Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, March 08, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Th Tartar, Murrti , 10,7
aaaTSa 1
Ashland Tidings
( lwporatd )
' - m
I,y Mow,
City Kdttor
Offical Citj jndCoaatyPaper
Issacd'Moiiday and Thursday
ft nit '
a;x Months ' '
Three Month 36
payable In ,iviice
, (.14 1 an than thrA
months. All subscriptions dropped at p.nnirton made hfo reputation by eap
xpiratlon unless Is 'f-''1; Aguinaldo. It was a daring;
liTorvlerlng changes of the paper attempt, when he and his small com-;
always give the old street address or pan? TftntnM hrt0 the rebel chief! '
xxrtofflce m M th new; pillage. Most men would hare said
' jirmtTi TO ADTPRTTAETW. it was Impossible. But. Funnton had (
News print las doubled In prir the courage, the nerve, the determln-,
th last four months. It necessitate ation, stnd he did ft.
a advance In advertising rates, or , rn 01.nary life the seeker for sue- j
w will have to flnlt bniin-fc o-
Towtrig r the advertising rat in
th Ashl.nd Tidings after thi dat.
Tner will h no deviation from this
THply AdverttaJng
Single insertion, ach lnch..2Se
One month " " J
Six months..,. " " 17
On year " " 1S
T.mnt Jfotlce i eU th lin
CiZiM irtai-l cent th word
fjrst Insertion, H cent tn wora
iK other insertion.
words or ! one month, f 1,
AH written contract for ipac i-
dy in fore will h rendered
n nA rt until contract expire
Frsrl Ortr nI SocietJe
ii n for fraternal order or
av1eles barging a regular Initiation ,
fSZ&"2i Z
hrgd for !! dvertllng when aa
Admission or other eharg 1 mad,
At th retnlar rate. When no ad-
allowed withAot eharg. Ail aaoi-
tr.l fn'.Ar rate.
Tn TKllnni h greater rfrml
kw hi Ar1n1 K tnwVi trl
Arj thm all other Iocl ppr com.
Wntered at th Ahland, Oregon,
Tootoffle aa eefnd-elan mall mat
tor. ArtiUaA, Ore Tbarsrtay, Mar. H, '17
Th announcemrml thst C. M.
Thoms of Medford will bcom a
candidate for congressman from this
lutrlct Is being received with almost'
imlTArml innroval throughout th
outhern part of the state. Mr.
Thomas made a statewide reputation
tst the recent legislative session, at
-which h represented Jackson county.
II w one of the strongest, If not
strongest, If tut pack ftnd cne(!k your baggage
In tho house, and j . . .
the strongest, man
Ills oratorical ability, fight and pow
erful Influence, while securing need
ed legislation for southern Oregon,
marked him as a legislator of charac
ter and power. This section need a
wan In congress. Crater Lake has
never received the aid It should, and
It Is claimed that the discrimination
made against southern Oregon In
freight rates ha always been an ob
stacle to successful merchandising on
parity with Portland and Ban Fran
rlsco establishments. Mr. Thomas
lias promised to mako the race for
congressman If he Is shown that s
united Oregon stands behind him.
An Interesting feature of the re-
... - .A l. r..lln,..hl TtrV
rent mming 01 wm ,-....
r.oorts Association at New York was "- V ZLZ Z
. .1. ,u pago, traveling auditor, and O. hi.
th extend 11K of honors to the ten,' "
.t. .... 1 1 ,irv vnwta merchant
in lrw 1 line 1 nmiB- i n'..i
in win .1 . ,
,f these men It was brought out that !
In the full;! States. In tho record
most of them woro pausing goods
over th counter by the time they
were fourteen or fifteen years old.
It Is a remr.rkahlo record when a
man begins nipptylng human needs
M fifteen and keeps It up hnlf a cen
tury, In a period when most people
-1 11.. Mnliin. fimiind frrim
prw ri lUiKt'Mi'i', mwii'ft
. ' . . i.J
1-ince 10 pmco Hii-i i.tM,i,v
Ing busings and professions, tho re-
tall merchant located In on. place
ird supplying faithfully tho char.g-,
Ing nels of Unit place, Is ono of tho
.w.rtt.btiuiit if rJ1 liiiirlmiirkH
an -mi' v-i iiiAtiriii. ' -
Were It not for bis faithful si-rv-
Ire, many l.ormm and many llvs Salem-Practically assured linen
would go without dally comforts and Industry will take over Htate hold
ronveiilenres. II Is a malristiiy ot Ings.
imiillc proKri-hs, anrr a Ruiimiiiiuiu
promoter of the growth of the com
munity. With those suffragist pickets sur
rounding tho White House, It was
clearly a nihitnk not to provide the
executive munition with a secret un
derground rilt.
