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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1917)
V APHLAND TIDIX08 Thursday, March 20, 191T f AGE FOUR ummm:mmumtuniiiiiiiiinmmiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiti'''H xz In the Social Realm Kleven O'clock Club. ' I . .1 The Kleven O'clock Clu ) enjoyed nn evening of dancing at Memorial hall Tuesday. About thirty couples were present. CliRiilauqiiH Turk Club to licet. The Chautauqua Park Club will rpcet Fr'day, March 30, at 2:30 p. m. In Chautauqua hall. A president and secretary are to be elected and all eld and regular members and ladies Interested In the new Chautauqua building are urged to be present. Mondnv Club ! Mrs Amos Ninl.ig..r wa , hostess to ! the Monday Club at a pt.Hr at the ,' VWng Wednesday night, following ( it by a "feed" at Rose Brothers'. The RU-stB were Mesdameg George' Hlle. George Rose, T. Saniord, Clif- ford Jenkins. O. Taulsenid, D. D. Norris and W. II. McNair. Entertain O. K. S. ( lub. fac.,mna II f Rnlf and T R Casey were hostess at the regular meeting of the O. E. S. Embroidery j Club in Masonic hall Tuesday after- noon. Thirty ladies were In attend- j tnce. Including two out-of-town mem-1 hers.' Mrs. H. M. Silsby of Cottage ; Grove and Mrs. R. L. Burdick. Cof- foe cake, hot rolls, strawl crry nre. rerves nnd coffee were served during the afternoon. V.'G. Club. The members of the U. O. Em broidery Club mot at the pleasant home of Mrs. B. W. Talcitt on Pine street Friday, March 23, for their V...tnAUd mAAtlnw A rlAlltrht- fu! afternoon was spent In conversa- tlon and needlework. A number of , ur- "u " "" " "" visitors were present to partake of : de Poatum wa9 the Pclpal fea- h. dolplnn rnfrBBhrnontu uflrvAd hv ' the hostess. East Ride Parent-Teachers. The East Side Parent-Teachers vlll meet Monday, April 2, at 3:45 p. ra, at the East Side school. After bnMness meeting Mrs. McGavern will talk about how to make moving pic tures a force of good in the commun ity. There will be music by the Oirls' Glee Club and the West school, and a discussion, "Shall . We Have Military Training In the Schools?" A soc'al session with Mrs Warren W'U'nms and Mis. Rowland in rhargo will follow. Civic Club. The Women's Civic Improvement Club was out in force Tuesday last 1n spite of th" unpleasant weather, nnd the business hour was fully oecu p'ed with interesting reports and dis cussions. The following members were named as delegates to the Federation of Clubs to be held at Grants Pass April 16. namely: Mi'r. niiegs. Mrs. Rocho, Mrs. Ussher and Miss Hicks. An outline of the work being un dertaken hero In behalf of the Red Cross movement was ably presented by Miss Patterson, and an opportun- THE UNIVERSAL CAR Yoti Get Quality and Service when Baying Ajax Tit es Quality which i sold with each Ajax Tire is real for it is "in-built". Ajax Tires have a written guarantee of 5000 m-lea. You pay no more for the extra 1500 miles built into Ajax Tires, it is there for you to ring out. You get 43 per cent more than the expectancy from other standard make tires, in other words you are reducing vur tire extmp "43 per cent., TIih demand for Ajx Tires i ever increasing. Again the factories at Trenton, N J., are being enlarged to care for tne steady demand. We want to nrv our customers promptly. We would advi you to decide upon, and arrange for your tirps now, as the d.rrmid always exceeds the supply. We ar al so agents f r ttte Racine and Goodvear tires. We now carry f -r your acntmni-dauon, a large stock of tires in both plain mid non-kid type. Call upon us for our need we will bo pleased to give you prompt attention. Ford Garage ity afforded the club to assist In in- j .... ii-i -,ln nnd i creasing the list of members, no imor thu nnn hundred mui'K. Mrs. fiiilAiia and Mrs. Whitney, leaders In a competing campaign to Increase the memhernhlp of the Civic Club, select ed their assistants, which undertak ing promls?s much for the future of this public-spirited organization. .Miss Hicks gave an Interesting talk nn Hnnii"jti( wnnomics and submitted a long list of books to bo had In our 'ferlng," John 19:1-30. As this meet library on this and kindred subjects, ng comes on the regular time for the while Mrs.' I'crozzl furnished a sinil-; monthly missionary meeting, all the i,,- nn mnaorvnilnn. ' members of the C. W. B. M. are klnd- A Saturday night public gathering, each week, until the roundup enter- tainment, was approved, as calculated to suiuuiaio inieresi am. I" "' niin,j celebration. The following loiter from the gov- ernor of Oregon to the club was read ''V the secretary: I "Repiying to your leuer oi me 20th inst, I have to report that I have already made arrangements to pro- claim tha week of April 14 to 21 