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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1917)
TAGS TWO ASHLAND TIDINGS Thursday, March 28, 1917 Ashland Tidings By THE ASHLAND PRINTING 00. (Incorporated) ESTABLISHED 1878 SEMI-WEEKLY Vert R. Greer, Editor and Manager Harvey R. Ling, Advertising Manager lynn Mowat, City Editor Offical City and County Paper Issued Monday and Thursday TELEPHONE 39 SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year 12.00 BU Months 1.00 Three Months 60 Payable in Advance No subscription for less than three months. All subscriptions dropped at iplratlon unless renewal is received. In ordering changes of the paper always give the old street address or postofflce as well as the new. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. News print has doubled in price the Jast four months. It necessitates an advance in advertising rates, or ws will have to quit business. Fol lowing are the advertising rates In ttie Ashland Tidings after this date. There will be no deviation from this rate: ADVERTISING RATES. JMsplay Advertising : Single insertion, each inch. .25c (One month.... " " 20e 81i months.... " " 17 One year...... " " l&c 'Beading Notices 6 cents the line straight. r Classified Column 1 cent the word first insertion, H cent the word each other insertion. Thirty words or lest one month, $1. All written contracts for space al ready In force will be rendered at the old rate until contract expires. Fraternal Orders and Societies. Advertising for fraternal orders or societies charging a regular initiation fee and dues, no discount. Religious and benevolent orders will be charged tor all advertising when an - Admission or other charge la made, . at the regular rates. When no ad nlsslon is charged, space to the amount of fifty lines reading will be allowed without charge. All addi tional at regular rates. . ' The Tidings has a greater rircnlv , k In Ashland and Its trade terri ery than all other local papers com-joined. Here and There Among Our Neighbors j As soon as weather conditions per mlt, 300 men wll be put on at :he Copco dam. A dally stage runs from Hornbrook to the damalts. Salem Journal: Stato Engineer Lewis yesterday received an applica tion from people of Vale, in Malheur county, for a storage reservoir on Sntered at the Ashland, Oregon, Testoffice as second-class mail matter, Ashland, Ore., Th urn day, Mar. 20, '17 PATRIOTIC WEEK This is patriotic week In Oregon ty proclamation of Governor Withy combe. Men and women oi Ashland have several available opportunities for evidencing their patriotism. First . -should come support of the local mil itia company, First Compan;' Oregon Coast artillery. This is au Ashland institution In order to bring it up to required strength recruits are needed and must bo obtained. Men who are in a position to enlist In regular army or navy branches should communicate with Mayor l.amkin or call at his office which is being used as a preliminary registra tion bureau prior to the arrival of Tegular recruiting officers. The womon of the city and men who are not in a position to join any of tho active army or navy branches should Join th auxiliary branch of the American Red 'Cross which has been established here. .(Membership p.pplleations may be left J In Any of the bnnVs. Every business house and private residence should display en Ameri can flag. Curry county refuses to pay half the cost of keeping state guards along her California border to pre vent liquor importations. She says she can protect herself and do it cheaper. George E. Boll, an employe of the C. A. Smith mill at Marshfleld, when his clothing caught in the machinery, caught hold of a brace and held fast while his clothing was stripped from him. Only his prodigious strength saved his life. One of the largest crowds that ever attended a similar event in Astoria attended the formal opening of the new First Methodist churca building In that city, which was recently com pleted at the corner of Franklin av enue and Eleventh street at a cost of more than $40,000. Four .fatal accidents wero reported to the state Industrial accident com mission during the past week out of a total of 282 accidents, Tho fatali ties were: Harry Tost, stove manu facturing, Portland; J. V. Strang, logging, Powers; D. 8. McElliott, un known, trespasser; J. Davidson, tres passer, Modesto, Cal. The public service commission has suspended for ninety days the opera tion of the proposed rule of the Southern Pacific, the Oregon Elec tric, the S. P. & S., and the O.