts Mixed Rags lclb Newspapers 50c per 1 00 lbs No. I Magazines 50c " " Dry Bones 50c " Wrought Iron, $4.00 per ton .Our Specialty Green Hides 16c lb Pelts and Goat Skins 35c up to $1.50 each Dry Hides 20c lb and up ' HIM! been presented here Five cars lft here yeBtcrday for the north. Ask to see the Speedway model, j the very newest in young men's suits for spring. You will like it. At j Orres'. j "Miko" Dovaney, who hag been taking care of tho mechanical end of George Mlllnor's automobile business here" and Is an expert mechanic, left Tuesday for Vancouver, where he will tako tho examination for en trance to the aviation school at San Diego. Mrs. R. L. Burdlck of Grants Pass has been visiting friends in the city. M!ss A. D. Spaulding of Bend is visiting in this city. One man from Rosubur.' stepped into Orres' Tailor Shop and placed his order for two suits, oik overcoat ! and two pairs of trousers, at a big ! saving. Be wise snd do likewise. -- I R. G. Rowland, bandmaster at given immediately. The sale was ef- j iMedford, will leave next week for fected by tho Beaver Rea'ty Co. The Seattle', Mr. Rowland has l een lead purchaser Is the father of George W. er of the Medford band for just one Monroe, foreman of the S. P. car j year and has built up a very credita department hero. ble organization. Finance3 for keep- For Rent Four-room bungalow, ; lng nlm cou,' not he arranged, furnished, $6 per mouth. Inquire! Garden and flower seed) on tape Rubber and Metal prices according to the market 7Q Ashland Junk Dealers jj f 135 Pioneer Ave.. Poor.B.iow .. Phone and we ...Sit s-f C 135 PinnooK irA If III awv a nt Vi Ford Garage LOCAL AND PERSONAL tttttttmmxanatmttttm Will Yeo of Talent visited his par fnts on Mountain avenuo Tuesday. Frank Richison, from Pilot Rock, was in town Monday attending to tusiness matters. Mangel half sugar beet seed and garden Boeds in bulk at Ashland Trading Company, phone 12. It Miss Blanche Hicks ha'i returned home after several days' vlEit in dif ferent California towns. G. E. Monroe, a newcomer from Minnesota and a man of means and influence in his section of the cen- 115 Granite street. 82-tf Mrs. James Yokum ot Garfield street goes to California this week to visit relatives and frionds. The Baptist ladies will l.old their regular monthly food sale the day before Easter at Holmes' store. go farther and save thinning. Get them at Ashland Trading Company, phone 122. It Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Christensen leave soon for their former home near Herman, Wash. The Sisson lodge of tho Kinglits of Aprons will be on sale too 89-2t (Pythias is considering holding an In E. E. Bagley leaves thin evening ! itiatlon ceremonial upon t, summit for Chicago, where he wlii again en-, of Mount Ska ter tho grain business. M-"s. Bagley Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weaver of the tral west, has purchased oi Mrs. DoI-!and daughter Doris will remain here! Clayton Orchards are occupying the lie Zlders, wife of the Southern Pa cific section foreman at Talent, the mbstantial cement bungalow prop- for some tima. Ware house on Granite street. Their J. W. Guiley, who formerly lived !IItt,e daughter, who has been In the in fM oitv on RranitA haa ! hospital for several weeks, is home ty at the corner of Sixth and Cbeeu quite B1 recently wUh pneum0. and doing nicely. rtwets, in this city, possession to ue ... ftt ... home , sunnvaide. u-ash. Woolens are advancing fast. Buy i - ' ' Mrs. Bertha Badger and small son, ta '8Uit pr a Pattern now and save from Ix AmMm. ftr at nrMPnt vl- ! oney. You wll W bS Pr'" next ycNsu sO F ASHLAN Dj The Fullest Measure Of Efficiency . Is maintained by The Citizens Bank oi Ashland in iu bonking service.. Its facilities, system and experienced staff all work in harmony to the mutual interests of the bank and depositors. Ac counts invited. itlng Mrs. Badger's sister, Mrs. W. B. Holmes, on Iowa street. The ladies of the Christian church will hold an Easter market April 7 at Elks Temple, from 10 to 4 o'clock. 