as Western Women s C onsumers uees. This action was taken at the instance of the New West Magazine of Salt clt- wlllch hft8 Interested the sovernors of the other western states tlng this week uniformly. "Rsardlng the Clean-up Week In May, it woum seem a nine premature to Issue a proclamation uow, but 1 will be glad to go into the matter later on tf It Is the desire of the women of the state. "Very truly yours. "JAMES W1THYCOMBE, "Governor." A food demonstraton by Mrs. Row land, on the value of cereal.5, as a sub tltute for coffee' opened, h T re w ns Brvtu land, Greer and Whitmore Barter Week of Praj er. The Missionary Society of the Christian church expects to observe Get Tailoring Done In Your Home Town And be assured of fit and worknianhip Years of experience. New line of samples. Cleaning and pressing. lohn Maly Tailoring for Men and Women. Mills- McCall Buildine. Room Six. TTTTTtTTTtTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ashland Ore. the Easter weok of prayor y holding geverall miss'onary prayor meetings. On Tuesday afternoon the meeting will be held at Mrs. H. J. Boyd's home. Mis. 0. C. McAllister leading BBBBWithe meeting. The subjoot for th!s meeting, "Tho Day of Anxiety," John 1 9 9h.?.R 12:20-36. On Thursday the meeting will be in the evening at tho Christian church, Rev. W. I MelHnger con ducting the meeting, on the subject, "Day of Fellowship," Luko 22:14-39. On Friday aftornoon the meeting will be held at the Melllnger home on B street, Mrs. Grace Melllnger leading, on tho subject, "Da of Suf- ly requested to bo present and visit- 'or. will be gladly welcomed to all the ; meetings. Birthday Party. ' Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. ,C. W. Bp.nta pleasantly enreitalned a I number of guests at their home on ; Fourth street, the day being Mr. I Banta's umpty-nmpth ratal day. i Cards and conversation served to make the hours pass quickly, when a most tasty luncheon was served by the hostess. A boutonnlere of choice violets presented to cadi of the guests were reminders to them that springtime with Its flowers Is not en tirely a poet's dream, especially when, upon arising In the morning, their eyes were greeted by a plentiful supply of "tho beautiful." S. O. D. H. Club Meets. The S. O. D. H. Club mc. Tuesday night at the home of Miss. Minnie Klncald on Palm avenue. Games were played during the evening and refreshments served at different hours to suit the fancy of the young ladVes. Everyone had a splendid tlmo and tho following members were present: Misses Hazel Clark, Jean Anderson, Minnie Beaver, Min nie Klncald, Ruth Culberson. Vernon Pyland, Gertrude Thatcher and Edna Dahuff. Farewell Party. At Mrs. Van Fossen's home on North Main street last Thursday a Sundav school class party was given In honor of Miss Edna Dahuff, who leaves for Colestln Saturday, where she will teach her first term of school. Miss Dahuff is a member of Mrs. Van Fossen's Sunday school class, hence the farewell party given by the teacher at this time was not only. ap propriate but very much enjoyed by all present. A three-course luncheon was served by the hostess to the following young ladies who had the good fortune to be present: Misses Irene Johnson, Minnie Klncald, Minnie Beaver, Ger trude Engle, Hazel Clark, Pieseld and Edna Dahuff. Auxiliary. The Auxiliary Club heard a very in teresting talk Monday evening by Mrs. Rocho, who told of "Women in American Progress." Brief biograph ical sketches of tho work of several prominent women were giyen. The Lee Hall Mortgage Sale Dowden Spud Planter (Good as New) 1 Work Horse, Wagons, Harness, Cultivators and Plows. 115 GRAMTE ST. club has decided to have a tennis court of Its own for the benefit of Its members, and a committee was appointed to plan the court. An available sito has been promised. Social features of the Monday night meeting were unusually jolly. The hostesses wore: Mesdames Hum Pracht, P. Grisez, L. S. Glleve, Homer Barron and J. C. Baughman. The committee for the May Day ball were also appointed. Dinner. Mi'ss Clayro Johnson entertained a i few Ashland friends at dinner at Medford last' Sunday. The guests were Misses Hortense Winter, Allle Shinn, Luclle Barber, Esther Whlted and Mrs. Harvey Ling. May Day Ball Committees. The Auxiliary Club committees for the May Day ball, which the club will stage ou Friday. May 4, were ap pointed at tho meeting of the club Monday eveenlng. The ladles state that this year's event will be the big gest and most enjoyable yet and are laying plans on that scale. The com mittees appointed are as follows: General Committee Mrs. E. H. Bush, Mrs. S. B. McNair. Flnanco Mrs. J. Alnutt, Mrs. G. C. Murphy. Decoration Mrs. W. L. Maxey, Mrs. F. Tracy, Mrs. Nate Bates, Mrs. Benton