-W. R. & N. companies charging $2 for diversion of cars within the city of Portland and $5 for diversion or re consignment of cars to points outside of Portland. Weed Leader. The st?t of Ore gon will put tho Siskiyou grade from the California state Ime nearly to Ashland in fine shape the com ing summer, having set aside the neat sum of $59,000 for this purpose. Then the California state highway between Yreka and the state line is to be paved and surfaced next sum mer also. The road over the Slskl yous in another year will e "one of the finest." . . Some time ago tho government sent out official notice that the Na tional Mail Order Brokerage Ex change of Minneapolis was a fraudu lent concern, securing money under false pretense. Though this has been published far and wide, tho Roseburg postoftice Is still receiving four or five letters a day addressed to the Minneapolis concern. The scheme conducted consists of sending out cir cular letters In which a silk petticoat worth $4.75 is promised to the ad dressee, provided sho will remit 10 cents to the concern and send five exact copies of the letter received by her to five of her acquaintances. Tho promoters have left M Inner polls and thousands of letters are being re ceived there that cannot be delivered. Indian Commlsisonor Sells, at Bully creek for a proposed irrigation Washington, advertised 630,000,000 district to serve about 18,000 acres, feet of timber for sale in the Klam- iThe proposition Is to form the Wll ath Indian reservation, and said he Jow-Adler irrigation district under hoped It would relieve the acute tim-1 the operation of tho new irrigation ber situation. There are threo tracts district law passed by the recent leg which include mostly yellow and su- islature. This application is made in X gar pine. The minimum price is $3 for one tract and $3.50 for the oth ers. - The funds raised will be used to put the Klamath Indians on a self supporting economy basis.' Coos Bay Harbor: Work has been started on the construction of an- case the Anderson irrigation site Is abandoned as was done with the Lam- berson site.i Those sites were oper ated by the Vale-Oregon company, which Is now out of business. Gold Hill News: A deal of consld erable importance to the local mining other big tunnel which will re a part district was consummated this week of the Clear Lake water system in . whereby tho Nellie Wright quartz the Umpqua river country. One tun- mine changed ownership. The con nel which has Just been completed is federation was in the neighborhood of 1,200 .feet long. The new tunnel $25,000, with a good substantial pay- will be 400 feet long. This is the ment on the purchase price. The for watcr system owned by Warren Reed tner owners were Dr. P. C, Donovan and which Is under option to the In-land associates of Winnipeg. Canada, ternational Paper Company of Bos-j The new owners are Salt Lake City ton and which will supply the water i people, who are represented by R. M. If the company build3 paper mills at Reedsport. Wilson, an experienced mln.i operator of that city. The property consists of forty acres of patented land, sltu- Astorlan: Arrangements for the'ated two miles east of Goid Hill, in formal opening of tho new clay plant the Blackwell district, within a half at Warrenton are progressing and the mile of the Pacific Highway. The program for the event will be com- mine is equipped with a 25-ton Chil- pleted In a few days. Among the can mill, adjacent to the main shaft, speakers secured for the big banquet which is well supplied with a hoist to be served at the new building on i and all modern improvements. The the evening of Saturday, April 7, are machinery is operated by electric Governor Wlthycombe of Salem; John power supplied by the local company. Smith of Astoria, who will officiate as toastmaster; George Warren of War renton, president of the clay com pany; D. M. Stuart and Walter C. Smith of Portland, Others will be announced later. MIEN and Boys should take vil advantage ol the Low Shoes we offer at $1.85 and $2.00 "I LIVE HERE." "A Rosoburg Review: In a quarrel starting over the death of a pet dog, Ralph Knight, a well-known rancher of the Canyonvillc vicinity, after go ing to the ranch of Alex Worthlng ton, about a quarter of a mile away, late Friday afternoon, charged Worthington with giving the dog poison, and In the melee that fol lowed used a knife, giving Worthing ton several bad wounds. Knight later telephoned to