Appealing to national honor Is not
sure to bring recruits, but welt until
pMipl are thion out of work by
Interference of siilunai I110 warfare
with shipments of goods!
1' TFta' American hoy's hart swells
at th thought of wee, Ke dream
dreamt hi which h mm himself the
center f an applaudtrrg multitude.
tr.. i. fctfnaar' la f mill'
' " n nusftin' " - K
ful RfAfjman or a commanding cap!
tallst. H reads impoalhl tales of
hoy wV aewmpltoh thing that few
men can do. Bat meanwhile he U
taking no step leading to any eicep'
tional eareer.
The fame attained by the late On-
Prcderlr.k Tumtton. who has
been w" oown n7
roldier of the present generation,
Illustrates about how fame and e-
aIa4 a 1 , rm nmM tft A. TTt A n
to hh ffc H
need not ria even his health. All
he has to do Is to shw grit and in-
Hr.mifahle nnrseverence. He has
got to "keep on keeping rm," as thi
pct said, after other people have
become discouraged.
The world is full of the "It can't
he done" spirit. Everyone finds
plenty of opportunities for growth
and expansion. In every business
position tner is a nigner sucreaa
that Mn he achieved. Someone is
going to achieve it. But it requires
tA , ,onwntratlon of
J . . , ...
one's mind, a.nd a persistence In the
face of obstacles, which most people
, nnwiitinar to elv.
Mogt ,ft ,ook the obgt8Cif.
they are br.ff.ed by them for
a time, and then they quit. A largo
s,,ccess means a long fight. Only
thrs who Mfl R(,ni0 for 0 perRHtent
,a miner ui iut nu.i.;
ceptlonal genius, but more often H
Is merely tho gift cf sticking to a
C'KT Ol T.
If you do not like your town,
Oet out.
Do not alt around and swear
And agitate the air,
But get yonr duds together
And get out.
If you can not do your part,
Get out.
Do not stand around and frown,
a dead weight on your town,
jDt pull yourself together
And get out.
If you will not do your part,
Get out.
Do not rave and squeal
And tell how mean you feel,
AIJU B''b uut.
Dunsmulr News: Tho Southern
Pacific Compnny building In the rail
way park, which hes been used for
years for emergency hospital duty,
has been abandoned for such pur
poses snd the fixtures and medical
appllnnccs have been sont to the 8.
P. hospital at San Francisco.
V. II. Marlon, hood carponter for
tho company here, Is remodeling tho
Interior of the building and fixing up
a number of offices to bo occupied by
company officials, probably Bob Cu-
' vnlilnr. roncl foreman of engines; W.
.... ,lnmn,nr. n n fit on
" ' ' 0
As was provlounly stated In th
, .
News, all emergency cases will be
ft .
handled at tho Dunsmulr Hospital.
Hogue River Courlor; The fish
ing the past few days has been good,
the river having cleared up to some
extent. While the placor miners were
busy up tho river the water was so
muddy that only small catches of fish
.... . .
were made. Yerterday, however
h.aM In
' '" ,'
"nie running as high as 29 steel-
heads. The fish are of a new run
,8'm are as i.riKiu u- u.u.c.
IS c. each, 6 for 90 c9,
Here and There Among OurNeighbors j
' Oregon City. The fishermen
onion mat last night to outline
campaign for th raising of a fund
for the purpose of fighting the act
passed by the last legislature that
would stop all gill flahlng above a
deadline placed at Oswego.. Br cir
culating a referendum petition to be
signed by 20,000 legal voters, the
act wot Id be held over until th reg
ular election In November, I9ti,
when It would be brought before the
There are so. few unemplovd
Portland that the Scadding hou has
been closed since May, ani it is
felt that no necessity exists tn 'iP
the house open except posBiMy dur
ing a few months of th water.
Such are the facta as coauin"l in
the third annual report of tha super
intendent of the Social Service
I-eague of the Episcopal church, rela
tive to the only charity houoe for
"down aad out" own,.
Salem Statesman: Th first com
plete earload of flax fllire seed ever
sent out of Oregon left Salem last
night when the stare hoard of con
trol shipped from th penitentiary
flax pb.nt 1,500 bushels of seed con
signed to Conrad, Mont., where It I
to he sown for flax fibre production.
The buyer Is the N'orthern Flax Fibre
Company, which has headquarters at
Great Falls, Mont. The price paid
the state I $2.75 f. 0. b. Salem.
Like County Excmlner: Since the
rabbit bounty law went into effect
County Clerk Payne has Issued war
rants to the amount of $1,613.45.
