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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1917)
t ASHLAND TTDTSQS Monday, March 5, 1017 PACK SIX Full Text Of Road Bonding Act Inferred to Uie people. To be . voted upon at special election Mon-jga,j bonds shall bo payable at the day, June 4, 1017. office of te state treasurer at Salem, House Hill IWO, Referred to the j Oregon, and if said state highway ' People. commission shall so direct, said bonds An act to provide for the construe-, may also provide for payment at some tion of roads aud highways In the other place. Said bonds shall be In state of Oregon; to provide for the a form ombodying an absolute prom fcwuance of bonds by the state of Ore- Se of the state of Oregon to pay the Ron to raise money to carry out the amount thereof in gold coin of the purposes of this act; to authorize the United States of America of the value state highway commission to take and weight and flnoness of the date such action and perform such duties of such bonds, and shall be in such as may be necessary to meet the re- denominations as tho state highway quiremcnts of this act; to designate commission shall elect. They shall and authorize the construction of cer- ' ie signed by the governor, secretary tain hard-surfaced highways and cer- of state and state treasurer,. Said tain post roads aud certain forest , bonds shall bear coupons evidencing roads, "and to provide for other post the Interest to become due thereon roads and forest roads; to provide for for each Installment of such Interest, the letting of contracts for the con-! upon which shall be printed the fac Ktruction, paving and maintenance of Hlmllo of the signature of said of roads and highways; to make the sur- fleers. Said commission may, at its plus arising from tho fees collected option, cause a part or all of said under House Bill No. 509 of the j bonds to be payable to tho purchaser present legislative session a fund un-1 thereof and register the name of such der the jurisdiction of the state high- purchaser in the office of the state way commission with which to pay treasurer and provide an appropriate Interest and principal on bonded in- J endorsement upon each of such bonds debtedness of tho state, contracted by ' to tho effect that the same will be the state for road purposes, and other paid only to the owner appearing on lawful claims Incurred by said com-, the register thereof, and providing a mission, and to provide for modifying method for reregistering tho same as tho terms of Houso Hill No. 21 passed .the title may be passed, and It may by the twenty-ninth legislative assem- ais0 provide that a part or all of said bly of the state of Oregon, and to pro- bonds shall be payable to bearer and vide for submitting this act to the j not subject to registration. Not less people and for the calling of a special than ten days before tho payment of election therefor, aud declaring an ' the principal or interest falls due on i-mergency." any of the bonds provided for In this Ho It Enacted by the Peoplo of the act( the state highway commission State of Oregon: shall certify to the state treasurer the Section 1. The state highway com- amount necessary to meet the pay mission is hereby authorized, em- j nient thereof. Upon receipt of such powered and directed, during the next certificate by tho state treasurer he five years, to sell the bonds of the .shall prepare and verify a claim for state of Oregon as hereinafter pro- the amount mentioned therein, at vided,. In an amount sufficient to raise . tachlng thereto said certificate, and enough money to meet the require-j present the same to the secretary of ments of this act. state, who shall audit such claim in Provided, that not more than $1.- like manner as other claims against 000,000 in bonds shall be Issued here- the state are audited, and pay the under during the year 1917, and that jsame out of any moneys provided by not more than $2,000,000 In addition law for the payment -thereof. The to any surplus unissued or unexpend- 'state treasurer Is authorized and di ed out of tho $1,000,000 authorized reeled to mako any such payments of for the year 1917 shall be issued dur-1 principal or Interest on said bonds at ing tho year 191 S. sucl1 places, other than at Salem, Ore- Section 2. The state highway com- gon, as tho state highway commission mission Is hereby authorized, em- may provide. All bonds and Interest powered and directed to enter into coupons upon payment de such contracts, appoint such officials, posited by the state treasurer with nnd do any other act or tiling necpg- the secretary of state, to bo attached fary to fully ra-iet the requirements to tho original claim of the state of this act. i treasurer for tho payment thereof. Sections. The attorney