Bowers, Mrs. E. Pell, Mrs. Julia Briggs, Mrs. F. Grisez, Mrs. P. S. Provost. Refreshments Mrs. Lillian Pat terson, Mrs. D. Pcrozzl, Miss Doris Bagley, Mrs. Henry En dors, Mrs. P. Ashcraft, Mrs. Boslough, Mrs. Homer Barron, Miss Gertrude Biede, Mrs. George Kramer. Punch Mrs. William Myer, Mrs. L. Schwoin, Miss L. McCall Spociel Features Mrs. H. Pracht. Mrs. H. Provost. Floor Mrs. H. McNair, Mrs. D. D. Norris, Miss Huntley. Posters Mrs. Glievo, Aliss Ruth Whitney, Mrs. Harvey Ling Advertising Miss Luclle Barber, Mrs. Bergner. Reception Mrs. E. D. Briggs, Mrs. Boslough, Mrs. Benton Bowers, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. C. B. Lamkin, Mrs. Barber, Mrs. S. Saunders, Mrs. J. P. Wolf. Birthday. In celebration of her seventeenth birthdiy, Miss Louise Gillette enter tained a number of her girl friends at one of the merriest gatherings of the season, at her homo on Gresham street, Saturday evening. The guests, each garbed In a unique costume rep resenting her "hobby," were the Misses Gertrude Moore, Bernlce Fin ley. Alta Scott, Grace Bess, Fern Murphy, Ruth Hadlcy, Agnes Hed berg, Laura Wiley, Gladys Good, Eva Disny, Dorothy Jones, Elizrbeth Fin neran, Mao Skctn, Emmr. Koehler, Myrtle Conwell, Marjorle Gillette, Bernlce Myor, Edith Moody. Ernest ine Hicks. Cora Divet, Alta Scott and rriscltla Carnahan. Classified Advertisements TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for housekeeping; three continuous rooms on first floor; cook stove, heating stove and gas. One block from business part of town, on Pa cific Highway. $12.50 per month. F J Irwin, 156 North Main street, phone 347-R. 89-tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished bod room with privato bath, hot and cold running water, on first floor; 6 per month. F. J. Irwin, 156 ' North Main, phono 347-K. 89-tf SOLICITOR WANTED Must be a man who Is not afraid of work. Young man preferred. Must know how to drtvo a Ford car. Apply to nnx 718. Medford. Ore. It WA.NTED Competent saleswoman to take charge of storo for month of April. Apply Saturday morning after 10 o'clock. Ashland Art Shop. H FOR SALFj 1,000-pound mare, cheap. Patterson Orchard Co.. phone 309-J 89-4t FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN One 7 y H. P. electric motor and one Koogh centrifugal pump with sue- The Loveland School for Dancing All the Latest Modern Ballroom Dances Class and Private Instruction Thursday THE Slhiow In addition to regular photoplay program "The Criminal" . Starring Clara Williams and Hm. Desmond May Mttf t ay in "The Plow Gitl" Note Picture Starts at 7:30. Music by Orchestra Admission: Adults, Lower Floor and Front Balcony 35c Upper Balcony 25c, Children 15c tlon pipe, belt, etc. Call on or ad dress L. A, Martin, R. 1, Rogue Rivei, Ore. It LOST Folding glasses In gunmetal case; ana chain, yi reward, tie turn to Tidings office. 89-3t FOR EXCHANGE Five acres good orchard land, cleared and lenced, some fruit trees, about one mile from depot, for good timber land. Would pay some difference If claim proves the worth. Would also sell place. Address V. Kline, general delivery, Medford. 89-21 Mrs. Lundy will bo at Hotel Austin Saturday, March 31, and will take orders for ."u-Bone corset from 9 to 12 a. m. It F3 The Big Special SALE AT Warner's Is Now On! Every Article in the Store Priced Lower $1.50 to $3.00 saved on every 50-foot length of Garden Hose by buying NOW Contract for your hose before April 7th and make a deposit of $1.00 or more and pay balance later when you need the hose. In this way you can secure the low ptice. , We sold three ranges the first day of our sale and two of them go to Klamath county. Sold a bill of hardware Tuesday to go to Roseburg. The people out of town find our prices so much lower that they can afford to ship the goods and pay the freight and still save money. We are sending lots of goods into California. After Saturday, April 7th, regular prices will be charged, and they will be much higher. The Sale Is for CASH ONLY WARNER The LowPrice Hardware Man and Friday GREAT Featuring Dr. Herbert T. Travelutte The man who set the world "A Latin" The new school law as amended by. the recent legislature provides that a teacher cannot resign within thirty, days of tho opening day of school or during the term without having the certificate Issuod revoked. The law also prohibits the teacher accepting another position In the state within one year. Heretofore tho teacher has held the district by an Iron clad contract, but the right- has always been ex tended tho teacher to resign at any time. County schools have been thrown Into chaos several times by teachers resigning and it seems that the new law will protect tho district. Phone 170 375 East Main Street Telephone i46 Memorial Hall