This means that a total of 30.309
rabbit scalps have been presented for
tho bounty. The largest number that
has been presented at any one time
was 1,940. These wer sent from
Plush by John Petty. The greater
amount of the scalps have been sent
in from the Plush section and from
the vicinity of Fort Rock, with only
a minor part from the Goose Lake
Molalla, Ore.: H. H. Palmer, who
purchased the Molalla Pioneer about
four months pgo, received word last
week that h had fallen heir to sev
eral hundred thousand dollars
through the death of his mother. He
received an advance draft of 15.000
to defrsy expenses of his eastern trip.
He left Tuesday, accompanied by his
wife, who will go as far as Washing
ton, D. C, while Mr. Palmer goes to
.ew York. Gordon J. Taylor, who
was on a lecturing tour In the state
of Waahlngton, wr.s compelled to
cancel dates and is now in charge of
the Pioneer. H was the former
Klamath Record: Tho first com
mercial shipment of rabbit skins
AccomjsKsliW "the impossible
in a cigarette!
It is years back since smokers have heard of any
NEW quality in a cigarette.
But here, at last, is a cigarette that has accomp
lished "the impossible", namely :
A cigarette that satisfies, and yet is MILD
For the first time in the history of cigarettes,
you are offered this new kind of enjoyment! f
No cigarette, at any price, can give you this new
enjoyment except Chesterfields !
Because no cigarette maker can copy tho
Chesterfield blend!
Try Chesterfields today
. j i ct 4 1
4 z
Th Chatterfirld Blend
contain tb mint famoul Turkish tobacco
-SAMSOUN far richna! CAVAli.. for
aromal SMYRNA for awaatnaul XANTHI
for frf ranca, combiaad with th baa I
domaitic la a.
911 ff Ifir
a. J, v A. w a, v -
from Klamath FaJla to the eaat was
made today, when. R. A. Ward, lucul
government Biologiot, shipped 500
rabbit skins to Jonas & Lombard of
New York city, whcr they will be
used in the manufacture of hair felt
Roaehnrf Xewa: A petition has
been circulated for the past few
weeks by several prominent residents
of this city, addressed to the city
council of Roeeburg, asking that un
der the city charter as amended by
i vote of the people on May 7, 1907,
the city use the bends that have al
ready been authoriied. amounting to
1230,000, for the construction of a
system cf water and lights to be
owned and controlled by the city.
This has been agitated and promoted
s number of times previous, but
strong action Is being mad at the
present time to sign a large number
of the taxpayers here. The petition
at this date has two hundred names
and Its circulation will be continued
for some time, according to the peti
tioners. Wanted One hundred families to
colonize as many garden tracts near
The Dalles. This, figuratively. Is the
appeal that will be made during the
next few weeks by the colonization
department of the Union Pacific sys
tem and The Dalles Chamber of Com
merce. These two institutions are
co-operating and have arranged for
the purchase of the E. F. Sharp farm
in the Three-Mil valley, near The
Dalles, and are trying to get enough
people settle on the property so that
It can be cut up Into small fruit
farms and garden tracts. Liberal In
ducements will be offered to settlers.
A ready market Is available for their
products. The big canneries of
Libby. McNeill t Llbby and the Dri
Ftult Company at The Dalles can
stand 5,000 tons more of fruits and
small vegetables vry year than they
are now using.
East Oregonian: A carload of Oregon-made
hardwood single-trees,
double-tree and wagon reaches will
be shipped Into Pendleton In the near
j future from .Marlon county, to be
sold to the farmers of this county at
auction. L. F. Evans of Salem, the
'manufacturer, is here today making
arrangements for the sal. His prod
luces are made of Willamette valley
' grub oak, and Is seasoned in sawdust
'so that there U no checking or warn
ing. His Industry is a unique one
but Is thriving, he states, Inasmuch
I as he is able to sell for 50 per cent
'of the cost of eastern products. If
the firut sale is a success, he plans
to hold others.
Gaston, Ore.: The usual peace and
quiet enjoyed nightly by residents
about Wapato lake has been di
V ,
turbed sadly of late by vast armies
of wild ducks which have made their
home on the lake. Pioneers complain
that they never saw so many ducks
with such vocal volume. The birds
can be seen rising from the water In
veritable clouds, and their cries at
night as they feed and dive form a
continuous chorus.
Ten Virtues Which
Teachers Commend
The "ten virtues" most highly es
teemed by teachers of Oregon have
been selected by State School Super
intendent J. A. Churchill, and they
will be embodied in a book soon to
be issued for use In the schools.