general I Section 4. Tho state highway corn shall, under tho direction of the state mission shall provide such method as highway commission, prepare a form ltmay deem necessary for the adver ot Interest-bearing gold bond of the tlsement of each issue of said bonds : - rf Oi-egon. to le sold in order to before the same aro sold, and shall provide funds for the carrying out of also requiro such deposit with bids aB the purposes of this act. Said bonds may bo required, and generally shall Khali bo numbered serially, beginning conduct tho sale and Issuance of said at No. 1, and shall be payable In the bonds undor such rules and regula onler of their issuance. Said state Hons not inconsistent with this act as highway commission Is hereby author- shall bo adopted by said commission, lzed, empowered and directed to issue ; Section 5. Tho money arising from bonds of the state of Oregon for tho ! the sale of each issue of bondB shall purpose of carrying out the provisions be deposited In tho state treasury to of this net In an amount not exceed- j the credit of a special fund, which Ing $B.0n0 000, of which sum at least ' shall be used In carrying into effect J600.000 shall be issued in donomlna-; tions of $r00 each or less. The bonds j issued In any year under the pro- visions of this act shall be payable one-twentieth each year, commencing with the sixth year after the Issuance thereof. Ono-half of the bonds pay- oble each year shall be payable on the 1st day of April and tho other half Fire Insurance When your bouse Is burning up, your neighbors will all stand around until It Is a title pile of ashes, then walk off. and there will bo nothing standing but the chimneys. We ' r.sni auer your money mr you. wur companies all nay cash; no waiting or parleying. We keep up with your pol icy; that's our business, and we make it our business to give you the best service possible. That's why we are your friends af ter Uie fire. EHtablislied 188S Billings Agency Real Rntte and Real InHurance 41 kjutt Mala Pboae Ml on the 1st day of October. Each bond shall bear upon Its face a- state ment showing the date of Its matur ity. Said bonds shall boar interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, payable soml-annually on April 1 and October 1. Principal and Interest on the movislons of this act. The secre tary of state is hereby authorized and directed to audit all claims incurred In carrying out the provisions of this act. In the same manner as other claims against tho state are audited, and pay the same from any moneys j provided by law for the payment thereof upon the submission of duly verified vouchors therefor approved by the commission; provided, that bonds and coupons shall be paid as Is provided In Section 3 hereof. Section 6. Tho highways described In Sections 0 and 7 of this act are hereby determined to be highways of first Importance to the general pub lic of the state of Oregon. It is here by determined that the following highways should be permanently con structed and finished with a hard sur face; 1. The Columbia River Highway from the Multnomah county line to Astoria, Seaside, and south in Clatsop county to tho TIllamooK county line. Inasmuch as the counties of Columbia and Clatsop have already expended largo sums of money In constructing the said Columbia Highway through said counties and in doing so have practically exhausted their ability to ralso money by an issuance of county bonds, tho state highway commission Is hereby authorized, from the funds oLrto, under this act. in addition to , . .,,,,, to U8e from gald fundg sufflclont t0 prov,de for the preparation of said highway through said counties for the paving thereof. 2. The Pacific Highway from the Multnomah county line through Washington county and Yamhill coun ty by way of Hlllsboro, Forest Grove, McMlnnville to Dallas, Monmouth and Independence In Polk county, to Cor vallls and Monroe in Benton county, and through Eugeno to the north line of Douglas county. 3. The Pacific Highway from the Multnomah county line through Os- wego, Oregon City -and Canby In proved as a post road shall not be Clackamas county, thence through eligible for paving at the expense of Marlon and Linn counties to a June-1 the state under the provisions of this t,lon with the highway at Junction act. City. I 5. The Pacific Highway through 4. Such portions of the Columbia ' Jackson county, where the same has River Highway between the Multno- not already been paved, along the mah county line easterly through the ' route heretofore adopted by the state city of Hood River and Hood River highway commislson. Inasmuch as county and through The Dalles and the county of Jackson has already Wasco, county, through Sherman expended large sums of money In county, through Gilliam county, by , constructing said Pacific Highway, way of the town of Arlington and up and in paving' a largo portion there die Columbia river to the confluence of, and in so doing has practically of the Umatilla river with the Colunv .exhausted Its ability to raise money bla river, thonce up the Umatilla riv- jby any issuance of county bonds, the er through Hcrmiston, Stanfield, said highway commission is liereby Echo and Pendleton, and thence by ' authorized,' from the funds arising such route as shall be determined by ; the state highway commislson to La Grando, Baker and to the Idaho line, in Jackson county, to use from said as the county courts of the various 1 funds sufficient to provide for com counties affected shall agree to pre- pletlng the preparation of said high pare the road ready for paving. Pro-1 way through said coupty, for the vlded, that Inasmuch as the county .paving thereof, of Hood River has raised by a bond 6. Commencing on the Columbia Issuo and expended upon said Colum- 'River Highway at or near Arlington bla Rivor Highway practically its full ( in Gilliam county, thence up Willow : with the Columbia River Highway at constitutional limit, said commission ; creek in Morrow county, through the! a point either in Sherman or Gilliam may expend on said Columbia River j cities of lone, Lexington and Hcpp-1 county, by way of Condon, Fossil Highway in Hood River county such'ner in Morrow county and through land Spray, and thence up the John portion of the money arising undor , Pilot Rock, Pendleton, Adam.i, j Day valley to such point as the hlgh- this act as it may deem proper in preparing said Columbia River High way for paving. Tho various county courts in said counties In eastern Oregon through which said Columbia River Highway Is projected shall agree with the state highway com mission upon what portions of said highway aro to bo paved with a hard surface paving and what portions are to be constructed as post roads, and whenever any of said counties shall liavo prepared a portion of said high way ready for paving, then the state highway commission shall proceed promptly to pave tho same under the provisions of this act, and the re mainder thereof shall be Improved as a post road under the provisions of this act, and sucn portion so lm- r a of IMPORTED and DOMESTIC tobaccos-Blended w- jrrmm WTTB WT7-TTW wrTOttT aJ from this act, in addition to com- pletlng the paving of said highway ; Athena, Westoh, Milton and Free water In Umatilla county tD the Ore gon and Washington Btate line. 7. A road from the south line of Clatsop county, at the end of Its highway described in paragraph 1 hereof, south by Wheeler 10 Gari baldi. 8. A road from the Multnomah county line by Tlgard, Kex and New berg to McMlnnville. For tho purposes of this act the above highways are to be Known as hard-surfaced highways. Section 7. The following high ways, to-wlt: 1. The road running from the north line of Douglas county to the Jackson county line over the Hue of the Pacific Highway as adopted by MjW m0m 1 .The blend-, can't be copied That's why it is Chesterfields or noth ing if you want this new kind of enjoy ment in cigarette smoking. For Chesterfields, besides doing the usual thing of pleasing the taste, do the one thing you've always wished for in a cigarette Chesterfields just "touch the spot," they let you know you are smoking1 they "SATISFY"! i But they're mild, too 1 It's a new blend of high Imported and. Domestic cos that s how it s done. the blend can't be copied. Try Chesterfields. 20forlO me CIGARETTES the state highway commission; 2. All that portion of the Colum bia River Highway describod In the fourth paragraph of the description of hard-surfaced roads as described In Section 6 of this act, which the county courts of the several counties through which the samo is located shall not determine to prepare for paving with hard-surfaced paving as Is herein provided, shall bo consid ered a post road, and eligible to Im provement as such under the provis ions of this act; 3. A road from Roseburg by Myr tle Point and Coquille to Marshfleld; 4. A road from the Pacific High way,' from a point at or near Mc- Mlnnville, by Wlllamlna to Tillamook City; 5. A road from The Dalles by way of Dufur, Maupin and Chanlko to Redmond, Bend and from thence to Klamath Falls; 6. A road frm Bend to Lake view; 7. A road from an Intersection way commission shall elect, and from thence to Vale and the Idaho line; - 8. A road from La Grande, through Union and Wallowa coun-' ties, to Joseph; 9. A road from Bend, through Burns and Harney to Vale; shall be known as post roads and shnll bo constructed along routes be tween said certain points to be agreed upon by tho representatives of the federal government and said state highway commission. Said post roads shall