89-3t Ther? are thirteen nationalities represented in the personnel of the ! orchestra of the Symphony Society of New York, Walter Damrosch con- ' ductor. It Is interesting to watch the musicians on tour. On ore side of the car will bi seen a few Frenchmen fall, when good woolens wil', be hard to get. A word to the wine is suffi cient. See Orres. "Doc" Furry, Reed Harrell and V. W. Hammond left Wednesday morn ing for Weed, Cal., to rut in the spring and summer in the lumber camps. The two former are all around athletes of no mwn ability and will be greatly mlsssrt from the track and baseball squads. Get your order In now for a new suit and have It for the Hylu Hehe. Have You Thought EH t of Pefftimes and Toilet Waters for Easter Gifts See our display at Polcys Drug Store Poley & Klbart, Druggists. engaged in a game of chets; in thejonec"" ,a'" " next seat, a group of Germans play- j The seat sale for the N'ew York inn ninnrhle: across the aisle, a auar-. Symphony Orchestra at the Ashland tt nf AmnrlrjinH nlnvine noker. and Boot Shop has perhaps behind them a studious Bel-i rush. The choice seats will scion be gian reading. Mr. Damrosch, speak- gone TIk Indications are that th's j : lug, as he does, most of tho languages , orchestra with Damrosch and Zimlml- j ! represented in his organization, fra- j 1st will play to the largest house ever j ' terriizes with them all from time to ( seen in Medford for an entertain- , time. This magnificent orranization ment. . ' will appear In the Medi'ord Nat Tues-1 Clyde Dean, employe of the Call-' 'day, April 17. j fornia-Orcgon Power company, who j Several cars haven been shipped has been In the service of the corpor- i from Hornbrook to Ashland during ation both at Ashland and Medford.; the past few days, and cont'nue their been confined to her bed for three months at The Palms, California, is much better and will return to her home itt Seattle. For Sale Team, wagon and har ness. A bargain. 115 Granite St. 82-tf No developments yet result from the burglarizing of Perrlnc's store b,e-e Wednesday cvenim? of last weok. The loss was considerable, namely, In the line of clothing and shoos. Entrance was gained from rear of the building, through doqrB on the balcony landing. Kpveral of the local Masonic affili ations attended a meeting of the ! lodse at Medford last Filday even- In?, at which tho work was conferred j by past masters The attendance was I laiKe and the visitors roport a very agreeable time both In the way of instruction and social entertain ment. Clif Payne makes screen doors. .lohn A. Harvey of Santa Ana, Cal., formerly cashlor of the Cltizeus bank of this city, Is now vice-presi dent of the California .National bank of Santa Ana, an Institution with which the Citizens Commercial and Savings bank of that city has been consolidated, capitalized at $100,000, with resources of nearly $1,000,000, Mr. Hirvey was Instrumental in or ganizing both of these institutions. Whipping crenm, coffee cream and milk can now be delivered with your groceries or drygoods. W sell it, fresh every day. Ashland Trading i started off with ai00""181 Phone n2- u Juvenile Judge Gay of Medford was a visitor on official business in the city yesterday. W. O. DIckerson and fpmlly are moving from the Bagley residence Saturday Night IS Patriotic Night At the Mining Theatre Music by Band and Orchestra All the Patriotic Orders ot the City will be represented 15 per cent of the receipts will be donated to Red Cross Fund by the Vinlng Theatre Seven Reel Program Dorothy Gish and Fine Art Kiddies in "Children of The Feud" and a two-reel Keystone comedy. Coming Sunday Harold Lockwood and May Allison in"Big Tremaine" C in Belleview Hotes (By the Language Classes of Belle Tlew School.) John Beagle and Frank Snydor, who are working at Weed in the lumber mill, spent Sunday with the home folks. Thoy report plenty of work with only fair wagM to start with but subject to Increase. Even the deer themselves seem to understand that Oregon has good game laws well executed for one walked along tho road by the school house one forenoon last week. It came within fifty yards of where the children were playing. Will Mayflcld of Phoon' : came to Ashland Sunday on a visit to his