First announcement of the plan was
made by Superintendent Churchill
when he addressed a Lane county
teachers' institute last November, and
he has been gathering material for
the book since that time. A ques
tlonalre was rent to 1.000 teachers
of the state, and from their replies
the following ten hav been chosen:
Honesty, truthfulness, cleanliness,
obedience, respect, courtesy, patriot
ism, kindness, industry, punctuality.
The order of preference of the vir
tues are given according to the num
ber of votes they received from the
"In order that these virtues might
be taught in a manner that will ap
peal to the child, an outline is being
prepared, classified so that it will
give each grade in the public schools
a list of stories which will illustrate
the value of each of these virtues."
says a statement issued from the su
perintendent's office.
"These stories will be used as sup
plementary reading lessons. They
will be chosen from th best writers,
and with a course of reading ar
ranged in this way there would be a
direct purpose in the year's work."
Other virtues considered but not
included in the ten are: Ambition,
earnestness, unselfishness, patience,
punctuality, contentment, self-control,
self-reliance, value of time, ami
ability, purity, friendship.
Springfield Booth Lumber Com
pany let contract for 4,000,000 feet
of logs from the Coast range.
Toledo is working to get a cannery.
and yd they're MILD
Do You Know
what kind of a rear construction this
U? It takes a skilled mechanic to
recognize it; but It Is only the skilled
mechanic who should work on a car,
anyway. Tou will find that our men
are experts In their line, and when
they work for you, you pay for
brains and not for experimenting.
Ford Garage
.LI.J Am
"Come on Over, See
My Cornwall Off!"
"I Put 2 Drop of Get-If on last
Hight-Kow Watch-"
"See all you hav to da I to use
your two Anger and lift the corn
riKht off. That's the way 'Oeta-H'
always works. Tou just put on
about 2 drops. Then the corn not
only shrivels, but loosens from th
toe, without affectlnn the surround
lni flesh In the least. Why, It's al
most a pleasur to have corns and
That Wa Qolrk FaaermI That
Con Had With tieta-It'."
see how 'Gets-If gets them off in a
hurry end without the least pain. I
can wear tight shoes, dance and walk
as though I never hnd corns."
"Oets-It" makes the use of toe
lrrltatlng salves, bundling bandages
tape, plasters and other things not
only foolish, but unnecessary. Uee
this wonderful discovery, Get-lt."
for any soft or hard corn or callus.
It is the new, simple, easy, quick
way, and It never fails. You'll never
have to cut a corn again with knive
or scissors, and run chances of bloo
poison. Try "Gets-It" tonleht.
"Ots-It" Is sold everywhere. To
a bottle, or sent on receipt of price by
E. Lewrenee Co.. Chicago. Ill
Sold In Ashland and recommended
as the world's best corn remedy by
J. J. McNalr, McNalr Bros.
Pullman Team May
Compete at Chicago
Spokane, Wash., March 8. Th
Washington State college basketball
team, champions of th northwest
conference and probable title hold
ers In the Pacific coast conference,
will compete In the National Amateur
Union championship tournament iu
Chicago this month, for the premier
honors of the United States for 1916
17. An Invitation from the A, A. U.
to take part In the Chicago tourna
ment has been acted upon favorably
by the athletic council of the col
lege located at Pullman, 85 miles
south of Spokane. According to the
plans Coach Fred Bohler and six
'players will be sent to the tooraa-
ment. The dates for the annual
champsionships havo been set for
March 13, 16 and 17, and the North
west's best team will be sent to Chi
cago in time to get some practice
on tho Central Y. M. C. A. floor,
where the tournament will be staged,
to accustom the players to the angles
of the playing court.
The W. S. C. team suffered but one
defeat during the season. California
won a game from the state college
quintet in Berkeley, but -Washington
evened up by taking the second game
of the series from the U. of C. five.
There Is no chance to figure W. S. C.
out for less than a tie with Cali
fornia for the Pacific Coast confer
ence title, and if tho honor is award
ed on a basis of game won and lost
Washington State will get the title
as it has competed In many more
college gamed than California.
Sheep, goats, horses, cows, hay.
farm tools and machinery for sale.
See H. C. Galoy, 570 Fairview street,
or call at Billings' offico on Plaza.
Woodburn Tobacco - growing in-
dustry, tested out here for several
years, is to be established.
Estacada gets a beverage cereal
""vA Oregonians Head-
"Meet me at V quarters while in
the iManx'' v San Francisca
moderate rates
Running distilled
ice tealcr In every,
room. Special alien.
lion jtven to ladies
traveling uneicor
teJ. A la carte
dining room.
1 Management
. S of Chester
N W. Keiley
W I'-A'fcii'i&l