Deputy Sheriff Frank Hopkins, and when the latter arrived gave himself up. Worthington is re ported in a serious condition. Grants Pass Courier: Under the direction of Mining Engineer Meade, who recently came here from San Franclico, a comprehensive prospect ing of the Osgood placer mining ground was commenced this Week. The Osgood property, which adjoins the Logan placer mine in the Waldo district, consists of 640 acres. It has been operated during the past few years by James Logan under lease, and Is equipped witn hydraulic pipes and sluice boxes, three "giants" being in operation. A Keystone trac tor drill was taken out frcm Grants Pass last week, and every acre of the placer ground will be thoroughly prospected. Upon tho report made by Engineer Meade of the showing of the gold-bearing gravel will de pend the salo of the mine, which is under option to New Voit parties. The price of the property is $90,000. CLEANUP Next Tuesday hss been set aside s offclal cleanup day. On this day the city will furnish wagonr, to haul nwftv accumulated rubbish. Every resident should get busy this week and see .that his premlnes are put In applo pie order. Place the gar bage which cannot be burned In sacks or boxes In the alley or street for ho city teams to haul away. .Ashlund munlc lovers should not miss the opportunity of hrarlng tho New York Symphony orchestra which has been securod for an enfagement in the valley through the enterprise of Medford music lovers. Next year Ashland will have, In tho new audi torium, a place for staging such events. The Impoittnt part which the women's clubs of Ashland take in civic life can be realized 1v a perusal of tho reports a' the various clubs which are members of the civic fed eration. Ashland has charitable, civic and social clubs which really do things. A fire whistle operated by ear- bon dioxide gas Is Ashland's latest acquisition. Probably no ether city In the world can lay claim to such a unique method of fire warning. We know a bud that would open Into a leaf on the slightest provoca tion. When spring does arrive it Is ""coming In a bnnch." Young men of an adventurous turn of mind must have a difficult time in choosing botwecn the aviation and submarine departments of the Unites States military service. Every rainy day decreases the li ability of destructive frost harm and Increases the chances for bumper crops in the Rogue River valley. (By Strickland Gillllan.) A garden, a perfect mosaic, deep green 'gainst the blackest of loam, Spread out near a little log cabin obscure but immaculate home! I paused to admire who could help it? the wecdlcss expanse near tho door, Where, pleased with my pleasured Inspection, stood a "mammy" of ,' years that are yore. beautiful garden," I ventured. She cupped a brown hand to her ear. "Fine garden!" I shouted. "Oh, - sholy! It ought to be fine I live here!" I went on my way with a sermon as great as I ever had heard; The highest paid preacher existent could never have added a word- Were every human who cumbers the tiniest spot of the earth To see that the place he inhabits the work brain or fingers give perfect as e'er he could make It dear God, what a different sphere! Let's borrow our motto from "mam-1 my It ought to be fine I live here!" Aj, Storch of Seattle has returned here, summoned by the continued Ill ness of his wife. A $10,000 hospital is to be erected at Oregon City. ton CATARRH and HAY FEVER Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment AT ALL DRUO STOHCS Tubes 26c jars 60c Phone lob orders to the Tldlom NEAREST TO EVERYTHING ?TJ!vs. I ff f I notei' Manx San Francisco 'BmllStMQfirnff Orcgonians Head quarters while in San Francisco moderate rates Running dittttled ice water in every room. Special altetu (ton given to ladie$ traveling unetcor- ted. A la carte dining room. s A "Meet me at the Manx? Management of Cheater W. Keller "That's just what I've always wished a cigarette would Ab satisfy!" The feature of Chesterfields is that they begin where other cigarettes leave off. In other words, besides pleasing the taste.Chesterfields go further they satisfy! Just like a long drink of cold water satis lies when you're thirsty. And yet, Chesterfields are MILD! It's Chesterfields or nothing if you want this new cigarette delight, because no cigarette maker can copy the Chesterfield blend an entirely new combination of tobaccos and the biggest discovery in cigarette blending in 20 years. "Give me a package of those cigarettes that SATISFY1" CIGARETTES