sister, Mrs. L. E. Owlngs. J. A. May field, father of Mrs. Owlngs, visited here Sunday, but returned Monday on High street to the Reed house on i morning. Allison street. BON SAVINGS DEPOSITS, journey north from hero. One or two parties have informed papers to the ! north that they drove all the way, but no evidence of any automobile having mada the trip over the Slskl yous from Hornbrook to Ashland has Rave Pnper and Old ( lothes. Save all magazines, papers, cata- goes to Copco, Cal., whe-e he will I 0gues and old clothes for the W. C. continue In the services of the com- t. U, . Do not put old clothes in alley pany at that big plant Indefinitely. Mrs. A. B. Heinsbergen of Seattle, Washington, .formerly Mit.s Dorothy .call for them Lennart of this city, who has been suffering Orom rheumatism and has for clean-up man, but put them in sack for us. Phone 233-R so we can 88-2t Have a fit ct Orres'. J. A. Bernard and family came up from Tolo Friday and spetu the week end bore with friends. Mike Tucker has purchased a new Ford. Helen Eske nnd Anita Barnard at tended the Modford-AHhland basket ball game Saturday. Sailor Bailey and family have moved from the Miller home up to Frank Bailey's. Mr. Grlmsley and family have moved Into the place formerly occupied by the Baileys. W. S. Moore assisted J. F. Miller butcher a calf Monday. J. A. Kelts has been pruning for Mr. Pierce., Cash Johnson has put in new fence posts around the John Hart place. Misses Ruth and Gladvp Kenyon visited at the homo of S. P. Grow in Ashland Saturday. The Sunday school is preparing an Easter program. Ashland Transfer f & Storage Co. C. F". Itatec, Proprietor Wood, "Peacock" and Rock Springs toai anaiemem PHONE 117 Office 99 Oak Street, Ware honse on track near depot. Ashland, Oregon Look These Prices Over and You'll Recognize Boys' Waists We offer a lot of Boys' Waists in nearly all sizes from 6 to 15 years' Formerly 2oc and 35c. Special each .... 19c Rubbers We have a good run of sizes in children' rubbers, size9 4 to 12. m&mittmmtmtzmmtatmitutzt Do not forget that all Embroideries are at a discount of 20 per cent Ladies' Hosiery While there is a general ad vance on all Hosiery, an early contract enables us to offer many numbers in Ladies hos iery at, per Of pair LdOKt that 35c is being asked for elsewhere. 100 Pair of ladies' regular height high shoes in black lace only, in patent, vici and gun metal, formerly $3.50 and $4.00 a pair, special per pair $1.98 New Sport Pongee Silks in tlie new Paisley spot designs. Priced at per 7 yard Underwear Men's Summer Underwear of fine Balbriguan and Poros knit in qualities that today are worth 65c. Spe- y Q cial at each nh)C for Shirt or Drawers. MEN'S OXFORDS One lot f Men'w Oxford", sold as high as $4.00, all go in ne lot, spe- V cial . Another Lot at $2.50 pr. that Vaupel's is the best place to buy. Make it your Thrift Headquarters as well as your Style Center 'XtSSXXSXtt Jap Crepe, Special at . . . lie In plain and stripes, fast color. Tub and eun proof. Colored Cotton Corduroy or Piques, 27 inches wide, in pink, blue, deep cream and gray. Sold formerly k at 25c, 35c and 40c. Special per B JCJ yard . Another shipment of beautiful Tub Silks just received. Priced while they A-i or last .pl&J VAUPEL'S The Store That Gives Better Values Umbrellas! 100 Pair Umbrellas!! of ladie8. black and tan low Umbrellas!!! shoos and slippers, formerly 1M . . . , . sold at $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and All long and short handle , ,v , $4.00, special to clean up umbrellas for ladies and men r r at a special discount of 98c a pair 25 New P,alseley Silks and Silk Poplins from Voiles $1.50 to $2.50 yard Pretty striped and checked ' Voilen, as well as any plain miiiiH:ntnmttma shade; all marked here at Wlllfp ftnOfk a better value than elsewhere WIIIIIC UUUU3 , ... Headquarters Men'S Khaki nmnmmmmu In a medium weight, at per 150 PaiY of pair Ladies Shoes $165 In black, lace and button, white Suedes and canvas but- , ton also tan lce shoes, reg- In a heavy, strong grade, well u,af heighti Nearly al, gizeg made, at formerly sold at $3.50 and $2.00 ru '.. 2.50