be constructed ac cording to specifications agreed upon between the representatives of the federal government and said state highway commission. Provided, that if the counties of Douglas and Jose- - quality tobac And phlne, or either of them, shall pre pare any part of the said Pacific Highway, and mako same ready for paving according to the requirements of the state highway commission, then said commission shall immedi ately pave the road so prepared, and such portion of said road shall be excepted from the classification as a post road. If the county of Coos shall pre pare and make ready for paving, ac cording to the requirements of the state highway commission, twenty or more miles In length of the post road between Roseburg and Marshfleld hereinbefore describod, or the county of Tillamook shall be prepared and make ready for paving twenty or more miles in length of the post road between Tillamook City and McMlnn ville, and if such portions of said roads, in either or both of said coun ties, aro so prepared, that the same shall be ready for paving according to the requirements of tho state high way commission, then said commis sion shall immediately pave the road so prepared and such portion of said road shall bo excepted from the class ification as a post road, and such portion shall then bo classified as a paved road. Section 8. Roads over the follow ing routes are hereby adopted and designated as forest roads, to-wlt: 1. A road from Medford In Jack son county as surveyed and adopted by the federal government In co-operation with the state of Oregon, by the way of Crater Lake, to a point In Klamath county to be selected by the said highway commission and the federal officials representing the fed eral government, operating under what Is known as the "Shackelford bill." 2. A road from a point In Lane county to be selected by the state highway commission and tho federal officials representing tho federal government, operating under what Is known as the "Shackelford bill,," by way of the Siuslaw river, to a point In Coos county to be selected by said highway commission. 3. A road from Eugene connect ing Willamette valley with eastern Oregon by way of the McKenzie river to Bend. 4'. A road connecting the post road from the Columbia River High way up the John Day valley with the post road between The Dales and Bend. 5. A road from Albany via Leb anon, Cascadia and Fish Lake to Bend. No preference shall be given in the construction, improving or pav ing any of the roao!s describod here in by reason of tho numerical desig nation of such roads. The funds with which to pay tho portion of tho expense of the con struction of said post roads and for est roads, payable by the state of Oregon, shall bo secured from the sale of bonds as Is provided in House Bill Xo. 21, passed by the present legislative session, which bill Is enti tled "A bill for an act to accept tho benefits of the act passed by tho sixty-fourth congress of tho United States, entitled An act to provide that the United States shall aid the states in the construction of rural post roads, and for other purposes,' and to provide for the issuance of bonds of the state of Oregon to raise such money as may be required to meet the requirements of said federal statute, and to authorlzo the state board of control to take such action and perform such duties as may be necessary to meet the requirements of said federal act and federal offi cials acting under said act." Of the funds made available by said act for post roads, at least 60 per cent shall be expended on the above mentioned post roads, In the counties east ot the Cascade mountains. Provided, however, that the abovo provision shall not be construed to impair the assent of the state to the fedelral aid as hereinbefore specified, and to limit the necessary co-operation between this state and the fed eral government In the construction of forest and post roads. No description of any highway pro vided for herein shall be construed to prov'ent tho stato highway commlsr sloner from making such local changes in the location thereof as they may deem proper. Section 9. The state highway com mission is also authorized to adopt such other roods or routes connect ing portions of the state and to pro vide for tho construction of post roads or forest roads over such routes and the improvement and maintenance thereof, and to pay for the same from the fund created by House Bill No. 21, referred to by tltlo in Section 8 hereof. Section 10. The state highway commission is hereby authorized, em-, powered and directed whenever the county through which any portion of said hard-surfaced roads may be lo cated shall have constructed all or any section of any such hard-surfaced road in accordance with plans and (Continued on page seven.)